I have training tmr! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :D Floorball is the sex. I feel satisfaction and pleasure while playing. & I got the green light to get a new stick! Double yay. My aged and worn out Blast Enemy which has seen me through 2 silver medals, Has to be replaced eventually, right? So yeah, I'm getting (hopefully) the Fatpipe Sweepsta. Annnnd if I have enough I'll get a stickbag too. And I need to get a ball. Plus headband and wristbands. Woah, big plans big plans. xD Vicky!
Good day humans! :D Life has been fair to me nowadays. Not much shit happening. Let me post about my past ... 2 days! So, on Wednesday I had school. Checked out E-Math scripts. I got a B3! Like freaaaaaaaaaaking sad. But still, its good enough. :DDDD The rest of the day was suh-lack! Supposed to have HML, but only checked out P1 scripts and watched 'Pensel'. I watched it before, so ended up playing my psp. x) After school, I slacked around with Saufi, Afi and Isk before leaving for floorball training at 3. Like finally! I got to play floorball. :DDDDDDDDDDDD Supa happy. But one thing I discovered after 2 months plus not playing floorball, I am DAMN off form! D: Oh well. I need to train up, so that I can perform during DSA trials. (: Anyway, I went back home after that. Asked my parents if I could go watch soccer with friends and yes, I could! Soooooooo, I was damn happy la. xD Met Afi and Luqman at some bustop at 10pm, then reached Farhan's house at 10.30. Crapped around, and then we took a short nap til 2am. Then, we bought ourselves some red bull and made our way over to Hamzah's house. Watched the Champion's League Finals! BARCA WON 2-0 WOOOOOTS. They outplayed Man Utd, I could say. Seriously speaking. Around 4.45am, we went back to Farhan's house. Bathed, and went to Pasir Ris Int. While others were walking to work/school, we were busy eating and slacking away at Anana's Cafe. xD At 6.30, we left for school. And my summary for what happened in school? SLEEP! haaha. Seriously. We had a half-day, which was spent with HML class, inside an airconditioned-room. Stole a cushion from the couch and look at the results!  All of us who watched the match slept from like, 8-10. Krazy. xD Afterwhich, I went straight back home and got 5 hours of sleep. Btw, none of that in the pic is me. Today! Was a slack day, yet again. HML class all the way! Haha. Went through P2. Disappointing shiet. After that, we had free period, although it was technically still HML lesson. Me, Haaziq, Farhan, and a few others were busy throwing water bombs at people at floors below. :B Recess was a supa sad occasion. The canteen aunties which had supplied us with food and drinks for 4 years were leaving. ): Their company lost the tender for the school canteen. So in the end, the aunties gave us free foooooooood! haha. Because they know most of us malay boys and we always joke around with them while buying food and everything. Seriously, its saddening. D: Uncle Foo's leaving too! DD: Goodbye to good food. Goodbye. I will miss you good canteen food. And the aunties who supplied us with that good food. Byebye. D; Okay moving on, still had HML lesson. BUUUUUT it was slackish and most people slept/listened to music/played psp/talked krap. Fun. We, Farhan and Taufik were krapping around at the back of the room. And they got a new nickname for me. "Pleasure factory." Don't ask me why. xD After school had prayers, afterwhich my dad sent me and my little brother home. Bathed, got ready, and went over to TM Swensens to celebrate my sister's birthday! Went shopping for abit, then now I'm home. x) gosh so boring. I wna go out tmr. & Babygirl, why has your phone have to spoil nooooow. D: I miss you to the power of infinity and beyond! (imagines buzz lightyear). Love you :D
When you smile, the whole world smiles with you. When you cry, only one stands by you.I hold by this, because I know this has a lot of meaning in it. But one thing's for sure, I know I have brothers that will stand by me. Especially those who were there at fik's house yesterday, No matter the ones who left early or stayed there even later than me when I left at 1030. Because your presence there meant one thing. You stayed true to what our brotherhood meant, Even celebrating together when others simply said, 'No, I do not want to celebrate with you guys." You know who you are. And no, I'm not talking about you whose parents tak kasi and you with the sore eye. xD I appreciate the times spent with you guys, Not with those who when faced with hard times, simply say they are a burden or feel left out, and leave