Saturday, January 31, 2009
this dream
Yesterday I had a dream. It was no normal dream. No happy dream. It was a dream I would have paid not to have. A dream of sadness. One that I wouldn't ever want to have. You see, in this dream, it did not have me laughing along to anything, didn't have me smiling. For it was the complete opposite, one of sadness and utter grief in my life. What a dream it was. It still keeps replaying itself in my mind, over and over again. In that dream, I dreamt that my dad was no longer with us in the world. I was just staring at the television when a news flash about a plane crash happening. It was a plane which my dad was on. And then I received a call. My dad was found; dead. I remembered that from that moment on, tears started flowing from my eyes. They just did and did not stop. Then my whole family was in front of me, they too, crying. For I remembered that I, as the eldest child and oldest boy in the family, was now in charge of them. Then my mum appeared, she too was crying. She was say, the worst affected. There were people comforting us, but I could not remember who. And then I remember visiting the crashsite, seeing the plane wreckage and breaking down further, memories of my dad lingering on. And then, I woke up. Tears were really flowing from my eyes. I don't have an idea why I dreamt that. Maybe it was god showing me to never to take my dad for granted, or never to forget him. It reminded me that life was precious, and that family, is equally important. well, maybe god has a hidden meaning to tell me behind all this, eh? Then maybe fate made another decision in my life today. Out of all movies I picked, I chose The Pursuit of Happyness. It was a movie full of sadness, grief and hardships a father went through to reach his goal, but at the same time making sure his son was well taken care of. Even to the extent of sleeping in public toilets, getting knocked by a car, and not sleeping at night. I truly applaud this movie, as it shows us what a good father really is. Afterall, it is based on a true story. Such a motivation it is to watch the movie. I just hope that my dad won't really be taken away from me so early in life. The whole family needs him in our lives, to support us in reaching our goals, and keeping our family together. It is well known that women don't really make the most important of decisions in life, for they often let emotions override their sense of better judgement. Always remember that no matter what, your dad or mum will be the one who will always be there for you, no matter what. The sacrifices they make for the sake of the family may not be obvious to you, but those sacrifices are big and great by far. Some of you say, they don't give you the freedom you want, don't let you do this, do that, pressure you too much, expect things out of yourself that you know you cannot get. Truth is, they are the ones who know you best to see things in yourself that nobody else can. They pressure you to do better in your studies so that you will do well, because they know the potential for you to do well is there and that its only yourself that is blocking yourself from that very path to success. Just remember, every bead of sweat and every late night spent working is never for himself, for parents are the most selfless of all people and they do whatever they do to sacrifice themselves just for the family's sake. For their sake, remember that.
Imagine being sick and wanting to play hardcore floorball at the same time. Thats me! hahaha. I fell sick in school yesterday. Slept all the way after recess in class yesterday. Thank goodness Mr Zuraimi allowed me to. I felt so bad manszx. And I really want to thank Joseph for giving me panadol! haha. For once I agreed taking it and I realised the miraculous healing powers of panadol! (I'm not advertising for Panadol in any way but if you guys want to pay me, I'll gladly accept! xD) Yesterday was such a day. When they couldn't stop at giving us just one revision test, But two. Ohmaholybanana two. I decided to mug only for Physics since I had more hope in that, Rather than Chemistry. Well, seeing that I was having splitting headaches while doing both, Lets be optimistic and say that I'll at least pass? hahaha. After that Chemistry Revision Test ended at around 3.30pm, I went to the canteen and slacked with Fawwaz, Afi, Haseef and Wisnuh. We waited for Hafidz and Hamzah who had to reluctantly do their fitness conditioning. I did not attend it since I was sick. :D After