Sunday, August 31, 2008
I do not understand my sister's stupidity. I really don't. Today was suckish , pretty much. Slept most of the day. Showed results to parents. Dad took away my laptop. Apparently they're not happy even though I improved in 4 subjects. I don't understand parents. All they look is the bad things. And some people can get emo over getting 15 points for L1R5. I got 25. What freaking JC can I go to? After maghrib , went over to Gufran and met up with Saufi. We went for sembahyang terawih , 8 rakaat. Then went over to Macdonald's and got a Double Chocolate Frappe. Just sat and talked things out with him. Such lives we have , Full of the weirdest stuff that anyone can find. Well , its fun talking to him. Even if the worst stuff happens to him , He never fails to keep a smile to my face. As he says , "Single , available and open to scandals." Walked home. Thought. I love you baby , More than anyone before. I still remember , myself facing the floor. I looked up , Into those sweet eyes. I decided to take a closer look. And the first kiss , we had.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Awesome day!
Ah , what a day! Finally , its all over. Everything is over. Dikir performance , Was kinda panicky , Because there were last minute changes to the schedule. People would say that its changes at the "11th hour", But I say its at the "11.59 hour". Seriously , we were only told 15 minutes before we were supposed to perform! And in actual fact , our performance was supposedly one hour away. Tskkkk. So after the whole thing , The dikir gang minus 4 sec twos' went to Bugis/Arab Street. Cikgu Marliana blanja-ed us! Once again , thank you cikgu! After that , we went over to Parkway. Bought bubble tea , then prayed. Then went over to Wisma Mendaki where we had YMC. It was superrrrr nice. Funny like hell! Fun fun fun. I love these kinds of meetings. XD After that , took 31. Prayed at Gufran , then waited for parents. We went to the Singapore flyer! The view was spectacular , esp at night. I caught myself thinking , again. But what could I do? With a lovely sight and going in a circle for 30 minutes , a guy has to do smth , right? Hahaha. I'll post whatever pics tmr!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Bedok Reservoir
Today's teacher's day celebrations were awesome(: We played captain's ball! And principal , Mr Low , played with us. He's gooooood! We were kinda scared to tackle him , In case he expels us from school for injuring him. XD But then again , it was a fun match. School ended at 10.45am , then me , hafidz , taufik and wisnuh and adli went over to Century Square just to hang around. Went for friday prayers at Gufran , Then went to swensens at tampines mall to eat! There were like , Haziq Hafidzhin Saufi Farhan Taufik Wisnuh Fawwaz Luqman Azmi Huda Cikgu Shyamira! So many. And in swensens , the crap started. XD "Eh , that waitress hot ah. Okay , who want to refill your cups must wait till she come by!" Crazyyyyyyyyyyy, but fun. Hahaha. That was a high for the day. After parting with the rest , Me , Farhan and Hanan went over to Saufi's house. Prayed and I took a shower , And then me , Saufi and Farhan set off for Bedok Reservoir. Hanan couldn't join us ): So we reached there in like , 20 minutes time? Met Huda there , then we just kinda lepak-ed. Luqman was supposed to join us , But he had to turn back because his relative got admitted into hospital. So it was only the four of us. I started playing music. And then , came that one song. "Say Goodbye - Chris Brown" Everyone teared. It was an emo atmosphere there. I felt it too. Because , I was thinking too. I've never done that much in one night. But I had to sort things out. Because currently , I don't know what to do with my situation. I'd rather not talk to you , because I know if I do , I'd worsen the situation. Its better off if I leave you on your own for this moment , As hopefully , you'll forget me. Get over me. I just don't know what to do anymore. You're worrying me. I had to do what I did.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Life is a fucked up place
I don't know how to satisfy my parents. At first , my mum complained that I had no leadership roles , whatever blah3. Now that I have secured some , And is in charge of dikir barat , and other stuff. Got leadership course. Busy with floorball. She complains that everyday I go home late. Then what the fuck does she want? Me to be a leader or a fucking no life? Either way its criticism non-stop. And about having a guitar , So what if I want to practice? Then what , I have a guitar and I look at it without playing it. Exhibition ah? My father didn't have to make that fucking remark , "You want to be a musician in the future ah?" How crushing can those words be? Devastating. CA2's are over , at least give me a fucking break. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The book of life.
Its been quite a while since I've blogged. Believe it or not , its gotten even more hectic after the exams. Dikir barat training , is taking up most of the time. We have a performance this Saturday , So we seniors are occupied. And I'm growing increasingly tired of the constant noise at home. Irritating , irritating , irritating. Doesn't help me relax at all. I wonder why I always want to go back home fast , But at home , its always noisy. I guess I'm just too tired to care about this. Results are really bad. I thought I improved. I thought wrong. I'm looking forward to the day where I can get at least below 20 for my L1R5. Damn. And apart from this , there's one other thing bothering me. I just can't post it here , its for private eyes and ears only. Ah , life. Ups and downs. Life is like a book , filled with different chapters. Everyday you start a new chapter , But its the way you act that determines what happens in that chapter. Whether you want it to be the same as the previous one , Or different from all the other chapters you've had before. Because remember , its you who controls this. Like the way you control life.
I try hard to live by that. I hope I have happier days ahead.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My 15th Birthday
Today was the best day of my life. 20/08/2008 It was 15 years ago that I was born. And through 15 years , I have lived through ups and downs , The highs and lows , But I've survived. 15 years. What a big milestone in life. And it seemed so unreal that it was a super nice day. Imagine , I get my IC at 15. And 15 is a nice number :D And that 15th Birthday happened to fall on 20/08/2008. How lucky I am , to have such a nice birthdate. And it happens only once in forever! How life can be so surprisingly awesome at times. I want to thank my brothers ( and sisters) , who bought me a guitar for my birthday! Saufi , Hafidz , Ziyad , Wisnuh , Fawwaz , Farhan , Luqman , Taufik , Dzafir , Afi , Hamzah , Sarah F. , Hamizah.You all are the greatest people ever! Thank you , very very much. Especially with surprising me today after dikir , With endless taopoks and the deep heat spray. For the nice chocolate cake. For the whole plastic bag of flour which was poured onto me! It was the best birthday celebration ever. It was the best day of my life. Thank you guys for making that possible! :D I want to thank Elaina for the watch she gave me , Even making her way to VS to pass it to me. Thank you Haziyah , For the Topman shirt , the muffins and the great card. You are the bestest ever! :D Thank you Wei Jian , For the card and the keychain. I don't mind if its cheapo to you , but it means alot to me! (: Thank you Nyimas , For the present I have yet to receive , and all the love you have showered me all this time. I love you! And thank you to the people who texted me with the wishes , I really really appreciate them! Amalina , Sarah F. , Nyimas , Hannan , Hafidzhin , Huda , Wisnuh , Haziyah , Nazreen , Ziyad , Sarah A. , Siti RGS , Dzafir , Hanis RGS , Elaina , Cikgu Marliana , Kak Syidah , Fatihah YMC , Syahirah , Ameera , Fatin , Insyirah , Aqida , Fawwaz , Era , Shaleen , Kay Fong .Thats alot of people! Thank you everyone for making my 15th Birthday a very pleasureable one. Especially the dikir boys , for the taopoks , the deep heat spray , the cake , the birthday songs , the whole bag of flour emptied on me , the cake and of course , the guitar! You guys rocked my whole day today. Seriously , this is one experience I will never ever forget. I love you , my brothers! Thank you everybody , it was a really memorable day. :D            
Arrrrgh , some people can slack while I can't! I have 3 things on my to-do list: 1) Chemistry Exercise 13.4 2) A-Math 12.1 & 12.2 3) English debate organiser The chemistry workbook assignment is really really important , Because our teacher ( who has like , 24/7 PMS) , said that if anybody doesn't complete it , We must stay back during recess. =.='' She's like , so blardy unreasonable uh. And A Math assignment is overdue. English debate organiser , I have to do for my group. All the other team members except for Farhan , Fucking slackers. CA2 over , cannot slack. Study hw study hw study hw. No break. Hopefully tmr will be a better day. :D And thank you Haziyah! You made my day a brighter one. And the incident at Bedok Int where a man collapsed very near me , Brought me into deep thoughts. Life's like that , I guess. But I carry on with life based on one saying that I tell myself everytime. "The World Is A Funfair". And its made by yours truly. ;D
Urgh today was really tiring! During assembly , watched some funny short film made by Singapore film directors. Then went to class , Discussed about career choices I think? Me and some other classmates begun to talk about being a taxi or bus driver. Funny shit! XD After that , went for PE. We thought we would play soccer. WE THOUGHT WRONG! Oh , and Mr Amir gave me a really cold look. Scary lah the way he looked at me. So I'm wondering if I'm gonna get any screwing during floorball trainings. After that , We went for 800m at East Coast Lagoon. I ran 2.53mins for 800m. Roughly 6th in the class? But it wasn't a fair test anw. But it was damn tiring! As in , I sprinted during the full 800m. So it was really really tiring , I really got shacked out. My legs were all wobbly after the run. According to my PE teacher , it was because of the lactic acid formation. Whoa , he got potential to become a bio teacher. And replace our current one that I HATE! xD I wobbled back to the school and had recess. After recess , had Physics prac. Poor Mr Imran , he was sick. So couldn't teach. So he just gave us the experiments and we started. The experiments were kinda fun. Got to play with boiling water and brass weights. Haha. After physics , was E-Math. Had Trigo and Further trigo test. I didn't finish it! I knew how to do lah. Wasted , really wasted! After that , Mr Zuraimi gave us time to study bio. Thank god! Mr Z is the best lahhhh! After school , had the bio CA. Was quite easy , due to a few unspecified reasons. Everyone did their Bio CAs at different times , some earlier than my class. Soooo , just infer lah eh. Haahhahaha. And and and , THANK YOU HAZIYAH BTE MOHD JAILANI for scanning parts of the bio textbook for me. Your the best lah! And Sister Carey , I wanna thank you also for your help! It was unfortunate that your thumbdrive screwed up. Really , thank you x millions gazillions.
I'm screwed. Tmr is my bio CA. And I left my textbook in class. Oh shit.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Today was good and then it turned bad. Physics CA2 was okay , I kinda find it relatively easy. I could do all the questions ah. So yeah , satisfiable. After that the lessons were fine. After school went to solat , then went for training. Seeing that Mr Amir wasn't there , Me , Afi , Hamzah and James went down to the field to play soccer. Clement and Bing Yu joined us then. That's the part that got me irritated. I'm cancelling that part of the post.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Exams exams! English paper 2 was okay. I hope I'll pass. Social Studies , wasn't a killer. Just that there wasn't enough time , Unfortunately. I didn't complete the last part of Question 1b. Damnit , nevermind. Hopefully I'll get good grades this time round. So tmr , there's Chemistry. I'm freaking stressed. So hard. So hard. So hard. I've been doing hardcore mugging. As of now , I've done 2 hours 45 minutes of pure hardcore mugging. And shit , I'm getting a migraine. Wish me luck , Pray for me.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Birthday list
I have created a birthday list! - Peace in this world - More girls - White Belt - Piercings in every part of my body - A guitar! - A lamborghini - Plastic surgery - No school on Haziq's birthday - A private plane so I can crash anywhere I like - New Nike court shoes - To dye my hair white at some parts. - A castle in which I can put one friend in one room for the hundreds of friends I have. - A dragon to burn people's hair. - A tank to shoot at random people. - A mic , so that after I shoot at the people I can Laugh Out Loud. - Water. Its up to you which ones are the real ones. XD ____________________________________________________________ 1. The person who tagged you is: Ziyad Bagharib! 2. Your relationship with him/her is: My good friend , a mentor , a retardedly sane person , an awesome guitarist , just to sum it up , AN AWESOME FRIEND! 3. 5 impressions you have of him/her: Alim , damn alim. XD Clever like funfair like that. Meaning he's damn clever. He can be retarded at times but he's probably the most sensible of the memberz. A person I can look up to as my role model. Somebody who doesn't let anything get in his way. 4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you: Being an awesome friend is what's memorable. 5. The most memorable words he/she has said to you: "Haziq , I swear you're retarded." XD 6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will: Have to go to Thailand to change my sex. 7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be: Stop spending more time with the guitar and spend more time with me. Hahaha. 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: Break his guitar and call him funny names. I doubt that'll happen. HAHA. 9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: For being too much of a friend that it bugs me. XD 10. The most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is: Buy his own underwear. You get what I mean ziyad. HAHA. 11. Your overall impression of him/her is: The most awesome friend you can get! 12. How do you think people around you will feel about you: "Can I send this guy to the Institute of Mental Health?" 13. The characteristic you love about yourself is: I am a guy. Guys are hot. Random. 14. On the contary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is: I like to stare lustfully at fishes. 15. The most ideal person you want to be is: Myself , because I'm special in my own way. CHEYYWAHHHH XD. 16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: Thanks for putting a smile on my face! 17. Pass this on to 10 people you with to know how they feel about you: (I really don't want to bug people so these people don't have to do the quiz. But I still have to make the list cos there's a part 2 to the quiz which involves them. xD) 1. Hafidzhin 2. Fawwaz 3. Taufik 4. Wisnuh 5. Saufi 6. Sarah F. 7. Haziyah 8. Aqida 9. Afi 10. Nyimas Who is no. 6 (Sarah F.) having a relationship with? A few guys. Hahahahaha jk. Is no. 9 (Afi) a female or male? Slash. I'm not sure. XD , guy lah. If no. 7 (Haziyah) and 10 (Nyimas) are together, will it be a good thing? Whoa whoa whoa totally not. Anyway it'd be negative times negative , not good. How about no. 5 (Saufi) and no. 8 (Aqida)? I doubt that it'll be a nice couple. XD What is no. 2 (Fawwaz) studying about? How not to irritate his mother. Clearly he hasn't achieved it yet. XD jk wazzie! When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3 (Taufik)? A few days ago , well we weren't chatting. We were singing , really. What kind of music band does no. 8 (Aqida) like? Well , she's in a symphonic band. So I guess she likes the music that she plays herself. Haha. Does no. 1 (Hafidzhin) have any siblings? YES. Apparently an irritating one. Hahahah. Will you woo no. 3 (Taufik)? Of course , but I think he'll be the one woo-ing me. XD How about no. 7 (Saufi)? Been there , done that. XD JOKINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. HAHA. Is no. 4 (Wisnuh) single? Well , apparently not. He's attached to 8 guys. Hahahha. What’s the surname of no. 5 (Saufi)? I don't know , he's malay. Hahaa. What’s the name of no. 10 (Nyimas)? Wait , I dunno. Whats the name uh? =.='' What’s the hobby of no. 4 (Wisnuh)? Being retarded , mainly! Do no. 5 (Saufi) and 9 (Afi) get along well? I guess so. Both guys are perfectly harmless! Where is no. 2 (Fawwaz) studying at? This awesomatic school where I also study at. Haha. Say something casual about no. 1 (Hafidzhin). Emo but happy hahaahaha. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8 (Aqida)? I have feelings for everybody because the world is a funfair. Where does no. 9 (Afi) live? Somewhere in Tampines! What color does no. 4 (Wisnuh) like? BLACK and I think now , pink. Hahaha. Are no. 5 (Saufi) and 1 (Hafidzhin) best friends? Well they're kinda on off. Hahaha. Does no. 7 (Haziyah) like no. 2 (Fawwaz)? I doubt that they even know of each other's existance. How did you get to know no. 2 (Fawwaz)? School. Does no. 1 (Hafidzhin) have any pets? His pet's called Saufi. Is no. 7 (Haziyah) the sexiest person in the world? Well , possibly and possibly not but the perception can always be a deception. END OF ITTTT HAHAHAHAHHAHA I WASTED MY TIME YAY.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I went to send my hp for repairs today , With Saufi and Haseef. But unfortunately , I'm going to Malaysia tmr! Soooooooo , I have no hp. Hahhaa. So I'll miss you guys while I'm there! Will be returning on Monday. Have fun during this break guys! Exams coming , go study!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Dikir '08
Finally , one day that I go home early! Haha , I can finally blog. So let me blog about everything that happened. FridayIt was a fine day. During sembahyang jumaat , I took off my shirt and only wore my inner shirt , because it was damnnnnn hot. So after sembahyang , I just wore back my shirt without tucking in. So I crossed the road to go to school , And I saw a car stop right in front of me. I was like , "Shit , Mr Low." And it was really my principal. He unwound his car window and shouted at me lahhh! "Tuck in your shirt! And go cross at the traffic light!" I was like , freaking scared uh. Principal you know. Thank god he didn't see my pants and belt. Or I think he would have gotten out of his car there and then and drag me into his office. After that , I went for floorball then had dikir then went home. Saturday!A veryveryvery large milestone in my life. Woke up at 7 , then went to school. Met everyone in the RSP room , where we had our final training before the Speech Day performance. It was somewhat an emotional moment. For we had practiced for 2+ months , And it all came down to this , the final performance. We practiced with all our might , And then came lunch. As a whole team , we went to parkway banquet! Haha.    I had food in my mouth during in the pics ah! Hahaha. At 1.30 , we went back to school. Changed into our costume , And practiced summore. All the way until 5+ , when we were called to perform. With hearts thumping , we waited for our slot. As the curtains opened , It was the starting of the ending of something great like nobody had experienced before. We had a near-flawless performance , And at the end of everything , We jumped about , excited about the end of the performance we had anticipated. Finally , the thing's over! But later on , we realised that after 2+ months together , There were bonds that could not be broken. I have bonded well with my juniors , and we have become closer than never before. I believe the same about my batchmates/memberz too.              After the performance , we went over to the Airport , And went to celebrate at Swensens! At first , many people couldn't make it. But in the end , everybody went! Awesome , really. Unforgettable moments , how I miss them. One was when Taufik mixed Sticky Chewy Chocolate with chili sauce and gave it to Cikgu to eat. Her face totally changed when she tasted it. Haha. Went home with Fawwaz , Saufi and Hamizah after Swensens. To my dikir team , I've cherished the times with all of you. We have bonded closer than never before , And all of you are now very valuable to me. The times we have spent , The friendships that we've built, Will always be treasured. We'll rock the house down again , Some other time. :D
                            SundayWent for madrasah , then floorball match. Crazy match , the other team was quite rough. But we won 9-4 anw. (: