Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Today was fun(: Training, again. Damn tired though! So didn't perform to my maximum potential. D: So, 2008's ending in 2 hours or so. Its now time to reflect on the year. 2008 has been a complicating year. I realised that this year, I've been more rebellious to my parents. haha. I guess its a normal teenager thing. xD So yes, 2008. The year I got into sec3. Now, the events are just coming back into my mind one by one. So, it might not be in order. haha. Oh yes, one of the GREATEST things that have ever happened in my life. That was the dikir barat. I remember the time we had together, the malay students from sec 1 to sec 3. Us seniors had a tough time handling all the stuff. And pressure was put on us to make it the performance a big success. I remember the times we had to discipline the juniors who were sometimes stubborn. Rifts occured among us, but we worked things out. After months of training, the big day came. It was an almost-flawless performance. But nevertheless, an awesome one! :D We were extremely happy after the performance. haha. And after it, we celebrated like hell! woohoooooo. Oh yeah, an event that was probably the BEST in my 15 years of life. And that event was to commemorate me living for 15 years. xD My 15th Birthday! It was absolutely awesome. With the dikir members showering me in flour and stuff. And getting loads of awesome presents. And with the super special date! 20/08/2008 It was absolutely awesome. No doubt about it. None at all. Thanks to all who've made it wonderful! :D I will repay back to y'all the best way possible. haha. And of course recently, the school exchange trip to China! It was an awesome experience. Having met many new friends, both from VS and NHZX, China. Cool experience, and experiencing a cold country for the first time. Ah, awesome. haha. And lastly, winning 2nd place in the Div 2 Oh course, there are some other experiences. Some great, some not. But hey, thats what balances life, eh? I have gained lots of awesome friends, really. Namely, there is one group that I will never ever forget. Members Inc., you guys are the best brothers ever. I will always remember you guys and treasure our friendship. I have truly developed a brotherly bond with you people. And I love my brothers for all the stuff they have done for me. From the happy times, to the times when a frown fell upon my face. You guys have been there for me. I truly appreciate it. 2008 has been a year which really brought us together and bonded us. Hopefully 2009 will do the same. Rock on guys. Saufi. Afi. Hafidzhin. Ziyad. Taufik. Wisnuh. Izzat. Farhan. Fawwaz. Luqman. Plus Hamzah. I will never forget you guys and will always be in my heart. (: Because true friends are never forgotten! MEMBERS INC. FOREVER!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
sec 1 orientation
I am sooooooooooo damn tired. Slept at 3am, woke up at 6am. Bathed, got ready and went out of home by 7. Reached school at 8 exactly. :D I finally got my concession pass! haha. Upon reaching school, We slacked around for a bit. Had breakfast. And then set up the booth for floorball, Since today was the Sec 1 Orientation. After our hard work setting it up, some irresponsible juniors messed it all up again. I got scolded by Mr Amir because of that. Bottles strewn all over the place, bags littered everywhere. But nevermind, he's just enforcing discipline. haha. We finished setting up at 930. Then we discovered the people would be down only at 1045. So me hamzah afi went over to the field and watched the soccer boys train. After some time, we went back to the canteen. Made sure everything was in order, then Mr Amir appointed only a few boys to man the booth. Leaving some of the juniors and all us seniors free. hahahaha. Went back to the side of the field and discussed what to do. And we decided to play catching/police-and-thief! haha. IT WAS DAMN FUN! But tiring uh. Ran all over the school grounds, sometimes sprinting real hard to prevent being caught. xD After like, 1 hr plus of playing, We went up to the hall for floorball training. But the cleaners were still clearing up the chairs in the hall. So we helped them. Sometimes the simplest of things can be enjoyable if you add an element of fun to it. Thats what we did! hahahah. After that was floorball training. It was fun! But of course, tiring. Considering the fact that I had only 3 hours of sleep and had run alot during the game. xD hahaha. I scored only 3 goals. Assisted more. I'm a natural defender. haha. We played a unique formation today though. 3 men up forward while one man is at the central of defence. Meant we had to run like shit when we lost the ball. haha. But yeah, it was a good team I was in. Me Afi Hamzah Iskandar. Iskandar is a really good defender. Afi's a good top scorer. Hamzah is a good dribbler and provider. haha. Awesomeeeeeeeeeee :DDDD
  Saufi's request. haha. Today was mundane. Woke up at 2. Went for tuition at 3. Back home at 6. BORED! haha. Thank god there's training tmr! But I'll have to wake up at 6am to reach school at 8. haha. damnnnn. Ah well, hopefully I'll have fun! hahahaha (:
Monday, December 29, 2008
tkgs concert
