Friday, August 27, 2010
There are moments in life so blog-worthy you just have to post them up no matter what your current situation is. So yes, this is one.
On Tuesday I thought I had wrongly swallowed a pill, and it got stuck in my throat. So yeah, I was in mild discomfort and my throat was in pain. So I went to the polyclinic, and they couldn't see anything. SOOOO they sent me to CGH A&E. Like woah. I was attended to nearly straightaway because having something stuck in your throat is really dangerous. But after checking and stuff, nah I was safe. Doctor said that if there was a pill truly stuck in there, it would dissolve and I wouldn't feel the discomfort any more after that. Well the idiot was wrong.
I woke up on wednesday with a pain in my chest so great I just had to go back to sleep. Like it was a burning pain originating from the centre of my chest. I was wondering why it was so painful but at the same time wishing the pain would really go away with rest. As it always does. BUTTTT looks like it wasn't my day, I woke up still having the superbad chest pain. I broke my fast, took my medication and then went back to sleep. But the pain lasted throughout the day and night. Suffered really bad. I couldn't even eat! I mean, if swallowing my own saliva was painful, you can imagine the pain I went through when I tried to swallow solid foods. Ouch. Really. I also developed a really bad fever, going up to 39.4deg. Even the fever medicine I took didn't really help. So basically I was on fire through the day and night. Not good. Even at night, I woke up at random times and my temperature still didn't decrease.
Thursday - I woke up with a temperature that was down to 38.2deg. I had physics SPA, so I went. It was pretty easy (heheheheh only s42 knows). So then my dad picked me up and by then the pain in my chest was growing even worse. Reached home, changed and then lay down for a while. But the pain became unbearable and I actually started crying. I mean it was really THAT painful. :( So my parents took me to CGH A&E again. There, I was treated to blood tests, urine tests, x-ray, ECG and a physical examination. And to top it all off, as you can see in the picture, I got attached to an IV drip to bring my temperature down. All in all it took about 2+ hours of waiting and testing and I finally got the diagnosis. I was down with some kind of lung infection. So yeah, doctor gave me all sorts of medication and after that, I was free to go. So went home, took the medication and passed out. Really painful still. Its still hurting now, though its already friday. But I think the pain has decreased a little. I just can't eat solid foods still. And I still feel the pain while drinking water. Argh, it really really hurts. D: But thats life.. Pray for my speedy recovery guys! I want to eat again. :( Oh and the IV drip was a cool experience. It felt as though somebody shot up very cold water into my arm. Hahah.
Okay, off to bed. Goodnight! :)
I miss those times, when we would wait for one another, not caring if it even took an hour, and taking the long bus ride back home. Sometimes we would sit and talk throughout, on other occasions we would just sit and relax and enjoy being in each others' company. I miss those times, when we would just stand in a circle, deciding where to go, what to do, when we should go. I miss those times when we would sit in a circle, look into one anothers' eyes that say, 'Hey, I'm going through the same thing. I'm with you, brother.' I miss those times when no matter how much we fought no matter how much we argued we would still come together as friends, and then get close together again. I miss those times when we would spend hours on end with one another, wishing not to leave, because it was the best company we ever had.
And now, you throw it all away.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
20th August 1993, Friday
20th August 2010, Friday
It was 17 years ago that I was born, a small egg-headed baby boy. Full of problems, and my parent's first ever child. I was born on a Friday. I remember my dad telling me that he had to go for Friday prayers on the day I was born. And today, a Friday, my 17th birthday. In Islam, we believe that Friday is a blessed day. Indeed, my 17th birthday was really blessed.
My first thank you is going out to my family.
