Thursday, September 30, 2010
Where'd you go?
Its funny how people change as the years pass. I miss the old times when we were friends, true friends, who talked on the phone every single day, texted each other like crazy. Now, where are your texts on my phone? I never get them any longer. I miss you, and you. Where have those times gone? How I wish.. Maybe you're busy with your boyfriend and happy with him. But its okay, I see that you're happy and I can't stop you. Just the old times were gone to waste. And YOU, you've changed after hanging out with those people. I hate what you've become. Where's that sweet cute girl I once knew and loved as my own sister? Don't tell me hell yeah that you've changed, because I don't like what you turned into. And so do many others. Influences can be good, influences can be bad. Spare some time to think and you know which one you mixed around with. I need to talk to you soon. Maybe knock some sense into your head, but I know you'll just be stubborn.
Such is life, eh? Where's those promises to keep in contact til we're old, where's the whenever whatever forever? Promises like that I wanted to keep, but maybe you don't.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Aim for the stars, but its okay if you just reach the moon.
The choices I make in life aren't usually perfect. I mean, I'm more often than not prone to making silly mistakes. But this certain decision of mine will be life-changing. It'll be either good or bad. I'll make it good. I don't want to be that 5% of the students in vj who cannot get into uni, you see. After doing just 3 papers, I feel so demoralised. How am I supposed to pass promos? How am I even supposed to get promotion criteria? Even if I do get promoted, I'm pretty darn sure I won't be improving much and that is what makes me afraid of being the 5%. If your basics are nowhere, you're a goner. Maybe thats what I am. Maybe I need this change in life. Ultimately, I'm working hard to get into a university. Just that I think my path to uni will not be fulfilled through jc education. I don't want to keep scoring low marks constantly. People say its normal, its normal. But being bottom 10% in school is not. And if I do continue studying in a jc, take my A's and ultimately fail to get a place in uni, I'll be left with no qualifications at all. What will I turn to, teaching? Hurh.
Just now I sat at the back of the bus, unable to fall asleep, contemplating where I should bring myself. Ultimately my aim is to get my education and get into university. Just that I'm cheating myself and wasting my own time if I continue in this school. Duh, my family, friends and whoever else will be disappointed. Many have told me I'm their source of motivation and inspiration to work really hard for O's. But even if that is the case, let me tell you guys that whatever it is, O's is important. After that, consider your options carefully. Where do you think you can go and manage yourself properly? It seems that I made the wrong choice. I was never a consistent student, and who am I trying to kid if I say I was planning to be one? I wanted to work hard and get the results, but I did and I didn't get those results. So maybe, just maybe, singapore polytechnic will see me next year. I'm contemplating hard. Sorry. If I get myself into a course that I like and will be able to endure and enjoy, then I'm positive I will excel and earn myself a place in university. Moments, times like these, I pray hardest to god to solve my problems and help me along with life. Join me in my prayers.
I'm sure as hell that I'm not giving up. Just that this may be a little .. detour in my life. Work hard.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Today sucked. Really bad. Save for meeting my cousins for Abg Nur's engagement. I can't be loving you no more. Oh and meet my new girlfriend. :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Happier things!
Okay now on to happier things in life!
Hi, I welcome little Tubby into my life. This little cute bundle of noisy joy, I found at my uncle's void deck. She's a really cute thing, and I'm planning to keep her. :) But it'll be really tough. Every few hours she's up asking for milk and I have to make it for her and feed her. Then I have to stimulate her to pee and shit too! But yesterday she had constipation and I had to bring her to the vet. :/ Taking care of a kitten is really not that easy. But I'm looking forward to seeing her grow up. Just like my own little kid hahaha.
On other things, I've got back my momentum to study. But its pretty stressful. :/ I hope I pass my promos. If not I have nowhere else to go but poly. But I'm considering all options though. Decided to flip through some of the poly magazines my sister received. But even if I do go to poly, it'll either be Singapore Poly or Ngee Ann poly. Though they're far, they're more established and better. But I don't know whether to do Engineering or Business though. I've got time to think. Right now, all I want to do is to pass. :)
Oh, and one more thing. I really really miss playing floorball. :(
Hi, sorry for the super long time with no update. I didn't feel like blogging. BUT my life has been happening yo. Damn bloody happening you wish you were me. HAHA kidding! Just careful, this is going to be a wordy post so if you don't like reading my stories, you can go click on this link and have fun. :)
So first, let me post about the runaway maid! :D Hahahahaha. Okay so during that time period when I was sick, my maid ran away. Let me explain from A to Z. I was sick and resting, at around noon my maid told me she was going to NTUC to get some Nutella. She asked my brother along, but he refused, and she forced him to come along. That in itself raised my suspicion. And furthermore, I know that my mum doesn't allow my maid to go out in the afternoon when my parents are not around, or to call them before she goes out. This was neither. So she left for more than an hour and when she came back, she was empty handed. I asked my little brother where they went, but my brother kept insisting that he didn't know and he asked me to ask the maid. Sensing something wrong, I told my mum about it. She confronted my maid and my maid insisted that the Nutella at NTUC was out of stock. Fucking bullshit. And then when asked why she took more than an hour, she insisted that my little brother wanted to go play at the playground. Yeah, in the bloody hot 12pm sun. Oh, and another thing, I caught her talking on the house phone on several occasions. Talking in english. Got me wondering, if it was her family in Indonesia, why would she need to talk in english? That was another thing I told my mum. And when asked, my maid said it was the wrong number and that the person was looking for "Elsie". Motherfucking bullshit #2. And we asked why she talked to the person so many times, she said she called back and asked the person who "Elsie was". Bullshit fact #3. She was a bad liar. So I called the person on the phone and discovered it was ... *suspense* ... A BANGLADESHI! No surprises there. I asked for his name, his workplace, his particulars. And he was stupid enough to tell me everything. So that bangladeshi man was the final straw, my mum asked my maid to pack her bag and she'll be leaving at night. But guess what, about an hour later she was gone. My mum noticed her at the window in the kitchen, apparently "getting some clothes she left behind". But she was actually signalling to a bangladeshi man out in the park. I had noticed her going outside, doing something to the laundry that was hanging but it was actually a decoy. Damn. So we received no further news about her until the next day. She reported herself to the Indonesian Embassy. So the agency took her back because my family didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. But guess what? The bitch ran away from the agency!
So she was on the run for quite some time. During that time, many people contacted us , telling us that they saw her. Everywhere! From the market near our house, to block 200+, and other places in street 11. Oh, nearly all the sightings she was together with a bangladeshi man. The day she reported herself to the embassy, my parents made a police report about her. So we thought the police would catch her but it was me who actually caught her on the sunday. I was on the way home from religious class, in 292. While the bus was driving along Avenue 2, I noticed a familiar figure walking along merrily. So when the bus was driving past, I was like "OMG THATS HER". So I quickly alighted the bus. Thing is, she noticed me too so she pretended to read some signs across the road. But as I was talking on the phone to my father, she walked past me and pretended like she didn't know me. So I shot at her, asking where she was going. She gave me a dirty look and told me "there, there. errr agency." I totally shouted at her in malay, "Ya you bloody liar you run away from the agency and you want to go back there? stay here." So she stayed. And then when bus 34 came, she slowly peeled away from where she was standing and wanted to take the bus. I grabbed on to her and she told me "don't you!" in broken english hahaha. So the bloody cow continued to the bus and I blocked the front entrance. She ran to the back door and entered. I also entered the bus and told the driver "Uncle, don't drive off. This is a police case." So he didn't drive and she got frustrated. She alighted from the bus and tried to run away! She literally ran. But what were her chances of escaping from me lol? I just ran up to her and held on to her arms. Once again she shouted in english "don't you!" After that I totally flipped. I shouted at her so much and created such a scene, and in the end she just shut her mouth and listened to me. Honestly, if she wasn't still contracted to my parents and protected my anti-maid abuse laws, I would have beat the living crap out of her for doing such a thing to my family and especially my little brother. Afterwards, my dad came along and we brought her to the police station. Finally, after interrogating her and settling stuff with the police and the agency, they brought her to lockup at Bedok Police Station.
