Friday, February 27, 2009
Like woah!
    The post I promised! heh. The title is random, swear. Okay, lets start off today. Which was tiring. But a bloody waste of time! In the morning, had tuition. Productive lah. Then, went home and got sent to school. We B' Boys came because we thought we would be playing against OneWest. Then I ended up referee-ing the game, while the C' Div played. So we spend more than 1 hour watching them. After that, played around for a while. We fooled around alot! haha. Some of the guys were lying down on the court even. At about 2, we ended & watched Skools Innebandy training for a while. Went to bathe with the usual kecoh people. But this time not so kecoh! hahaha. Went over to Bedok Macs & ate. My juniors are damn busted! They thought I entered the school through DSA, and then when I told them my agregate, They went, "I didn't know mats could be so smart." Bustedddddd extreme! hahaha. Took train back to Tampines and now I'm back here! thank god. I'm damn tired I don't know. I think I want to sign up for the referee-ing course. Referee-ing's fun. & the money is good too! heh.
Oh, and yesterday was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! After friday prayers, took peribahasa test. Gna ace it! heh ;D Then, slacked around in the open balcony outside the RSP room. & moved down to the staff room, and slacked some more. hehh. After that, we decided to go to Orchard, to celebrate the February babies's birthdays! The bus ride there was super long, but took the time to catch some shut-eye. Went to pray asar at Al-Falah first, then proceeded to go somewhere for the authentic Nasi Ayam Penyet! It was nice, but supaaaaaaa spicy! My tongue was burning manszx. We slacked around for quite a bit, and then Saufi was looking at this girl. hahaha! rabak seh Mat Crutch/Tempang/Temps. :DDD But I can say, Saufi has good taste. hahaha! pe jeeeeeee. After eating, we went over to Al-Falah again fr Maghrib. Slacked around some more, and then we split up. Me, Saufi, Afi, Farhan & Cikgu Marliana took 65 back to Tampines. It was a looooooooong journey, but with those people it was enjoyable. haha! Talked a lot along the way. Managed to irritate cikgu quite a lil' bit. heh. Alighted at Safra & 59-ed back home. Reached 10 minutes before my 10pm curfew! phew. hahahaha.
I want to go sleep. Buh-byes! Til later, Vicky!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
HELLOOOOOOO! :DDDD Today was absolutely insane, like serious talking. hahahaha. Lets start off with the first shock of the day. We had English CA! Summary test. Which I was totally not aware of. Jeng3! Then, went for Malay. There was a Malay CA! jeng3. Again, I was not aware of it. Theeeeeeen, okay lah physics test I knew about it. hahaha. Insane! So I wansn't really prepared fr those tests. xD But I tried my best and god willing, I'll get good marks (: Had dental appointment after school today. She fitted in the rings that had fallen out. I was like, "No! not them bloody rings!" But I had to put them on. hahahaha. I put on bright orange! You likeeeeee? ;DDD hahaha. After that, went home. Met Mr Zuraimi on the train. Then sister on 292. Then junior on 292. Then Farhanah on 292. She looks damn different now. hahhaa. Okay this is retarded. My body is dying for floorball! As in, I used to have a match every monday. Then today, don't have. So the body clock is somewhat disturbed. xD But nevermind, I have training tmr and a game on thursday. I wonder what will happen after I step down from floorball. I'm damn active, and I have to keep that at bay! For now, floorball's enough. but after the tournaments over, I wonder whats gonna happen. hahha.
I'm mat tempang. Well, momentarily that is. haha. I've started limping because that pain in my foot has worsened. Started on Thursday, because I fell akwardly during the match. I ignored the fact that it was in pain and continued being the 'Monyet Kene Belacan' according to Irah. hahaha! :D So today, went for training in school. It was insane! Mr Amir is damn strict when there's the C Div boys around. Played matches against them. I was definitely in pain but I tried my best to play. & I played crazy. hahaha. ran here, ran there and without much rest. I scored 3 goals in total, like yayyyy. :D One was from a nice wrist-shot from Hamzah's perfect pass. Chey! Another was a nice slap shot from half court from a free hit. And the third was from a penalty! We were tied 4-4 after the game, So Mr Amir asked us to play penalties. In the end, we won the penalties 3-1. I scored one, Hamzah scored one, and so did I forgot who else. hahaha. It was damnnnnnn fun oi! xD After training, went to eat at KFC with juniors. Then went home. Limping. D: I better get it rested and recover for Thursday's match against Northland! Our main rivals. hahaha. But its still the quarter-final stage uh. Baikkkkkk :DDDDD ____________________________________________________________________ Sometimes its better to live life, Ignoring whatever that happens around you. To be enclosed in that protective bubble. Happiness. For you see, that is what he has become. That was what he used to be. To be that happy, cheery, bubbly boy that let nothing bring him down. And then he changed. To somebody who was constantly deep in thought. Consumed by the problems that plagued him. Always fretting, frowning and cursing the things that never formed that smile on his face. That went on for months and months, Seemingly not ending. Until one day, he told himself. Why let this shit bug you? Why should you even be sad? For you see, you can be happy and cheerful, and at the same time sort life out and think deep inside. It gave him an optimistic view of what could happen ahead. And so, he gave it a try. Now, he's as happy as ever. Letting nothing bring him down. Never. For that boy, is me. Till later, Vicky!
Friday, February 20, 2009
To the semi's!
Hellooooo world! So, an update about yesterday & today. Yesterday had P.E for the first 2 periods. After 1 period of English, I was off at 9.35! Daymnnnnnnn early. hahaha. Ate and changed, then the bus came at 1015. Took a half-hour ride to Republic Poly. Woah so long eh. haha. We took that 30 minutes opportunity to sleep & rest for the game. So, reached RP at about 10.50, Set up the boards & warm-ed up. At 12.25, the match started againsnt Serangoon Gardens Secondary. We thought we were going to have a tough match, As Northland only won them 8-4, But we were 10-0 up by the first period. :D And the next two periods, 15-1. That's the final score. hehh. Me, Afi and Hamzah scored! yayyyyy like finally! For me & Hamzah its our first goals. As for Afi, his second. :DDDDDDD & I got complimented alot because apparently, I played really well. So yeah, went back to school feeling SUPA satisfied! hahaha. We even put the smile back on Mr Amir's face. xD We're through to the semi's! & Confirmed a medal. But of course, we don't want any medal. We want that gold one! ;D I'm sure we can do it. Baik uh guys! (: Okay, moving on, Today was pretty much mundane. Watched VS badminton play after school. They played against Anglican High. No sportsmanship uh, those Anglicans! tskkk. We won them 3 sets to 2. :D Well, I can say that VS sports is really excelling this year! haha. Okay, I'm off to do whatever. bye! Till tmr, Vicky!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
That Talk.
I'm so shagged. I haven't really had a chance to rest and heal my aching muscles. So I took the opportunity to do it today, Since we have a break for the match tmr :D School today was, the usual I should say? Had Biology & A-Math before recess. Studied new stuff, made my head spin but managed to grasp it in the end. (: After recess, had Malay. But a twist to it was that Mr Low, our principal, came walking with cikgu towards the classroom. Lucky the other guys covered me fast, because I was wearing tapered pants and damn colourful 'kueh lapis' socks. xD My school's strict on the pants, and we must wear school socks also. hahaha. rabaaaaak! Lucky, it wasn't any check or anything. He talked to us about our results and aims. About how the previous batch did & their HML results being below national average. He told us