the brotherhood. Albeit temporarily or permanently. I bear no grudge. But things would be better if they were faced together. I was quite sad to see an incomplete after-exam gathering at fik's house ystd. ): So yeah, yesterday was the last paper! A Math P2. It was frickin' difficult. To me, harder than paper 1. D: After the paper, I didn't even feel the usual, 'Hey the exams are over, lets scream and shout!". I just lingered around, watching people pass. The feeling still did not come. So I went home and slacked around, played computer for a while. At 3 plus. I left for Taufik's house, alooooooooone. haha. Reached there, discovered only Ziyad Izzat and Fawwaz in the pool. I joined them after a moment, only to discover that Taufik was still at Tampines Mall with KitKat. So we played around quite abit, and Wisnuh and Farhan came over after a while to join us. Taufik finally came at 6, then followed by Saufi. We wrapped up the swimming by 6.45pm. Washed up, prayed and the some of them strum the guitars. After praying Maghrib, all of us took a trip to Simpang Bedok because we were freaking hungry! I ordered a Nasi Goreng Pattaya which cost me $5, but it was well worth the money. High quality and quantity. hahaha. So after an hour, we left for taufik's house. Wisnuh and Izzat had to go, so we split ways. Reached fik's house, then we went down to the tennis court because fik had tennis. We watched him while talking about random stuff with his dad. And then babygirl called me! nyeheh I talked to her for half an hour, more or less. Miss her so much. Okaaay so ya, I went back home at 10.30pm, after negotiating with my parents about me going home late. Like, they scolded my because I wasn't home by 9.30pm. I totally flipped. Its frickin' 9.30pm. So early. And the excuse was, "Just one exam ended, O levels not yet." So I said, "Ya, then later after O levels I want to go out you say results not yet so cannot. Then later if results bad, you ask me study hard for JC so cannot go out. Then if results good, you say I enter good JC later cannot cope well so must start studying early. Then cannot go out because why? A levels. After A levels I want to go out you say no, why? Because I'll be going for NS and you'll miss me and you say must spend more time with family. So you tell me, when can I go out?" I was damn pissed la. Seriously, after being so stressed, I get scolded more? Can't I just destress for one fucking day. Anyway, listen to the song. This is the reason why Cobra Starship has always been one of my favourite bands besides The Killers! Absolutely addictive beats! :D
I realise that I have been losing my appetite lately, and my pimple outbreak is getting worse. Stress? Pressure? What could it be. One thing's for sure, I ain't getting better. I used to be able to finish a whole plate of food and still have space for more. But now, I can't even finish a plate. I'm eating only 2 meals a day. That's worrying, ain't it? And I really miss playing floorball. I swear. I don't care, after the prelims are over, I'm going to attend some trainings. I need to destress and have some fun! :D I miss my blast enemy. OH and my last floorball cracked into 2 because I kept playing it at home against the hard walls. Hahahaha, how krazy I must have shot. Flooooooooooooorballllllllllllllllll. Haziq rindu. x) Oh yeah, today was my madrasah exam. I didn't even know what papers I was taking, so yeaaaaah. WHACK! hahahaha. Finished at 12. Reached home early! :D But now I'm bored. I should do some A-Math and stress myself up again. xD
Today has been boring. Babygirl, where have you been? You haven't been replying to my msges. I miss you syg. D:
Today's physics paper 2 was a killer! Lucky, paper 1 was relatively easy. So yeah, screwed it up mostly. D: As for paper 1, I used the coin for only 2 questions. hehehe. It sucks! I love physics, its my favourite subject. Because I know I cannot make it for chemistry. And bio, haiyoooooooooo. xD So anyway, after school went back home. Bathed, prayed, ate and then went off for tuition. While I was walking at my void deck, there was this group of mats and minahs. What else, they stare stare. I tried my best to ignore, but I looked back. Stared. And walked off. Fun! hahaha. these people ah, got nothing to do. Give them a taste of their own medicine. So anyway, tuition managed to clear up my doubts. Walked back home, and ate and joked around with my parents. Tomorrow is A-Math! Wish me luck, and pray for the best. I've been working so hard for a-math. :D Vicky! -When there's always a glimmer of hope, no matter how you see it.