She spent the night there and was picked up by the agency on monday. BUT she still didn't learn her lesson. She tried to escape from the agency again, this time by tying a blanket or a bedsheet to the window and attemping to climb down from the second floor. But she fell. HAHAHA. And now, she has a broken leg, spinal injuries and a fractured arm. I tell you, god is soooo great. Serves her right. OH and she was carrying a plastic bag with her belongings when she tried to escape. There were new clothes and a handphone. So the agency employee asked her where she got the money to buy all those, since her starting salary is $10 a month. And guess what? She prostituted herself to bangladeshi workers. She really did get her retribution. :)
Monday, September 06, 2010
Okay soooo a long-awaited post. Hahaha. About the time I got admitted to the hospital! :(
By Saturday, the pain in my chest had not gone down one bit and I was still suffering. Me and my parents were both tired of the bullshit service CGH was giving, not even following up and not giving me the proper diagnosis. Even though I went there TWO times. So at night, we decided to go to SGH. And there, I felt though I was properly taken care of. In the ER, I was in a bed, not a wheelchair. So they ran blood tests, and x-rays again. This time again, they couldn't see any infection or anything in my chest area. So they decided to admit me to do further tests after I told them I couldn't eat or drink or even swallow. They said they're gonna do a scope on me. And mind you, it was already like 12+ or 1+ in the morning at the hospital and my parents were still there. Love them.
 So I was wheeled to the ward. Ward 46, Room 26, Bed 10! Hahaha omg I still remember. The first night, I was still in pain so I went to sleep straightaway. But then the (pretty) nurse came in and checked my blood pressure and temperature and gave me the hospital clothes and talked to me for quite a while. Hahah I still remember her. ^^ So I changed, took my medicines and then fell back straight to sleep. The next day(sunday) was a pretty boring day. Apparently the doctors were having half-day of work so they couldn't do the scope on me then. Some doctors came to check on me and tell me what was gonna happen. My dad came in the afternoon to sign the form to allow them to do the scope down my throat. After he left, I went to sleep. At about 4, Taufik Sarah and Idayu came!! Hahah. They provided quite a bit of entertainment for me. Taking pictures and everything. Oh! Look at the balloon they bought for me. Hahaha idiots. But thank you! :) So they stayed until erm .. I don't remember. About 6? So they all went their seperate ways for buka. Then my whole family came. Wak Ani and Wak Sani came too. :)
Then on Monday, they finally did the scope! That was a ... weird experience. They wheeled me to the clinic, then the nurse sprayed some sort of medication down my throat to numb it. It was freaking disgusting, the taste. After that, they injected sedatives into my IV drip. Unfortunately, I was still awake when they inserted the scope! Hahaha I was wretching and like nearly vomiting and stuff. The doctors kept telling me not to fight it but as hard as I tried, it was just reflex action by my throat. But after a few seconds, I fell asleep. I woke up when I had been wheeled all the way back to my bed. And then, I fell asleep back when I was put in my bed. Hahaha. So the doctors came later that day to explain to me that the scope revealed that I had a few ulcers in my gullet, near the chest level. So that was the cause of the pain. And they told me it could possibly be a side effect of the medication I've been taking, so I can't take that anymore. And they told me they can't do much except let it heal on its own. So I had to take a special medication for it. Ah, finally I knew what was wrong. But it would still take a relatively long time for it to recover. Later in the day, my classmates came! I think 5 of them. They gave me a cactus! Hahaha a cute small cactus with a red head. :D So I hung around with them until they decided to go home at about 6. Oh yeah, Taufik came too! And he stayed all the way until 8.30pm. Lucky, or else I would have been soooo bored. And he brought his laptop! So we watched videos, played games most of the time. And he had to buka puasa so I did so together with him. But I couldn't really eat.. So yeah. It was my first time walking around SGH so I bought stuff from cheers and jollibean and brought them up. ^^ Haha. After he left, I did nothing much except play with my psp and sleep. I was bored so I did walk around a bit to observe the other patients, the nurses and everything.
Tuesday, I was discharged! At about 1pm. Haha. I was quite happy because it was so damn boring in the hospital. At the same time, I was kinda sad because at the hospital, most of your needs are taken care of. Heheh. But ohwell. Discharged, collected my medication and my MC, then went home. I only fully recovered on Sunday so all in all, I have to pay back 12 days of fasting. Woah. But alhamdulillah, I'm all well now. :)