Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I want.
I'm watching El Clasico, Barcelona - Real Madrid, and it just entered the second half and Barca are 2-0 up. Beautiful play by Barca, and absolute domination by them. I like watching them play! If only I could play floorball as well as Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, or any other of them Barca players can play football.
There is sooooo much I want to do in my life right now! Like I want to just sit by Bedok Reservoir or the beach with my friends, talk about the old times and reminiscence of the good and bad times we all had. I want to go explore places in singapore that I have yet to explore, with sofia. I want to go to Austria with my dad and experience snow! I want to go somewhere nice, quiet and dark and stargaze. I want to go to the airport to see planes land and take off. I want to have a nice shisha session with my friends and get lost in the smoke. I want to cycle to places with my friends, have a night cycling session again and successfully cycle to Marina Barrage this time round. I want to sleep over at taufik's house with farhan and just spend the night talking about random nonsensical stuff. I want to go bowling with my friends! I want to go kite-flying with my family. I want to go and have fun, do whatever with my cousins!
I want to live life like I usually do. My life as of now is such a mess, I can't even make out what to do every single day. I want to study, but I also want to sort out my future as soon as possible. And I've been having a cough for more than a month and it's not getting any better. It sucks and its so irritating. I haven't been able to play floorball because of it. I haven't been able to do physical activities normally. Damn.
Maybe its retribution. Retribution because I haven't been remembering Allah as often nowadays. Look at me now and look at me a year ago, I'm certain the change is very obvious. What the hell. I skip prayers and to reassure myself, I say qada' is enough to pay it back. I put sleep beyond prayers. What I do, I don't remember Allah first ahead of all others. I really wonder why I'm doing all these. I'm certain that my priorities have changed, but this is one priority I should keep at the top. It seems as though somewhere down the path I walked, I took a wrong turn somewhere. But I did it almost willingly. Maybe my hand was held and I was led by the devil, maybe. But I'm glad that late night session with my friends on friday night was one that made me realise this. That's why I say I really need to start afresh and start anew. I really hope I'll pull through this one and get where I want to, InsyaAllah.
Sigh. Life ain't going good right now.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Austria, Yemen, Singapore.
Everytime I take photos, my eyes will get smaller. Maybe its my smile! Or not. Hahaha but its like chinese eyessssss like this -..- But anyway those are my new specs! Levi's specs they're really nice if you see the sides. Well worth the money too since I'll be wearing for the next 2-3 years or so.
Okay so anyway if you've noticed, I've changed my blogskin! YAY after damn long. C: I kinda like this simplistic design. And I've removed the tagboard because the tags are close to zero, and anyway there's formspring to ask anything so yeah. :) I think it's a good change too. The green colour in my previous blogskin was getting a little too annoying heh. Enough about the blogskin.
I sent my dad off at the airport yesterday night! His company sent him to Austria to do some fire engine testing and its snowing there! He's so lucky. He never gets this kind of opportunity, so this is his first time ever. And he's going for 9 days! Really lucky. He was supposed to bring me, but the tickets are really expensive, so I couldn't go. It would have been an awesome experience if I went! I've never touched real snow, I've never been to a country with sub-zero temperatures, I've never been to Europe! And its like fire engine testing I love that! I'm very interested in engineering and I thought going there would increase my experience. Saaaaaaadly I couldn't go so I'm stuck in singapore. Haha but its good because I get to spend more time with my friends!
If you all read from my previous post, fawwaz is back! From Yemen. He was supposed to go back to Yemen yesterday, but apparently his flight got postponed to next Thursday so everybody's happy that we can spend time with him. Dinner at Simpang on friday night with almost the whole group of them, then about 8 of us went over to the poolside at Taufik's place and lepak-ed til around 12 plus. We really caught up and wow, it was reminiscent of the old days say 1 or 2 years ago when we did this every once in a while. Right now, we haven't done anything of that sort because everyone is busy or just don't want to spend time with us. But I guess now that fawwaz is back, it plugged the hole in our friendships and truthfully, right now I can see who's sincere in continuing in being friends or who is not. The past few nights I've been hanging out with the same people and I'm glad they're by my side on this. :) Okay anyway, after that we went up to Fik's room and just played his PS3 while waiting for his dad to come and send us home. BUT it soon reached 2.40am and his dad still wasn't home, so those who were left like me, Saufi and Afi decided to cab back home. I reached home around 3, the latest I've been home so far. D: But well worth the time. Love the feeling when I'm with my friends and I never want to go home. Haha can't wait for our chalet and to just spend time with them! :)
Life just got a little better.
Thursday, November 25, 2010

I've been crazy for the past few days. For the past three days I have not failed to go home after 12am each and every single time. Its crazy that I usually have school the next morning, but I'm doing this for fawwaz since I haven't seen him for 8 months and he'll only be back for a short while. My first day was with Saufi, Farhan, Nivash and Fawwaz. Saufi asked to lepak at his place so we stayed til pretty late. Ended off with supper and I reached home at around 12.45. Thank god for the bike I restored so I had transport back home, and its pretty nice cycling in the middle of the night. The second day was with the same people minus Nivash. Just met them at tampines, ate at food culture, then I went off to Tanah Merah and sent sofia home. Then today, I went to make new spectacles with my parents after maghrib. Then in the car otw home my parents got angry at me over my mum's facebook app on iPhone. -.- So I went out and sat on my own. Then went back home, took my bike and went over to Ziyad's. Endy, Wisnuh, Afi and Fawwaz were there so we just talked, watched tv, and did random stuff. Went out for supper at 1am and then I left at around 2.40? Rode home and reached ten minutes before 3. I have school at 8 tomorrow. o.o Whyyyyyyyyyyy do I still have to go to school. Sigh, I don't want I swear. But we'll see how it goes. I have econs remedial! :O But I'm not going I swear. Buuut then again, tmr is the last day of lectures so we'll see how it goes. Chances are I'm going to fall asleep and not wake up in time.
Okay more stories some other time. I need to get my sleep now. Goodnight. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
The end is here.
PW is finally over. Gosh, who knew. :/ Time flies. Thanks VJ091 for being an awesome group. Despite frustrations here and there, we pulled through. Its now over.
Who knew, today would be the day! Like finally, all our effort into PW ends of on this day. Oral Presentation, or OP for short. The process through PW has been like from our individual Preliminary Ideas (PI), then we knew our group. Then we set out on doing Group Project Proposal (GPP), thinking about ideas for what we were going to do and deciding on Recycling as our model and Reintegration of ex-offenders as our target. I won't say it's been smooth sailing, there have been conflicts and stuff. I wasn't too committed at first, but after I realised that it needed group effort, I decided to change and put much more effort into it. It was kind of boring staying up late, or staying back after school on days to do our PW. It was a draaaaaag. But to think about it, it has increased my knowledge of recycling and the reintegration of ex-offenders. And a plus point is also that it really teaches how to work together as a group. PW has been stressful, to say the least. Drafts after drafts after drafts of our Written Report (WR) were sent in and rejected, we fine-tuned it and finally came up with the final piece. Having that done made us feel as if we had a whole load lifted off our chest. But the next worry was OP, and yes, this was the tremendously difficult part. Days of practice, days of coming back to school just for dry runs taking at most 45 minutes and then staying back to perfect our powerpoint. It wasn't really smooth sailing for me either, I fell sick and had a really bad cough and it lasted until today, the OP day. But I must say, our hard work and confidence paid off as I think we pulled off a great presentation. The sense of relief after the end of PW cannot be described. Who knew we would come to this day! YAY! Now, there's nothing left to do except to wait and hope for an A. :D
R.I.P, PW. We hated you, and we're glad you're gone from our lives. Til you haunt the next batch of J1s.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
I am a happy boy! I got to play floorball today. And yesterday. Its been AGES. I've been severely deprived of my one and true love, and that is never good. Lets start with yesterday. Deepavali! Public holiday. Woke up late and then me, dad, my uncle and cousin went for friday prayers at Masjid Khadijah. Its been ages since I've been there. After that, we sat down and had teh tarik at a coffee shop. It was a nice drink because it was going to rain later that day, so it was quite chilly. After that went home, and at around 6 I went out for VS training. Reached late, partly because I was stuck in the rain. I met and said hi to Sofia in eastpoint! Hahaha she said I'm tall. I beg to differ. ^^ Then I met Shermin at the mrt. Why everyday I see her, I also don't know. Haha. She said she was going to eat at 17 Chefs and I got a little confused, until she corrected herself to 18 Chefs. Sooo training was nothing much. Tiring, still. And the games were as usual, a little crazy. Especially since we were playing against Innebandy players. They are fast and strong. I am neither hahaha. And to think about it, I was damn rusty lah. I haven't played in sooo long my touches are nowhere like they were last time. I nearly scored a nice half-volley but it went over the bar. Soooo training ended at 10, and after bathing and slacking for a while 4 of us went to Mr Teh Tarik at Bedok for supper. Ate and talked, its been a long time since I've been with these guys. But anyway, reached home at 1230. Slept at 4 after watching HIMYM. o.o
Woke up today at 10 and after bathing and eating a light breakfast, made my way to Catholic High for my friendly match. It was not my VS team, not my VJ team. But a superduper ultimate team. Got called by JB, and Afi, Eugene, Bingyu, Jared, JHeng and a few other VJ alumni were there. There were also a few people I recognised from other clubs like Keith the airhook master from Innebandy, Xing Long from Nhac Tre, Helio (though I don't remember his club, I only know he was in coral sec). So yeah, we were team 'Indian Rojak'. We played against Kent Ridge Hall Boys, and if I'm not wrong they are from NUS. The match was okay, me and Eugene kept a clean sheet but we seriously need to work on our passing, covering and spreading of play. We're not sure of the final score, but it was estimated to be 20-2. I scored two very lucky goals. The first from my own goalpost. Intended to pass to Augustine but he continued his run and my hard pass bounced into the goalpost. Such a surprise, though I've scored those kind of goals before hahaha. The second came like 2 minutes after that, in the same shift. Eugene gave a lifted pass, I went on a run from my defence straight to the attack and when the ball slipped past the goalkeeper, I just tapped it in. 'Curi ayam' ftw! After the match I had to endure a long MRT ride to Choa Chu Kang and then took the Bukit Panjang LRT to Senja to my Aunt's place. Ate and slept was what I did. :B Too tired. Now, back at home, I'm going to go through my OP script and do I&R and watch HIMYM. :)