finishing, we went back home. I slept for like, ages. From 6pm to 11am today. haha. Feeling better alr. But I still need to rest, so that I'll be well enough to play floorball next week. But I think I still won't be able to attend fitness conditioning on Monday. ohwells. Oh yes, about the match on Wednesday. We won NorthBrooks Sec 7-3. It was quite a match, with them drawing first blood. They scored the first 2 goals. But Victorians, being Victorians, fought back hard. hahahah. My line played considerably more. And I would say that we did quite well, drawing praise from the other lines. Well, maybe we'll get to score a few goals if given more playing time, eh? haha. Next week is our match against Bedok South on Thursday. :D I should get some rest. Till later, Vicky!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
While all the buggers are away at school, Here I am at home! MUAHAHAHA. But shit lah, I still have a match later on. Against NorthBrooks Sec. There it goes again, the feeling in my stomach. Nervous manszx! haha. I should relax. I like my new blogsong. haha k random.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today was tiring. Met Ziyad, Azmi, Afi, and Wisnuh at Bedok int 30 minutes late. Then proceeded to go cycling! All in all, we did about what, 30km? From ECP macs, all the way to the end of Changi Beach and back. Quite an experience. We even found our own 'area 51'. xD But the cycling was good. Good way to train up my stamina and strength. We're planning to try out the Eastern Park Connector Network. The one that goes all around the Eastern part of singapore. And we plan to do it overnight. haha. What plans. Hopefully we can ah! :D ____________________________________________________________________ Run.The solitary path beckoned to me.I hesitated.But slowly, my legs eased.My body followed.My head spun,With the constant echoes.I had tried to untie that knot,Forming in my head that held so strong.It eased just a little it,But the rest was just too tough.I did what I could to stop myself,But I could not.Now I've come to a dead end.To turn back, or to jump that high wall.Its time for me to choose.As for now,I have to be alone.I'm sorry.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kuda Kepang
                  I took a 15 minute video but because of my mem stick, It was fucking corrupted. shithead. ahhhh fuck! But nehmind. So yeah, after sending atuk back to his house, Me Adib AbangYus AbangMamat and my dad went to watch the kuda kepang. It was the real deal, with them being possessed by spirits. Or in malay, kene rasuk syaitan. yeahhhh. Scary mans! The way they stared at people. And I was wearing red. haha carik pasal. They did alot of actions. Getting whipped, they did not even feel a thing. Watched them exorcising the spirit out. But sometimes, it kept transferring from one person to another. And the people who do it are quite young. Sayy, teens and late teens? yeah. Wasted future, since this perbuatan is syirik. But I guess its a good experience watching it. Really sets the mind thinking. When the tempo of the music gets faster, they will get wilder. When the tempo slows down, they too, slow down. Then there was one time when almost all of them were staring at this tree. Like, they kept looking upwards. Meaning there's something up there lah. hahah. And they kept asking people to whip them, or do something to them. There were also girls doing it. I saw one, who was probably around my age or younger. I wonder why they actually do it. Maybe they're in for the cash? who knows. But overall, its a good experience watching them. Knowing I should never ever try it. Hahaha. I'm still fucking pissed over the video. damnnn.
My life seems to go by too fast. I can't seem to stop and think about the stuff that bug me. Those troubles keeping me awake. Those thoughts infesting my mind. I love floorball. I play and forget everything. Life. What can I say? "Wah, cuci mata sia! Tapi ni dengan clorox skali." While looking at ITE girls who were teasing us after the match on wednesday. Haha. Another plus point about floorball. Awesome friends. - Always say yes, I can do it. Never say, omg I'm too busy I cannot cope. It'll become a prayer and your negativity will get the better of you. Always stay positive, no matter how busy you are or how hectic your schedule. Just something I have learnt in my journey. ____________________________________________________________________ Tag Replies! Since there was a spam of tags. xD Nadiah: Haha, yez you were spamming. xD hahaha. and I know you won't be a failure if you stalk someone! confirm you alr got experience what kan? :PAqida: Eleh, konon g camp satu minggu je boleh stronger kepe!Ree: Oh, cool. haha. what's his name uh?Afidas: You take video, aku sumpah aku bunuh kau. and yeah, I said it to hamzah all what. thats why I say, its fun being able to talk to you guys without worrying about anything. haha.Elaina: Go buy yourself! I don't sell lollipops. hahahaha.ifa: eh! I good boy per. we buat full. xD
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I just had to say that. Another hectic week passed! Let me see, any interesting events this week? Oh yes, the one about the floorball win has alr been blogged about. haha. OH! Yesterday. Omg yesterfuckingday. Had a math revision test in the afternoon, Since we had a match on wednesday and couldn't sit for it then. Cheated. There were no teachers around! But I good boy, only cheat for one question. HOW CONTRADICTING. haha. So after that, did fitness conditioning. We had to do 12 sets of seven heaven. So me, hamzah and hafidz were thinking of cheating. BUT THEN, Mr Amir also was doing seven heaven for god knows what. He started a round earlier than us? So yeah, we wanted to do only 10. Then 10th set, see Mr Amir not done, we went another round. And another. And by that time, we had completed the 12 sets. -.- champion! hahaha. After fitness went to bathe. That's when the shit started. I was tired alr, so just hung my clothes over the cubicle door. And then came along Clement. "Haziq, where's your towel to wipe yourself dry?" I see my towel disappearing. Then before I had time to react, "Haziq, where's all your clothes?" BAM! "Fuck you Clement Chung! Gimme back my stuff lah." So easy to say, I was naked for quite some time. And they put all my stuff, including my towel and uniform over at the Scout's Den. So I had to walk all the way there from the shower rooms, In my underwear. In front of all the volleyball people, some floorballers and worse still, a teacher. Wah, fucker man that guy. hahaha. But the fact that I dared to do it proves that I got ballszxszxszx. Hahahahaha but embarrassing shit sia! Haiyoyoyoyoyoyoyo. SO today after training, I took more precautions. xD And as usual, training was tiring. I wasn't in my top form. And I need a new stick. ! ):
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
5 - 1! Revenge against East View. (: Awesomeeeeeeee. I didn't play much. Didn't even get a shot on goal. But hey, defender pe! haha. I've noticed that we have a lack of defenders. We only have 4 natural defenders out of the 6 playing in defence in lines 1, 2 & 3. Haseef, Fadhil, Clement and Me. Eugene and Afi were converted to defence because of the lack of defensive players. haha. 2 keepers, and then 8 other attackers. Imbalancedddd. But a skilled team. xD Next match against North Brooks Sec. Nil Sine Labore!
Today. While other victorians were sleeping like asses at home, Waking up late because school started at 9.30 for them, The B' Div floorball boys woke up at the usual time, Going to school at 7. WHY? Because we had floorball training from 7 - 9. Hahaha, rabakkkk! But okay lah, quite fun the training. And I've been confirmed a place in the b' div squad. (: First match on wednesday, Against east view. Go Victoria!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday, duh!
Today was, erm up and down? hahahaha. Woke up reaaaal late for tuition, Came at 830, 30 minutes late. Met natasha! haha. Long time since I've met her. (: Hardcore math! haha. But I wasn't really in a good mood. With the fucking aching arms and everything. Like seriously, I have trouble moving my arms, Because of yesterday. DDD: But well, its a good sacrifice. haha. I got a feeling that my mucles are gonna be beeeeeeeg. WHEE! Then I'll wear tight-fitting clothes and go around with my abs and biceps and whatever else sticking out. hahaha. Its good to dream, kan? xD After tuition, went over to Tampines Sports Hall. Passed Hamizan my jersey. NUMBER 12! Then stayed on to become the match official. They won 3-2! Congrats, first win in Division 3. The way they played is super good. ;D AND, Hamizan scored! WHOOOO NUMBER 12 JERSEY SOME SKILLSZX. hahahahahahaha. After the match, went to Kembangan for dental. Waited around 2 hours. Damn tired. Then home! like finally. CAN SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. :D till whenever, Vicky!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Another hectic week passed.
Wow, another hectic week passed. It seems so stressful! Wait, it really is. Trainings thrice a week, Fitness conditioning twice a week, And of course, math & science tuition. My studies have been okay, I've been coping well. AND NOT SLEEPING IN CLASS! hahaha. Awesomeeeeee. I just can't seem to understand chem much. Oh noooo. Today's training was extra tiring. We had to do a punishment when training started. 50+ push ups? My muscles were so tense after that. Couldn't move them much, And couldn't play floorball properly. The pain lasted throughout training. Ended at 730, Went home. TIRED! extremely. Tmr, I will have another busy day. Math tuition at 8 - 10 in the morning. Then to tampines sports hall to lend my junior my jerseys. And maybe meeting nasuha at Kembangan, Then dental appointment at Kembangan too. WOO! Die. I have aloooooot of homework to do. And happy news but turned to bad news! My principal beylo ah, let us report to school at 9.30am next monday. Then my coach told us B' Boys will have training at 7-9! Means go to school aspernormal. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet. =x And the final team selection results on that day. The team had to be cut down from 20 to 18. Praying veh hard so that I can get into the team! (: Oh, and another one! On the 28th after CNY, we have a holiday due to the O results. THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. Floorball boys got match. -.- Wahseyyy, we damn suay! Hahahaha, okay I will blog hopefully tmr. So damn tired. Till tmr(hopefully), Vicky!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
perfect day(:
I wanted to post yesterday but I went to bed at like, 8? haha. So yeah, yesterday was the day! (Refer to previous blog post) Alhamdulillah, things went my way. I got an A1 for my Malay O's. And as for floorball, I'm in the team. Unless I get injured really bad. NOOOO! cannot cannot. haha. I hope we'll win this year. People said that its the gold medal team. 90% chance of winning the championships. So yeah, expectations are on us. And we'll work our hardest. yeah right I skipped fitness today how to work hard xDSo yes, alhamdulillah. I'll work hard for O's this year. Get 8/9 points. insyallah!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The start of a new week. Hectic week. Training's everyday. Homework not completed. Bad start. Tomorrow, MT O' Level results. Tomorrow, B' Div team selection results. Tomorrow, Gosh, I'm either going to love or hate tomorrow. Wish me luck. (:
Pressure. All I can say. I shall not let my emotions overrun my sense of better judgement. For afterall, patience and perseverence is the key. I just need to hang on(:
Summarisation of the week
   Wow, the week has been totally tiring. I've been more or less attentive in class now. I feel that my new seat has affected my concentration. I prefer my old seat! The one next to the window. haha. And in which I was sitting alone. But yeah, ever since the first day of school we've been going full steam. So I don't want to miss out on the things taught. Not like last year, which I kept sleeping in class. (: Trainings have been going on for every single day of the week. Exhausting, really. But I have to bear with it. Balancing studies with sports, something I'm learning to deal with. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are floorball trainings in the hall. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have an hour of fitness conditioning. Get back home, straigtaway do homework and study. But heck, I enjoy floorball. Just that trainings are so serious nowadays. D: Oh well, B'Div is starting soon. Anyway, that's another thing. Next monday, double whammy! Getting back my MT O'Level Results and B'Div team selections results. Of course, the MT results are waaaaay more important. But somehow I'm also feeling nervous for the selection results. Hopefully I have done enough to impress Mr Amir and gain a place on the team. (: I will be pretty much MIA for the whole of the week except for weekends. Due tooooooo... those reasons up there. haha yeah, those two paragraphs. And my parents don't allow me to use the computer. Even now, I had to argue. ohwells. parents. They seem to think the computer rots my brain. And make me a stupid fuck. Well, at least I don't play computer games or anth. Just checking email, blogging and just bloghopping. What harm could it do? He claims that I've had enough fun during floorball. That's coz he doesn't know what happens during trainings. How exhausting life is. Nevermind, 10 months. Then I'll be free. Till tmr,
Monday, January 05, 2009
2nd day of school!
Wow, its only the 2nd day of school, And I'm alr shacked out. School was okay. Did well to stay awake :D And at the moments I couldn't, My awesome classmates' sweets helped me. I was alr hungry by the first period of school, So I was praying for time to fly by fast. haha. xD Hungry man, Haziq. (: So after school was over, Went to pray, Then it was training. Couldn't really say I was on form today. Maybe it could be because of my worn-out blade and grip. I'd love to get a new stick. Haha. $$ manszx. Anybody wna donate $80? xD Had training from what, 3 to 6.30? After packing up, cooling down and bathing, It was alr 7pm. So was rushing alr. Reached home at 8.15pm. My little brother was alr asleep ): I didn't get to ask him how his first day of kindergarten was. Ahhhh, nevermind, I'll ask him tmr. Sec 4's gna be so busy. I just wna spend time with my family, especially with my little brother. I loooove him so much! (: Ah, well. Hopefully I will have other chances sooner to talk to him. And for this whole term, I'm gna be so busy. Monday Wednesday Friday, training in hall. Tuesday Thursday, fitness conditioning. Ah well, hopefully our hard work pays off. B'Div 09 championship! Tomorrow's gna be a long day. School, fitness conditioning then tuition. God, I pray to you to help me through this year. First 2 days alr so hectic! whoa. Ohwells, I better finish off whatever homework I have, And get some shut eye for tmr. Have fun in school people! (: Till sometime, Vicky! Before the end of the night,I want to hold you so tight. <3Where have you gone to,My love?
