BOO! Today's the last day of school for this week. :D The day was veh veh slack. Started off with PE, and played soccer. I suck after ages not playing. DDDD: After that, we had math! But we just did practice papers. Very productive, because I finally started studying. xD I can do it if I want to, but I just don't put in the effort. Oh well, Haziq pe. After recess, had malay. But cikgu didn't come! haha. So we ended up slacking too. Well, not exactly slacking. Did our own work, but I went round disturbing people. ;D After that was another 2 periods of math. Like whaaaaat! haha. I was starting on my practice paper, and then suddenly my eyes felt an urge. So I closed them, and the next thing I knew, an hour had passed and I woke up to the sound of Theneash shouting, "The cactus attacked me!" hahaha. Apparently, he touched the cactus in my class ( I don't know what the hell it was doing there in the first place), and some of the thorns got stuck in his finger. absolutely fascinating. hahahaha. After school, had photo-taking at 3.30pm. After that, we played soccer till 7pm. I rushed back home, and walked from Simei. But unfortunately, halfway through the journey home, I got that sharp pain in my back again. So I had to walk very very slowly back home. It hurt so so much. D: I'm worried that'll it'll affect my sporting capabilities. But who knows, DOLAT HAZIQ DOLAAAAAAAAT. hahahaha! Anyway, I'm sincerely accept the apologies from all tkgs girls, and I apologise too if I was too damn mean in my blogpost. D: But I hope it proved to be a little knock in some of your heads, no? :D Point is, we don't want any conflict. In any competition, there are winners, there are losers. If you win, it is your pride to uphold and if you lose, you lose with humility. Like how we lost to Bukit Merah 6-5, we did not complain that they played dirty. We lost with humility, and because they were worthy opponents, we accepted that loss as part and parcel of life. I hope you all can just do the same. Peace is always better than conflict. (: Vicky!
My back hurts. D: So does my heart from what some green-pinafore girls said. Double D: Tag Replies : AQIDA : Ya lah, fine celahan is whatever. I know my malay to english translation is powderful la. luq : bace jugak aku nyer blog, eh? haha. no lah, you did fine. but ziyad was the most powerful speaker. :D wiz : Of course we rock! hahaha. All the way to the finals dude :DDD lili : Eh, you did very well really. Don't doubt me. xD Don't worry k, there's next year. (: Your malay and singing is damn power lah aiyooo. hahahah. Don't be so sad k(: You guys did a great job. - : Thanks nameless. xD :) : My lips stay sealed unless I get a name. (:
First of all, I want to say congratulations to Satria Victoria, for making into the Bahas Finals! :D It was an exciting debate, about "Metrosexual Men will do not have the characteristics of understanding women." So, coincidentally TKGS was the proposition, and VS, the opposition. How kool. hahahaha. So most of the supporters in VS, to show our support, came down in pink. including me. xD VS did not start out that well, but clearly it was the starting of a good debate. Ziyad was the best speaker, and that was justified with the prize he won. Congrats bro! And your voice, merduuuuu. hahaha. TKGS did a good job too, fighting back. But they contradicted themselves and one major mistake they did was that two of their speakers did not accept our (oh shit what's celahan in English) 'interruptions' and that caused them to lose points. Lili, their last speaker, had a voice which made us cair. hahahaha. she sang, and her voice fuuyoooooh, power. But in terms of her speech, she was one of the best from the team. Congrats lili! haha :D After the VS-TKGS debate, we went lepak-ing for a while and them came back to watch the Cedar - RGS debate. I'm so sorry, but I was playing my psp during that. heh. After that, it was the announcements of the results. jeng3! Ziyad won best speaker, which was what he deserved. And theeeeeeeeen, SEKOLAH VICTORIA! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD We went through, we went through, through, through, through. * jumps around waving hands crazily * But I've got to say, TKGS did a good job, and so did Cedar. Good luck next year, ladies. (: We'll be facing RGS in the finals, next Saturday. All the best, Satria Victoria!