So now take off that mask of pretense, because your lies can be seen through these eyes.Today's paper was !@#$%. Haha, what would you expect. Geog! D: I didn't finish the last 2 questions. So maybe, around 10-12 marks lost there alr? Damn. After exam, went over to Changi Airport with Farhan, Saufi & Taufik. With 4 people around only, it was certainly much more condusive and I was able to stuff physics into my already crammed-up blain. My blain like, overflowing alr. Went back home at around 4, alone. Farhan and Saufi stayed behind with the ahemszx. I neeeeeeeeed to score for physics! Its my best subject, and my fave. :D Wish me luck, and pray for me. Vicky!
Monday, May 18, 2009
tired, emotionally, mentally, physically.
I was damn screwed for Chemistry Paper 1 just now lah. Thank god I had a coin with me. If you catch me drift, you know what I mean. If you don't, shame.on.YOU. x) E-Math paper 2, was pretty much okay. I lost 10 marks. :D Tomorrow is ohmaholybanana GEOGRAPHY! D: I think I will screw it ttm. Serious talking ah boys and girls. Pray for me. God help me. :D I'm tired. Emotionally, Mentally, Physically. Tired. Such is life. Vicky. -Like a stone unmoved by wind, a wise man is not moved by praise or blame.
When it is time to change your ways, you know you'll do it. Its just a matter of; how. (: My life does not feel complete. What is missing, I do not know. Sorry baby, for not talking to you much this days. & To everybody else, for being so dead these past few days. I merely want to find that missing piece of the puzzle.
Its how amazing how right after I finished prayers, I received two text messages that brought a smile back to my face. Coincidental, no? Up to you to decide. :D Today's been a slow day. Woke up at 7.30 and headed to math tuition. Ended that at around 10.45 with a confident self for my E-Math P2 next monday. heh. Reached home and ate. Then, I was so tired that I just slept in the living room all the way til 3.30pm. I didn't know that I was so tired. xD I'll be starting on E-Math, Geography, Physics and bio soon. I just hope my brain will be able to soak up everything like a sponge. :D Till later, Vicky!
Finally, the weekends. A chance to rest my brain a lil' bit. I've been studying like mad for the past few days. I think I'll continue even after my exams are over. O's baby, O's. Just a few months more! D: Today, chem was a little screwed up. I didn't focus on some topics, so it was even more screwed up. Higher Malay paper was well, fine. I managed to complete it and sleep the last 10 minutes away because I was feeling unwell. Luckily, I fell sick at the end of the week. Gives me and opportunity to rest. & Great, my mum scolded me because she say I got sick because I go to the airport. Like what the fuck, I want to study also cannot? Fuck Fuck Fuck. This weekend will be greatly appreciated. With all the fucking problems weighing on my mind now. Not only being sick. Grr. Hidup susah, mati susah. What to do, what to do. Focus, just focus. And sorry guys, I'll look for another addictive song soon. (: lampard, I love your style of playing and your genius playing, but not you. thats gay. Vicky. -when you dream about the future, but you cannot do anything except cry seeing it happen.
 Happy 4th Birthday to my brother! Yesterday, 12th April. My bestest and only brother. :D  Happy 16th Birthday, Haseena! :D Have a good life ahead my good friend(: Currently having my Prelim 1! I swear, I have not studied so much in my life, ever before. I'm seriously studying my ass off, but I still know CONFIRM CASE I will screw up my prelim 1s. Ohwell. :D Shall stay on the brightside of my life. I hope. STUDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Sorry saufi fafy muker sleepy. xD And regarding tags, I won't reply them often. Mar and KF : OKAAAAAAAAAAAY. Mak: Eh you! I miss you so much you know. When are we going to meet again? Sombong ah, don't want to meet your own anak angkat. xD
     The boys in blue did wonders again. :D 4-1 against Arsenal. A towering header by Alex. A stunning and beautiful shot by Anelka. An OG by Toure. And a final goal by Malouda. Well, 3rd for this season I guess. And the next, I think they'll work for the first! haha. But I'm sad that Hiddink is leaving.