They have never given up on me. Supporting me, whatever I do. Though lately, I've been a disappointment to them. I've done too much bad stuff. Though they still haven't given up on me. They are providing me with support, and advising me on what to do. Because frankly, I'm at that point in life where I'm going round in circles and wondering whether I should stay, or give up and stay there. But they have been pushing me on, helping me. Yesterday they celebrated my birthday during break fast with a cake, and a song. My little brother presented me with two cards. He drew them on his own. Cute boy, I love him so much. My youngest sister gave me $10 in an envelope and wrote 'happy birthday' on the envelope. I guess I have been taking them for granted lately, but seeing how much they love me, I'll change for the better. I haven't been a good eldest brother, neither have I been a role model to all my siblings. So to my mum, my dad, my brother and sisters, thank you so much. I love you guys. <3 Below are the photos of the cards that my little siblings gave me. :)
The second group of people would be of course, my vs brothers. Without them, the rest of my day would be really mundane and I would have a relatively boring birthday. But they truly made my day I am really really appreciative of that! With their wishes, their cakes, and just the fact that we were together as one whole big group again after such a long time. Just that made me really really happy. And not forgetting Cikgu Shyamira! Thank you for treating us for buka. We're so lucky to have a teacher like you. Thank you for everything. :) I might as well blog about my time spent today eh? Hahah. Met up at Chicken Champs at Arab Street for break fast. Spring chicken!! Omg it was nice. Yumyumyum. And they sang for me a birthday song, and I had 2 birthday cakes in front of me!! Hahaha I felt so special. I couldn't get the smile of my face after that. It made me really really super happy. Thank you guys, and cikgu. :) Afterwards, went to the mosque to pray maghrib and isyak. After that, some of us went to get some shisha cravings fulfilled with several tpjc friends. Ah, pretty relaxing. Went over to ZamZam and reunited with the rest, then we ate some more. Murtabak, the cakes, and also other just spam photos and talk crap. We left as the restaurant was closing down, then went to Bugis, found a nice little random spot and just lepaked and took photos and crapped around. We left around 11 plus, and everyone made their own way back. The tampines-ians though, mainly me luqman saufi afi and ziyad stayed at Macs for quite long, until 1am. We just caught up with one another and talked about stuff happening in our lives. Discovered a lot, and honestly, I miss having this kind of sessions. Sit down with a drink and talk the night away. Ah, my brothers are just awesome.
So guys, a BIIIIIIIIIIG THANK YOU! You guys started if off so well, I couldn't get the smile off my face when I was surprised with the birthday cake during break fast. And what a surprise when there were two cakes! hahaha. Thanks for the birthday wishes, and most importantly, coming down. Because that's what truly mattered to me, to be able to spend my birthday with my brothers. That truly made my day. :) Throughout the night, you guys reminded me what true friendship, no wait, true brotherhood is like. I miss you guys, and hope we'll be able to do this more often. Thank you. :) You guys are awesome. Pictures will be up on my blog once fik uploads em.
And thirdly, to all those people who wished me through facebook, twitter, sms, in person, email, msn, etc, thank you so much! You people really made my day just by wishing me happy birthday. And so many wishes flooding in!! :) Thank you soooooo much. I really appreciate your wishes, and it makes me super happy when I see all those wishes. I hope you guys forgive me because I really can't comment on each and every one of those notes, but whatever it is, I truly appreciate your wishes and thank you for them! You people are superrrrrrr (Y). From people I know well to people I don't really know, the fact that you bothered to go to my profile and wish me happy birthday is awesome! I am really thankful. :))))))) THANK YOU!
Oh and lastly, S42 my awesome class! Thanks for wishing me and making me feel quite special today. And most importantly, thank you so much for the card! Reading the wishes really make me laugh and smile to myself. And tianshu, thank you for drawing the cover!! It is soooo super nice, I was really shocked when I saw it. So yeah, thank you guys. I will try to be less annoyinh hehehe. Thank you guys! :)
Fangning typing on my GC. :)
The beautiful cover drawn by Tianshu.
