BAM! :D Wah, I'm so tired man sumpah tak tipu duit tak rugi. Soooooo, today school was normal. Had a shitload of lessons! Almost nodded off in English. Cikgu didn't come for malay, so we sat around 'studying'. xD A point to note is that I only spent $1.50 on food in recess today! Woohoo some applause please. I used to spend $3 alone on food, excluding drinks. Heh. Just that the new canteen food is cheaper. But I miss the old canteen aunties! Soooo anyway, after school I went to gym with Farhan! Well, I tried out abitabit, because I tried a few of the machines and my back hindered me from hitting full steam. Ohwells. Went back home after that. Oh ya! Bumped into Nini Carlina And Asyura at the interchange. We walked past and I realised that I knew them only after walking past, so I turned back and they were looking at me too. :D Oh yeah, yesterday! Plus point ah this one. First day of the term. The lessons were suh-lack! Had Assembly in the morn', then 2 periods before recess was PE! Played soccer as usual. Won the other team 7-1, I think. I only scored one. :D After recess had Emath. We were released at 1.05 because of the AYG torch relay. So I met the other sec 4 floorballers and we went to the Indoor Sports Hall. The gerflor had alr been set out! But as Mr Amir said, it was second-hand flooring because it was meant to be tougher to play on and better to train with. I certainly found it harder to control the ball, but apart from that, slapshots on it was a faaaaaaar better feeling. So anyway, we played til 4pm. Then was the torch relay! Haha. Eugene, Haseef and Hidayat ran. Aiya, not such a big hooha event but still it was cool. After that we could leave for home, so I went home and rested and studied abit. :D Oh yeah! Tmr I have dental. Haha awesome. I shall go make some bright colour. Hmm like what eh. Nevermind, I'll see there. Any special requests? Heheh. Vicky!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Last day of June hols!
Ohmaholybanana school is starting tmr! I can't believe that the holidays have ended. It seemed so short. Heh. Ohwell, this holidays were full of ups and downs. But I certainly had fun(: Especially with my brothers. The next holiday is December! And it'll be after O's like ohmaholyfun. :D I'll certainly be looking forward to it. Soooo, today was quite ... something. haha. Woke up at 12, helped my dad paint the walls on the first floor a little bit. Maybe next week will be the second floor. But anyway, some of the walls are now yellow! So bright. Like my victorian PE t-shirt yellow. Supaaaa bright. ;D Anyway, after that nearly injured my back again pushing back all the furniture. For those who's been in my house, you should know that my house got alot of wooden/jati furniture. Super heavy k. Sooo at around 2.30, Saufi called me saying he was bored and wanted to go out. So I was like, oh what the hell its the last day of the holidays. So at 4.30 I was at tampines interchange with him. Luqman and Farhan couldn't make it, so yeah. We berdua2 sahajalah. Cun saja kan saufi. xD Walked around, then made our way to ehub and played arcade! Hahahaha. Then ate and went back home. I was home by 7.30, amazing. I guess I just had to make the last day count. :X One thing's for sure, I'm looking forward to school! I don't know why. Probably because I look forward to it everyday, because there are cool teachers, amazing friends, and an awesome environment. Tomorrow I'll be having school till night, because we have to attend some AYG thing. Will be tiring, but I'm excited to be taking part in such an event. Hey, how often does these stuff happen? Haha. So I must make it count. ;D Good luck. Term 3, Day 1. Nil Sine Labore. Vicky!
As the days pass, I feel myself getting happier and happier and happier. Hey, I guess life's going uphill now. I'm just awaiting that one dreaded thing; the O's! Hahaha. Well, who ain't eh? ;D You know, I guess its true when they say with each ending comes a new beginning. The end of my suffering, and the start of my enjoyment(somewhat). I foresee 4 great months of studying and stressing myself out, but with my brothers by my side. I realised that we never drifted apart. We merely got stagnant, and then grew stronger. Members Inc. all the way man! :DD Soooo, today's plan to go jogging with saufi after suboh got cancelled because his mom was in the way. Yeah man she covered the damn door. xD Kidding. She didn't let him! Grr. Sooo, woke up at 12+, then used the computer, watched tv, yadaa2. Then at around 4, my relatives from KL came over. So talked and entertained the guests, and not to mention there was alot of good food. :D I love it when people come over, because that means my maid/mom will cook good stuff. Heh. So yeah, my plan to go jogging at 5+ got cancelled too, because the guests were at the house till 7.30pm. After that, watched tv and just slacked around waiting for stuff to happen. xD Oh yeaaaah! School's starting soon. I'm actually looking forward to it, I have no idea why. I guess its because I can meet my brothers everyday. & My plan is this. Everyday school, then every 2 days I will hit the gym after school, then everyday I will study! Hahahaha good plan good plan. All the way for 8 points in O's! :D Insyallah. Happily ever after (k fine, not yet) Vicky!
Just Take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality Because nothing is ever as it seems This life is but a dream
Live high, living my life. Life takes its blows at you, knocking you down one blow after the other. But with that strong will, you get up, and give Life that knockout blow to the face. That my people, is living high. Live high I shall. Live high. Live mighty. Live righteously. Taking it easy.
 A tribute to the king of pop, Michael Joseph Jackson (29 August 1958 - 25 June 2009). He was one of my favourite singers when I was small, and still remains to be someone I support even though he was charged in court for child molestation. Rest In Peace. No more nice moonwalking from him. x)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen
Woah, today was tiring! But totally awesome, and I'm sure many can agree with me. :D Woke up at 8.30, met Luqman at 9.30. Then, we 17-ed to ehub and met saufi and farhan who were there early. Sat around, talked with them and waited while the whole group of 11 boys gathered. Like woaaaah, 11 boys? Amazing. Satu geng! hahaha. Soooo, after waiting for quite a while and crapping around at the arcade, we went to watch ... jeng jeng jeng. TRANSFORMERS : REVENGE OF THE FALLEN! Wait, lemme list down the names of the guys. Me Saufi Farhan Afi Luqman Ziyad Wisnuh Fawwaz Azmi Izzat Dzafir.  The show was amazing. Graphics, special effects, explosions, fight scenes, the sounds, the whole movie, and of course not to mention MEGAN FOX *drools*. Okay, a boy can dream. Megan is like the ultimate woman! The body, the face, the eyes. Haiyooooo, if I get a wife like that, I won't even want to come back from my honeymoon. xD Okay enough about het. The show was 2 and a half hours full of jam-packed action. I enjoyed the movie very much, and give it 4/5. Come on, who gives a shit about storyline when this movie is all about being LOUD! And I admit, they really did a good job with the special effects. The number of robots at the climax was uncountable. I highly recommend people to go catch it if you haven't! Certainly worth my 2 and a half hours and $8.50. :D I might even catch it a second time. Oh yeah, bumped into Haseena. She was going up I was going down. I was quite shocked and so, being the sotong that I am, just waved blankly back at her. She called me a mangkok hahahaha. Tsk, you and your horse eh cna! So anyway, after that we went to grab a bite at the food court. After likeee, quite long there we went over to Orchid Bowl to play a round of bowling! Only 6 people ah. Me Azmi Ziyad Fawwaz Luqman Saufi. It was an okay2 game haha. didn't do quite well but saufi was much pissed off about his. x) but he cooled down afterwards. Of course, the part-timer whaaat. :D After that, we pondered on a place to pray and decided on Farhan's house. So we rushed there to pray zohor and along with asar. We ended up playing games like Tai-ti, 5-card draw, Indian poker and Murderer. After a few rounds playing, most of them left, leaving me saufi luqman and farhan. From there we had a really nice brotherly talk all the way till 7.30pm. I realised that I love this types of lepak2 and talking with my brothers about any topic under the sun. And the thing is, they also do so we totally click. That's why I say, members skarang, members selamernye. :D I wish never to lose this kind of brothers. That basically wraps up my day, from 10am to 8pm. (:   I guess life can only get better. Vicky!
 BAM! :D WOOOOOO! I'm so tired. I got back at about 11.30pm from Simpang with my brothers from other mothers! Planned to meet them at 7.45, then we stayed there till 10.45. Champion. We ate for 30 minutes and talked the rest of the way. It was fun! And of course, funny. Totally cleared up the mess in my head and made my heart go from down to UP! The magic of the members, of course. We talked about alot! Like what to do after O's, ghosts, funny events, but basically we talked alot about what to do after O's. We're going to have a sleepover at the beach, 3D2N! Back to basics. Hahaha. Since the overseas trip was cancelled, I guess thats good enough. But of course, after that we won't rest. We'll keep on thinking of what to do. Heh. Even planning about jalan raya after O's even though raya has finished, because we need the $$! Yeaaaaaah. But it'll be weird. xD We have big plans after O's. DAMN BIG plans :D Well, sure we got big plans. But O's is just round the corner and I must concentrate. Anyway, thanks Ziyad Farhan Taufik Luqman Wisnuh for totally cheering me up! Hey, heartbreak's painful. I'm still feeling the pain. But happiness is like cementing the cracks made in my heart. As Luqman said, its okay to feel sad but its how I bounce back from this sadness that matters. All I can say is that my brothers (and also, sisters) have made me feel so much better and tried so hard to cheer me up, and I want to say thanks. Saufi who stayed up till late at night to talk to me. Haseena who always tries to make me happy. Farahin who was there for me. Su who went through the same thing as me and adviced me on it. And basically, the rest of the people out there who made me feel better! Of course I'm sad, but you guys made it so much better. & I've moved from the elite doubles club in Members Inc. to the elite Single Mingle club! Hahaha. Quoted from Luqman, 'Single, available, ready to mingle and open to scandals.' How can I stay sad for long with such friends. They made me smile. They made me laugh. They made me cry because I laughed too much! I hope this is as far as the shit goes. Because tomorrow, I'm waking up to find the old haziq back! The goofy goober happy ass haziq. :D Vicky!
Sering aku hanya terpaku Bila kamu di hadapanku Dan sering bayangan senyumanmu kan menjelma di dalam lena ku Ternyata kamu lah terindah insan Impianku Ketahui lah kasih tiada siapa lagi dihatikuWell well. Everything in life has its end. I just experienced an ending. One that leaves me very sad. But hey, life's life. Thanks to those who were there for me. A few tears doesn't hurt. Staring at sky does help a little bit. Life's full of merde, how can I forget. Thanks for the memories, Vicky.
A pile of shit with a cherry on top(: Okay so, moving on. I won't talk about the trip to Terengganu and KL because there was nothing extravagant or super about it. I just loved the resorts we stayed in. Well worth the money and the 9-hour car trip there. I didn't do any shopping, just relaxed entirely there. I looked forward to coming back home and hey, I'm back! :D K so anyway, this attached is a picture of the individual chalets we were provided at Terengganu.  Most of the furnishings were of wood and as you can see, the chalet itself is made of wood. Totally awesome and comfortably. Oh, and we had an opportunity to view the suites because my dad was very nice to the staff there. Heh. The suites were much more extravagant and totally beautiful. After this resort we took at 6-hour car trip down to Cyberjaya. A hotel we were familiar with; Cyberview Resort and Spa. Nothing much to say, except that I relaxed alot and I didn't get my Valentino polo tee. ): Did some bowling and although my first game wasn't good, I scored a somewhat better 92 in my second game. Not good enough though! K, then back to Singapore. Luckily the causeway had no jam. Buuuut I gotta say, the road leading back and to the new immigration centre in Malaysia has so many twists and turns! Like my dad says, they could host a damn F1 race there. Hahaha. K, so back home I did nothing much. Texted my buddies and got back to normal life. Caught up with the members on their lives and finally got to talk to Haseena and Farahin! Hahaha. My bestest buddy and my sista from anotha mothaaaaa. So yeah, basically did that on Friday evening when I got back. I couldn't talk and eat much though, my tonsil hurt so much! And its still hurting now. I haven't gone to the doctor, and I'm not planning to. Haiyaaaa, I better start on my homework soon. x) Been putting it off. Anyway, I had no mood today. Because of something that happened last night. Which made me totally sad but now I'm feeling slightly better. But I can still feel it weighing my heart down. I'll listen to Saufi and Haseena's advice to fikir masak-masak and don't be too affected. Ohwell. Life's full of shit, ain't it? Anyway, I was hoping to lead a better and much happier life after returning. But I guess it was just not meant to be. Damn, they say life's full of ups and downs. Seems like I'm trekking through a 100-kilometre wide valley right now. So deep and so far. Life's just too damn full of merde. Vicky!
 Lessons learnt, things regretted, time wasted. Karma oh karma. All I can do is pray. And pray, I will. Afterall, that's the only thing that keeps me calm. God.
 I'm back. And ready to face the world! You said you would be there for me, but in the end you're gone with the wind. Why is it not a surprise to me, why. I want to migrate to Abu Dhabi when I turn 25.
This trip has been fine, so far. Except for the fact that I totally flipped out today. I got totally pissed off with my mum that I shouted at her for the whole of the McDonald's outlet to hear. Now, 4 hours after the incident, I still have yet to cool down. & I thought I was somebody who liked to bersabar. Ohwell. I shall blog about the trip when I get back to Singapore. Anyway guys, to answer your questions, in terengganu there was free resort-wide Wi-Fi, so I surfed the internet on my psp. And now in KL, there's a computer in every room, so here I am again surfing the net. 3 more days! I'm physically in KL, but I left my heart and soul in Singapore. I am sooo not enjoying this 'holiday'. ): Seriously. I miss so many people in Singapore.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Musical World 23
       One week's passed. I'm back(: Yesterday was fun! In the morning, headed down to school with saufi to have dikir barat. The song is pretty difficult, but the strange thing about it is that its about rokok. Typical mat song for dikir barat xD. Wait, I'll post the lyrics. Degap degup jantung berbunyi, Alunan naluri,Aliran darah berpusing, Sepuluh jemari(x3). Bara bernyawa, Petikan api, Petikan api sembrani. Seraut manis mencerut,Tarikan nafas api.It was quite hard to sing but I got used to it and love it! haha. With the tune and everything. I think this year's dikir is gonna put up a good show. So dikir ended at 1, then I went to MKS to solat. After solat, me saufi afi hmz and deen lepak-ed around at Macs for a little while, then seperated at 3pm. I got back home, got ready and everything and soon it was 6. Bathed, got ready and everything and theeeeen I went to Tanah Merah to meet Irah. I waited for 15 minutes, and she finally came. Wearing a skirt! Imagine my shock. Hahaha. My baby always told me she hated skirts and would never wear one, but I guess things changed xD. After that, we trained to Eunos to meet Farhan and Huda. Trained with them to City Hall and then met Saufi and Mar at Victoria Concert Hall itself. We decided to go in first, because it was already nearing 7.30pm. Found seats and enjoyed the show(: There was a slight confusion on our part for a while, but it was sorted out soon after. The concert lasted well til 9.45pm, because they did an encore. But it was perfect! I loved the last piece, the 'American Graffiti XVI oldies' by Naohiro Iwai. The piece was super nice, and played even more perfectly by the Victoria School Concert Band! :D There was one part where the tuba dropped, but I completely forgot about it due to the superb music played by the band. Bravo, VSCB! After the concert, we told Irah and Huda the Singapore joke! hahaha, omg kecoh kecooooh. Like a whole group of us doing it. freakin' funny! Unfortunately Saufi wasn't there to experience it. Hahahahaha. Gets me laughing eveytime I think about it. Anyway, after that we went over to Funan's McDonalds to get something to EAT! Favourite activity ah, what else. Hah. I got a meal, but Irah didn't eat because she didn't have the appetite. My poor sick gf. D: After that, me and Irah parted ways with the rest earlier because she was expected home. I sent her all the way to Bedok Int and waved her goodbye there. She seemed so tired on the journey back. I should have sent her all the way back to her block, but my sister was already waiting for me and Tampines Interchange. After that, I train-ed back home with Saufi to Tampines. Parted ways with him and took 292 back with sis. Fun, enjoyable, but certainly tiring day. :D Oh yeah, and for those who haven't heard, I'll be leaving for Malaysia from tmr til Friday. I'll actually be looking forward to it because we'll be staying in 2 totally super duper awesome resorts! I get to rest this tired mind of mine(: But the downside is that I'll miss my babygirl. I love you kay to the power of infinity and beyond! And my sista from anotha motha, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip to KL and better update me on anything once I get back from the Capital of Mats/Minahs! ;D Vicky!
Happiness. Some are really happy. Others just hide behind their happiness.
If only love was the solution to everything. If only.
You know my patience has its limits, yet why do you make me wait?
fantasy; an imagined or conjured up sequence fulfilling a psychological need. does it hurt?
I used to have so much protection around this little heart of mine. A thousand walls, standing strong, surrounding the item that is so prone to emotion and influence. Yet, as months passed, those walls got broken down again and again, with only my scaled-down spirit protecting the fortress. But as time passed, the defences started growing weaker. And weaker. I was much more prone to emotions. There were times when I held myself together and defended what threatened to break down those walls. Yet, attacks if repeated over and over again, will succeed through anything. And so today, the last of those defences failed. The last wall was broken down, exposing the thing it protected so prone to emotions, overwhelming me. For the first time in nearly a year, I cried. Some might say, its normal to cry. No, not to me. I used to have a spirit so strong that it was able to carry me through challenges without being affected, leaving me walking with my head held high. But now, it's dwarfed compared to what it used to be. Now, what am I supposed to do with my heart exposed to the elements of fucked up life? Pick up the pieces and rebuild they should say. But how. Today proved to be a breaking point for me. After months and months of disappointment, sadness, anger, today was the climax of it all. I was at my lowest. Hearing the screams and shouts of my mother was like a whip lashing itself at my heart, bringing with it anger, regret, remorse. I tried to keep myself together, but the damage was done. Hurting, dreading, feeling like shit. I let a tear flow. And others kept flowing. Its funny how you try to console yourself, saying you'll prove anyone wrong, but at the same time you feel your confidence and self-esteem going down lower and lower as each word pierces itself into your heart. I left the house with tears flowing, thinking to myself about what I could do, what I should do. Thought of death flashed in my mind, but I brushed it aside. I was taught to be resilient, strong, and to believe. Whatever it is, there is that last defence against the thought planted into my mind by the damned. But then, to be resilent, strong and to believe in whatever else in life? That was not in my mind. The facts are against me. I'm running out of time. & To stay strong, to be resilent, to believe in myself and everything around me I shall. This shall be a stepping stone for me, to reach greater heights. I shall rise up again, as a new person, or maybe as the person I was before. With a strong will, happy no matter what, holding my head high, and most importantly, believing in myself. I'm taking a break for a week to sort out my life. I might disappear in some people's lives, so sorry for that. Where's my babygirl when I need her. One wish.
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF EXTENDED STUDIES! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH. :D I is so damn happy. Today passed by relatively fast. I woke up at 7.05am when I was supposed to be out of the house at 7am! haha. So rushed through my bath and got ready and went out of the house at 7.45am. Buuuuut, I said to myself, I'm already so late. So HEY! I took my time to go to school. Heh. Reached school at 8.30am, and then had chem. After chem was physics. We set the class clock to 15 minutes faster than it was supposed to be, and Mr Imran got tricked! We got released 15 minutes early. xD So mischieveous eh. hahaha. Ate, and then met Mrs Wong at the staffroom for Chem SPA filing. After that was the auditorium, for SS lecture. After SS lecture was Mr Low's talk to us, after we got back our report books! I discovered that I didn't get my expected 33, instead I got 27! Its okay la, much better than a 33, right? So after that, was prayers. Arrived in the nick of time. After prayers had the Critical Inquiry workshop, agaaaaain. But fortunately, it was our last lesson! :D I got free Oreos again. Nyeh. After workshop, went over to parkway. Hafidzhin Dzafir Hamzah went to eat, as they waited for me while I cut my hair at Joemil. Like, finally! I haven't cut my hair in 2 months. My tail is quite long seh. After that, went back alone on 31. Slept all the way back to Tampines Interchange! Tired, fo' shiz. So anyway, I reached the interchange and I met Frin! Like, what a coincidence. She asked me to take 28 with her, so I did. Reached home at 7.30pm, and noooooow here I am, blogging! Haha. Oh yeah, tmr I have SPCA flag day. I wonder if I should go. Ms Leow never told us anything! Sooooooo, heheh. But there are some of my friends going. Should I go? :X Vicky!
I am seriously damn tired! D: Normal routine today, woke up at 6am and reached home at 7pm. Start of the day, was geog. AMAZINGLY I didn't sleep but listened intently. Oh ya, I forgot to mention. Our class got 'quarantined' because one of the guys got HMFD. x) Okay, after geog was English! Had some mass lecture at the auditorium. My class was making hell lot of noise! And whatever kallang wave everything. I don't understand why they were soooo damn high. hahaha. So after that was recess, with the usual shitty ISS food. After recess, was a solid 2 hours 55 minutes of math! I likeeee. heh. I listened and did work like a good boy :D Like alwaaaays. After school had the Critical Inquiry Course till about, 5.30pm. Prayed, then bus-ed back home. Met farahin and got the chance to talk to her after treating to the thirsty girl a drink. x) So yeah, then went back home together and reached home at 7. Totally tired! I've got homework, some more. Haaaaaiya, so stressed! haha. O's coming in a few months. Study! :D Vicky! -And he bows out, with his name stuck in everyone's mind.
Today is such a tiring and disappointing day. D: I got back home at 7, and after bathing and everything I wanted to study bio. But I fell asleep at8.30 ._. So I ended up not studying bio, and then suddenly I woke up again at 1145. & Till now, I'm wide awake. I'm so damn tired! & Syg, I miss you so so much lah really. Where are youuuuuuuuuuuu. I love you! :D Omg, a 73.5 million pound bid for Kaka? Chelsea rockssssss. Vicky!
TODAY WAS SO GODDAMN TIRING. Okay la, god didn't damn it but it was tiring. Woke up at 6.20, and left home at 7. Took 31 and reached school at 8, although school started at 7.45. Champion! :D So first off was Bio. Got back results. I got a holy D7. Then was Chem, just went through the paper. I got E8. Then after recess was SS/Geog. I got C6! 50 on the dot. I am so very happy. I finally passed humans! :DDDD After that was math. I failed A-Math. DDDD: E8. I am so disappointed in myself. A-Math was one subject I was expecting to do relatively well because I studies and practised soooooo hard for it. D; My prelim 1 results = fucking screwed. Like srzly, I screwed it up like to the fucking core. I must study. 8 points for O's! I can and will do it. I shall prove the others wrong. Sooooo, after school had this English Critical Inquiry course. Thank god they bought Pizza for us! I was starving to the max. The course was relatively interesting, too. :D After that, thought of going to Simpang Bedok. But instead, just headed straight back home with Luqman. Tmr I have to meet the VJ teacher for DSA! Wish me luck people. :D Followed by the Critical Inquiry Course, again. Long day it will be, tmr. Vicky! - You got me lifted, feeling so gifted.
Big news! Carlo Ancelotti has been confirmed as Chelsea manager! Heehe. & Apparently, he has been promised at 100millionpound warchest to spend on the transfers. That is alot. Like srzly. Lets hope he'll bring success to Chelsea! So, lets talk about today. It was tiring! Woke up at around 12, being a little piggy sleeping for 10 hours. Bathed, slacked around and then got ready for training. Left the house and reached school at 3.15, when training started at 3. Baik ah. Joined in, and one part I screwed up in the drill. I was called the CC Mat by Mr Amir! hahaha. Chai Chee Mat. tsk3! So yeah, after that we played matches. My juniors are DAMN LAZY. We played a 15-minute period. So then, I was playing 10 minutes of it because my team lacked players. & The rest kept subbing in and out among themselves without caring about dear ol' haziq! xD The second 15-minute period was the same too. Tired, fo shizz! :D My stamina is still like shiet. But I have gotten back a lil' bit of my touch. ;DDDDDDDDDD After training, took 966 to Bukit Panjang. Took LRT to my cousin's house. I spent like, 1 and a half hours on that journey! Fucking tired. Then, only spent like, half an hour there. :X Went back home and here I am! Blogging while trying to ignore the migraine that I'm having. I have school tmr! How great. Hah. And after school, some English course thingy. Damn you buggers who alr started the holiday and stay at home resting/slacking. I envy you. :D K, I'm off! To sleep. So early, aye. Vicky!