You see a person begging on the streets. Does your mind tell you to shut it out and focus on yourself, Or to move that hand towards that wallet? Some would prefer to shut it out, and just walk on. They think its uncool, a waste of time, that these people aren't putting the money to good use. But who are you to judge? What the person does with that money is his/her problem. Hopefully, that money will go a long way. Get him money. Get the children decent education. etc. I saw this woman and her son while on my way out of the mosque after Maghrib. The son reminded me of my little brother. He was playing all alone, making all sorts of noises and when a cat came, he played around with it. I smiled to myself. Automatically my hand went to my wallet and took out a note. I hope that boy gets some decent education for him to use in life. As little as I may have given, I hope it goes a long way in helping him. :D Amin. So today was tiring. School was :X, then after school was the shizzzzzzle fo mizzle. Straight after friday prayers, I went over to RP for the C'Division Floorball Finals. Watched the girl's finals. St. Theresa won East View 5-1. They put up a good fight, but it was unfortunate. hahaha. Anyway, next came our school's match. VS against RI, the two nerd schools. xD Anyway, it was an interesting match. VS won 2-0! Congratulations boys. They got the championship trophy! 2007 & 2009, VS C'Div Champions. They succeeded where their seniors failed, to win the gold. Congrats! :D & Mr Amir, thanks to him we have gone so far. so so far. Other teams have national players, but our team has no national players, only normal ones. But we have gone far under him, and I applaud his hard work in getting us this far. Nil Sine Labore. :DDDD Anyway, the ride back to school was BLEARGH. Bus came 45 minutes late, because of a jam. And we reached school late, because of another jam. Met my brothers at Tampines thereafter, then went shopping. heh :D Trudged back home, tired from all the cheering. But seeing C'Div win their prize makes me happy. hahaha. Okay, time to sleep now. Bye! Bahas tmr, good luck satria victoria! &Hello to siti nurfarahin bte abdul razak, the greatest sista from anotha motha eveeeeeer! haha. Who got angry with me because she thought I insulted her bf. heheh xD Rabak seh. But still the best. :D hahaha. Vicky!
Hello! Haha, I'm so tired. In the morning, I woke up very suddenly with a cramp in my left calf. damn. & It didn't go away when I woke up for school at 6. Spent the morning limping around, and only to discover that we had NAPHA for PE. So I just changed aspernormal and told myself to screw the pain and go all out. :D Hahaha, krazy, I know. But I did okay, I guess. Sit and Reach - 50cm Standing Broad Jump - 224 Sit Ups - 53 Pull-Ups - 8 Shuttle Run - 9.6s I was suffering during shuttle run and S.B.J, since both required me to use my legs. But alhamdulillah, all A's except for S.B.J. haha. I haven't done my 2.4km run though. I aim to get around 10 minutes. The rest of the day was a blur. English, was damnnnnnnnnnn tired so I kept nodding off while Mrs Ouyang was teaching. After recess was Malay, which I also tried hard not to sleep. Sorry Cikgu! haha. A-Math was the only lesson I didn't sleep it, Because its a lesson which I find fun, especially with Mr Z. hahaha :D After school, was supposed to have MCS phototaking. I was prepared with tie and everything, buuuuut it got postponed to frickin' July! D: hahaha. So just stayed back for physics remedial. membuat kepalaku berpusing-pusing. Amazingly, fawwaz stayed for it too. So I had Izzat and Wazzieman to keep my company through the lesson. After that, we bus-ed back to Tampines. Which was good because I got to sleep. heh ;D Reached Tampines, and then went to Tampines 1. Aiming to get a few shirts and polo tees at Recoil and Messy. Nice, and cheap. hahaha. Awesome peee. :D Tmr will be sucha slow day, I guess. Physics, Chem, and then E-math. But since we finished the whole E-math syllabus for secondary school, we'll be doing a practise paper. After solat, I'll be going to watch the C'Div floorball finals against RI! Konfirm exciting, with chop! haha. Good luck boys, and don't suffer the same fate as us B'Div. :D Speaking about it, yet again I have to say I really miss floorball. hahaha. ohwells. I think I'm turning in early tonight. Enjoy the last day of the week, people! :DDDDDD Vicky!
The past 3 days have been ... suck. Headache, headache, heartache. Hahaha, but what can I do? I just keep smiling. :D I've been a tad quiet lately, I noticed. Maybe its because of the load on my mind, apart from immense load on my chest. I don't know whats happening to my life! D: So mundane. So stressful. So ... bleargh. Oh well, that's life! haha. I really really miss playing floorball. Speaking about floorball, my juniors have made it to the C'Div semi-finals. Congrats! Go to the finals and win it, for us all :D I'll go down to support the finals, promise! haha. Ah, I've nothing else to say. I miss somebody. <3 Vicky!
 Meet the person who makes my classroom time hell. Hahaha, kidding! Darryl Chua. Damn irritating but fun. But during class, he's exceptionally quiet. Go figure. :D I'm bored, really. Had madrasah just now, a full 4 hours of fun plus torture plus scolding plus headache. hahaha! Train-ed back home as usual with Ibrahim(ovic). He's starting poly tmr. Good luck man! haha. 3 years in religious class with this guy, entertaining. We the inverted oreos! hahaha. (inside joke inside joke). Reached back home and discovered granddad was at home. I miss that old man. hahaha. Its seriously been quite a while since I've seen him. Due to the conflict between my mum and her sister. D: Oh well, conflicts, conflicts. Makes the world balanced, I guess. What else can I say. Yesterday was a bore. Stayed at home the whole day! Stayed up till 2 to watch the Arsenal vs. Chelsea match. Haller, 2-1! Go Blues! :DDDDD Oh well, what can I say. Droggy did well. haha. So did the flop who went on form; Malouda. Gosh, I'm hungry. Vicky!
I'm supposed to be at bahas right now. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, I'm feeling really lethargic. Anyway, because I returned late from bahas last week, my mum is against me going. What's new, what's new. D: This week has passed by pretty much quite fast. Monday, had nothing on except a trip to the doctor's. & Thank god, he said I didn't need the inhaler. :D Tuesday, had math tuition. haha. It was tiring, least to say. Wednesday, I think I was free. Wait, was I? haha. I don't remember actually. xD Thursday, was kool. Started off the day with PE. Which we thought we would be doing NAPHA. But as it turns out, the PE Dept was shorthanded that day, so they couldn't hold the test. Soooo, we had 2 periods plus an extra period to play soccer! What more, enjoy lah. :D I played like krazy. At first, I felt a little out of breath, but I continued playing and it was okay after that. That soccer game was f.u.n. hahaha! After that, went back to class and did our own work, because our english teacher had to go for SYF. After recess, we had Malay. But again, Cikgu had to settle stuff with the boys who were in bahas. So, we were left to do our own stuff. xD After Malay, was A-Math. We expected Mr Zuraimi to come, but apparently he had an emergency at home and had to rush back. Sooooo basically, my whole Thursday was free period day. hahahahaha! School ended, waited til' 2.30 for Physics remedial. Left soon after and met syg at 4, before heading over to Science tuition. Happy 1 month, babygirl. :D Friday was another slack day! haha. Had International Friendship Week celebrations, Then after school just watched the VS against Coral C'Div Floorball match. They won 5-1. (: Thereafterm went over to the RSP room to slack around, while the bahas boys were practising. Me, Farhan, Fawwaz and Taufik ended up playing sepak-takraw + soccer at the balcony outside the room. hahaha! It was damn fun. Me & Fawwaz ended up losing 6-5, after a spectacular come back from 1-5, courtesy of Fawwaz's own goal. hahahaha! rabak peeee. :DD Went back home and reached around 8.30pm. Tired shiet! xD
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I think I shall be stubborn and go for NAPHA tmr. Just get it over and done with lah. hahahaha. I needa run! :D
These past 2 days have been quite boring, least to say. Monday, had school like normal. Except that the 5 periods before recess, Was replaced by other lessons. To switch with Friday, because of International Friendship Week. D: So I was frickin' bored! hahaha. Those periods included 3 free periods lah! Haiyo. The lessons were Chem & Physics. That meant I had 5 periods of Physics on Monday. Can die sia! xD Anyway, Monday I had to go to the doctor. My mum tagged along. D: Spoiled my plans for the day, hahaha wth. Sorry syg! I miss you so much. Went to the doc's, and he said I didn't need inhaler! Thank god, Alhamdulillah. :DDDDDD Went back home at around 4. Tuesday, which was yesterday. The day was normal, so so normal. hahaha. Lessons, and after school went to Eastpoint with Syakir and Yi Wei. Went to Challenger to get smth, and then to Banquet to eat. After that, Math tuition which was okay, I guess. Slept at 9pm last night. Woke up at 2.30am to watch Chelsea vs. Liverpool. Come on Blues! :DDDDDDDDDDDD  4-4. What a game! 2 goals by LAMPARD, 1 goal ALEX, 1 goal DROGBA. Chelsea go on with an aggregate of 7-5. Go blues! :D
Its been 2 days since I've touched the computer. :O haha! What a success. In Haziq terms. :D Anyway, the past 2 days have been ... long. Lets start with Friday. Good Friday! Woke up at 10.30, then time passed really fast. Went for prayers, then decided to look around in Tampines 1. I went in the first level, and came out. It was frickin' packed! D: But anyway, went to Royal Cakes and go a Chocolate Truffle cake for Ziyad's surprise party. Made my way to Taufik's house, and after slacking for an hour or two, and after being joined by Fawwaz and Hafidz, we set everything up. Fik had booked a barbeque pit from 4-10, so yeah. Waited for everyone to arrive, then Ziyad's turn. Apparently he got blindfolded even before he got of the bus. xD We led him closer to the bbq area, but Ziyad had to take a detour. A very wet one. We pushed him into the pool. hahaha! He knew it was coming lah. A few seconds before we pushed him in, he was like "I'm in front of the pool aren't I?" *SPLASH!* Happy Birthday Ziyad! haha. It was so damn funny lah! We pushed him, shoes and all, into the pool. Poor poor ziyad. But hey, its not everyday you turn 16, right? hahaha. We had a nice time after that, just joking around, playing carom, soccer, and at night ... SWIM! haha. It was sooooo damn fun. I love fik's house, especially with all my friends around me. :D & Saturday, bahas! I woke up at 7, then went for tuition at 8. After tuition, went back home for a while. Went over to Roxy Square, got my hair cut, and then made my way to Bugis. Met the others at Banquet, then made our way to Masjid Sultan. The rest of the day was boring. hahaha. Just sat and watched people talked. But there were of course, highlights of the day. After Bahas, cikgu treated us to Nasi Ayam Penyet! It was sooooooo spicy. :P yes my tongue was like that. hahahahah. After that, we took MRT back and I went to Bedok Reservoir with Farhan, Saufi, Luqman and . Had a good time. Good time. xD I'm quite lazy to elaborate, really. But anyway, pictures! (Which are taking supa damn long to upload prolly cos each pic is 1.5MB. xD)     Thats Ziyad with the awesome chocolate truffle all over his face. :D
Stayed at home the whole day today. Basically just slept and slept and slept. The cough medicine was making me really drowsy! haha. I wanted to do homework but.... tak menjadi. xD I texted Farhan in the morning to tell Mr Zuraimi about handing in all my overdue hw next week. But turns out, he didn't attend school too. Ponstar 8D. I was reading through the blogposts when I first started blogging. I was so ... kental. xD Serious speaking! & I remembered, I kept saying Mr Amir was so damn sadistic last time. But looking back, I really appreciate how he has trained us. Winning a championship in 2007, and being a runner up in 2009, That's no small feat. It's all due to his training and perseverence that we clinched those awards. Best Coach Award ah sehhhh! :D Seriously because of him, I improved in fitness, strength, speed, mental preparations and the basics of floorball. I sincerely thank him for all of this. Like he has always said; A - Attitude; positive winning Attitude. B - Basic To Perfection, Bravery C - Communication D - Determination E - Enthusiasm, Encouragement F - Fun; Have fun. I will use these basic principles everywhere I go in my journey in life. As a joker he is, he's full of useful encouraging words. Haller Mr Amir! Ah anyway, tomorrow is Ziyad's birthday celebrations. & Saturday is bahas. Busymannnnn again. xD Except that now, I got semput. D: Vicky!
We love you Chelsea, we do.We love you Chelsea, we do.We love you Chelsea, we do.OH CHELSEA WE LOVE YOU!What a GAME! :D It was a nicely played match. With many thinking Liverpool would win, because of their current run of form. But then, they were wrong. Liverpool vs. Chelsea. 1-3! :DDDDDD Baik ah Blues! 2 goals by Ivanonic, a goal by Drogba. We love you Chelsea, we do. We love you Chelsea, we do. We love you Chelsea, we do. OH CHELSEA WE LOVE YOU!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I GOT ASTHMA. D; I am damn sad.
I'm up sooooo late. Why? Because I was a pig and slept after maghrib all the way till 10. When those annoying cats came by my house and woke me up with their mewing, again. Like, comeonnnn! I woke up at 1am the previous night 'cos they were mewing too. Suay shit. xD But yeah, I asked my mum if I could get an MC for school tmr. She said okay. But I don't know why, I feel like going to school. Goodboy. Damn, I am so fickle-minded. hahaha! Today school was draggy. Teachers didn't come/slacked. Sooooo, I listened to music, did homework, and slept for the 5 periods after recess. :D After school, had oral! haha. It was fine I guess. Finished oral, went back to tampines. Me, Saufi and Farhan hanged out in Macs for a while. I find myself hanging out with them alot nowadays. I guess it's because they're people I can really depend on as brothers. Unlike some people. Ohwell, what can I do? haha. Tomorrow's the B' Div East Zone soccer finals against St. Pats. :D Good luck yawwwww! Must win ah, must. ;DDDDDD I still haven't recovered from my cough. Its been 2 weeks. D: & I've been slacking too much and not studying. gosh. double D: Vicky!
Today was draggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. D: Lessons were boring. Had Physics practical, but my apparatus were malfunctioning. & I only had like, 15 minutes left when I discovered it. So I just copied my friend's work. heh. goodboy :D After school, had dental appointment. Prayed, and rushed to Bedok Interchange. Went over to Kembangan, but had to wait likeeee, 2 hours before I finally had the tightening. Because apparently one guy who was doing the surgery couldn't stop bleeding for 3 and a half hours. hahaha. Luckily, I had somebody to pass the 2 hours with. heh ;D Sent her home, then went back home myself. Finished E-Math overdue hw! Like finally manszx. haha. Tmr, I have english oral. Wish me luck! :D Vicky!
You know, I was thinking of getting back to floorball. Training for once a week, just to keep my fitness in form. & to make sure I don't lose my touch in floorball! Well, so that I'll not be screwing up when I go for DSA trials. D: I realised that I totally lost my touch in floorball when I played during PE. But anyway, I heard from the others that Mr Amir actually wanted us back in the Div 1 Victoria Skools team. hahaha! Tempted me quite alot actually, but I knew I had to get my mind to studying. Anyway, Div 1 is going to be really really hard! I'd prefer to play in Div 3 or smth. Easier :D Div 3 would be after O's anyway, so much more convenient. But I'll have to get a new floorball stick, 'cos my current stick is breaking apart. Even though I love my Blast Enemy Gray sooooo much. heh. Or maybe I should just but parts to replace the parts which are breaking. Like grip and blade. But the stick's a lil' heavy. I guess the fatpipe stick would be easier to handle. haha. Ahhh, I shouldn't talk about floorball. heh. Rindu. xD
Friday, April 03, 2009
east zone c'div 09
I got home at 8.30 today. I should stop merayap-ing. heh. Today's school was mundane. D: Screwed up my physics test, oh what the heck. double D: hahaha. We finished our E-Math syllabus. THE WHOLE E-MATH SYLLABUS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL. Gosh, reality came down hard on me. Hello, O' Levels you ignorant bastard! hahaha. I must study. Must must must. :D Okay, back to today. After solat, slacked around in school for a while. Then, a few of us took the bus to CCAB over in Bukit Timah. To watch the C'Division East Zone Soccer Finals. I was damn hyped up lah! Victorian Spirit. heh xD. So anyway, we ended up losing 2-1. Gawddamn! But nevermind, they played okay. But obviously, not at their best. Haiyo. But the one goal we pulled back was awesome! The greenview's goals, both were mere tap-ins. haha. I guess luck was not on our side. D: She went over to Greenview. Biased luck. xD okaaay what the krap am I talking about! But yeaaaaah. After that, took MRT back from Newton. Me & Isk krapped alot in the train! haha. Every station before the door closes, we'd either shout "handsome!" or "minah!" at random people. If they looked, we just say "not youuuuuu!" and laugh. haha full of krap. :D But anw, me afi saufi hamzah isk and izzat took the train back to Tampines. Then, me saufi afi and isk went to eat at Macdonalds. Stuff happened which I shall not explain, but we had an enjoyable evening overall. hahaha! :D Got back home, and had mengaji. I'm bored. I want to play floorball. Obsession sia. xD Till tmr, Vicky!
Today waaaaaaaas, slack! haha. Started off the day with pe. We wanted to play soccer! Because we had extended PE. But those damn sec 2s had to take up the whole field. >.< Anyway, we went to the hall and split up to play floorball & badminton. I wanted to play badminton, but there was no more space. So ended up playing with my girlfriend. Floorball! hahaha. No dirty thoughts, please. ;D I haven't touched a floorball stick in like whaaaat, a month? So I lost my touch really. In the end, we won 7-4. I only scored 3 goals. Missed countless others! & I made an oath. I must must must continue exercising. My fitness now is ... disappointing. So anyway after PE, we had lotsa time since our English teacher was down for some interview. So me & Farhan went to bathe! hahaha. So damn freshhhhhh. The rest of the day was slack. Teachers didn't do much/left early. hahah! :D After school, slacked over at TM macs with Saufi Afi & Hamzah. We left at 3.30, which was the time my tuition was supposed to start. xD So yeah, I only reached tuition at 4. Was damnnnnn sleepy in tuition. heh. But persevered ( chey! ) all the way till 5.30. After tuition while walking back home, I saw this girl and guy at the void deck. So I didn't bat an eyelid and continued walking. Then the girl kept looking at me. I looked at her. She smiled. I look at her weirdly. "Haziq?" hahahaha, actually that girl was Fatin! I didn't recognise her. & She was wearing a Siglap shirt although she's from Changkat. I always don't seem to recognise her whenever I see her, seh! hahaha. D: Talked for a moment, then I headed home. Reached home, changed and went for a 30-minute jog. Tired! haha. & youuuuuu, take care of that body eh. Don't overexert yourself, later your muscles will ache worse. :D haha. I miss you alr seh. Love youuuu! Till tmr, Vicky!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
You know, I'm actually beginning to enjoy life once again. I feel happy. Much happier. I am, happykid! :D haha. I don't know why, really. I guess I've been making the effort to make everyday positive, & laughing at everything really helps! haha. Besides, many people now make me laugh. My friends, my family, my love. (: Sooooo, today was quite kecoh? haha. Being April Fool's, the day was filled with crazy stuff. The first prank of the day was from Luqman, who did a totally lame prank but set me laughing. xD As for the other stuff I did to people in school, I can't really say. Later I'll get into major trouble. :DDDD After recess, I got released from school! Lucky ass, heh. Because I'm in MCS, so we went over to support Bryan at Pidato over at TPJC. It was all the way from 1pm to 5.30pm. But we got released at 11.20am, made our way to TPJC, and enjoyed ourself endless. "The most kecoh spectators." hahaha! We were seriously damn noisy uh. Anyway, I managed to prank a few people I didn't even know, Changed some toilet signs ( wheeeee! ) haha. And pranked even more of my juniors. It was a happy time there. Joking around with Taufik, even more. :D After pidato, me & 4 other guys and cikgu went over to eat. Cikgu blanje-ed! heeh ;D thank you thank you. Saufi, Sollihin, Akmal, Hazwan and me had a nice time eating dinner which was fully sponsored. xD We had quite a good time joking around and talking about stuff. Got to know some juicy stuff. hahaha! After that, took 28 home with Akmal & Sollihin. I discovered some stuff about them, and also they got to know some stuff about me. hmm. Its been a long time since I've bonded with my juniors over in MCS. Malay Cultural Society is likeeee, the best shit evaaaaaaa! :D I really miss the times we spent together practising our dikir barat & stuff. haha. Memories, memories. Menenangkan hatiku. So yeah, today was such a happyhappy day. :D I want to stay this way. Because happykid rocks! hahaha. Till Later, Vicky!