My aim is to get $200 to buy new floorball equiptment. A new stick, a new stickbag, wristbands, headbands, extra grip. Call me crazy. :D Time to study!
The past few days have been a total bore. Yesterday after school, went to math tuition with Luqman & Dzafir. I didn't know tuition could be so much fun when there's friends. Hahaha, it was productive too. :D Went back home, bathed, studies a little bit, and then rested for the rest of the night. Woke up at 11 today, and after bathing, I just slacked around and waited till 1.30pm. Prayed, got ready, and went out to meet Farhan. We went to popular, then tom Toys'R'Us to get a present for my little bro! He's turning 4 on the 12th. hahaha. so fast, he grew. ): I wish he was still that small cute baby I could carry everywhere I went. Now, he's a bundle of energy. Whoosh, and he's gone to another place. He's fast. hahahaha. Potential floorball player. xD So yeah, just got him something from hotwheels fr $35, and waited with farhan for his sister to come. When she came, I said bye, and headed home. I think I should study. Wait, I MUST! hahaha. It sucks to know that your first prelims are a few days away, yet you have not studied enough. DDDD: Ouch. Vicky!
   A salute to the blues. You all played well. :D
You stood up, facing the world. The seemed like they wanted to pull you down, but you thumped a fist on your chest, and fought your way through. And you survived. Today was possibly the worst day of the year, for me. And the day ended off with the pain in my back staging a comeback because of a certain individual who does think before doing things. I don't get this world. I guess if suffering's the way they like to see me, then are those what you call; Brothers?I doubt so. Fuck them shitheads. I mean don't get me wrong, I have brothers that aren't like this. But a group of them who don't think like they should be thinking at 16. No comments. Anyway, Happy Birthday Wisnuh. (: Vicky.
Hello! Haha. Today was tiring. Supaaaaaaa tiring. Started off the day with Bio SPA. It was okay, I guess. Praypraypray I get good grades. :D After that, had chem. Farhan and me were laughing over something that we can't really say here. xD But the 2 periods were spent on notes, so at least it was engaging and I didn't sleep. whee! After recess, had geography. Mr Ikhwan got disturbed alot today! hahahaha. Theneash : "Eh stop being so gay laaaaah!" Then Mr Ikhwan looked at him and continued looking. Me : "See lah Theneash, you offended him already!" Mr Ikhwan chased me and wanted to give me a hard smack on my back but fortunately, I escaped. Hahahaha, it was krazy I tell you. Aidil got to mock him too! xD Kay Fong : "Of course la he go gym. Look at his forearms, so big." Aidil, purposely acting as though he didn't hear : "Ah what? His forehead so big?!" Mr Ikhwan just laughed like hell. hahahaha, sucha lively lesson. I likeeeeeee. Okay, so after Geography was E-Math. Mr Z just went through some answers. And he showed us a picture of a jin that his friend took, over in Woodlands! I swear, damn scary. hahaha. It was a jin toncet, like seriously could see a big human-like figure, but as though it was wearing a turban. :x So yeah. After that was supposed to be END OF SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. But had chemistry extra class, like till 4. Bleargh. Penat pom pi pi! So I headed home after that, even though I was supposed to go for science tuition. Couldn't help it, really. Was too damn tired! D: & Now, I'm here at home. Rotting away. I should be studying. I should. hahahaha.
Hello! I'm still high from the bahas. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Lets blog about Sunday and today. No, not us. Only me. Tsk. Sunday was madrasah! hahaha. I got scolded because when ustazah was scolding, I laughed. And I got scolded more. Guess I brought it upon myself. hahahaha :D Then break, I just discovered that Liyana, the Cedarian and also Huda's friend, Is in my madrasah! hahaha. Imagine being in the same madrasah but different class for 3 years and never knowing you were related to somebody. Strange this world can be. And strange how I can get fascinated at minuscule stuff. Well, that's Haziq. xD Today was bleargh. I spent the whole day blowing my nose or sneezing. WHY! Swine. Started off the day with temperature taking, which was normal. I was a 36.4 degrees. So cold. Then malay, I got picked on because I was damn noisy in class. Then again, I brought it upon myself. D: Recess, canteen was unusually quiet because the sec 3s had exam. The sec 4s are quite a quiet bunch. Just look at me! :D After that was Geog. I was sleeeeeeeepy. But I battled and won the war. I stayed up through the lesson! Bravo bravo. I deserve something from Bras Basah. xD Oh, and I had Physics O' Level SPA after that. Skaaaaaaaaaary. But I did fine. :DDDDD Home was next, but I had a nice chat with Sarah when I met her at the interchange, before heading home. x) She owes me 4 bucks! hahahahaha. pay up pay up. kidding :D Till tmr, Vicky!
CONGRATULATIONS TO SATRIA VICTORIA FOR GETTING THE PIALA BAHA BH 2009, AFTER A 13-YEAR DROUGHT OF THAT TROPHY! YOU BROUGHT US HONOUR, JOY, TEARS, HAPPINESS. THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I AM SUPERBLY HAPPY. :D I'M HAPPY! x100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Seriously, I'm happy fo shiz. I woke up at 6.45, left home at 7.45, and reached cikgu's house at 8. Waited for Cikgu Mar to get ready, and for Saufi to come along, Before we took a cab to arab street. The cab driver ah, jerk speed jerk speed, make me giddy. D: Reached there, and went to see the other guys before grabbing some kuehs for bfast. After that, headed over to Masjid Sultan Auditorium and registered the speakers. Waited for the rest to the come, and while waiting, saw many RGS girls. & Then there was Sarah A. Long time since I've met her, I didn't really talk to her though. D: So gedebak gedubuk the bahas started. The RGS speaker didn't start off so well, she hesitated quite alot. But it was still well enough. VS started off very well, with Luqman as our first speaker. Seriously, power! What to say, my brother kan. :DDDDDDDDDDD Then the RGS speaker, also hesitated alot. I was wondering what happened to them. Our second speaker was Billy, who did also damn well! :DDDD Third speaker of RGS, was Hanis. Woah, power sepower powernye. x) She spoke very well. After that was our third speaker, Brian. He did damn well! Funny theathrics in his speech. Good one ah Pochi! :D After that was Ziyad. Excellent, pure excellent! :DDDDD Well done, bro. RGS's last speaker, Siti, did quite well too. (: Theeeeeen, lets skip to announcement of results. :/ One of the judges, made us damn scared by saying all our mistakes and such. But not RGS's. So, we ended up being so damn scared. Busted sia he! hahaha. After that, it was the announcement of who won. (In Malay) And the winner is ... Sekolah (pause) My heart was thumping like hell, and I was covering two thirds of my face with the flag. Then, the announcers said, "VS supporters have such tensed faces. RGS faces were ones with relaxed looks." Then... VICTORIA! I sat there, stunned for a second. And then, we jumped and shouted like we never did before. We hugged, they cried (I can't cry for some reason x)), We high-fived, we shouted, we jumped. I WAS SO FRICKIN'. FRICKIN' HAPPY. After a 13-year drought, we had brought it back home. Victoria School, where it belongs. (: The rest of the day is history. Congrats guys. You guys did well. & To RGS, you girls did a great job. You put up a good fight(: Watch out for Berita Harian on Monday! :D Immensely Happy, Vicky Victoria!
You sit and ponder about what life throws in your face. Everything, good and bad, surprising or obvious, things you never knew could happy. Oh well, thats life. Today was spent in school, even though it was a holiday. It was fun. (: