Saturday, November 29, 2008
beach! and m'sia, tmr.
I'm sorry to disappoint you people! But I can't go for ymc today ): Will update later on.Okay, just came home from the beach. Tiring, I guess. But it was nice to rest at the beach rather than at home [: So yeah, it was fun. Anyway, I'm leaving for malaysia tmr! Till friday. Anything, contact me on my hp(: Bye!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tiring day!
Hmm, so today was pretty tiring. Woke up at 7, And reached tampines interchange at 7.50am. Adli wanted to meet me, but he was late. So I took the bus first, or else I would be late for floorball. xD So yeah, he ran all the way from the interchange to the bus stop after the interchange. hahaha. Training started at 8.30, ended at around 11.45. It was strenuous, the training. Maybe its just me, but it was tiring. Started out with drills, and then with matches. Quite fun, actually. After training, went over to Parkway Parade Food Centre for my favourite nasi pattaya! :DDDD So nice, especially after such tiring training (: Went with hamzah, henri and adib. After that, went over to MKS for prayers. Prayers ended, then I went to kembangan! For my dental appointment, of course(: It was kinda scary. They were fitting rings onto my teeth? haha. But there was a good luck omen before that! As soon as I entered the room, Green Light - John Legend ft. Andre 3000 Started playing. It's my favourite song! So yeah, good luck omen :DDDDDD hahaha. It was okay, overall. Just that now, I find it a little difficult to eat, because of the rings. Not used to em, that's all [: Now I'm sick ): Like, headaches and wdv. Damnshit, I don't think I can go for YMC grad tmr! DDDDD: I hate being sick. totally.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sending off ziyad!
Well, today was kinda fun. Woke up at 830, And met saufi and afi over at tampines mrt at 920. Wait, saufi came late, as usual. xD So yeah, headed to the airport, terminal 2. Sat around at macs for a while, then met ziyad! Then Farhan, Wisnuh, Hafidzhin, Taufik and Dzafir came! Not together, but in that order. hahahahaha. x) So yeah, we snapped pics with ziyad. Sent him all the way to the passport area! And then, when we couldn't follow him any longer, We spammed "BYE ZIYAD!" and waves. :DDDDD I hope he has a safe haji. I'm gonna miss that brother! :DDDDDDDDDD After that, me saufi afi taufik and farhan, Went over to ehub. Arcade! haha, played like shit. it was sooooo fun! And I finally bought myself a tapz card! :D Anyway, after saufi left, I myself left. Went with my family, minus dad, to pasir ris park! No comment, just had lotsa fun. Hahaha. And the pictures, are here; Feel free to cope them, members(: Sending Ziyad off/pasir ris park!I won't dare post up the slideshow again, because it makes peoples' computers hang. haha.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Today was blah! In the morning had a friendly match with East View Sec. Alot of our players did not come, and all of us were off form, Like seriously. So yeah. ): After that, went to eat with ashley hamzah hafidz cheeyong jonathan at Macs. Finally had my Big Breakfast again! :DDDDD Then, we played mall catching! Me & Ashley, vs the rest of them. Idiots! haha, but it was damn fun. Went home at around 12.30pm. Slacked for quite awhile, then had math tuition at 3. I realised that I have alot to revise! I will start real soon. Come on, below 10 for L1R5! Insyallah. Just that, the first 2 months it'll be damn hard. With B' Div and Division 1. But there's no guarantees that I'll be entering. So yeah, I will train hard this holiday to keep my fitness and strength up and running. Right now, there's 2 things on my mind. Studies and floorball! As they say, Performance = Potential - Distractions. What distractions do I have? Well, I have yet to find out. haha. And I love my new phone! hehehehe. Okay, bye! And tmr I'll be at the airport again. Who wants to go? xD ____________________________________________________________________ A. People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog. B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz. Those that are tagged cannot refuse. C. Continue this game by tagging 8 other people. 1. Hafidzhin! 2. Afi! 3. Hamzah! 4. Wisnuh! 5. Natasha!! (heheh, sorry girl). 6. Ameera! 7. Haziyah! 8. - I got no idea. xD START! 1. What have you been doing recently? ` to friendly match, to tuition, then rotting here. xD 2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? ` When my discipline master comes into the class and during exams! 3. What happened at 10am today? ` Eating breakfast with floorball friends (: 4. When did you last cry? ` Hmm, quite some time ago? haha. 5. Believe in fate/destiny? ` yes. everything that happens is determined by what you did earlier on in life. fate [: 6. What do you want in your life now? ` Good grades! and good floorball skills. 7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood? ` I like getting drenched in the rain, really. haha. 8. What's your favourite thing to do on the bed? ` with or without a girl? joking! erm, sleep of course! 9. What bottoms are you wearing now? ` Berms. 10. What's the nicest things in your inbox? ` Haziq! -by natasha. i believe my name is the nicest. heheh. 11. Do you tend to make the relationship complicated? ` Not really. haha. 12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone? ` of course not! lol. 13. What was the last movie you caught? ` Madagascar 2 ! :DDDDD 14. What are you proud of? ` Myself & my family. 15. What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say? ` wtf. hahahahahhahahahaha. -adli 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? ` You'll be okay - varsity 17. Do you have any nicknames ? ` Vicky! :DD 18. What does the newest text say? ` Haha why nt! :p 19. What time did you go to bed last night? ` 0000 hrs. 12am to be exact. xD 20. Are you currently happy? ` duh! i'm feeling high hahahahahaha. 21. Who gives you the best advise? ` Members! and of course, my parents. 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? ` Yeah! super duper nice ahhhh. haha. 23. Who did you talk on the phone last night? ` Floorball mates. 24. Is something bugging you now? ` Nope . 25. Who was the last person to make you laugh? ` Floorball mates! [: ____________________________________________________________________ Zanks (:
Monday, November 24, 2008
China Trip
Okayyy, I finally feel like posting about the china trip! It won't be too lengthy, just summarization of what happened. Enjoy(: Day 1, 17/11/08 I woke up at like, 5. Bathed and got ready. Ensured I had packed my stuff, And then I was off to the airport! I was kind of nervous, With mixed feelings on what would happen. I knew I was going to miss Singapore, but I was excited on the experience I would gain and the friends gained to go alongside it. So yeah, the plane departed at 0815. We took SIA! The food was nice lahhh. xD Watched movies all the way in the plane. It was a 3hr 45min flight, so there was plenty of time. We reached the airport at Guangzhou at 1205. Happily, we set off to Nanhai Zhixin Middle School! It was a 1hour bus ride, and we reached there at 1.30pm. We were greeted by the buddies. Full with posters and everything! made us feel very welcome(: Got to know our buddies, and I got a guy buddy. Who unfortunately, was very bad at english. haha! Communication gap there. :O So yeah, we reached at the time the students had their afternoon nap. And if you think they're lucky, think again! They have school from 6.30 in the morning, to 9pm at night. I find that absolutely retarded. xD So yeah, we went to our chalet/bungalow. Got accustomed to it. We muslim boys got the top floor, along with adrian, wei liang, quinn, damien, weng lok and sidney. We kinda nicknamed ourselves 'upperword' while the others were the 'underworld'. It was good when we were talking among everybody. hahahaha. After rest, we went for dinner at 630. The food was seriously crap! argh. sorry, but it was a fact. hahaha. We had a welcome party at 7. Then met the classmates at 8! Interesting classmates hahaha. And at night, it got SUPER cold! Like 17 deg. it would have been okay, but the winds were seriously strong. so yeah, went to sleep at night with jacket and everything. Day 2, 18/11/08 We were supposed to assemble at 630, But seeing how fantastic haziq is, I woke up at 623. So rushed and everything, and then I went down, I discovered the others were still there. >.< We observed the daily morning excercise they have. Which is running from the field, all the way to the mess hall/canteen to eat. ahaha. But we didn't join in, of course. VIP treatment. xD Proceeded for breakfast and at 745, we went to the classroom for class experience. Quite a pain in the ass, sitting there so long without nothing to do. Especially when I don't understand what was being taught! hahaha. As for english lesson, it kinda made me laughed for quite a bit. Example, a translation from chinese to english was flashed on the screen as this; One boy is a boy, 2 boys is half a boy, 3 boys is no boy. Me and Farhan kept laughing during the lesson. xD I hope they didn't notice. hahaha. Finally, at 1230 we had lunch. I was looking forward to it, because it meant seeing my friends! haha. The food was still shit. xD especially after shaun chin told us the meat was PORK when it was actually chicken. -.- I had no appetite after that. hahaha nice one ah! After lunch, was the 2 hour rest. i like the resting part. xD We played ice and water in the chalet! It was super retarded! Only the upperworld people played, but still it was damn fun. hahahaha.' After the so called 'resting' time, We went back to the classes. Learnt math! on angles. super basic. xD At about 4, we left class. And a group of us played soccer with the school's soccer team! It was crazy. But we only conceded one goal, and had many opportunities for attack on their goal. After about an hour, the score was 0-1. Not bad, considering we were all non-soccer players playing against their school team. They played real aggressive! But after the match, some of them came up to me and said "wah you damn fast ah!" Hahaha, ego boost sorry. so fun. After soccer, we visited different parts of the campus with our buddies. Their school grounds are SUPER big! haha. When we got back to the chalet, however, we found the rest slacking. We asked them and they said that the visiting campus was cancelled, But we didn't know so we still had to go. Sucha waste of time, really! So yeah, had our rest again then headed to the canteen for dinner. After dinner, we made this cool traditional chinese lantern! It could float. Me and Jason paired up, and ours flew the highest and was the most successful! heheh. After the lantern making thing, we went back to chalet for rest till the next day. Day 3, 19/11/08 Hmm, day 3 was quite interesting! We went to this Xiqiao mountain, where there was this Nanhai Goddess of Mercy. It was a SUPER big statue! And we just camwhored there. It was really high up, so the wind was super strong. Apart from the cold, the view atop the mountain was super beautiful. We could see the whole city. After the mountain, we went to the Huang Fei Hong Martial Arts Museum. There was a superb performance of wushu and lion dance. And we viewed the exhibits after that. But there was this tour guide who told that robberies happened there, so a few of us had pocket knives hidden up our sleeves, including me. hahaha. Fortunately, nothing happened(: We then went back to school for our lunch and rest. I slept and then got ready to go shopping! At this place called Beijing Road. It was an hour's drive from the school, And then we experienced the city life there. Its quite beautiful, really. But the shopping was really disappointing! I didn't buy anything, because the prices of the stuff there were the same as in Singapore. So there was no actual use of buying. haha. After that, we had a cruise at their pearl river! It included dinner. The view was so breathtaking. Every building had neon lights attached to them. Making our super nice skyline along the river. I just sat there, on the top deck of the ferry, with the super cold wind, just observing my surroundings. It was marvelous, breathtaking, beautiful. Really(:  After that cool night, we went back to school and slept. Day 4, 20/11/08 Today was just normal! boring, actually. We had class experience, again. And then lunch, we were taken out to have a BBQ! It was cool. But we were kinda bored due to the fact that there was no halal food except for corn. -.- We just BBQ-ed the corn and ate some noodles. As quoted from Mr Liang, "You muslim boys are the healthiest among those travelling uh? everyday eat veggies only!" Hahahhaha. that was kinda true since I had white pee for a few days. xD okay random info. After that, was again with the class activities. Then, me and Farhan went to his buddy's house! It was like, a freaking 2 hour drive from the school. It was tiring. And the food there, yet again wasn't halal. So we ended up eating the fish and veggies only. hahaha. After that, it was another 2 hour ride back. Except that we had a stopover somewhere, and I drank coffee. Slept real late that night because of the coffee! hahaha. Day 5, 21/11/08 Today was boring, again! Most of the day, we sat in class having class experience. But after lunch, and after constant bugging by us, the teachers finally let us have a 2nd round of shopping! hahaha. Before the shopping though, we said our goodbyes to the classmates. I'm really gonna miss them. Especially Lily, Nancy, QT, Emma, and a few others. One girl cried like shit when we left! I was seriously touched. Only a few days with them, yet we were so attached. damn. The shopping, well... It was much more satisfiable. Bought stuff for my siblings. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any for my parents, or myself. Save for 2 fake jackets. xD ohwells. Then we went back to school. Had a party! And I slept at 3+. Actually I planned not to sleep. But we were all so tired. Day 6, 22/11/08 Today, was the final day. We got up at 730, packed up our stuff and then headed for breakfast with our luggage. After that, we went to their 'auditorium' to have a farewell ceremony. Well, it was sad. Emma cried the most. I felt sad, of course. But the idiot that I am, I cannot cry. So yeah, the flight back was at 1.15pm. Said our final goodbyes, and then took the plane back. This time, there was turbulence. And me and farhan dared each other not to wear seatbelts while landing. xD Wasn't so scary actually. So yeah, landed at singapore later than usual because of bad weather. But we reached, and I was happy to be back on singapore land. My whole mother's side of the family was there to greet me back, And also part of the members, mainly saufi wisnuh izzat afi. Huda, Charis and Mardhiah came too. Thanks guys! Overall, it was a really nice trip. Experience was nice, and great friendships were forged. The china people, Ernest, Jason, Wei Liang, Azmi, Damien, Quinn, Yun Han, Yun Sol, Sidney and a few others who I really bonded with. Never will I forget this trip. (: link for the photos; Guangzhou exchange '08
 Say hello to my new phone! haha. Things got better. and I like it(:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I wish to be back in china. To feel like a superstar, To be worry free, With the greatest friends, And people who appreciate you. I don't feel loved here in singapore. You know, It kinda sucks when the day after you return, You get scolded by your parents like hell. Just for results which was like, shown to them more than a month ago. And having your hp confiscated for the slightest of things. It really sucks when after 6 days not seeing the people you love and miss, And you return home to them just to get scolded and feel like shit. Nice timing, really. very nice. I'll blog about the china trip when I feel happier. As for now, Fuck the world.
1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. No cheating! How are you feeling today? Supa Dupa Fly - 666. (hahahaa! nice one, exactly how I'm feeling. super!) Will you get far in life? Me & You - Cassie. (so i guess I'll get far in life with somebody by my side? haha.) How do your friends see you? Beverly Hills - Weezer. (so they see me as a hollywood star living richly. hahaha.) Will you get married? Smile for the Paparazzi - Cobra Starship. (Whoo! I'll get married to somebody famous.) xD What is your best friend's theme song? Stronger - Kanye West. (whoa, means they have a strong friendship with me? xD) What is the story of your life? The Way I Are - Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson (I live life they way I am, not the way I try to be! haller.) What was high school like? Philosophy - Pakito (I get it, it was philosophical. xD) How can you get ahead in life? Lie About Us - Avant (ohmygod. don't tell me I'll con people to get ahead in life) What's the best thing about your friends? Miss Independant - NeYo (They're all independent aye? hahahaha.) What's in store for this weekend? Supergirl - Saving Jane (hmm, so I'll get to know a supergirl eh? ahahaha.) Describe your grandparents. hardstyle nation - blutonium boy (whoa, they're hardstylers! thats wayyyyy cool. xD) How's your life going? Monster - The Automatic (lol, i'm a monster! RAWR.) What song will they play at your funeral? Jump Jump - Varsity. (OH NO! people will be jumping and dancing at my funeral. haha. nevermind, i like my friends and contacts to be happy. :D) How does the world see you? We Takin' Over - DJ Khaled ft. Akon (so, means I'll take over the world? muahahaha!) Will you have a happy life? Babysteps - Varsity (okay, this either means I'm gonna take babysteps to success, or my life will be full of babies. :O) Do people secretly lust after you? the final countdown - dj furax (they're counting down to the time they can finally get me. xD so means they do lust. hahahaha!) How can you make yourself happy? I kissed a girl - katy perry (by kissing girls? hmm, could be true. HAHAHA!) What should you do with your life? Touch My Body - Mariah Carey (one things for sure, I won't touch myself. that's fxcking disgusting. and I won't be cheap to let people touch my body! homygod.) What does your mum think of you? If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 ft. Rihanna (means she cares for me so much, and worries that she'll never see me again? hahahaha. awwww :D) What is your deep, dark secret? Wordplay - Jason Mraz (I like to paly with words alot? hahahahahaha.) What is your mortal enemy's theme song? Pork And Beans - Weezer (he'll like non-halal food and he'll be extremely crappy. xD) What's your personality like? Ice Box - Omarion (fake! i'm not icy or anth. hahahaha, serious!) What song will be played at your wedding? just dance - lady gaga (oh yeah! i want people to dance and enjoy themselves at this wedding. ahaha) this quiz is seriously funny. people who MIGHT wanna do it; 1)syahirah 2)natasha 3)ameera 4)afi
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Okay, so I was back like 6 hours ago? But I went out right after I got to the airport. xD So yeah, thanks to everybody who came to fetch me! My whole family from my mum's side. Part of the members. Huda, Charis and Mardhiah. I really missed singapore! The atmosphere, The people, The food, The ability to speak to people in english and actually be understood and hearing people talk in english and malay and tamil. xD I missed home! Especially my little brother. I missed him like LOADSSSSSSSSSSSS! When I got out, I just hugged him for ages, carried him around. He didn't want to let go when my mum wanted to carry him. I love him so much! aaaahhhhhhh. I'll update tmr, since I have the whole day. :D I have 400+ pics, so be ready! hahaha.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'm in china!
Finally, access to a computer after 4 days. xD I'm in their computer lab. Supposedly for a lesson, but I was checking my blog, and fs. Finally, fs has been fixed! I'm so happy :DDDDD So yeah, stuff here have been fine. Except that due to the fact that its winter here, ITS SO FREAKING COLD! And the availability of halal food is DDDD: Other than that, its great. The people here are real friendly! And the weather's nice and cool. As for the shopping, it was kinda disappointing. There wasn't much of a difference between the prices here and in Singapore. So yeah, I guess I'm just shop back in Singapore. And I really miss my country! I miss home. I miss singapore food. I miss my family! I miss my friends. Haha, nevermind, there's like 2 days left. I'll enjoy it alot here. (: See you all in 2 days! Saturday, 5.25. xD p.s. Sorry I can't really get you all anything from this trip. I myself will be going home empty-handed. I didn't buy a thing! ):
Sunday, November 16, 2008
China trip; 7 hours!
I couldn't really resist posting. haha. I'll be at the airport in like, 7 hours! And then I'll be missing everybody! :D Family. Members. ++ some other friends [: Feel free to text me kay? but I might not reply. haha. Okay then, bye! See all of you on the 22nd! And I hope the fs problem will be solved by then :X Wish me luck! I'm sure I'll have fun. hahaha.
okay, I've just discovered that all my friends in friendster is missing. but thing is, I'm just too lazy to add em back. i'll just wait for the fs team to fix the problem. like they promised to! ahhhhhhh. D: Anyway, I've bought all the necessary stuff fr tmr! I can't believe i'm alr leaving. So fast. hahahaha. So yeah, just to let you all know, Guangzhou, China. 17th-22nd. Flight SQ 850 departing at 0810 on the 17th. Flight SQ 851 arriving at 1725 on the 22nd. :DDDDDD
I hope I'll have lots of fun! heh. And I'll miss people. Members. Family. And a few of my best girl-friends. (: Well, have fun in Singapore people! And its winter there, so cold! :DDDDDDD
Saturday, November 15, 2008
1 more day!
Yes, 1 more day! I'm excited. really. But I haven't packed my bag fully. xD Missing out a few stuff. Like thermal wear what shit. hahaha. Okay, so today was cool! I went for ymc. Alot of stuff happened, And it was pretty fun. Except 'cutting the bunnies' part! hahahaha. There were only a few people present, but still it was fun :DDDDDDD After ymc, prayed and then went over to tampines mall with sarah & nazreen. Ate at swensens! :D They're both the best girls lahhhhh. hahahaha. Thanks for the nice time! Oh, and I still dunno what stuff to bring to china. Somebody suggest to me? ;D hahaha.
Friday, November 14, 2008
2 more days!
Yes! 2 more days till I go to china. Guangzhou is waiting for me! xD Eh wait, 2 days but I still haven't packed my bag. haha! Okay, so today went to the final briefing before the trip. Went to solat at Kg Siglap first, Then went to school. Waited for quite a while for everyone to gather, So then the briefing started. They gave us the packing list and everything. At about 3, the briefing ended. I headed to parkway and met up with fik. He just cut his hair at Joemil, Then we sat at macs and stoned. xD Walked around, then fik left. And I met hafidzhin at KFC! haha, apparently his phone died so he couldn't tell me where he was eating. So yeah, I ate and then around 4+, we left. Went back home! Oh yeah, I can't access friendster. So irritating! I think the server's down. Ohwell. DDDDD:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
school books!
I woke up super early today! Like, at 10. Wanted to collect school books. But my dad wasn't home and I didn't know where to get the money. Called him repeatedly but his phone wasn't switched on. haha. D: So, I ended up meeting afi and saufi at 2. No wait, only afi because saufi came half an hour late. xD So yeah, bus-ed all the way to school. We were kinda scared we couldn't enter school because we were wearing home clothes. haha. But we got in. and the gay security guard is back! DDDDDDD: So yeah, collected school books and I bought uniforms and a pe shirt. We were kinda deciding on whether to go to parkway or tampines mall. So what else, scissors paper stone ah! xD So it was settled, tampines mall. hahaha. Bus-ed back, and slept in the bus. Went to century square instead, and went to this shop. Bought presents for my mummy! Today's her birthday! hahaha. We then went to swensens. Waited for elaina to come. Then me and afi left. Got back home and left the presents on my mum's dressing table for a surprise. haha. And after a while, she finally saw it! hahahaha. She cried reading the card I gave. awwww ;D After maghrib, we got ready to go out. And we went to swensens at airport! haha. Got a nice dinner. yumyumyum. :DDD And then went home. lalalala. Tmr I've got a briefing for my china trip at 2pm. Then, I have no idea where to go. Who wants to go out with me?! hahahaha. Oh, and happy birthday ibu! love you.
Oh, and these are pictures from ystd! not that many but still, there's pics. xD    Till tmr, Vicky!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I woke up at 1030!Earliest I did after the malay O's.Been waking up at 12-2 these past few days xDAs I said, I'm turning nocturnal.A few steps away from turning into a vampire! :DDDDDI should be going out today.To town, with the members, mainly those who didn't go for the Veloci-T camp.First we're going to penin.Then to dunno where.So I guess, I'll be coming home late again.Hahahaha.At least I won't be bored.And I've finally got some maneh $$.So happy :DWell then, I guess I'd better bathe. or not.Till later,Vicky
Okay, now's later. haha. Went out with afi saufi taufik fawwaz hamzah farhan huda and mardhiah. i think that's how her name is spelled. xD Okay actually met up with saufi and afi at 1230. Then the two buggers, taufik and hamzah came 2 hours late .____. Made our way to City Hall. Went to penin. Went round and round. Finally got my second pair or berms and a hoody! :DDDDDDD Then we went over to Funan where we had dinner at KFC. I wanted to eat real food lah! like rice and stuff. haha nvm. Then hamzah and taufik left us. So after that, we went over to penin again. Saufi got his vest. Then it was fawwaz's turn to leave! hahaha.
After that, we went to marina square. Met up with farhan and huda, and her friend mardhiah. We wanted to bowl but it was expensive. so yeah. haha. So we ended up going to the arcade and playing like shit. xD it was fun. hahaha. We walked around, then chop chilli chop rush to raffles place to pray. We good boys ;D After that, saufi left. damn. so it was only me, afi, farhan, huda and mardhiah left. we went over to esplanade and lepak-ed. Played heart attack! haha the game was cool xD Around 915, we left and train-ed home. Then I went to TM basement to watson's to get contact lens solution. And went home. My mum called me at 10.15 and was angry. Like lame! haha. But I spent 10 hours away from home. So yeah, it was fun. Tmr I'm collecting my school books! damn. But I don't really feel like going out. hahaha.
Till tmr, Vicky
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
happy birthday sis!
Freak! I'm bored, again. xD Today was just psp chat checkers with prin. hahaha. Our checkers game took like, an hour. I finally beat her! muahahaha. All thanks to my superior tactics and formations. hahahah. Was supposed to go out today. Go cycling with some of the members. But plan tak menjadi, so I was rotting at home. But thing is, I've been going out almost everyday so quit complaining! haha. RAWR! Tmr, I should be going to town. Who wants to follow? Buying berms and hoodies I guess. :D Hope my mum gives me money hahaha. *prays hard* So yeah, I guess today will be rot rot rot decompose at home. Oh yeah, before I forget.
Blardy irritating sister of mine. xD And certified camwhore. But anyway, I guess what are sisters and brothers without a few fights here and there. Remember, when I want to use the computer YOU MUST GIVE ME. Or else susah hidop. serious. :D So yeah, finally 14! But I got my IC alr nyehehehe and you don't. Dah, hopefully you have a nice birthday. And all the best for next year! New class and what shit. the first few months gonna be tough. Enjoy yourself! And don't go out too much. mummy marah. you girl, i guy. i can go out more and you can't. must stay at home do housework. oh, saufi & huda wishes you happy birthday too! :D
Monday, November 10, 2008
went out again. xD
Okay, so apparently I went out. hahaha. First, met aqida and went to Aljunied to get our headphones. I was freaking hungry, With no decent food. So went over to Pasir Ris, ehub. Ate at BK! Met Insyirah, her bf, Farahin and another girl called Lili there. Ate and stuff, and something happened. I shall not elaborate :DDDDD After that, saufi joined me. We walked all around the place. Then walked over to pasir ris park! Went over to the mangrove area. Just walked around and crapped. Was kinda nice talking with him. Haha, as you all know he's the one I like to confide in. But yeah, we had fun. After that, walked back to pasir ris int, Train-ed back to tamp, And then went to tampines mall. Went to Perlini's Silver. For something that I can't elaborate on xD. And home. I thought my mum was damn angry because I didn't ask for her permission to go out. haha. She had this angry face when I got home. Then she kissed me and said, "I need to borrow your jersey." HAHA, damn anti-climax, I know. But lucky my ass is safe. xD Till tmr(or later), Vicky!
family gone to johor! yay!
Hmm, I just woke up. And my whole family has gone to johor! Wheeeeee, freedom :D But I hope they have a safe journey there. (: I'm hungry. There's nothing nice to eat. DAMN! I am hungry lah, hahaha. I guess I'll have to go out for food later. I'm going to collect my headphones later. Some of my brothers have gone for the Veloci-T camp, Until friday. So I have erm, saufi afi izzat fawwaz wisnuh to go out with, I think. Hahaha. I hope they can! I'm hungry. Any girls can come over to cook for me? :DDDDDDDDD And there's no freaking floorball this whole week! Oh the horror D: My girlfriend's gonna be missed xD *refers to blogpost belowbelow* hahaha. Nevermind, I'll call my neighbours out for some soccer later! I'm bored. –verb (used with object) 1. | to weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, etc.: The long speech bored me.
| Yes, I'm that bored. Oh well, I'm going to bathe now! Get me my fragrance. Heh. I'm hungry. DDDDD:
friends. they're the best.
My dad talked to me today. What else can parents talk about? He said, my results aren't good. I should be doing better. Comparing to Syakir's results. How surprising, the comparison with other people. What if I can't do as well right now? I've tried and tried, I admit, maybe it ain't my best. But I try. That topic was usual, I kept cool. Then he came to the next one. The subject of friends. It really ticked me off. He said that they're not good company. All not capable of doing well. All care only about going out. All bringing me down. It pisses me off. But as a son, I just kept quiet about it. For I know I have the best friends around, Then I've ever had in my entire 15 years, 2 months and 10 days on earth. Ziyad. Hafidzhin. Saufi. Taufik. Farhan. Luqman. Fawwaz. Wisnuh. Izzat. Afi. These 10 people mean alot in my life. So be it that my dad thinks they're bad influence. For I know they're not. I wonder how to please him. Maybe I should hang out with matreps, Start smoking, get piercings, don't pray, start drinking. Let him see the difference. I wish I could. Ziyad.He, to me, holds the place of one of the most important people in the school. Even as busy as he is, He makes an effort to go out with us when we ask him to. When he can't we understand why. Look at him, so many leadership positions. A very clever kid, I can say. 6 points. Even though he denies it sometimes, I know he's one of the most pious guys among us. He's even going for haji soon! I don't think I could, at this age. What more can I say? Is he a bad influence? Far from it. HafidzhinA prefect in VS, and a disciplined one at that, There's much to be said about one of the closest friends I have. Often, okay not often for I shall say he ALWAYS works his hardest to attain good results. But I guess he's just like me. No matter how hard we work, Its hard to attain satisfiable results, Especially in a school like ours. Despite this, he still serves the school perfectly, Helping out through the Prefectorial Board. As for a friend, he's there when I need him. Whether it is when I'm down, or just plain bored. He's there. I appreciate you for that hafidz. Bad influence? I say no. Saufi.Yes, this is another one of the closest friends I have. He's always there for me, no matter what. And I have been there for him too. We went through thick and thin together, And I smile upon remembering all the events in the past. Saufi, although not really holding any leadership positions except for a junior leader, Does contribute to the school through his commitment in soccer. Despite the time spent on soccer, he still manages to attain good grades. And an L1R5 of below 20. As for me, I don't hold any leadership positions at all, And I still have an L1R5 of 28. How can he be a bad influence? I'm glad he's there for everything I need. [: TaufikTaufik, my favourite crap buddy. I guess he's pretty much in the same boat as me. But his parents are really understanding. He needed to go for ESP and Camp Bridge, Which none of us needed to, But he continually works hard to attain his satisfied results. I have personally seen the drastic improvement in his results for SA2. Just that his overall pulls him down. His attitude in studies can be said to be really good, And he tries to make use of whatever free time he has to go out with us. I never see him, ever, as a bad influence. Farhan.I guess being in the same class this year really brought us closer. Even though we had moments in which we disagreed and I got irritated, We moved on to greater things together. A USM in his cca, NCC land, He is committed to it, often sacrificing times to go out with us for NCC. I say, that's real commitment. His studies have also been getting increasingly better. Often beating me for tests and whatsoever, Even though I was the one who did that in the earlier part of the year. A bad influence? Hardly. Luqman.Band major! I sometimes pity him, because of the extremely unreasonable cca timings. He has to go for band almost every single day, even saturdays. Despite this, his continuous efforts in studies pays off. Really explains why he's in the best class now. He's also one whom I really like to talk to. Extremely sensible, We can talk about any topic under the sun. That's why I like to talk to him, apart from my other bros. Thanks luqman. You know you aren't a bad influence (: Fawwaz.This secretive naughty boy with an iPhone. His trademark tucked-out shirt among us tucked-in shirts in the members. I love to crap with him! Even though he criticizes me sometimes, I guess it's all constructive criticism. He loves to hang out with us, But his mum is extremely unreasonable and he just can't go out with us most of the time. If u observe, all the members photos aren't complete. Bro, you're no bad influence. In fact, sometimes I think I'm the one the influences you. xD Wisnuh.Ah, this retard. He does stupid stuff. Stupid stuff as they are, they still make us laugh. Really the clown of all of us, and can make us laugh anytime. Despite being such a daring guy, he's a smartass. 12points for L1R5. Now tell me, does he influence me to do badly for my exams or what? I doubt so. Izzat.He got closer to us ever since this year. And yeah, I guess he's really bonded with us guys. More of the quiet type, although he likes to laugh along with us :D But as the others too, he tries to get good results, And was in Camp Bridge. I can see that he puts effort in studying, And even wanted to go out with us to study before the SA2. He works hard, but sometimes our school's standard is a tard too hard. Never a bad influence, serious. Afi.He also began going out often with us this year, And really got close to us. Even though we nickname him "the dog" for his enthusiasm and energy shown in everything he does, He doesn't really mind it and I've got to admit, without him our organising of events won't really work out. He's been my classmate in sec 1 and sec 2, And floorball mates since sec 1. In the first 2 years of secondary school, our competition in results were neck to neck. But this year, he's truly improved. With an L1R5 of 15 I think? He always shows determination in everything he does. And he also tries to get me to study more. :D With such good results, How bad of an influence can he be? So these are my friends. I don't really view them in terms of their ranks in ccas, Positions, Or their studies. I see them as people who go through thick and thin together, Help each other out in everything they do. And of course, enjoy each other's company. I have never viewed them as people who are of a bad influence. For they shall never be that way. To tell you the truth, I may be the bad influence in the whole group. For sometimes, I have a heck-care attitude towards everything, Even studying. But as for now, the holidays. Who cannot agree that I should go out and enjoy myself? Afterall, it is the holidays. I will start studying and revising when I return from China. But apparently some people aren't grateful fr what they have. Till tmr(or later on), Vicky. p.s. I spent an hour on this post. :O its 2.23am. I'm still not sleepy. haha.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Bored to death!
I'm bored to death & sleepy at home! Had madrasah in the morning, Slept in class most of the time. Went back home, Was in my room from 1230 to 430, Sleeping! haha. I don't know why I'm so damn sleepy. Original plan was to go cycling at 2 today. But my parents didn't let, And those buggers didn't even reply to the sms I sent out. Why is it so hard? lol. What should I do today thats productive hmm. PSP! :DDDDDD And I've got a new gf. One that I can don't sms but still shower my love upon. Oh, you yes you. Floorball I love you! I don't think I shall be texting anymore girls nowadays. :S So troublesome. Shall do it again when the time comes. I can live with it. Who can't? :D
Saturday, November 08, 2008
VS open house!
Today was :D, And then it turned D:
Woke up at 6, and went for VS open house. Settled the floorball stuff. And visited the MCS room quite a few times to check on them. Had lots of fun. After the open house, packed up and bathed. Then, went over to ECP, marina bowl with farhan & saufi. Met huda and her friends. To celebrate erm, Charis's birthday. The brownie cake was niceeeeeeeeeeee! I think erm, Mardhiah made it? All people I just got to know. Anw, happy birthday! even though its on tuesday I think. xD They bought her __________. I shall not elaborate, just that she was utterly shocked. hahaha. After that, we played bowling! I was like second last. blame it on the ball and shoes. :D and I was tired from the floorball at the open house. hahahaha.
So after bowling, went over to cikgu marliana's house. She had some cukur rambut thing for her nephew. So yeah, got free food! Nasi Briyani summore. tsk, so sinful. xD So yeah, we crapped around. Had fun! haha. Around 6.50, we left for home.
   Reached home, my parents complained about me going home late. Which is lame since I came home at 7.30. At least not 2, like I used to. Like who the fxck asked you all to go visiting when hari raya ends? Not like I want to go anw. So tired. And they grounded me for the week? Ah, what the fxck. Like I give a damn! I'll just go out whenever I want. What crap. Come home at 7.30 also cannot. Its like, fxcking early compared to the 12am I come back home on holidays uh. I don't think I want to go back home tmr. After madrasah, I'm going cycling. After cycling, I'm going to sleepover at one of my friend's house. Then monday, my family is going to Malaysia. Good riddance.
____________________________________________________________________ Tag Replies! Suhaila: eeeee, who'd even want you in their pics. xD joking!
naz: hahaha naz! where are you supposed to get that $450? I don't even have $4.50. xD
Umaimah: aww! I miss you too, ass. :D
syahirah : relinked, slut!. heheh.
ifa: nvm, its okay. the adik will grow up to look like the abang anw what. hahaha
hafidz: hahahafidzhin! i used it first nanny nanny poo poo. of course ah the font 'big'. the person with the blog also 'big' what. xD
Huda: haha, appparently so. i've got to agree, I wouldn't ever buy a girl that. well, as for now. ;D
wiz: of course, we are retards. of course we think alike. xD ____________________________________________________________________ My only weakness is you My only reason is you Every minute with you I feel like I can do Anything.
Where could you be? For I wait here, day by day. Yet you don't show up. How my heart yearns for you. I yearn for some caring. And to care for someone. But now you're gone. I have no one, No one. How my heart aches, Without those sweet lips against mine. D:
Friday, November 07, 2008
Another day outside. xD
I went out again today! Damn, I missed these times. I used to be like this after SA1. But now, 2 months of holiday! heeeeeeeeeeee. :D So yeah, I planned to go for floorball training. So with much enthusiasm, I set my alarm clock for 630, So that I could be in school by 815. But then, I heard the alarm, Got up, walked abit and then saw my dad who was off to work. So I salam-ed him, and then for dunno what reason, I went back into my room and plonk-ed on my bed. And then I woke up at 815. Nice. xD I got up, bathed and got ready for school. Well, not exactly. I had a briefing for my exchange programme! So yeah, made my way to school and got briefed. I'm going off on the 17th, on flight SQ850. But I have to be in the airport by 6! omg. And then I'll be back in Singapore on the 22nd. Reaching around 525pm. *cough*comelahseemeofforwhenigetback*cough* So yeah, after the briefing, I helped out the MCS guys set up our room for tmr's open house. After a while, I went off and met saufi izzat ryson iskandar and some other guy. Bus-ed back to tampines and ate at food culture. We played multiplayer Playman Summer Games! hahahaha. fun. After that, we went round CS for a while. Left for solat jumaat after that. After solat, we went back to TM. Walked around. Lepak-ed at the arcade but we had no $$. haha. Saw Natasha! ;D Then, we were joined by farhan and taufik. andres and hafidzhin had to go for smth, but I dunno what. xD So we went to macs, got food and went over to the open plaza! Ate and played around. Then we went to the air-con area and played hopscotch. how gay. haha! There was a bad case of nipple-pinching among us. ouch. Then taufik and farhan went off. So it was the original 4 left. After a while, all of us got tired of walking and roaming around without an aim, And made our way home. Mat rempit arcade! haha.Tomorrow I have the VS open house! Come all P6 boys, to VS for an awesome experience! (even though I doubt that there are any reading hahaha.) I have to be in school by freaking 7. -.- And I'm taking bus, so means I have to wake up at 53o! damn. But I should be going out after the open house, so maybe its worth it. haha. byebye! ;D //edit I think I'm gonna get a new phone. But what phone should I get? I'm thinking about getting LG viewty. Even though it was from quite some time ago, The functions still impress me. 5.0 mp camera yknow! And its touchscreen :DDDDD What phone should I get?! haha.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
end of malay o's!
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ I want to fly! I'm happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy :DDDDDDDDDDDDD MALAY O'S ARE OVER!After a few weeks of hard work, its over! I'm free from anything! I've got the holidays to myself(and floorball). YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I'm literally laughing in joy right now. hahahahahaha. The malay paper was heeeheeehahahahahahaha. :D It was say, relatively easy? Hopefully at least an A2! Yes mama I'm gonna get you that A! I hope :X So after the paper, I was damn happy. We went to the rsp room and played chapteh! So fun :DDDDD But remember guys, what happens in the room stays in the room. xD There were a few stuffs which I shan't reveal on this blog. hahaha. After that, headed back to tamp! Went back home, Bathed prayed changed. And went back to tamp int! Met farhan, afi, saufi, izzat and fawwaz. Made our way to City Hall. Went over to penin first and looked at hoodies. I'm alr aiming one! xD Then, went over to raffles city and went to topman. Bought 2 shirts! $29 oi, cheap stuff! :D Then, we went back to penin and I got the berms! Plain white. Looks nice. Next I want to buy either the black with white stripes, or white with black stripes. haha. After buying, we went to eat. Or I think it was the other way round. xD After that, we took bus 61 all the way to bedok. Ate at some prata place. Then took 65 and 292 back home. Today was great :DDDDDDD  Matrep  Matrep shot 2.  Matrep with funny smile  Matrep damn klakar. xD  Matrep anjing. ;D
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Cut hair!
I have finally cut my hair! hahaha. After school, went to parkway with farhan saufi fawwaz. Quite the usual few. So yeah, cut my hair at Joemil's, He cut my beautiful long sideburns away! But nevermind, its still nice now. xD My 'fringe' is still messy. And my tail is still there! My mum said it didn't look like I cut my hair. -.- Then went over to 77th Street. Bought shades! Then went home. ;D Tmr's the exam! Omg, I'm scared yknow. I shall go and study now! :D    Which magazine wants to sign a contract for my baby bro? ;D
Monday, November 03, 2008
    All hail the men in blue! 5-0 Today was boring. ):
tag replies Hanis: of course lah cool. got who inside you tell me? xD
syahirahdfszxjad: hey slut! [:
Ree: hmm, haha of course lah hot. :D
ifa: thank god you realise that I'm not! hahahaha.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Today was fun! Woke up at 1230, Then met up with ziyad fawwaz wisnuh at bedok! Trained all the way to Tiong Bahru, And met Dzafir & Farhan there. Made our way to PSB academy for YMC! Was quite erm, fun I should say. hahah. After YMC, went over to redhill to pray. Then trained to city hall. Farhan & Fawwaz left and continued back home. Then only me ziyad hafidz wisnuh dzafir went to raffles place. Went to BK to eat, then walked around. Went to topman. I'm soooooo gonna buy the shirt! ;D Then, went over to Peninsula plaza. Eyed several hoodies! nice ey hafidz? hahahaha. So dzafir got his shoes and we left. Reached home at about 10+. Now, I've got a few stuff I'm aiming. 1) 2 topman shirts 2) 2 hoodies 3) a new pair of shades 4) billabong bag For the topman shirts and shades, I sure know I'm not gonna find them in China! So I'm gonna buy them soon. Especially the topman shirts. They're having a sale! Up till the 7th I think. ;D Topman's new life-like mannequins. xD