Sunday, February 28, 2010
To lose faith in one's self is probably the start of a horrible end.
I shall do all I can to make myself a better man. I admit, I've lost sense of my priorities and the important things in life. I've been too caught up with school, with trainings, with friends that I forgot one thing that was once very important to me; my religion. I haven't been praying regularly, I haven't been remembering god, I haven't been thanking god for all that he has given me. It is my pride, my unknowingly growing pride that makes me forget what helped me time and time again when I was faced with troubles, worries, lost hopes. It was my faith in god. I promise, I will change. Life's been empty. I shall fill it up again, with prayers and belief.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Extremely tired - but the training was worth it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A summary of sorts.
Hell yeah!
Damn I'm happy. Finally, finally a day when I go home before 8. :D I haven't posted in quite a while. Been really really busy. My life has been like, woah. Busy and tiring, to say the least. Despite that its been pretty fun. VJ has been awesome. Lessons, okay lah. But my class and clique make it so fun!! :D And my floorball friends. Also other people I made friends with. The people are really friendly lah. I can just go up to somebody and say hi and we'll be friends. HAHAHA kidding but seriously people are really friendly.
Now lets seeeeeeeeee. What's been happening in life. Apart from lessons and trainings and other shit, nothing much really. School's mainly been fun because of the many breaks between lessons. :D Imagine, on wednesday I have a 2hr 20 minute break lol. Spend that time eating eating eating, crapping and occasionally studying. But after school, thats when it gets tiring. I'm in both the hockey and floorball squads for nationals and I have training almost every single day. Only on rare days when training gets cancelled do I get any rest. But as I train, I really feel my stamina coming back to me. I just need to persevere more. Oh and this injury of mine, its still here. Wish it would go away. :/ Okay so yeah still about training, let me seeeee. Monday and Thursday, I have hockey training. Wednesday I have hockey AND floorball PT. Tuesday, friday and saturday I have floorball trainings but luckily I have div 3 matches on saturday morning.
And about div 3 matches! Last saturday was our first match in 3 weeks. We played against MJC and won them 7-4. :D The VJ pair contributed 3 goals! Afi scored 2 goals and me, 1 goal. My goal was just a simple tap-in after an awesome pass by afi. This week, we still haven't got any damn fixtures. Stupid SFA.
Oh and tmr is cross-country! Like woaaaah. But I'm not running cos I'm injured. (: Wish I could run though, it'll be fun! Then I'll be having an MCS meeting and at 6.30, Mr Amir's club training! YAY! :D Okay I wanna get some shut-eye now. I'm damn tired. Night!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Because life, it is like that. You can only hope for the best, and pray that everything works.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Full attendance
Today. Today, was amazing. It was finally we have full attendance for the 'Pack Of Wolves'. In the picture up there, try to imagine ziyad instead of endy hehe. Yeah, all of us! :D It was great. I love my brothers, my brotherhood.
 Young Old Victorians rocked SLI '10!
I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with JC life and stuff. VJC's been ... well, fun. I really enjoy myself! Especially with kick-ass classmates. But a minus point, I'm still injured so I cannot play floorball really well. D: Ohwell. & Its official, I'm in hockey too! Haha crazy life I have. (x
Lessons have been pretty much okay. Plus point for me is that I haven't fallen asleep in one lesson at all hehehe. I already have homework! But its pretty light so I guess thats fine. Wait till the heavy stuff comes in ^^ Math has been okay. Basically a revision of what we've learnt. Physics, doing pretty light stuff. Chem, we're doing redox and another topic now! But I have to revise quite a little cos ... I suck at chem. Heh. Econs, confusing! But yeah I like it. & My lecturer is also my floorball teacher-in-charge. Spicy. GP has been a little dry because my teacher likes to talk about personal experiences and be philosophical HAHAHA. PW, not really that interesting just yet.
SO YEAH. A summary of lessons. Hahaha. Apart from lessons, my breaks are awesomely timed. (x Thursday was friendship day! It was pretty interesting, I should say. Balloons, yoghurt, gifts, all around. Its nice to see how certain events are celebrated in vj. The atmosphere is really .. hyped up! I like it. And everybody is so friendly. I love it :D Friday was chinese new year celebrations! VJ's celebration was a tad nonsensical but fun. After that, went back to VS and met our teachers. Its been so long! Okay ah not that long but still. There's so many new teachers, and a few teachers have moved out. Quite a change, really. Apart from that, everything seems the same. Miss the atmosphere in VS. Although I prefer the way teachers treat us in VJ. In VS we're still treated like small kiddies. (x After that went to solat and parkway with my brothers! Omg I really missed them. Finally got to meet them. Saufi's hair = SLOPEEEEEE. After that had floorball training. Despite not being in full fitness due to my injury, I still ran quite a bit. A wrong decision haha cos my foot hurt even more after that. Bathed, and went home.
Thats my schooling week! Nothing much to note during the hols. Vicky!
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
First day of JC lessons!
Hi. Today was the first day of lessons in veejay! It wasn't half-bad really. A little dry during some lectures but otherwise the tutorials were quite ... engaging. Today we had to report to school only at 8.40 so I decided to take bus with Huimin. But 31 was filled with ITE students until takleh sumbat lagi so we took 27 to airport then 36 to school. WE WERE NEARLY LATE HAHA. Like we entered and then they closed the gate. (x Okay so after that had Econs lecture and Mr Loke is our lecturer! Wah but like abit dry. Theeeeeeen went back to class for GP tutorial. After that was econs tutorial and the teacher seems fun!! :D Haha whee. Afterwards we had a break. So ate with the classmates and then went for math lecture. Started on surds! Haha like refresher ah I forgot almost everything about math. After that ... FINISH SCHOOL. Hahaha.
After school I met up with Ziyad and Wisnuh at Bugis and shopped around. I wanted to get myself a laptop sleeve but couldn't find one so yeah. Sooo after that went to VS! There was SLI. Then we went over to parkway afterwards to eat. Long time since I've met the rest so ... whee! :D
On a side note, my foot still hurts. Argh. Like, it doesn't seem to be recovering and I'm really worried. I looked it up and there's two possibilities. Its either a bruised heel or a stress fracture. I seriously hope its not the latter. Both need lotsa rest though so I guess I won't be going for PE or training for one or two weeks. Which is really sad since I need to regain my fitness. Nationals are not far away. :/
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Injured, still.
Holy shit, school starts tmr. Hahaha. Lessons! My first JC lessons of LIFE. (x I'm pretty excited, but nervous. Ohwell. Will be seeing the awesome foursome tmr hahaha. And ryphon 5! :D On another note, I'm still injured and I don't really feel my foot getting better. Its still in pain. :( I'll have to sit out another week of trainings or so I think. I'm sad because I really want to train and its only 2 months away from nationals. Please foot, recover fast. :/ Okay, I should get some rest fr lessons tmr. All the best to the rest of you people! :D Enjoy life.
Oh, and this is post number 800. Whoa.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
VJC Mass dance
Meet Ryphon 5, the people who made my start at VJC a fantastic one. They're the best! :D Soooooooooo yesterday evening/night was VJC mass dance at The Fountain of Wealth at Suntec. It was awesome! :D Met Chengling and Huimin over at Simei and then went to City Hall to meet the rest of R5. After the rest came, we all went over to Suntec Macs and had dinner. So much stuff happened! Haha so fun so fun. Taisheng and Chengling should know. (x
At about 6.30 we all went over to the fountain and slacked around while waiting for the hype to start. We played some MRT game which was damn fun! But so painful heh. Okay so mass dance itself was AWESUM. Like I was so high and hyper I just went berserk and WOOO at every single moment. Hahaha. It was so fun! Like going with the floorball guys, creating a chain and shouting out random names. Just awesum. The VS guys also did one train, and cheered all the way! Competed with the cedar girls too. Heh. At about 10, most people dispersed and I went for supper at KFC with the R5 people. Then, home with Chengling. I can't really describe the Mass Dance in words but it was so amazingly fun. :D
Friday, February 05, 2010
Sea Sports Carnival
Awesome Foursome!
Since I'm at home and I have some time to spare before I go for mass dance later at Suntec, I decided to blog! Today was really really fun. Went to school in our pe attires, and then after assembly we all moved over to East Coast. After a fantastic performance by VJ Knights, we went off to our respective stations as a class. Or rather, group because the class had to split into two. So first station was really stupid. Siamese soccer, we waited but didn't get to play! After that was Splash Splash Revenge. It was kinda like dog and bone, but with some spinning included. And the ones that reached the middle first got to splash the losers. :D So at that time I played, I got to splash people! HEHE. So fun!!
Afterwards we went to do some obstacle course. Thenthenthen we played captain's ball with another class! Omg that was awesum. Cheryl was the defender, me and David were wingers and Fangning was the forward. The other team members were just scattered about(x Although Rish did a really good job defending too. Cheryl was great hahaha. Me, David and Fangning played really well together and we won 10-2! :D After that we played volleyball!! Same people, and with our classmates. Against S38 I think. Hahaha we ownnnnnned. 21-6! :D Wooooo S42 ROCKS!!!
Oh oh oh and after that was the fun part! There were some teachers riding on a speedboat. So Cheryl knew one of the teachers, Mr Teo. AND WE GOT TO RIDE THE SPEEDBOAT WOO! It was so fun omg. I've never been on one before. Like speed here, speed there, sharp turns. And the wind in our hair! It was a really really awesome experience, no doubt about that. It was roughly a 5-minute ride, but one of the best rides of my life :DDDDD Afterwards just slacked around with the Awesome Foursome and classmates, before going back to VJ to take a bath and then head to the mosque for friday prayers. Met Mr Amir and Mr Zuraimi! Wah I really miss VS. ): But loving VJ right now heh.
Woo off to mass dance! Vicky.
HI! :D
I haven't updated in like years. Sooooooooo much stuff has been happening for the last few days! Been returning home at like after 9 every single day. But it has been so much fun, really. Despite the fact that Ryphon 5 had to split up and we were all allocated our classes, I managed to make friends with my classmates real quick. & They're really fun people! So yeah I have no regrets at all about joining vjc now. I'm certainly going to lead a fulfilling life in this college.
The orientation was certainly fun. I got to know and get close to my SOG and meet people like Sherman, Taisheng, Huimin, Cheng Ling, Clarice, Adeline, and some others. A weird bunch but well, we get on pretty well. (x The whole of orientation was spent with them. OH and not forgetting my awesome seniors! Justin, Joanne, Sheila and Stephanie. I loved joking around with them and like doing stuff with all of them. Especially the last day of orientation, WET GAMES! :D After the last day of orientation, we all went to airport and ate at popeyes and bonded a lot. I must say a few of my secrets had to be revealed but ohwells. We played truth or dare and I discovered something reaaaaaal interesting. Heh. We all parted at around 10 on that night and I went back with Huimin, who lives just 2 blocks away from mine. (x
Now about my class! 10S42!! I entered the class first, wondering what my classmates would be like. The signs weren't good. The first five people to enter were PRC scholars omg. Then IP students. Then my saviour: David! Hehe yaaay. And then there were some IP guys, and OMG NOW I REALISED THAT THERE ARE NO LOCAL GUYS WHO AREN'T FROM IP EXCEPT FOR ME DAVID AND JONATHAN. Hahaha. So yeah, yesterday we all went on our first class outing to parkway! Hehe. Makan lunch with them. Theeeeeen, today had the Outdoor Rumble. This was even better cos we got to communicate and socialise with one another. Got to know that Cheryl was quite crazy, like me. Hahaha and almost like the Timbaktu people too. And Fang Ning knows alot of people I know. (x So it ain't so bad!
And I participated in the Tiger Fashion Show today! Got sabo-ed by my classmates. Had to catwalk in the hall in front of the whole JC1 batch in some nonsensical tiger outfit designed by my classmates. Haha it was cool! They did a really cool but merepek outfit haha. I was a TIGER!..WOODS. Hahahaha. So yeah, didn't get a prize though. The rest of the day went by smoothly too, thankfully.
Ah, now the question is, how's everybody else doing?