I was woken up damn early today! Because my parents forced the whole family to go for jemputans together. haha. So got ready and we were out by 12. Finally had a chance to wear my new shirt x)). First wedding was over at Sengkang, so far! But yeah, had a good time eating, xD. Then, headed over to Simei for the 2nd jemputan. There were sooooo many people. Ended up ditching is because there were no seats. Like seriously, they should plan the seating manszx. But that wedding had alot of ______. hehehe. You all must guess. xD Parted with family then, and met up with Saufi at Simei MRT. Train-ed to Bedok, then headed over to Roxy Square. I went to cut my hair while saufi went around looking for flowers. x) Sadly, I chopped off my fringe, tail and my ohsoprecious sideburns. hahaha. Well, I hope they'll regrow back nicely! (: Things done and me looking good ( cheh!), We bus-ed to Paya Lebar and then train-ed to City Hall. From there, walked to Victoria Concert Hall to attend the; Nakamura Gakuen Girls' Symphonic Band & TKGS Symphonic Band Concert. TKGS played for like what, 15 mins? Screwups! tsk3. One instrument suddenly went PHEEET and a few minutes later, something dropped. haha. But I've got to commend the SB from Japan. They were really good! And during one of the songs, they donned Disney stuff! Like Minney Mouse Ears. xD But they were really really good. And they sang well too! They were sortof a symphonic band and choir combined, I guess? But I had a great time listening to them. Didn't really waste my money like what my mum insisted. -.- After the concert, we went over to Raffles City to check out bags! Billabong & Quiksilver. I don't know what to get. I don't want to get Dickies because its so fucking common among mats & minahs. Must be like me, original! I still think Billabong bags are the nicest. But I might check out Converse too. But I'm so freaking broke. Ah well, school's starting soon anw. Too soon. I'll be getting my Malay O's results. I'm nervous. And then will come the real O's. Ohmy, ohmy, ohmy.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A day at the beach
Yay! Today was absolutely awesome :DDDD At around 1, we went over to Changi Beach where I met up with cousins! Mainly Era, Adilah, Aat, Irfan and my siblings. We spent pretty much the whole day playing in the sand. And being the stupid blurcock that I am, I woke up late, thus I was rushing to pack my stuff. As a result, I didn't pack extra clothes to play in the sand! hahaha. Bad bad mistake. But ohwells, had fun anw! I dug 2 really deep holes and buried Haziqah & Hazim in. My little brother is sooooo damn cute. He made all sorts of faces while trying to exhume himself from the sand, xD! And according to Era, I ate alot. Well, when you have food like roti kirai and BBQ chicken there, who can't resist, eh? ;D haha. After sunset, we had nothing else better to do. So somebody suggested playing dog & bone, so we did. Awesome game! 3 games, and the winner of each game has to get 15 points. We kept rotating teams and tactics for all 3 games. And strangely, I was on the winning team for all of them. xD some skill, eh? We packed up and left at around 930. Had loads of fun today. Enjoyed it so much! Especially with cousins around, even the most mundane of things can become so fun. That's why I love them so much! But too bad Kak Fiqah wasn't there. I miss her! And also Kak Mai & family. They could have made it much more fun, too. With amira. haha. K, I'm hungry again. o.O I think I have a super high metabolism rate. Heh. Till tmr, Vicky!
Friday, December 26, 2008
CPU's back!
Yeah! I finally got my old CPU back. Its nice to have huge memory unlike the other CPU I was using. Hello to superfast downloads and internet speeds! haha. And as I speak, I'm alr downloading PSP games which I haven't in sucha long time. :D DJ Max, NFS: Undercover, Patapon2, Loco Roco 2, Snowboarding! Well, its not all for me. haha. Downloading for my sister too. Anyway, skipped training today! I was tired. And lazy. So might as well don't go, kan? Went to solat and met up with Saufi & Luqman. Went home after that. Played computer, then slept till 630. Now feeling all refreshed! haha. I guess I'm gna do holiday homework till sunrise. But that'll be lying. Oh heck, I'd better do it anyway. haha. And (hopefully!) there'll be a picnic tmr! With the big big big happy family. I'm looking forward to seeing my cousins! But Kak Fiqah will be working, damn DDDD: Oh well, hopefully the rest come. But if there's no picnic, I think I'll go to Tampines Sports Hall to see the Div 3 match. And I can look for headbands and wristbands too. I've added those on to my list! haha.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
christmas feastS! haha.
Let It Rock. I'm so motherfucking full! Went out for almost the whole day. First was to aunt's house. I ate. Mee Soto A few pieces of samosa Ice Cream A few pieces of chicken! Mee Goreng 5-6 cups of tea But I still didn't feel full. damn! Its either my metabolism rate is DAMN high, or theres something wrong with the whatever pits in the stomach which tell people when they're full. xD After maghrib, went over to another aunt's house. I ate, Pizza Turkey Beef And the turkey is HUGEEEEE! hahaha. And the beef is nice. Thank god there's training tmr. If I eat and eat without excercising. I could end up like (insert name of fat person here). Whee! And school's starting so soon! I didn't really feel much of the holidays because I kept returning to school for floorball and such. haha. I still have a few stuff to do. Buy school bag. Buy boxers. Buy ankle socks for school (taking advantage of long pants concealing ankles. heheh) Taper school pants. Finish homework. And god knows what else. xD Better do em soon! Till tmr, Vicky!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
training, again!
Today's training was the usual. I'm discovering that I'm improving alot at every training. haha. Well, thats what I think. xD Today was tiring, as usual. But training made me highhhhhhhh! hehehe. I was supposed to be out of the house by 1130, But being the champion that I am, I woke up at 1130. haheho. Rushed through my bath, dressing up and breakfast. (sempat jgk eh, breakfast. xD) Since I planned on wearing slippers after training, I had to put on my beloved Mecurials. heheh. And it was raining, damn! I missed the bus. So walked all the way to the interchange. Took MRT to bedok, then took 196 to school. Then training! Tiring, tiringggggggg. But fun! :DDDDD I love doing the M Drill. But I hate doing the 1 on 1's. Especially this time, the DSA guys came for training. So we got ready to get owned? hahaha. At about 330, we were looking forward to a niceeeeeee lunch at parkway, When the Penang Free School boys joined us for training. We had to rearrange the court 2 times! gosh. tiring. We played matches all the way till 4, When we ran away. Yes, we just took our bags and left for the shower rooms. xD Mr Amir didn't say anything. haha. Discovered later on that we didn't really have to keep the boards because Mr Amir had training with the Skool Innebandy. Lucky. So me hafidz hamzah kwek cheeyong henri matthew ezra went over to the usual hawker centre. Well, it was after our hard work dragging some of them to the hawker centre. To eat, as Kwek puts it, "Evening Lunch". hahaha. They wanted to eat at Banquet. So expensive. tsk! haha. In the end, they didn't regret it. Except that they said there wasn't enough food. xD After that, went to Parkway and walked around. Then went home. It was damn cold in the bus otw home! I froze my ballz off. ;D But they're still there, don't worry. And I saw Fatin on 292! Its been a long time since I've seen her. hahah. Hmm, tmr's christmas. I should be going shopping and then to some kenduri. Kenduri Merry Christmas. hohoho. Nolah, jokinggg. Something to do with my cousin. I can't be bothered to go, actually. All my cousins on my mum's side are waaaayyyyyy younger than me. Thats why I love hanging out with the cousins on my dad's side. They're awesome! like seriously. (: Ohwell. Santa's gay. Till tmr, Vicky!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Whoo! Today was tiring. Very! haha. Woke up at 1030 to get to training at 1230. Finally, it was a training with Mr Amir, since he was away on honeymoon but has since returned. But there were the disadvantages, of course. It was soooooo damn tiring! Especially because he kept doing drills. The 'M' drill was retarded and funny but awesome. Then, we played 1 on 1. This was sooooooooooo !@#$% tiring. Imagine, playing with only one opponent on a court for 3 v 3 games. We had to run alot! But it was fun, nevertheless. It was followed by 2 on 2, and then 3 and 3. I agree with Hafidz, me him and adib make a great team. :DDDDD Random info, but usually when texting or online, I'll call him hafidz. But when I shout his name or say his name in floorball or outside, It'd be fidzhin. hahahaha, okay information tak perlu. xD Ended training at around 3.30pm. After packing up the boards and bathing, Me Hafidz & Adli went over to parkway to eat! Nasi Goreng Kampung, awesomeeee! :D Went home after that.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Singapore vs. Vietnam
I went to watch the match! Even though we lost, I swear I didn't feel so sad. The atmosphere at the National Stadium was awesome! With the kallang roar, the kallang wave, the unity of supporters and of course, TET TET TETTETTET TETTET TETTET, BUTOH! Hahahahahahahaha. it was soooooooooo awesome. xD I'm gonna be a diehard fan and go down anytime there's a match. hahahhaha. But of course, It was wayyyyyy awesomer due to 2 groups of people. My cousins and my friends! Haha, but sorry dudes I had to ditch you all for my cousins. But I didn't really regret it because I loooooove my cousins! For 3 straight days I went out with them. haha. Especially with the presence of my bestest cousin in the whole wide world,  KAK FIQAH! <333333 If there was more time I would spend it with you. (: Unfortunately you're leaving fr KL tmr! Nevermind, next time also can meet. heheh. Have fun while you're there! Ohwell, I better go off to sleep now. Have training tmr. Will upload more photos when I get them though!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
To hell with the whole MIA thing. I feel better alr. I guess when life brings you down, You have to take it in your stride. Its all part and parcel of life, Some things go your way, Some don't. So you just have to do what you have to do and move on with life. There's nothing more than that. Even with the outing with friends and cousins which gave me such joy, There was still the heavy feeling in the heart. The first I've felt, ever. I was not sure what if was. Guilt? Grief? Regret? Whatever it was, it was not a feeling I would love to have. Fortunately, she texted me at night. I guess, we're okay now. :D I was so afraid that... oh well. I guess I can't really be sad for more than one day. I guess thats a good thing(: <3 mysterygirl. During the khutbah ( sermon ), It started raining! So we were kinda wet. It was fun though. After prayers, went to eat at Mr Teh Tarik. Nasi Ayam! We asked for extra rice. They gave us a mountain of it. Soon, we left for Tampines Int. Separated with the guys and met up with cousins. After several hiccups here and there, We finally set off for Marine Bowl at East Coast. I had to lead the way since they didn't know how to go. My school's around that area also what, So I knew where to go. Kinda, 'my area'. hahaha. We bowled! zomg it was funnnnnnnnnnn! First game I got 108, and the second 88. After bowling, me era kakfiqah went up to play Para Para! Of course, with retardation included in our styles of dancing, It never failed to be fun. heh. That's when I had to leave for ngaji. So me & my sisters went off in cab back home. (: Awesome day.                   Today. Woke up super duper early at 8.45 and went over to Downtown. We went to Wild Wild Wet! There was me, Era, Habsah, Adilah, Kak Mai & family and her friend, Alijah, and amira's friend, Adib & his family. Quite a crowd, eh? It was super fun! Mainly stayed with Era, Adib, Kak Mai & Alijah all the way. Had fun on all the rides, and of course we made our own fun on the Shiok River and Tsunami thingy. xD After WWW, we went to eat and then walked around E-hub. Played at the arcade. Well, more like only Amira. She wanted to play the Para Para so much! :D We can't stop her eh, Let her dance! We then headed for home. Walking to the bus stop, then 17 came. So I just shouted, EH MY BUS and BYEEEE and ran. Premature exit. xDDDDD But I had realllllllyyyyy lotsa fun. Ohwell, tmr I'll be going to watch the Singapore vs. Vietnam match! My cousins are going, and so are my brahders. I guess I'll just go with BOTH. haha. I love the world.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
And I stuck my middle finger to the world.
I'm not angry at anybody, I really aren't. When life brings you down, All you've got to do is pick yourself up again and move on. But I find myself hard in doing so. Why did stuff seem so perfect at one moment, And then at the other, the world crashed around me. You deserved to know, I admit it. But I just didn't feel like I had to tell you. I just felt it would be better that way. At that time, I was having problems. I wanted to solve them on my own, And didn't want to burden you with the situation. For you were there to make me happy, You were my escape from the dark and gloom. As for now, avoid me. There are stuff I need to sort out. Things that have to be straightened out. If not your fault, its fully mine. So leave me in peace these next few days, Let me bring myself up again. Never let anything bring you down Haziq. But I guess, some things just can. Guilty as charged. Going M.I.A. Till next week, Vicky.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Post Number 555!
To those who wonder why all my posts are usually soooooo damn long. I like to make an effort in everything I do. Including blogging. And I intend to keep this blog going until I grow super old! So yes, I want to keep all my memories on this blog. Who knows one day when I have retired and have extra time, I will laugh at the moments when I was a teenager, And the times I was growing up. Who knows later on my children and grandchildren can see how times were in 2006 onwards, And laugh at how big my handphone was and how cars still have wheels, Unlike in the future in which cars can alr fly. Well, who knows! hahahaha. Moving on, I have never regretted having this blog, Never will! I don't care if I have to pay in the future if I wanna keep this blog going, ( well make it less than $5 if possible. xD ) This blog will be alive! :DDDD Till death do us part. heheh.   Today was interesting. ;D I woke up at 1230, And got an sms from Natasha. She's back! hahahha :DDD Bathed & got ready to go out. First went over to my sisters' school to buy their school books. Expensive, serious! Then went to Orchard to the Indonesian Embassy. My maid collected her passport. Its been quite a while since I've been to Orchard. I want to go again before school starts! Then, headed to my cousin's house! Primary 5, baru sunat. tskkkk. For the benefit of non-malays ( see I'm so graceful and not racist xD ) He was just circumsized. I remember the times when I asked him, "Do you know where all the butchers go after work at the market?" With his innocent boy-ly voice, he would say, "home?" I would laugh maturely ( macam pahammmmm ) and told him, "No. They're going to go to the hospital with their butcher knives to sunat little boys." I guess thats what got him afraid. xD What an evil older cousin. Then as he got older, I often teased him. "Eh, when you gonna sunat? Later it shrivel up and drop off how?" And he would go to a little dark corner, Sit down, draw his knees down to his chest and start rocking himself, Singing rock-a-by-baby as tears roll off his cheeks. Nah, I'm just joking. :D But yeah, its amazing how he can walk like normal after the operation. Well, me and him went through different ways. He went through and operation in KKH, With laser and anesthetics to aid in the operation. Whereas me, went through the old method. Using ring. They injected my poor you-know-what 7 or 9 times, I can't remember. But it sure was painful! I was immobilised for days! hahah. Lets stop talking about that, shall we? xD After we arrived at the house, At about 4.30 me and my dad went over to Jurong, To get a massage. It was quite painful, actually. I told him that my left knee and back was always giving me problems. And he realligned all the muscles and nerves in the left leg to their proper positions. Ouch.But after that, I could walk and bend my knee fine! Awesomeeeee. But I still haven't gotten a full-body massage! DDD: Ohwell, at least I got one to cure my knee problem. After that, headed back to my cousin's home. Ate, prayed and then sat down to watch tv. My grandparents, my family, and my cousin's family was there. Then we discovered something shocking. Seriously damn shocking. $35000 to some bitch and her husband who have no respect absolutely to my grandparents and maki-hamun them.Ah well, life. At about 9.30, went back home. Slept in the car otw home! haha. And discovered the Singapore vs. Vietnam match ended goalless. Stupid! hahaha. I think I should be watching the second leg at the National Stadium this Sunday. Who wants to follow? :DDDDD I think I will sleep late tonight. The OC at 2am! :DDDD so happy. heh. Till tmr, Vicky!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ah, man! Now two of my sms buddies have gone overseas. D: That leaves me with not many interesting people to text. hahahaha. Oh well, I will try my best to keep myself occupied. xD I'm thinking of starting on my homework and on my self training fr fitness. Hahahahaha. I'm already doing my strength training. Really helps if your dad is an ex-fitness instructor who worked at the gym. hahaahah. Ah, gotta run now! Till later, Vicky!ZOMG my mum's forcing me to go out with my siblings to Escape. I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT! DDDDD: That's a first. hahahahhaha. I'm coming up with crap excuses not to go out. But the bottomline is, I'm just pure lazy.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Love actually.
I should be asleep now, shouldn't I?To rest for the training which I organised. haha.Fitness conditioning! yay!For once, I'm looking forward to fitness.Absolutely weird. xDI guess I'll sleep soon.I just watched Love Actually on C5.An awesome show, really.Even though its not a new movie,I'd say it'll be one of the best movies ever!And one of my favourite ones.I don't know why, but there was something about it that really got me, hooked.No, not the kissing.I guess its just interesting, the show. hahah.Ohwells, I guess I'll be off now.Oh, and I can get to test my new shoes during training! heheh.:DTill later, Vicky!Okay, now's later. haha. Woke up at 11, And rushed for training. Reached on time. Unfortunately, I had to skip b'fast. And also lunch due to training. HUNGRY! xD I know its unhealthy to skip meals, but I wasn't thinking about food at that time. =S Didn't have fitness as planned. But played match after match after match. It was fun. But I can tell I needed to train for my stamina. Ohwells. Had fun anyways. After training, had the usual Pattaya! But after training, me and Hafidzhin got caught in the rain otw to parkway! Drenched and super cold! hahaha. But wiped ourselves dry in the bus and upon reaching the Parkway Food Centre, We had teh tarik! Awesomeeeeeeeeee. Such nice meal on a cold day. hahaha. After that, parted ways with Hafidzhin. But as soon as I boarded 31, I got a headache. And it lasts all the way till now! D: Hahah. Nevermind, shall rest. OH, and if you happen see the news tonight, Somebody threw a shoe at George Bush! Champion uh that guy! Fighter, right? hahahaha. Omg, I would pay to watch that kinda stuff. xD Hi, meet the evil teh tarik.Till tmr, Vicky!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Miss World Russia!
Okay, I have realised that I got alot of tags that I haven't replied to. xD Anyways, woke up at 1230. I tend to miss out the mornings nowadays. hahahaha. Ah nevermind. I doubt I'll be going anywhere today. And there's a wedding at the void deck! The music was what woke me up. Sertupeed jiwang music. xD When I marry, I'll play songs like, 1) Green Light - John Legend ft. Andre 3000 2) Maybe This Is Love - Varsity ( current blogsong ) 3) Touch My Body - Mariah Carey ft. The Dream So the crowd will get to dance dance dance. And I'll ask the DJ to pump up the music! I'll get Kanye West to perform at my wedding. hohoho. Then the old people will get really annoyed and ask, "Mengapakah musicnya begini? bisingggggggggggg!" And then when I come in with the kompangs, it'll be remixed with techno beats. And no kuda kepang! Shufflers will follow me. xD I tell you, my wedding with be controversial! :D Moving on, I'll be having training tomorrow! Hahaha, one that I organised myself for the floorball members. xD We'll be having fitness conditioning! ( like finally ) Because I've noticed that our fitness and stamina is like shiet. heh. So yeah, I want to prepare myself for next year. :D Some more random info, Russia won Miss World! She's so pretty. hahaha. So hot. :DDDDDD Oh, tag replies! fi: Oh well, I haven't lost yet. haha. the answer will come soon bro, it will. x)
afidas: Hoping? Haha well, I haven't updated you on what happened yet. (:
ASHLEY: What can I say, the team didn't play that well in the last period anw.
Ameera: Duh! My friend what. hahahahhaa.
AQIDA: You rule the world? wake up from that dream of yours before it does any major damage aqida!
syahirah ϟ: -.- again? hahaha. and whatever you think ah eh!
:D: well, thats good to know. xD hahahaha. wait, before anything else, I need to make sure of smtg. You're not a guy, are you? O.o hahahahahhahahahaha.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Div 3 first match (:
Woke up at 10 when I was supposed to be at Tampines Sports Hall to meet the others at 1045. So rushed and got there at 11. Ohwells, I'm not playing so what for rush eh? haha. By the time I reached, most of the guys were there alr. As in, the ones who were watching the match. So yeah, discovered some lapses in Mr Fred's warm ups but wth, he's the coach. -.- Well, for 2 matches anw. They lost 9-3. Conceded shitload of goals in the last period. And Mr Fred was say, biased. Even though some of the players were dog tired, He still played them even though there were better trained and better rested people on the team. Simple to say, he played those who were in the hockey squad only. Ah but well, we had fun watching. xD From the shouting at the players, to doing funny antics when goals were scored, And course the MARTEN's/DAGING. (inside joke, hahahahhaa.) KFC-ed after the match and took one looooooooong table all to ourselves. hahaha. With nothing else left to do, I went home. And I finally caught back on my sleep. x) Slept from 4 to 6 :DD I want to go out with friends! But no hope siaaaaaa. Everytime I sms nobody reply. Outing to escape theme park also hancur. Malas nak plan lagi.     Quiz! damn you eeraa! Regulations of this quiz is :-People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.- Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.- These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.- Continue the game by sending it to other people.Tagged by : Era!Q. If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?- get a L1R5 of under 10.- make the school B' Div team next year.- A million more wishes. xD
Q. Did you ever think to yourself and wonder if you're really real?- of course I'm real.Q. Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?- I cannot be afraid of what lies ahead for I do not know. Life is full of mysteries, all you have to do is to embrace them and face them with an open mind, heart and soul and all is easy for you.Q. Would you change yourself for the person you love?- she has to love me for who I am, but if there are bad qualities about me, I'll readily change them.Q. Do you believe in love?- yes. I believe I would represent everybody when I say this?Q. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?- I do not have to wait(:Q. If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?- Kill her boyfriend. xD nah, then I guess I'd keep my options open.Q. Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?- nope.Q. Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the guy/girl you like?- duh!Q. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?- yes, but with a good broom they're out of it.
Q. Who are currently most important to you?- family! and of course, members.Q. Have you ever wanted someone, but you knew you couldn't?- damn, Mischa Barton.Q. Are you happy with your life?- I'm blessed with the greatest life anyone could ever have :DQ. Would you give your all in a relationship?- All of me.Q. What type of friends do you like?- Ones that keep their promises and are there for me whenever I need them.Q. Do you often wish there was something you could change?- my height. xDQ. What will you look at first when you first set eye on a guy/girl?- what do guys usually do? heheh. I don't really know actually.Q. If your lover betrayed you, what will be your reaction?- KILL KILL KILL.Tagged : Hafidz, Hamzah, Afi, Natasha, Ameera.
You all will hate me for this. muahahahaha.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday! xD
First part of the day was, well. FUN! Had breakfast with Saufi and Afi. Caught up with each other's lives. I haven't been out with them is quite a while! Oh well, I guess if we see each other's faces too often we'll get sick of each other's faces, no? xD Jokingggg! I see you all at school everyday ah. hahaha. After a while, Luqman and Hamzah joined us for masjid Al-Khatum. (inside joke hahahhahhaaha) Wait, here's an extract from Hamzah's blog. xD Thirdly, i called haziq cos i wanted him to accompany me to buy my striped polo tee.This is the "funny" conversation between me and him.. (Translated in English) Me: Ehh haziq do u noe where i can buy striped polo tee? Haziq: At the mall beside Masjid Al-Khatum Me: Huh? Is there such a mosque? where is it? Haziq: Ouh the mosque is 5 mins from Tamp MRT.. Me: Serious? Can u show me the way there? Haziq: Ok, meet me at tamp LRT. We pray at the mosque first before going to the mall.So being a complete Pasirian, i dun noe that there are no such mosque or LRT in Tampines.So i followed Haziq's instructions and him at Tamp Macs before prayers, together with Saufi and Luqman.It was there that i found out that he; Muhd Haziq Bin Azmi, had tricked me!Hdhiehdiuehfu!Felt like whacking him right there and then.But being a patient and kind guy, i restrained from such actions.So met Afi at MASJID DARUL GHUFRAN and prayed there..And i found out that Afi was the mastermind that tricked me..WATCH OUT, BOTH OF YOU!Aren't I just awesomeeeee? hahahahahhaa. He just can't accept the fact that HE CAN'T WHACK ME NO MATTER WHAT! Hahahahaha. NATO! You want to whack a mat and a dog? Bad choice sia Hamzah. hahahahahahaha. Then went for solat at Gufran. We sat at the perimeter of the mosque. And all I can say is, the cooling breeze that blew onto my skin had a very calming effect. Well, that's a first. And the prayers were done in the super nice wind. I guess god didn't want us to suffer while doing our prayers for him, eh? haha. After that, just walked around with the guys and talked about stuff. I really hope all of them can make it for escape theme park next week! :D And Natasha! you're leaving tmr. DDDD: Hope is a shining beacon of light, In a city of darkness.Till later, Vicky! ____________________________________________________________________ Now's later. heh. Went to eastpoint with mum and siblings. Bought my siblings school shoes, Then went over to sportslink and bought my court shoes! I wanted to buy the Total 90, black and neon-green shoes. Its nice. But my mum allowed me to buy Mercurial, So I bought! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Its like, Mercurial. You know, Mercurial. xD I love love love them. hahahahhahaa.  Till tmr, Vicky!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How times have changed. How people go along with it. How a flower wilts and there's always another one to replace it. The cycle of life, full of mysteries. Yet willing to replace sadness with hapiness, always. Whatever it is, life never fails to surprise us. Sometimes with pure joy, others with misery. As time goes on, people mature, people fade, people die and new ones are born. The clock ticks on, but people do not realise the importance of each second that passes by. For each second that has passed could have been used for good, or for bad. Its all up to the individual, ain't it? As months pass by, people start to mature. People who I've never expected to show a certain side of themselves, suddenly do. They start to say, "Hey, this girl seems so attractive. I like her." I didn't really expect that from them, but hey, I realised that they have matured from the guys I've seen before. As for me, I guess that time has passed. I just would like to sort out my life. Priorities set in place and then success in hand, then I'll start searching for the true meaning of love. As people say, relationships at this age are just Monkey Love. I agree to a certain extent, as I have friends with relationships over 20+ months. So I guess, they are mature and ready? Well, only time will tell. As for what happened on Hari Raya Haji, I shall not elaborate much. But as I have said, time passes and people fade. I guess all that happened was a mere miscommunication? In the end, the whole family got together at my aunt's house as usual. There is however, somethings I don't really like about the other side of my family; dad's side. As people get older, they somewhat are supposed to be more responsible and independent, no? I don't get why a simple trip down to atuk's house cannot be done, just to see him and meet him. The clock ticks on, and every second that passes is a second closer to his passing. We just do not know when. So I urge you all to make that simple trip, to see the old man and make him happy. He is not well, you all know that. So why not see him and talk to him before soil seals him forever and sangkaratul maut comes to end his part in this world? Well, its all up to the individual, I guess. Whatever happens, I hope the family still stay together as one. How times have changed, oh how have they (:Till later,Vicky!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ahhhh, damn! I'm sneezing non-stop now. No thanks to my SUPER sensitive nose. I'm born with it, and I have to deal with it. Damn. But hey, at least I have a nose, right? :D Woke up and got scolded for waking up at 130. xD Ah well, its the holidays whatttt! Just slacked around and then got ready for tuition. Came late! Got scolded because I didn't do work. Didn't bring textbook. Blah blah blah. Today's full of scolding, eh? hahahaha. But at least tuition was with the gerek people. Fareez, Shamym & Natasha! :DDDDD My sister left first. Then the 4 of us were left. After tuition, I was walking home. Then Nat asked me to join them, So we lepak-ed at the void deck. haha. After awhile, we all left. I walked back home and now here I am. Tomorrow's plan to go watch Bolt was cancelled, I think. I should be going to watch on Saturday instead with floorball mates. Since I'm going down to Tampines Sports Hall on that day to watch the Div 3 match. :D
Sometimes when things go wrong, you just have to accept that what's done is done and you can't change it anymore, right? Life goes on, and you have to be happy. No matter what, bad things do happen. But so do good things. So maybe, just maybe, when those happy things happen, stay happy. And when sad things happen, stay the same. Perfect, you may think. Could be true, could be not.When you have a dilemma. With 3 to choose. 2 of which you are certain. 1 of which isn't, but you have the upmost feeling for it. Which do you choose? Do you choose to play safe? Or do you choose to go for the adventure, the uncertain. Not knowing what lays ahead of you, yet armed with nothing but hope and courage, you go for it. You can never know the outcome, but if its success at the end of that road, then the spoils are great. There is, however, another choice. In which you ditch all 3, and go on to something that has yet to be dicovered, or proven. And you are the one to do it, and it will bring you the greatest feeling of them all. But if you don't, you end up with nothing. Nothing at all. This is by far, the greatest adventure of them all. Which do you choose? (: Because its all happening to me.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Today was fun! (: I woke up at 930, 933, 936, 1000, 1003, 1006, and finally at 1120. Haha, random info. xD Bathed, ate and then set on foot for tampines interchange. Morning workout, I should say. :D Took 31 to school, but along the way, Afi & Hamzah boarded at Bedok. So finally, had company. haha. Reached school on time, but as I waited outside the GO for Afi to collect his IC, Who else came along but Mr Chia, the DM. I was in slippers, and tucked out shirt. So yeah, self explanatory. He asked me to go out of school and put on my shoes. -.- So kental! I just went to one staircase and straight to the hall. haha. Training was pretty slack, I should say. Mr Amir didn't come! (honeymoon, whoo eh eh eh) So us seniors took charge. But clement, the overall incharge came damn fxcking late. Good job eh? haha. But hey, got to score several beautiful goals. :DDDD Oh what the heck, I missed floorball so much! haha. Its like, my girlfriend. xD After training, went over to Banquet, Parkway. Had Fried Lemon Chicken Rice! Tasty <3333. haha. And then we walked around. After awhile, went home. The rest pangseh-ed me and took 36. I took 31 alone! And in the bus, I experienced those mats staring at each other kinda thing. I was laughing to myself. Oh, reminds me of what happened in parkway. These 2 guys looked at us and went "HAHA, victoria victoria victoria." Got some spasm problem, I think. Need to say the name so many times. xD They were in the middle in the group, and we stopped there and then. I gave them the look. haha, cannot explain. But it wasn't friendly. Then we walked on. Assholes, all I can say. Oh, and this saturday I need to go down to Tampines Sports Hall to help the div 3 guys. haha. It'll be fun, I guess. xD
Monday, December 08, 2008
Today was a day spent with mixed feelings. Started off the day REALLY badly. But it got better towards the end :D Nothing can bring me down. And I really enjoyed meeting my cousins once again! I don't know what got us so bonded. But its awesome! I love all you cousins! :DDDDDD I've floorball training tmr, So sleeping early. Till tmr, Vicky!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Maybe this is love. My feelings for you have not swayed. For there's something about that smile girl, That just drives me wild. Basking in the moon's glow, I watch you stroll, and you flow. How I wish you could be mine, For I've been waiting all this time. I've never felt the same, But my heart could be playing a game. Can I get you, can I not? Thats whats always in my thoughts. For you are a million miles away, But in my heart, you'll always be.
After helping afi with his problem, I have to face with mine. Should I, or should I not? Maybe my heart's just playing a game, But 3 months, I think not. Just that sometimes, I want to be free, alone. But other times, my heart just yearns to be loved. Could it be that she shares the same feelings, It could be not. But maybe I should just try, What hurts is not doing it at all. Be a man, haziq, a true one at it. For you must tell her, Now you must pick the spot.On to blog about the vacation, It was fine. Well, on Sunday we set off for Port Dickson. It was a long drive, and I used it to get back on sleeping time. xD Then, we reached the Corus Hotel. It was satisfying, I guess. Having the view of the lagoon and the open sea, Who couldn't resist letting the mind roam, eh? :D We didn't do much. Mainly eating and slacking. Shopping was to be later on in Melaka. One of the nights, I went down to the beach and stared up at the open sky. Amazingly, god sent out a sign to all of us. The moon was in a crescent shape, and there were 2 stars nicely positioned above it. Forming a smiley face. ( : Yes, like that. So yeah, we stayed for 3D2N. Had a 1 and a half hour drive to Melaka, Where we stayed in the Equatorial! It was so super. 5-star hotel with VIP treatment as I have said in the recent blogpost It was such an amazing experience. I didn't do much shopping anw. I couldn't find school shoes that suited to my taste, And also court shoes. I wanted a billabong school bag, But I couldn't find a single billabong item there! Amazing. hahaha. So yeah, we planned to stay for 3D2N. But we extended our stay, and stayed for 4D3N. As I said, it was amazing. that's why. Hhahaahaha. Not much to say anw. Wanting to be the happykid he was before, Vicky!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Somebody's back! I didn't shop much. Due to certain reasons. BUT, I'll be getting $200 for a few stuff. School Shoes, maybe getting Everlast. School Bag, definitely getting Billabong. xD Court Shoes, I have no idea whether to get Nike or Adidas. Nike has nice designs, but if I buy Adidas, I get 30% discount. hmm, so hard. hahaha. Stationaries! Well, I'm running out of pens. x) I haven't started on holiday homework ohmygosh. Ah, who cares. xD Oh wait, I want to ace O's. Eh fuck, O's! I didn't wanna be reminded. Blardy hell. Oh well, I'll post about my trip later or tmr. Kinda tired and hungry now. I missed you people so much. haha. Till later(but most probably tmr), Vicky
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
In Melaka!
Hey people! I'm in melaka now. I was in Port Dickson from Sunday till yesterday. And arrived here yesterday. Port Dickson was soooooooo freaking hot! Lucky for me, its not in Melaka. The hotel is so awesomeeeeeeee. Its 5 star, and we got special rooms and VIP treatment because we're in some membership? haha. But I swear, its super duper nice. And we got free internet connection. Explains why I'm blogging. xD Oh wells, I haven't bought much. Just a shirt? I'm aiming to buy moremoremore. heheh. And shoes! I want to get new court shoes. and school shoes. Unfortunately, there's no billabong stuff anywhere here. i don't know why. DDD: Oh, and sorry saufi! i can't find your pink boots here. haha, sorray brother! Okay, so I guess that's all till I'm back. Don't expect many photos eh! There's something wrong with my memory stick on my phone. Keeps deleting pictures on its own. D: So sad. hehe.