Tomorrow - CELEBRATE! then gym. then study. :D
What else can I do? x)
What else can I do? x)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tomorrow - CELEBRATE! then gym. then study. :D
What else can I do? x) Vicky Saturday, August 29, 2009
Today I mourn the loss of my beloved hamster. Or rather, my sister's hamster. Miffy, a cute little active roborovski. I won't say much, because its so sadddddd! D: And now the other hamster, Fluffy, is depressed about the death of Miffy. So sad kan? She just dug up all the bedding and piled it onto the side of the cage where we found Miffy curled up, as a supposed 'grave'. And she refuses to go to the side of the cage where Miffy died. So sad. D: We just dug up a hole at the park in front of our house and buried her there. Miffy was such a close friend of Fluffy and they used to curl up together to sleep, side by side and always playing together. Now Fluffy is all alone. And Miffy, she lays in her grave, remembered by us as our first Hamster. ): Sometimes you take things for granted, but when they leave you, you start remembering the small things that they did. Vicky. Friday, August 28, 2009
Ouch, my back. :(
Today was fineeeeee. I woke up at 9, then got ready to go to school and bus-ed/train-ed/bus-ed to school hahaha. Met Farhan in 4E, then physics class started, all the way til 1pm. At first there was only me, farhan and dayat in class. Then the other 4B guys joined in and it started to get kecoh! Me and Naren ended up sending each other hardstyle songs. I like Puta Mandre! Sounds indian, like him! xD After that was prayers at the mosque. There was this really cute cat! Wah, I stroked it and it came on top of the bench and lay down on me. Hahahaha. I have pictures but I don't know why I cannot upload. D: After prayers slacked around for a while, then headed back to school. Went to the indoor sports hall to watch floorball training. Then gym where I did the bench press and then back to watching floorball. Then I played floorball! Hahaha I've still got it in me. My shots, the power, the passing. Accuracy, abit gone ah. xD After that bathed and took 31 with Farhan. On the bus, there was this guy ... Hahaha okay its Farhan and my secret. Funny like hell man. Farhan alighted at Bedok, but I took all the way to Tamp. At tamp, I went to T1 and got the bag that I've been eyeing! Like finally, a new bag. xD My shopping's done. :D Eh wait, belt. Hahahaha I forgot. After that, home! Gah, my back's really getting annoying again. Vicky! Thursday, August 27, 2009
I've been having such a tiring 'holiday' these past 2 days. Hahaha. Oh the irony. Lets start off with yesterday.
Woke up at 11, stayed in bed and read a book til about 2. Then, bathed and got ready for tuition. Tuition was boring and distracting because my back kept on hurting so yeah. Around 5.30, rushed back home, prayed and then rushed to the bus stop and met luqman. From there we took 28 with Farhan and Taufik, met Ziyad and Dzafir at Safra, then Saufi at Bedok, and then Wisnuh and Fawwaz at Bedok Int. Hahahaha, so in the end all of us took 28. Went to Masjid Khalid, broke fast there and then prayed maghrib. Me and Farhan wanted to look for the Onan Road curry puff but it was closed. ): After that went back to the masjid, ngaji-ed for a while and then prayed Isyak and terawih. Finished at about 9.30, then we went walking around the Geylang Bazaar. Bought Ramly Burger! hahahaha. Ate it with the guys somewhere and then we went back at around 11.30pm. Time passed so fast. Today, woke up at 10. Rushed to school because I thought physics was at 11.45am. But in actualy fact, it was at 12.45pm. Haller, baik ah haziq. So since I had time to spare, I went to the gym. Bench press, and some deltoid and forearm exercises. Rajiv, Clement and Hidayat were at the gym too, so I had quite a good time laughing. Physics after that was okay. I was bored anyway. After that, bus-ed back to tampines. Went to Ink to take a look at the bag, then I went to the doctor. Had my flu immunisation and chemical peeling. The injection is making my arm swollen! D: Haha. After that went back home. Tomorrow I have physics, again! D: Ohwell. Oh and Natasha can you please explain to me why you randomly called me just now! Hahaha thanks. Vicky! Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I must be thankful for everything god gave to me. But god, why'd you have to give me a slipped disc? (:
Today was downs and ups, honestly. But I stay happy! :D Sent off all my sisters to school in the morning, then me and dad went over to SGH to get the diagnosis from the doctor. Went to do my x-ray first, where I was asked to lie down in 5 different positions. Tiring!! After that, went over to Clinic H and waited for the doctor. The doctor went through my MRI results and x-ray results. Then he went "Uhmmmmmmmm..." I was curious ... So then he said "So yah, you have slipped disc." He explained to me how why what. He says its not so serious, but its worrying especially for a young person like me. Life, oh life. Haha. He advised me to do alot of swimming, don't lift heavy loads, and rest alot. But I guess I'm going to keep living life! Hahaha hey, I survived with this slipped disc for 2 years, why not? :D Afterwards, went back to school in time for E-Math. Talked to Mr Z and he suggested some stuff. During recess, went to the gym and did the usual - bench press, barbell raise, and side raise, bicep curls and lat pull. After that, went back to class and went for malay. After malay was english, which I couldn't help but sleep because I was so tired. :O After school, went home with Saufi, Luqman, Hamzah and Hidayat. Wanted to meet Farahin, but she ah ... hahaha don't worry sis, I shan't say anything here. x) Went home and did random stuff. After maghrib, went to sembahyang terawih at Gufran. At first planned on doing 8. But ended up doing 20 rakaat. Afterwards, the four of us lepak-ed and talked about stuff over at Macs till 11.30, then went home. Tired tired. I feel like gym-ing again tmr. Fun ah. Vicky! Tuesday, August 25, 2009
![]() and ![]() Moving away from birthdays, I have gotten back my MRI results. And they ain't good. I'll post again later. Vicky! Sunday, August 23, 2009
Some friends in my life are simply awesome. Others can be such a-holes.
If I said today was awesome, I would be lying and its not good to lie during ramadhan. Wait, to lie all the time, thats not good either. I digress. Today was bad, and that's simply quite an understatement. It feels as though I'm going through the same thing, over and over again. Am I destined to be stuck in a viscous cycle, that I see no way out of. The only way out I see, is blocked. I'm being held on by her, never to be let go. Why? I want to end it all. I really do. I told you already, so please, don't come and talk to me. I beg of you. I know I make it seem that its you who always comes to me, but in actual fact I know I come to you. But to vent all your anger on something so trivial? I never wanted it this way, you know. But it was forced, and thats the best I can do. And now, for some reason, my mum knows what I did. 'Why did you break her heart', she asked. Did I? I found myself answering her easily, and also the next few questions she asked. Maybe because I wasn't lying. I guess. Madrasah today was cold. Yes, cold. I had to put my towel around my neck to keep warm. The horror of air-con, which I can rarely stand. Then was home with Ibrahim. Hahaha, this chinese girl kept looking at me in the train. At least want to look, more discreetly ah please. But quite chio. Dah, bulan puasa mata memandang lain pulak. x) Went home and straightaway slept. Woke up in time to bathe and pray Asar, then waited for buka. After buka prayed then after Isyak prayed terawih. Alhamdulillah, I'm really starting to get into the mood to pray and do good these days. I hope it won't only last throughout this month, but throughout this year. I really need God's help in my upcoming O's. K, why am I blogging. I want to go study now. :D Andddd I feel like going for PE tmr. Or maybe work out at the gym? hmm. Maybe the latter. My deltoids are seriously unproportionate to my triceps and biceps. hahaha. Gym it is then. Vicky! Saturday, August 22, 2009
My plan for today:
8am-10am tuition. 10am-12pm rest. 12pm-4pm study. 4pm-5pm rest. 6pm-7.15pm study. What actually happened: 8am-12pm tuition. 1pm-5.30pm sleep. 5.30pm-7.15 doing random stuff. Hahahaha, maaaaan rabak sia today. Plan = EPIC FAILURE! I bathed and got ready in a record time after waking up late when tuition was at 8. Tuition was okay except that I got sleepy after 3 hours and the last hour was really unproductive. Hahahaha. I went home happily knowing that I could get some rest, but I didn't know my rest would be sooooo long. Damn I slept for 4/5 hours, minimum. That makes me feel like a lazybum. =x But I was tired, so yeaaaah. Hahaha. Broke fast to Chicken Rice, Kurma, Bubur Ayam, and Popiah basah. Soooo much nice food. I likeee. Then worked out as usual then here I am being a no-lifer on the computer. I don't know why but I have a funny feeling that next week is going to rock. Like serious serious sumah tak tipu. Hhaha. Maybe because I have no school next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! WOOOOOO. xD Vicky! Friday, August 21, 2009
Deng, I missed out a few people who wished me happy birthday! Hahaha. Siti, Hawa, Sakinah, Dini, Mardhiyyah, and Aisyah. All of them who sms-ed me or wished me online. I may have repeated a name or two but who cares. xD Thanks anyway! Oh and to Haziyah who passed me my present and card so far in advance but still awesome. Thanks for the gift certificates and card. & Kay Fong, my favourite chinese. hahahaha. forget my birthday ah bro! tsk3. x)
Okaaaay, today was a cool day. No hot. No wait, cool. Okay both. Started off the day with emath. Did our own stuff. Then, Malay. I got 67.5 for my mock exam. ): Not that good. After that recess. Me Farhan and Taufik were playing Truth or Dare throughout the time till recess ended. Hahaha. After recess was english, practiced oral. After school went to pray, the lift at MKS rosak. -.