Saturday, January 03, 2009
interesting day!
Whoa! I swear, today was an interesting day. Went over to Eastpoint to go to popular. Bought guidebooks for my 3 sciences and geog elect. O's year! hahaha. Then went down to the 2nd floor. And my mum and sisters saw Fauzie Laili! Or however you spell his name. I swear, it was damn funny the way my mum noticed. Fauzie was wearing shades and a cap, To hide his identity ah, most probably. Mum notices him and says to sister, M: Eh, I know that guy! But what's his name uh? He's the actor kan?Then suddenly he stops, and just stands there. M: Wait, I really forgot his name. What ah?He proceeded to take off his shades and cap. Looked at my mum. M: Oh yes, fauzi laili! eh look, fauzie laili!He looks at my mum one more time, Then went into a shop. Hahahaha, omg if you were there you would be laughing like hell. Like I did. It was so funny lah! See lah these celebrities, want to hide their identity so much, Until people don't recognise them or remember their names. xD But funny lah, hahahaha. After eastpoint, went over to my grandfather's house. Coincidentally, it was my grandfather's father in law's birthday. His father in law, my step-greatgranddad, is younger than him. hahahaha. Rabak seyh! xD So yeah, ate and stuff. After 2 hours or so, we left. In the car, leaving the car park. Another interesting event occured. There were people shouting and running. I turned around and saw a guy peddling very fast on a bike. Piecing things together, I got a feeling that guy was a snatch thief. God, if my father had stopped the car. I swear I would have gave chase. I would have a better chance than those beer-bellied uncles. Wah, my adrenaline was pumping man! I really really wanted to do that. hahaha. But unfortunately, didn't have a chance. ): Till some time later, Vicky!
Friday, January 02, 2009
First day!
First day! Ironically, its also the last day of the week. -.- Anyways, today was fun, I should say? Met the usual people. And class was erm, usual? My teachers didn't change at ALL! Except for two who changed their surnames. xD Married per, katerkan. hahaha. Had form teacher period. Alamak, my form teacher. I wish she would change. I would pay to have her changed. I would do detention to have her changed. Hahahahahhaa. Then was physics. Just did runthrough of the years topics, Then a short intro on the first topic. Recess was spent with the members. Then after recess was E-Math. With Mr Zuraimi, its always awesome. hahahah. Finished the lesson waaaay before end of school. Then solat jumaat was the usual. MKS really upgraded alot! Its not sooo nice. After solat, me afi hamzah hidayat clement went over to Valhall. Clement got a $189 Unihoc TWS. Hidayat got himself a $169 Zone Edge. I want to get myself a new stick ): My current stick has a messed up blade. hahaha. I guess I'll save $200 for a new Unihoc. Then get $50 from my parents. whoooo! xD Bus-ed back to school. Reached training 30 minutes late! haha. Lucky Mr Amir wasn't there. Played matches all the way, Then it was back home for me. Saw syahirah at the int. She seemed like she didn't recognise me. xD Till some other time, Vicky!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
School's tmr!
Omg. Tomorrow's school! The start of sec 4. gosh. How fast time flies. I remember having to do my PSLE. I felt like I had butterflies in my tummy. In 10 months, I will be experiencing the same. Except that now, its the O's. A major exam. ohmy. This year, I will have to work really hard! My aim; VJC! But who knows I might be offered DSA into RJ or something? haha. I should have a few friends who's going to RJ too. I will pray to god almighty, every singleday. I will balance studies, floorball, family, friends. I will study really hard. Get a really good L1R5. And do everyone proud. Good luck to those taking major exams. Whether it is O's, A's or even the PSLE. Study hard! I guess I won't really be updating this space much. Due to the fact that I will have floorball training everyday. And after that training, I will most probably be studying. But I'll try so on weekends. (: Ahh, the start of a new school year. I will do my best. Work to my fullest potential. Amin.