that we must surpass their L1R5. And I am confident we can! :D We have potential, just alot of interference/distraction. hahaha. So, final say is, I'm aiming for 8 points for the big O's! Pray for me, pray with me. (: And tmr, we'll be playing against Serangoon Gardens Secondary. Winning them means we'll automatically go into the semi finals. Then the final quarter-final game will be against Northland, our main rivals. Currently, Northland & Victoria are favourites to go into the semis. So, lets play our best and work towards the finals! :D & finally, after so long I get to use the computer again. hahaha. Everyday I go home late, and plus the 1 hour bus ride back home, time's really wasted. But you know, its quite a good thing, that 1 hour bus trip. I either use it to grab some hard-earned rest, or some soul searching. Sometimes I wonder if what I've done is right. Good for me but for her? maybe not the same case. But final say, I'm sticking to my decision. I can't possibly be fickle-minded in this. There are reasons to why I did what I did. Some reasons which I cannot say, so soon. Okay, I'm off to go do some homework and grab some shut-eye now. Finally, heh. ;D
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Okay, I hate short blogposts so I continued on with this one. :D random info! Sooooo, today was DAMNNNNN tiring. Wait, so was yesterday. hahah. So let me talk about yesterday first. After school, cut my hair, 'did fitness' and then played soccer at the field. In the afternoon sun, it was so hothothot. But continued playing and got so tanned = muchmuch darker haziq. :O At about 5, we went to bathe and and then watched SLI. Me, Afi and Fawwaz that is. Clement went home. tsk! SLI was inspiring. & there were some technical cockups. But it was not major ones so yeah, the show carried on as usual. After SLI, went to eat and cheeredcheeredcheered. Victorian Spirit, oi! :DDDD After the guests left, we dunked people into the pond. hahaha. It was total chaos. handphones were spoilt, iPods dead, teeth broken and such. & as the school was dark, we went to run around fr awhile. It was uber fun. :D Then, we went to play soccer! Yes, in the pitch black dark field. hahaha. Krazeeee game, seriously speaking. I couldn't see the ball when it was like 10 metres infront of me. We played Malays + Malaysian vs. Chinese. Nahhh, not racist, just having a lil' fun. heh. In the end, we ended at around 10.50pm with a final score of 12-11, in favour of the Malays. xD Fawwaz's mum sent us home and I reached home at 12.15am. Soooo, today was Vday! <3 But who did I spend it with? Mr Amir and my floorball mates. Training was awesome nevertheless. :D Started off the day with tuition, and left early to reach school at 11. Training was kinda slack, but it was tiring due to the amount of running I did the previous night. Crazy haziq, tsk! I managed to score several nice top-corner goals, and other equally nice goals. Training ended at 1.45pm, so we went off to bathe. The other guys headed home whereas me and Syakirun headed over to Braddell for YMC. It was an inter-racial forum on Young Muslims on Singapore. Quite a good topic. Learned quite a little bit. & since I was one of the only 2 sec 4's there, I mixed around with the juniors. They're quite nice people actually. hahah. A few pretty girls also, I never knew existed in ymc. ;P Went home again with Syakirun and reached home at 7.20pm. Mundane day for me, but I love floorball so hey, I got to celebrate Vday after all, eh? hahaha. :D Today was AWESOMEEEEEEE! :D No other word to describe it. heh. I'll update tmr. I'm so damn tired now. I just hope I won't be too lethargic/fatigued during training tmr! & tmr's valentine's day. Spent with the love of my life, Floorball. xD Well of course, I had the chance to celebrate with somebody this year. But I decided otherwise, and I'd say I don't really regret that decision of mine. (: As they say, don't go looking for love. Let it find you. Because if that love is true, it will come to you even in the darkest of moments, And even in the least expected ways. :D For those who are celebrating, happy vdae!
Till tmr, Vicky!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hello! Just wanna update. We won Ping Yi Secondary 24-1. I'm not really satisfied with my performance. As I was playing the holding/safe defender, I didn't get a chance to score ): And I got 2 minutes penalty because Russell did an improper substitution. But I did play alot (:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Fidz!
Hello world! Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUHAMMAD HAFIDZHIN BIN SADALI!Hope you like our gift. haha. 16 alr eh? tue ah kau. xD Sooooo, okay yesterday we won 10 - 0! Hahaha, could have won more but we were kinda playing at a slack pace since we've alr qualified for the second round. I had 3 or 4 shots on target today. Quite a success seeing that I'm a defender. But I want that first goal! haha. Unfortunately it was my own team mate who blocked my goalbound shots. -.- I kinda like playing in the back with Eugene. Because I was replaced by clement in line 3, And I went to line 4. But we managed to score 2 goals while they scored none. hahahahaha. Went to tampines mall after that and got Hafidzhin's present, after like 2 hours of thinking. Was with Afi, Luqman and Saufi. :D Sooo today was pretty much uneventful? Training all the way after school till about 615. haha. Quite tired. Still we had to do fitness conditioning before court session. So did several rounds of seven heaven, And then had court session. I was playing in line 4 with Eugene, Aiman and Nasir. Because russell and halim had a hockey match. hahah. I only managed to score one. But we didn't concede any either. :D After training, the floorball people sang hafidz a birthday song! hahha My awesome plan. But plan to taupok tak menjadi. DDD: We'll get you some other time hafidz! After that, passed him his present and bus-ed back home. Saw some smallfucks st pats people smoking right after they got out of our school. And one of em's my neighbour. Ish3. Rabaaaaak. hahahhahahaha. I've been having sleepless nights. Wonder why. Wait, maybe I know why. But how do I stop it? Ohwell. Pray. God will help me! :D And this saturday is vday. I'll be spending it with 2 of my loves in life. Floorball, and my friends! :DDDDD How awesome. hahahah.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
My Mundane Saturday
Hmm, today was quite a day. Started off my bringing my little brother to watch the Div 3 match. Which they lost 6-3. But they played really well. As Mr Amir says, its really the effort that they put in and the performance, That he looks out for, not the scoreline. Went to Macs and then back home. Used the computer for a while and chatted with some people. Then at about 9, I started doing my amath homework. Then when I looked back at the clock, it was alr 11. I was damn shocked ah! haha. I was really enjoying myself, doing differentiation, And time flew by quite fast. But at least I got to complete quite a big amount of my assignments. There's still tmr, right? hahah. While doing my homework, I listened to 987fm. There was once when the DJ, Jen, asked the people to text in about their love problems and such. So yeah, I listened. Interesting stories. hahah. Then she made this one comment, "Time always heals everything." And she advised putting aside the problem to let things clear up. I pondered on that statement for quite some time. Its true, that time will fix that problem. But how much time will you have? And how long can you run away from that problem of yours? Afterall, sooner or later, it will come back to you. So yeah, I was thinking about it because it was something I was doing. And it set me thinking further. I remember once when I used to say 'fuck it' or 'to hell with it' at any obstacles I met, And I would just easily go on in life and that problem would be solved fast. That was the time when no matter what, I was happy. Very happy. But now, now. No matter how far I try to run away, it keeps coming back. It comes back. Now, how can I possibly keep to my joyful self when that happens, right? I guess this can't really be solved by time. I need to sit down and think. And think I shall.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Facing a fork in the path, Knowing what lays on the left, Yet not knowing what lays on the right. Does one prefer to take that fork on the left, To be safe and sound, Knowing whatever happens, he'll be sure to know. Or does he want to go for the uncertain, the unexplored path. Not knowing what will face him up ahead. Possibly pain and grief. Possibly pleasure and happiness. Because one always has a choice on what he wants to do. Everybody does. I'm staying at that path before the fork. And I shall sit down, and think what's best for me. Maybe to the right, or maybe to the left. Nobody knows. And so, I sit and ponder. Answered.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Bedok South, 9-0
Today got released from school at 10am. So very early. The first two periods were PE and after that, a lil' of english. So slack. hahaha. Unfortunately, I could not test my skill in 100m sprint, Because I had the match later on. So yeah. At 1045, left school for ITE Tampines for the match. After warming up and everything, it started! Wow, what a game. I screwed up a lot. I attribute that to the fact that I still have not recovered. And so many things are running through my mind. gosh. I hope to redeem myself on monday, against Orchid Park. So yeah, we won them 9-0. VS! (: At least this team didn't play as rough as the previous 2 teams. So yeah, we left the match satisfied. We've qualified for the second round(: Danial Kwek finally got to score his hat trick, opening his scoresheet of the match with a beautifully-angled shot. :D Love?What love?Fuck off haziq.You're a fucking no brainer.I'm tired of this shit. seriously.I can't stand it.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
omgggggg. I accidentally dropped my phone from the 2nd story to the 1st story of my house. But it survived with just 2 chips on the casing and with all other things working fine. Damn lucky siaaa. I'm still quite shaken by the incident. haha. Relatively new what, my phone.