Friday, August 12, 2011
The VS contingent in A Division 2011
The past few days have been a blast. Well, mainly because there hasn't been school until Thursday. I spent the whole of my Wednesday either studying or relaxing. Thursday was an extremely tiring day! Started off the morning with math, and then econs. Ms Halimah didn't come so we just did an essay outline for the whole lesson. PE was after that, and we played tennis but it got pretty boring. I can never really play tennis well. It looks easy but in reality its so hard to hit the ball with all the topspin and everything! I need more practice. After a while we got bored so we played frisbee in the tennis court heh. After our break was GP, with Mr Lye going through another form of essay. Chrystal period was spent on the movie therapy session, which I must say was quite good. Well, maybe just the movie because I didn't really listen to the rest of the stuff the lecturer said. Ended off the day with math lecture.
After school, went to pray and then did vectors. Was super tired so took a nap at the benches on the fourth floor, before training started. Training was super duper tiring I swear. Before it started I was already feeling pretty thirsty, due to the weather being so hot and humid. Luckily we trained until 7 only. Training itself was pretty fun. Did the usual drills, and then we played 3-on-3 games! Filip decided to split us up into the Muslim team and Chinese team. HAHAHA. I played with Syakirun and Amshar and our line scored a lot hehehe so fun! So training ended at 7, and afterwards me and amshar made our way down to the canteen to break our fast! MJC Iftar 2011 was quite good, honestly. So much good food, and great company. Although the people who turned up were just a percentage of the total number of muslim students in MJ, I still think it was great. Though it would have been nice if more people turned up! So yeaaaah. We ate alot. Okay not me, but the rest. Unfortuately for me and Amshar, we didn't have appetites because we had just finished with training. So we ate really little. The whole thing ended at around 9, I think. After that, I lepaked with a few guys til 10pm near school then cabbed home. Great night :)
I have a friendly match with some corporate team tomorrow so I should sleep now. Last chance to play floorball before promos! Gotta make full use of it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I had a great night out with my cousins yesterday. We met at around 6.30 (because abang maman was late -.-) and trained to city hall, then went over to Marina Square to look for food. Buuuuut when it was time for buka, all the stores were packed with people. We originally planned to get some snackers at KFC to snack on while waiting for the fireworks, but seeing that it was crowded everywhere, we just bought drinks to break our fast and then went to the big steps facing esplanade to catch the fireworks. It was quite a while before the fireworks show started, but it was worth waiting. I haven't watched fireworks in years, and this was definitely an awesome night. We were all joking around about how taxpayer's money is getting blown up everytime there's fireworks but I think its worth it hahaha. Beautiful show yesterday, especially having fireworks shot from the top of buildings in the city area. Nice touch to the whole thing.

So afterwards, we were wondering what to eat and where. We knew that the city area would be packed with everyone who watched the fireworks and also those who actually went for the parade. Soooo we took the train and took an impromptu decision to stop at Stadium Station, and went to Kallang Leisure Park. We tossed a coin to decide between KFC and Pastamania, and the coin decided that it would be KFC. We stepped in and the first thing we smelled there was shit. Literally the smell of shit, as though somebody shit in KFC and left. So it was fated that we went to Pastamania! Haha. Ate our hearts out then because it was already 9pm and we were hungry to the point of starvation. Abang Maman's friend, Izzat came over after that. At the very end, Kak Fiqah bought us this desert. It was kind of like pizza crust, with melted chocolate and bananas on top. Delicious, you guys should seriously try it. And its only $3.90! After eating, we went to the area outside 7-11 while waiting for another of Abang Maman's friend. He finally came at around 11+? Super late haha but we all had a great time just sitting and talking to each other while waiting. After he came, we carried on talking until 12.15am when we finally decided to go off. Managed to catch bus 10 at the bustop near Dakota MRT, and then walked home from Tampines interchange. It was super duper empty at the interchange! And also on the streets. Totally empty, like only one or two occasional people. Haha. I reached home at around 1.30am. It was a great night though, enjoyed the fireworks and most importantly, the company. :)
Today is going to be my all-out study day. Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
National Day Celebrations and Bazaar!
Meet the Meridian Floorball Team of '12. We'll hopefully be the ones who get double champions again, and at the same time bringing the Championship Trophy back to MJC for the third year running, and keep that trophy. We'll train hard to see that happen. :)
Yesterday was a nice day. School was filled with red people. HAHA. I mean, people wearing red shirts because of the national day celebrations. It was .. okay. The usual songs, and there was a "Don't Forget The Lyrics" competition with all the national day songs! Frin won with her team 'Fresh Fruit Juice' hahaha I swear what a lame name but damn funny. Celebrations ended at around 10am. Afterwards a few of us went to the library and watched KL Gangster together! Haha I've watched before but again its a hilarious movie. With all the lingo like 'mehmeh' and 'sayur sayur sayur!', 'sengaaaaaaaaaaaat' and 'sial ah, pui!' which all of us have been using far too much nowadays. Heheh. After that movie ended, we watched 3 Idiots. Good movie! I've never watched it before but its about these three guys who got close together while in Uni. Reminds me of my brotherhood with Taufik and Farhan, but unfortunately that's non-existant anymore EH. Haha. Oh well, people come and go. Made my way back and reached home at around 3pm, if I'm not wrong. I took a quick shower then slept until 7! Woke up just before maghrib

(sorry for the grainy picture)
After maghrib, I got ready and went to meet insyirah, huda, amsyar (and his sister), naufal, farhan and shahirah at Paya Lebar. We waited for a while then went to Tanjong Katong Complex and met up with amshar and lili there. We walked around the Bazaar for a while checking out all the stuff on sale, but it got pretty frustrating because there were so many people! It was so packed, probably because of the fact that it was National Day eve. In the end we gave up and we decided to buy food and lepak somewhere. I bought "Black Paper Dengdeng" because that's apparently how they spell pepper hahahaha. Bought "Tako Yama" which is the way Insyirah's dad thinks Tako Yaki is supposed to be pronounced, and also Burger Ramly! We sat at some playground near Amsyar's house and ate after that. Had a superbly good meal because all the food is so fattening but delicious. HAHA. We parted ways around 11.30pm and I took the train home with Naufal. Reached home around 12. Had a great day, especially with such awesome company around. :)
Today I'm going to watch the fireworks with my cousins! Era, Kak Fiqah and Abg Azman. Probably going to have a food feast too, looking forward to that. And then we have MJC iftar on Thursday after training with most of the MJC muslim cohort so I'm really looking forward to that too! It's going to be a great week ahead Insya'Allah.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Five months
Been bloody ages since I've blogged. Always depended on twitter, but thing change. I guess I actually miss writing about my life in more than 140 words. Heh. Sooooo its been five long months since I've last blogged? Guess I barely have the time with all that's been happening in my life. Fast forward to now, its already the 8th day of Ramadhan, and so far my Ramadhan has been going well. I feel like a changed man, praying and actually keeping myself patient during this month. Hope its the beginning and that this will never end.
If I were to summarise my past five months into a few paragraphs, hell that wouldn't be enough. Besides, I forgot most that has happened anyway. But let me touch on major events that have happened in my life since I last posted. Definitely, one super special event was of course the A Division Floorball Championships 2011. Well, what can I say about that. I didn't regret getting a transfer to MJ and starting anew here. In a campaign where we remained unbeated, we defeated VJC in the finals by a score of 5-4. Close game and VJ played hard, credit should be given to them. They scored the first two goals of the game, with my defensive lapse being the cause of the second goal. But I'm proud of my team for not giving up because we scored five goals in quick succession in the second period, bringing the score to 5-2. And thankfully, I assisted one goal to make up for that mistake I made. But in the third period, VJ fought strongly and were rewarded with 2 goals, but we managed to hold on til the end, securing MJC's second successive championship. The girls too, were champions after defeating RIJC in finals with a score of 2-0. Double Champions, ftw. I'm so proud to have trained with these guys and girls and not given up throughout the season. We worked hard, played hard and fought hard and were certainly rewarded. Shall remember this team for years to come.

Floorball aside, school in general for me has been a blast. Its been fun having all the people who I usually hang out with. In class, I have my group of friends like Amshar, Clive, Clement, Insyirah, Jeanette and Clarice. These people always entertain me in class and during breaks with their jokes and comedic actions. I am never tempted to pon class because these people make me want to stay in class. Hahaha if you all are reading this, love you guys! Apart from that the company in school has been awesome. From the malay table people, to people I hang out during breaks, and also the standard table people, you all never fail to brighten up my lives and give me joy even through the most boring of days. Also during the hardest of times, you guys always cheer me up. Thank you. :')
I guess maybe starting from this blogpost, I'll start blogging more. Really miss writing everything out and documenting my daily life. Ain't gonna promise much, but I'll post regularly. Its somewhat therapeutic too, blogging. It sucks recovering from a really bad break up. But I'm Haziq. I'll march on. :)