So, what else can I say. My birthday was just ... awesome. Really awesome. I want to thank all the people who contributed to making me smile and wished me happy birthday. :) A year older, hopefully many more years to come. One more year to be legal!!!! :D This awesome birthday would never have happened without all these people I've listed out. Thank you for making my (birth)day. I'm going to sleep a happy man! :) Vicky!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Father & Son
Okay hi. I'm blogging while waiting for my tuition teacher to arrive.
Anyway, happy birthday to my dad! He turned 44 on the 17th of August. My dad, what can I say? He's been my pillar of support. Always encouraging me, rarely scolding me. Instead he advises me. And he's been supporting me for so much. In my studies, my sports. Though less on floorball heh. I'm thankful to have been born his son, and although I disappoint a lot, I hope in the near future, I'll bring him smiles. :)
Ah, and tomorrow is my birthday. I wonder what the day will bring to me. Oh and fun fact, I was born on a Friday, and this year my birthday is on a Friday.
Friday, August 06, 2010
I'm going to KL from tonight to Monday. Its been a tiring week, and today was my breaking point. Never have my walls been broken down like that. I hate vj. Everything about it. Except for a few people, my brothers, whom I know I can trust. The others are just ... two-faced shitheads. I should have never come here. Everything I worked for is being wasted here. Bullshit school. I want to start afresh. Maybe being away from Singapore for a few days will help. Ciaos.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
First I would like to apologise for stealing this picture from your friendster. HAHA. But thats not the main point of this post anyway. I know your birthday was yesterday and I already wished you BUT I still owe you a post. So this post is solely dedicated to you. :D
Sofia my sister, I've known you probably for slightly more than a year already? Haha. I remember we used to talk a lot last time, but then it died down. Then something sparked it off again and we're constantly going through ups and downs together now! Its interdependent support we have with each other, I guess. You always advice me on the best of my problems, and in turn I try my best to stick with you and help you through your dark days. I know life is hard now, and furthermore its your o level year, but I've always believed in you and you know that! No matter what happens, if you lose hope, you lose confidence, you lose trust, remember that I can never lose hope, confidence and trust in you. And I really believe that whatever you do, you'll try your best. So don't ever give up okay intan sofia! You really bring a smile to my face everyday and I hope we'll stay friends for damn longggggg. :) Study hard for o's k. And don't fight too much with ash! And takecare. ^^
Monday, August 02, 2010
I can't have the world, but I'll settle for these
Time and time again, I've been a disappointment to everyone around me. So I've made a promise to myself, and this promise will be bigger than anything. My new ring will be built around this. Vires Quod Animus. The things I need to fulfill and achieve these goals.
1) Studies
I'm now in the bottom 10% in the school. But I believe if I study harder, I'll get out of that 10%. I have the potential and that potential I will fulfill. I won't let down my parents again, in the promos or after that. This goal I need to achieve by promos, not 2011. So I'll study mega hard, not slack, not sleep in classes and fuck around. I mean, my results are really bad, I admit. And I admit, I have not been studying, I haven't been listening in class and skipping classes. But that's got to change.
2) Floorball
I think I still have not reached my peak, and this is probably due to a lack of training. And probably due to a lack of heart. I mean, people say I play very weakly. The thing is, I still have this trauma of going too hard in my challenges, or holding the ball too hard, because that's what led to me having a permanent back injury. But I guess you can't stay stagnant forever, because everything is just going to overtake you. Because of my back injury, I refuse to push myself harder to strive for success in floorball in fear that I get injured again. But I guess that's going to change once training starts again. I'm banned from school training because of my results, but I still have club training. I have to go on runs myself to keep my fitness up. Next year, I'll prove that I really am Div 1 material, or at least close to it.
Vires Quod Animus. I'll go for my goals, and hopefully achieve them. I'll pray hard, work hard and hope hard.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Abang Pipi's wedding
Haiya I lost my ring. I feel naked without it because I wear it around my neck every day! What a sad end to an otherwise very enjoyable weekend. I'll update tmr. I'm damn tired now. :/