- Afterwards went over back to school because I had O Level English oral! Omg, scary!!! I must say I did okay. But I'm going to score in my paper 1 & 2 just to make sure. hahaha. After that, went over to Jalan Besar Stadium with my brothers to watch the C' Div soccer final. Lost 1-3 to Sports School. Why is it that every final we get into, we lose? And especially to sports school. D: If only they had floorball ... hehehe. K, after that bused home. Bathed prayed ate and then went out for terawih! I don't ever wna go Darul Gufran again. The ventilation and air circulation is SO BAD. I was sweating even before I started the terawih. D: Afterwards went to Macs for awhile with Fik and Saufi, drank and ate and talked about random stuff. "Bebual red dot" according to taufik. hahahahhaa, gerek uh. Tomorrow's going to be the first day of fasting! Wooooo. I love fasting month, I love ramadhan. I just hope I won't be too tired to work out everyday. :D Vicky! Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sweet 16th!
SIXTEEEEEEEEEEN! Yes, that's what I turned today. Awesome, awesome, absolutely awesome. The day passed by fine, just that I had not much of a mood to celebrate since tomorrow is my O Level English oral and today some of them had to go for oral. But I don't mind, we'll celebrate tmr! Wooooo!!! My brothers are awesome. & So are all my friends! I got so many wishes today. I seriously appreciate it guys. :D My brothers, Farhan Saufi Afi Taufik Hamzah Ziyad Luqman Wisnuh Fawwaz Hafidz Izzat. Thanks very much! For being there for me, for having fun with me, for being sad with me, for going through so much together. :D Words can't describe what I've gone through with you guys, but its all etched in my memory, so rest assured I will remember you guys till I grow old, even when I turn 61. :p - My sister from another mother, Siti NurFarahin! Thank yooooooou so much for the long sms. I really appreciate it, and I don't mind waiting. Hahahaha. You've been there for me whenever, whatever and as you said, forever. So I really want to thank you for being such an awesome sister. :DDDDD - My bestie! Haseena, thank you so much for entertaining me all this while, and we have really grown quite close over the span of what, 4/5 months?. :D Thank you!!! There's too little to say here, but you know I really appreciate you alot! (: - & of course, all my awesome friends! Ayuni(who stayed up soooo late just to wish me ;D), Asyikin, Ameera, Haziyah, Sarah Fadhuah, Ameera, Sarah Alissa, Insyirah, Ibrahim, Aqida, Ernest Lim, Clement Choong, Asikin, Huda, Wei Jian, all of whome who wished me through sms. THANKS GUYS! Oh, not forgetting our favourite Cikgu Marliana! Thanks cikgu. - also not forgetting Hazirah, Lili Muslihah, Cik Kiah, Fadli, Habsah, Kai Tai, Ruzana, Kak Mai, Billy, Cikgu Shyamira, Srinivasan, Mardhiyyah, Rury, Zi Zun, Sebastian, Fatihah, Aisyah, Era, Qi Koi, Siva, James, Natas, Hannan, Brandon, Hamizah, Apekko Azhari, Iffa Khalissa, Ernest, Yi Jie, Akmal, Nazreen, Myrah and Ashley. All who wished me online/on facebook! Thanks guys!!! I came back home with so many wishes, I really appreciate it. Made a great day even awesomer! :D - My class, 4E, for being such a rocking class! So so awesome. Thanks guys. :D The rest of you guys who I have not listed, but wished me. If my memory serves me well enough, Yong Kang, Joseph, Darryl, Yong Yang, Clement, Brandon, Si Kai, Sean, etc etc. You all rock! Thanks for making class such a lively place for us all. :DDDDDD And also other victorians who wished me. Dzafir, Yu Tien, Yu Fan, Joel, and others. - And last but not least, MY FAMILY! Ibu, baba, Izzah Hazirah, Hazimah, Haziqah, Hazim and Bibik. Nenek too. Mak Long, Mak Su, Asyraf. I thank all of you for the wishes! My dearest cousins, Kak Mai, Kak Syidah, Kak Fiqah, Era, Habsah, Syafaat and the rest of you guys. Thanks. - Well, thats certainly alot of people. I love and treasure each and every one of you and really thank you for making my day so awesome. Even though I didn't get much presents, I realised that I am fueled by your wishes and that's enough to keep me happy and laughing til the next year comes. Sweet sixteen, people will say. But mine was certainly full of flavours! Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Everyday I wake up with nothing but a smile on my face. I have a great life, great family, great friends. Life's awesome, really awesome. & Hey, time passes so fast and I'm not enjoying my last few moments being 15. I'm not sure if my birthday this year will be as spectacular as last year, because I know everyone's busy and some of them are having O' Level Oral, so I won't expect much. I just want to spend time with my family and all my close friends. (:
Today was certainly interesting. Started off the day with A-Math. I did an amath paper then moved on to chemistry. During chemistry, we did some stuff with the 6-year series. I can see Mrs W's baby bump! STOP DENYING MA'AM! Hahahahhaa. After recess was geog. Got scolded by Mr Ikwn because I fell asleep. xD Tired ah. Hahah but it was lucky he woke me up, cos after that I felt so fresh. Afterwards was bio. -.- Least favourite lesson ever, serious masuk ICU. After school bus-ed back home with Hamzah Afi Saufi Deen. Kecoh manszx. Parted ways with them at tampines int, I went over to T1 to check out belts at Esprit and Springfield. There was this reaaaaaally nice leather belt at Esprit which costs 70 bucks but I only have 30 in gift certs, and no more cash to top up with! AAAAHHHHH. 40 bucks! Where will I get that? :D Oh yes, Farhan and me just increased the competitiveness of the elevated push-up scissors paper stone game. I swear my class is mad. We can work in casino, and also look like kung freaks due to the number of push-ups we do daily. Hahaha, mad I tell you, maaaad! Lemme post the pics. Haha but my quest for a nice body is working! 200 push ups, 100 sit ups, then dumbbell trainings. Woooooo!!! I like like like. After O's I'm gonna spar with Farhan and Taufik. Hahahaha. Monday, August 17, 2009
Quote of the day: "Eh shut the fuck up ah. Don't give me comments. Shut the fuck up." :D
Hellooooo world! Today I damn star karat, going to school 30 minutes before recess. Hahaha. Sent all my siblings to school first, then me and dad went over to Tanjong Pagar Railway station to have breakfast. There was this cuuuuute cat there! I wish I could have brought it home. hahaha. K after that went over to SGH! Blah blah blah the MRI was damn cool ah like can feel sensation and some of the young nurses are o.O hehehe. I'll be getting the results on 25th, and hopefully they can tell what's wrong with my back. Insyallah. K, after that dad sent me back to school. At school, I changed speedy gonzalez style so that I could play soccer with the class. woo! It was a superduper hot day. Okay, then amath did some integration stuff. Malay, did a paper. D: Susah jugak, aye. After school went to parkway to go to G2000. I bought 5 stuff costing about $94. But the savings are $122. Awesome, right? hahaha. Bused home after that, with afi. Damn tired, slept throughout the bus ride. ![]() Vicky! Saturday, August 15, 2009
2-1! Absolutely beautiful wining goal by Drogba. From such an acute angle, he managed to get it over Hull City's keeper. I knew Drogba shouldn't leave, and I was right! Both goals in the game scored by him. :D
Okay, so today was a slow day. Woke up at 12.30pm. Turns out we weren't going to Malaysia because my little brother is sick. D: Poor him. Bathed and then ate my brunch. At about 3 I went out to Afghan area to alter my G2000 pants. 3 pants, $14. Not baaad. Then went to YES supermarket to get my brother's milk. The cashier made a mistake and I told her that I bought 2 boxes instead of 1, so I paid up the extra money. The cashier couldn't stop saying thank you. hahahaha. Bought contact lenses solution after that and waited for 291. Then there were these 2 mats cycling along the track. From far they stare at me, then as they passed me also stare at me. What's these mats problem, eh? I just gave them an up to down look and looked away. Ye laaah, matrep cool kan, naik basikal. Orang naik public transport tak cool. At times I don't want to carik pasal, but at other times its just pure fun. Hahahaha. Okay so went home and watched Public Enemies! Good show good show. The rest of the day is just pure boring. I have madrasah tmr. :D I need a black leather belt, a fedora, and a baaaag. *hint hint* hahahaha. Vicky! Friday, August 14, 2009
Sons of Victoria, unite.
We shall not let 133 years of tradition go to waste. We will show that we are something more. & That they will never, EVER, experience our success. Change their names, change their crest, change them. Disgrace, such a disgrace. Hear me, disgrace! We will indeed show them that Victoria is something more. Make her proud, sons of Victoria. Make her stand tall and proud. Today was certainly tiring! Haha. Emath first 3 periods. Mr Z brought Mr Lappy! Hahahaha. Wah, but not Mr Lappy 2.0 alr! cheyh maju majuuuuuu. I studied bio while listening to music but dozed off 45 minutes later and slept for around 30 minutes. After that was Malay, we had a test. Somewhat. Hahahaha, kecoh jugak ah us. Talk talk talk during test. K recess was normal. Then english was the usual. You knoooooow, boring. xD Every sentence is a lullaby, tantalizing me to go to sleep. Veryvery dangerous. Hahahaha. K solat was normal. Then bio mock! Wah I do the structured questions like easy. Then long question ... 30 marks gone. HAHAHA. After that wanted to referee for the 4D vs 4F match, but you know got orang extra ... No comments. He dare to sound Farhan during the match some more. He's going to get it from me and farhan for sure, since he asked for it. Soon. K so I played soccer at the tennis court with my classmates and guys from 4J. I played barefoot and got blisters. Baik ah. After 45 minutes, we were still tied 0-0 despite us having most possesion. Then finally broke the deadlock with a nice Joseph goal. I left after that to go to Roxy Square because Farhan wanted to cut his hair. We went to the bustop and met Cik Rais after that. Saw Asyikin! Hahaha she looks different, definitely. Bused back to school with Farhan and Cik Rais. Talkedtalkedtalked to him about stuff. Haven't met him in quite a while. Alighted at school, then met Hamzah at the canteen. Apparently Mr Amir was there for NSP today so we talked to him quite abit. Haha. Damn, I miss floorball. D: We waited for Saufi for god knows how long, then finally bused back with him, hamzah, afi and fawwaz. During the bus ride while I was reading a book, the lights suddenly switched off. So I let out an accidental loud "damnit" and I heard people laughing. Hahahaha. K, then went home. Dah dah thats my day. I might be going to malaysia tmr. Hope I'll find nice polo tees and shirts there. :D Vicky! Thursday, August 13, 2009
Damnnnnn, this song is so good to rave to. Electronica ftw!
The past few days have certainly been tiring. Tuesday was A-Math mock exam. I finished the paper! Woaaah, well that's a first. Hahaha. Although I'm sure I have quite a few mistakes, I'm confident of passing. :D After A-Math I went for NSP. At 7.30pm I went out to parkway alone to get food for myself and my brothers. But I still managed to study while getting the food. Haha :D Dad picked me up afterwards. Yesterday had no mock exam. But me, taufik and fawwaz wanted to buy something at parkway so the three of us including Saufi, Luqman and Hamzah went there. I bought 3 G2000 pants, same as Taufik, and Fawwaz bought only one. Supernice man the pantsss. I'm getting money to get some polo tees from G2000. Haller! And some long-sleeved shirts from Messy. Shopping spree, yo. xD Ohwell, I need new clothes since I'm growing out of all my clothes now. After parkway, parted with the rest and I trained to Kembangan for my dental. The assistant said I looked so 'abang-abang' now. Hahaha! Chey chey, kembang di kembangan man. Went back home and studied physics. Today was quite ... something. DP and Principal were looking for Darryl. They came to the class to ask us where he was and even announced over the PA system that they were looking for him. And that he needed "serious help". The whole class laughed man. Hahaha. Got back my Chem Mock marks. I got a C5! Well well, improvement I guess. Good. Then, we skipped like half of bio because we had SE quiz, and I spent quite some time walking around and slacking in the toilet after that. Hahahaha, merepek eyh. Then emath was spent talking about ... stuff. Hahaha. Mr Z's the greatest, seriously. His lesson never fails to be entertaining and interesting. After school we played this game where we had to do elevated push ups when we lost scissors paper stone games. So like if you lose, you do 5. But the time spent propping myself up was soooo tiring. So by the time we were supposed to go for Physics mock, all our arms were shaking and tired. Hahahaha. Oh, the physics mock was extremely difficult.. I think I'm going to fail. ): Vicky! Monday, August 10, 2009
Today has been tiring ... Okay I lie. Hahaha. I haven't been doing much today. Started off with my mum shaking me, waking me up at the ungodly time of 9.30am to tell me that tuition was pushed to 10 instead of 11. She interrupted my awesome dream! Damnit D: So I dragged myself out of bed to bathe and blah blah tuition ended at around 12.30pm. Went back home, did some random stuff til 5. Then I slept for a while because I felt really tired. Woke up when my mum asked me to get up to eat, and at the same time my phone vibrated in my hand. Damn, why don't I get some decent sleeping time? xD K so ate like some sotongboy because I was still sleepy, then went to bathe. Did my usual workout + lifted weights so I'm super tired now. Been studying amath for 2 hours, but not really conducive due to Flyboys playing on C5. Hahahaha. Its a superbly good show! I want to fly a plane when I grow up ... and possibly crash it and live to tell the tale. :D I'm expecting tmr to be a long day. A Math mock exam after school, then probably hitting the gym and afterwards I have NSP. Woo! The start of another hectic week. But I love school. :DDDDDD
The Dreamer: You dream of something more than this provincial life you're currently living. You imagine yourself living different lives, you imagine yourself living in different times. You have a creative and free spirit. You have the kindest of hearts and you even encourage the dreams of others. Your life is a mesh of fantasy and reality; you have the unique ability to whisk yourself away in times of hardship and sadness; you have the ability to imagine and believe in bigger and better things. Enduring and strong, you need only yourself, your imagination, and your will to find your way. I love to dream, according to this facebook quiz. Haha. What's the harm of dreaming, right? (: Vicky! Sunday, August 09, 2009
I would have said 'let the pictures do the talking'. But due to Singtel's bitchy attitude, I shall let you enjoy the pictures via multiply/facebook. (I just did a damn complicating thing and blogger's back to being normal. YAY!) Kak Nureeni, I wish you a happy marriage and may it last forever! Although its been ages since I've last talked to you or even seen you, seeing you again brought a wave of emotions back into my heart. I realised that I missed all the people that were significant to me in my childhood! You, Abg Faizal, and others. You guys used to take care of me with Wak Kiah everyday, and certainly its no simple task. I sure want to catch up with you some time, about life and how things have been going for you for the past few years. Haha. Gosh, people grow, people change, and yes, people move into new stages of life. Sometimes it just amazes you how people disappear from your lives, then suddenly appear back again. Married, wow. Certainly something that wasn't on your mind those what, 14 years ago when your mum took care of me? Back then, you were only 11! Gosh. How things change ... And certainly, how you have grown to be a beautiful woman who looks 21 even though you're 25. Haha. :D The link to the pictures: on Facebook Kak Nureeni's wedding on multiply May your marriage be blissfully long and good luck in life(: From the 'annoying little boy'. Haziq. Today has certainly been a tiring day. Started off waking up at 12.30, then by 2 we were out of home to go for the kenduri at Wak Maail's house. Dropped off my siblings and mum, then went to fetch datuk at Macpherson. The hard part was when we had to carry the wheelchair all the way to the second floor because my uncle's house didn't have a lift yet! HAHAHA, sad case eyh. But it was fun carrying the wheelchair with my atuk in it all the way up. x) The kenduri was fine. Cik Sabah brought his baby niece! SO CUTE SIAAAA. She wanted me to carry her, then when I did she just rested her head on my shoulder and stayed there. Aww, right? K after that sent atuk back at around 8. Where me, adib and aat had lotsa fun laughing at the back of the car, disturbing abang hafriz. hahahaha. Then it was back to Wak Maail's house. Era made me her 'boyfriend', stealing me from Kak Fiqah. HAHAHA. Then now both kecoh over it. Kekek rabak seh! At around 9, we went back home.
After that took a quick shower, then did 100 pushups and bang I was off for Kak Nureeni's wedding! As in, the prelude to it since tmr is the real thing. Hahaha. It was nice, really. Its been ages since I've seen her and Abg Faizal! Their mum used to babysit me, and I grew up with them playing alot with me. Because apparently to them, I was so adorable yet annoying. Hahaha. I took a picture with them! I also have it on fb! Checkitout yo! Kak Nureeni is soooooo pretty now. :D Oh, and before I left, she asked me. "Eh eh eh you got anot you got anot you got anot? Girlfriend la!" I stun for a while then said "haha, nah. no girlfriend." Then she was like "Aww haha. Last time you were such an annoying little boy. Skarang, so big and handsome! Takkan takde." Hahaha, aww. Its really been ages since I've talked to her or even seen her. I realised that I missed her and Abg Faisal. I miss many people from my childhood days. I still remember Kak Nadirah! Its been say, 3 years since I've last seen her. D: I hope she comes for Hari Raya this year. I better get abang faisal's and kak nureeni's contacts tmr! haha. ![]() Its so late, I better get some rest. Tmr's gna be a long day! Vicky! Friday, August 07, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Woo! Today was frickin' fun sumpah tak tipuuuuu. Went to school, then the celebrations were quite fun. There was Don't Forget The Lyrics : National Day songs edition. HAHAHAH. Damn nice, especially Mr Chia and Mr Maran singing. Theeeeeen one song Taufik went up on stage. He step don't know the lyrics and used the helpline; call a friend. Who did he have to call? ME! HAHAHA. Damn malu sia, singing in front of the whole school and teachers and principal and vp. Wah, my heart was beating quite fast. BUT I pulled it off and got the lyrics! Haller good kan. We got Singapore flags and a whole big box of giant pocky sticks. YAY! Hahahaha. Fik oh fik, pandai eh kau sabo aku. K, after that watched soccer for awhile. Then was Biology O Level SPA skill 3. Baik sungguh eh, a major exam on a half-day when people are happy like shitszx. So we took it in our PE attires. Kekek benar! Hahaha. Afterwards, played soccer for a while. It was like 20 vs 20 on full field, with people from so many classes playing. Prayers at MKS, then went back with my dad and bro. Took a quick bath at home, then got ready to go to Swensens at airport! Dad wanted to give us a treat. Ate breaded chicken and tried out the new Milo Indulgence. Not that nice, actually. Heh. After that went to the Metro Expo sale! My mum spent quite a large amount lol. I bought myself a pair of slippers, shorts, 3 renoma shirts and a v-neck sleeveless tee. Time for the beach! xD Cool pe. I love the sleeveless tee. I think I'm gna go get another one. :D Went home, then after praying I walked over to Simei to collect my phone. They changed the software and blah3. Damn, SE quality sucks now. Hahaha. I will get LG or Samsung after O's! :P K, I guess I should be getting some sleep. Tired, 200 pushups again! :D Hahahaha. Vicky! Thursday, August 06, 2009
Woo! Physics SPA today was fine. :D Good enough that we actually guessed the right experiment we had to design, beforehand. x) awesome ah my class. School was normal, really normal. Hahaha. Boring, some parts. Oh yeah, had health checkup! Hahaha I'm short. xD Ohwell whats new. After that had free time so when I got tired of studying physics, I just lay down on the tables and slept. Like really really slept. So nice, the wind on the 7th floor. Oh, but today the haze was really very bad! Like srzly. Can see it quite obviously. Yeaaah. After physics SPA, followed fik and farhan to parkway for a moment to get something from 77th Street. Then I waited for Saufi, and went to Simei afterwards. MY PHONE KILLED ITSELF! hahaha its spoilt. I can't open the contact list. =X damnshits. The spare phone I'm using now is like ancient like 2 years ago and its quite thick. At least 2 times thicker than my c902. D: Ohwell, ader phone happy lah. :D After that went home. I slept from 6.30pm to 9pm zomg! Tired shit sia. Hahahaha, but luckily I managed to finish my 200 push ups for the day and do my lifting of weights. :D
Wish me luck & pray for me to do well for Bio SPA tmr! Celebrations and then SPA. baik pe. Vicky! Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Wow, I'm really tired. And that's really quite an understatement. The past 2 days, I have been returning home at 10.30pm and lifting weights and doing my usual workout at like 11.30! Like woaaaah. Because of NSP, of course. But NSP's been both fun and productive. I really love the school when its dark. I haven't been to school at night in ages. Especially walking alone on the 7th floor, fuuyoh shiok. No thoughts about studies or the shitszx, but pure calm for my mind. Really relaxing to me. K, so today was Chem O Level SPA skill 3. It was pretty much easy because I did design and experiment like that too, previously. Tmr is physics!!! Omg, I'm quite scared. Its unpredictable what could come out for physics. Mr Imran has given us so many different experiments to design, we don't know what to expect. Bismillah je lah. :D After SPA anw, went to tampines to get stuff at popular. Then duduk2 at Macs with the dudes to talk about random stuff. Something happened to Afi today, eyh? ;D HAHAHA. Relax ah dude.
Pray that I'll do well for physics tmr, and bio on friday! :D Vicky! Ramadhan soon. Hari raya next. O's thereafter. ENJOYMENT FOREVER! Monday, August 03, 2009
Today was certainly, without any doubt, tiring. The day passed off fine. Soccer during PE was great! Won the other team 4-1. Set us pretty nice assists, eh. x) MT was ... damn frustrating. Ohwell that's life for me. hahaha. After school, went for Geog ESP. Then we played soccer at the parade square! Omg that was damn fun. hahaha. Then I continued to play soccer but down at the field. Tiring fo shizz! At around 6.30, I stopped and took my bath. Then NSP. Finished around 9.15, got home at 10.30. Baik ah, so late. So tired! D: Another round tmr. hahaha damn.
Vicky! Sunday, August 02, 2009
700th post! Wow, this blog has sure gone far. hahahaha.
Today was frustrating. But better at the end. Thanks Farahin, Farhan, Haseena and Ibrahim for calming me down. I owe your guys something, certainly. K madrasah was usual. Nothing spectacular but I came 45 minutes late hahaha. Then went back home with Ibrahim as usual. Talked about stuff. He's a great guy to talk to. Unfortunately, I only meet him once a week. hahaha. K, I realised one thing about myself today. I am not gonna get married early and get all those lovey dovey stuff when I'm frickin' 23. I want to live my life to the maximum, own a nice car(preferably a BMW), live in a nice house alone maybe, spend money on myself to groom myself with nice clothes and the stuff, and of course occasionally date around. I'm not the type to get ready to settle down at 28, to be a one-girl guy. Get what I mean? I want to live life to the fullest, be happy and enjoy life. That all, before I settle down for all the family stuff. Sometimes I figure, life is short so we should live it to the max. Never regret what you do, because its done and it all brings you forward to your next part in life. To be in love, and to get crushed. No, I don't work that way. To be in a family and be disappointed by your wife, your kids. Be hated by your kids. What for? Love, it is just a name of something we feel, but something that even the smartest person on earth cannot figure out. I seriously despise being in relationships that don't work out. Don't get my wrong, I love that feeling in a relationship. I want it to last! But when it fades, it fades. That's what sucks. Don't think I don't have a heart; I do. A heart that's been turned over and changed from a combination of failed relationships, family problems and friendship problems. I no longer view the world as happy and caring for everyone. We all know this world is full of deceit, full of lies. Turn to the person next to you and ask if they love you. They do, but deep inside there is one thing that they are bound to hate about you. Don't believe me, ask around. The only thing I believe in strongly is my brotherhood. & of course, my good friends. There are 8 people I truly treasure and appreciate. No names, but you must guess who. It ain't necessary that I spend everyday with you and you're in that list. 2 people I can safely name are of course, Farhan and Taufik. Been with me through thick and thin. Like almost all those 8 people in the list. Other than that, I find that the world isn't really a bed of roses. Thats why I say, live life and never regret it. If you do, then knock yourself in your damn head. I better get some sleep, school tmr. (: Vicky! Saturday, August 01, 2009
Ohwell ohwell. I'm stuck at home because my parents didn't let me go out to see the fireworks. -.- GRR MARAH! I didn't get to see it either with Farhan & Fik, or with Ayuni who wanted to go with me. Damnit lah! I wanted to go see the fireworks.
Okay so yesterday was fine. Long day, really long. Started off with emath, and did some work. Then MT, did the usual newspaper assignment. Recess, ate. Nasi padang food is really not appetizing now. K so after that was english. Slept most of the time. Really tired! After school, was solat. Nothing to say about that. Theeeeen, HMT mock exam! Omg damn boring. I finished the paper in an hour, then rest. Talked to farhan also quite a bit. & sms-ed people when I got really bored. xD The exam hall damn cold lah. After the mock exam, a whole group of us went to eat at Parkway hawker centre. Wah, long time since I've been there. The guy knew the 'chief' farhan, so we got discounts. ^ ^ After that me fik and luqman went back to school for NSP. We spent most of NSP listening and discussing about ghost stories anw, so didn't really study. Hahahaha. Me, Fik, Saufi, Hidayat and Ms Hashima. Baik ah. Got back home at 1030. Good day, good day. Today was boring! Woke up at 7 to go for math tuition. Math tuition was productive, really. And the girl quite eye candy. x) hahaha. After that went home and used computer for a while. Then slept til 5. Bathed, then watch HP. Like finally, the new show. It was okay, just that I expected more fighting scenes. Good show good show. :D I felt empty today. I don't know why, really. I realised that I really miss floorball. & Hockey. Every saturday people come down to play hockey at the turf near my house. I want to join them! As for floorball, I don't know where to play. D: Ohwell. I'll have to wait after O's for div 4! Vicky! |
My thoughts tend to sound better in books I didn’t write, and in the songs I didn’t sing.
Even then, sometimes there is no piece of literature, no song, no work of art that can really explain the way you feel.
There is a double-edge comfort in knowing that no one really knows.
Muhammad Haziq Bin Azmi
20th August 1993 Meridian Junior College/Victoria Junior College/Victoria School
Kay Fong
Qi En
Sarah Alissa
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