The past two days have been relatively on/off days. Its either stressed/emo , or happy. WednesdayIt was a day that many events happened. First off , after school we had dikir barat. Went to pray first , then we put on our full costume , for the full dress speech day rehearsal. So we practiced all the way till about 5 , and we finally went on stage. This time round , we were relatively better , except for a few hiccups. Much better than the first times we performed. So I guess , we have improved from strength to strength. This rehearsal , Mr Low was there to see it. And from him , we could tell that Adli , our karut was singing too softly. I guess we've got to improve on that. Performance is on Saturday , the real one! Its scary to think about. Haha. Dikir ended at around 6 , Then Cikgu Shy lost her keys. So we helped her find fr awhile , but after searching high and low and not being able to find it , We went off to Tampines. Went to Food Culture at Century Square to eat , As a few of our friends were fasting , so was Cikgu Mar. So we "buka-ed" together. Then went home. Bonding day , really. Even our juniors joined us to eat. First time! Haha. ThursdayToday , classes were abit boring. But nevertheless , we had to study so yeah. After school , waited for Saufi for like , 1 hour. Then me , Saufi , Luqman , Hamzah and Afi went back home together. At Tampines , we didn't really have much to do. But everyone was thirsty , so while we were deciding where to go to eat , I heard two "HELLO HAZIQ"s' from 2 girls. One's Syahirah , the other one Nurin. Both from Temasek Sec , haha. Then , Sidney came and asked us if we could pass a book to a girl. =.='' Haha sidney no balls!We kinda joked with him about it fr awhile , then went 31 came , he ran off. Hahaha. So we had to pass it to the tkgs girl. And who else could it be? Jian Ning , o.O She was with her friend , Dewi. Boleh tahan , XD. After passing over the book , we went over to Mac's. And then I received an sms. "Eh, i think i see u." I looked around , then saw Hamizah. My ex-"wife". Long story , we were never attached fyi. So I waved and smiled and she waved and smile , then I turned away and continued talking to my friends. Haha. Ordered our stuff and sat down , then started discussing A-Math. Screweddddddddd. After finishing our stuff , went back home. While in the 292 stand with Luqman , I saw Ruzana , but she didn't see me. And then Nyimas came in the 292 stand , haha. What a day , Meeting 6 girls I know , XD. I guess I was lucky that I had nothing on today.
And tmr's gonna be another longgggg day. Floorball training after school , then dikir barat after that. I swear , I don't have rest! Nevermind , I shall persevere till Saturday. Then I'm going to be freeeeeeeeeee! :D
Tired , very tired. Stressed , why? No maybe not , maybe just tired. There's no rest for me. Its all work! Studies, Dikir Barat, Floorball, and what other shit. Just very tired. I need rest. Don't mind this post , just damn tired.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
An eventful saturday
Yesterday was fun! Woke up at 7, thinking I wanted to go for the YMC launch. But whattttttt, the rest didn't wanna go. =.='' So I just stoned for awhile, then bathed and got ready for match. The match was awesome! Except for the break after the first period. Mr Amir scolded me like hell, Because I didn't face the player while defending. Other than that, I got a few shots on goal. We won 10-1. Division 2 is hard man. After cooling down and bathing, We went to eat at KFC. Nothing much happened there. After eating, Me, Hafidz, Afi, Farhan and Wisnuh watched The Dark Knight. It was a good show, basically. Heath Ledger played well as The Joker. Looking forward to the next batman movie! Haha. Oh no, the next Harry Potter movie! Or whatever nice movie. XD After the movie, went home. Then at night, went out again to Eastpoint to buy some stuffs from Watson's. Then went to East Coast beach. Just fun(:
Ah, I think I want to make this blog private! Should I? I think I should. Anyway, yesterday was kinda fun. School as usual, But english lesson, We had debate. And I was the judge! o.O After solat jumaat, took my binomial theorem test. I think it was okay. Got chance to pass! Haha. After that, rushed over to Kembangan for braces tightening. Couldn't change colour, because my dentist broke her arm! lol. Then, I rushrushrush back to school, For dikir barat performance. The moment I changed, They walk towards the stage. Dieeeee. So I run in and selit. The performance went pretty well. Except for the fact that the sec 1s ain't really synchronized. After the performance, We went back to RSP room and taupoked Faris, the birthday boy! Haha. After that, went to parkway and ate with Saufi, Hafidz, Taufik, Wisnuh, Fawwaz, Farhan, Huda and Cikgu Shyamira. Then went back home, while the others went to the YMC rehearsal. Today got a match against cornvix. Oh yeah, I read somewhere that they expected us, Victoria Skoolz, to finish 12th, last on the table. But currently, we're top of the table, with a goal difference of 16. Lawl.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
3 days happenings.
My past few days have been like O.o Weird/fun/whatever you wanna call it. Monday, had Racial Harmony Day! But heck, I was still racist. Hahhaa. Theneash shouldn't be harmonised with lah. The faggot that he is. People be nice with him, He swear and beat us up. Tskk, what's happening to the world nowadays? Soooo, the memberz excluding Farhan wore our ethnic costume to school! Fun ah, But like people gave me comment like, "HAZIQ! Your pants today not tapered ah?" XD, whatthehelllar. So the day was relatively fineeee. Went back home with most of the memberz, and part-time memberz.  Don't I look funny with baju kurung and kain samping and floorball stick. Remix modern and traditional uh! Haha. Tuesday, nothing much. Except that after school, I went for science tuition! Haziyah was shocked to see me. Haha. And she complained that I ate too much. Come on ah, its only about 25 nachos and some meaty bread thingy. Hahaha. Dad picked me and sis up, then went home homework and whatever else. Today, was pretty interesting, or somewhat interesting. Hahaha. Malay was fun, just discussed a paper. And we had a few funny moments in class. Hahhahaa. I swear, damnnnnn funny lol! Chemistry was a sucker. Ma'am as usual was happy throughout the lesson. But end of lesson, she get her pms again and then released us 10 minutes late for recess. So when we greeted her I was halfway out the door and saying, "Thank You, motherfucker!" Irritating you know, these teachers. A Math was switched with E Math, And we did the TFU project. Interesting! Haha, really. And bio, shit you Ms L**w, you concave-chested woman. I swear I wasn't having a good day, and she had to screw more things up. She asked me to sit at another place in the class. I refused. Then she discovered I didn't hand in 3 weeks worth of practical assignments. I said, 'very nice'. So in the end, I had to stand at the back of the class for the whole lesson. How can sucha faggot pass through the ministry's interviews? Wth la. After school, had full-dress rehearsal for speech day, followed by floorball, then dikir training. Was kinda screwed up. Nobody listens to the seniors, or rather the leaders. I wonder why. Okay, maybe when life gets interesting I shall post. Goodbye till then!
Why, this time. Why, why is this happening again. The burden on my shoulders. Why? Who will my love go to in the end? On a lighter note, We won 5-0 against Tampines East Nights. They were fucking rough.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
china buddies
I'll tell you all why I changed my url. Haha, But not now. I just woke up from an 11am to 7pm sleep. XDWhy why why did I change my url? Haha, long story. Today and yesterday was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAA, awesome. Let me go storytelling about ystd. Had school aspernormal. But I was on meds, so damnnnnnnnnnnnn drowsy! Spent the day walking around like a drunkard. And fell asleep on a few occasions. But school was okay. After solat jumaat, went over to Parkway to buy some stuffs. Then went back to school where we had dikir barat. We're becoming better! Just need to train up those sec 1s. After training, we performed for the China buddies! They loved it, I think. Hahhaa. So after that, we went on to the second leg of dikir barat soccer! Won 3-2. Hahahaha. After dikir, went over to Farhan's house to bathe and change into fresh clothes. Then went over to Taufik's house for the "sleepover". Well we can't really say its a sleepover since we didn't sleep, right? Fun, pure fun!  Mat-mat guitar. XD Taufik! Shadows rule through a lonely night. Smokin' Neon.
So then today, went to school at like 5am. Then went to send the China Buddies to the airport! Ahhh, such a short time they were here. I miss my buddies! Hahaha.
No, that's no China Buddy, that's Hafidz acting retarded!
Buddy, SB!
Buddy, YK!
After sending them off, I went to buy some food. And we went to the water feature thingy at T3. Haha. After that, me and Taufik went to eat at Tampines Mac's. :D And I had a facial problem just now! Damn teruk, I swear! I couldn't stop smiling. I was trying to hug myself. XD
Hafidz thinks he's god. Hahhahaa. And about the change of url, lets just say, sister tells mother. go figure!
I shall post about today when I'm like free. Now I'm like. A strangled turtled. Stressed in a shell. O.oI'm changing my bloglink! My mum read my blog lah wth. No privacy. Thus I have to change.I have decided to keep the link, And create another blog so I can trick her into thinking that its mine. XD Some shit happened today! As in, real shit. Like, it made us Memberz split up momentarily. Badbadbad. But I'll not post about it as its our privacy, If you want, ask the crew. Talking about school, it was pretty much normal. Lesson after lesson after lesson. But it was different, because the China Exchange Programme students were there! So the teachers were on their best unstrict behavior. HAHA. I hope no teachers read this. And I told my buddy that my name is Vicky. Both of the girls believed. Whoooo! So it was kinda hard interacting with them, But we got over the language barrier in the end. I don't have a picture of them yet! But there's more pics of other stuff. Its up at my friendster, I'm lazy to post here! and my malay O level listening compre was relatively easy! Ktanxbye
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Pidato at Kaki Bukit CC
Today was shitting fun! Okay, basically abit of shit and abit of fun. But altogether, funshit! XD Went for tuition in the morning. Finally understood the factor, remainder and whatever theorem. Learned trigo. Aiyoyo. Its gonna be a hard, long 4 months ahead. O.o After tuition, went back home. Was supposed to go for Div 2 match against Argonauts. But my foot was in such bad condition that I limped even while walking 5m/hr. Tskkk. So in the end, didn't go. Met up with family at Restu. I didn't get to eat breakfast! Rawr! Bought blue gatsby, the ultimate shine! Hahah. Then went to Singapore Expo. Bought things there then went back home home home. Rested for awhile. Then at 5, went out to collect my handphone at Easpoint. Then met up with Wisnuh and Luqman at Bedok. Made our way to Kaki Bukit CC. Luqman and Wisnuh had to go sign in first, So I waited like one and a half hours before everyone arrived. =.='' The pidatos' were good. Congratulations Luqman for getting 3rd! And the rest of the participants, y'all did a good job! :D And whoa, there were hot girls there. But I'm setia, like obviously! (:
I guess I'll just move on and accept the fact that I screwed up oral. But fuck! You know the feeling. But for some reason, I want to emo also cannot. Bugger friends! Keep making me laugh. XD Today was nothing much. Lessons. Then to Long John with Fadzly, Izzat, Fadhil and Ryson. Then went to taper school pants. I hope the taper-ing is nice. If not nice I force the person to make it nice. Haha. And whoaaa, suddenly so many people tag. Tag replies! - afidas: Nice one Afi! Obviously theneash from high class zoo lah. Not that he deserves it.
- Sarah: Well, takleh ke jadi messenger? Practice for the future, I always say. Your oral suck, that one your problem. I still cannot believe I screwed mine up lah. Eh, of course I can do anything. But I didn't say if I would do it well or not. XD
- Yong Jie: Of course lah he stupid. Don't know which people to mess with, that blackie.
- THE REAL NAZ PLEASE: Yeah, I guess I'd do better in English lahhh. Hopefully! And you blanja me ice-cream? Haha no, not good for my image. I should be the one who blanja you. But the fact is, I'm broke! XD And don't worry about being mad at me thingy. I understand, I understand. And awww, thanks naz!
Snipey I know who you are. Fuck you Theneash, you black dog! That's no racist comment, He IS one. You have given me a reason to beat you up in school tmr. Watch out! And Syahirah, they ARE my shades. You ah, assume only. At last paisey. XD And to you Wisnuh! I CAN'T POSSIBLY HAVE 4 AT ONCE. =.='' Crazy you. Today was like okay ah. Woke up at 830 and realised I was late for dikir barat. So rushed and reached Bedok Mac's at 930. Met Hafidz, Saufi and the sec 1's there. Apparently the sec 1's came on time and the seniors were late. Hahahhaa XD Then went to Wisnuh's house. Crapped for awhile, then went to the house next to Wisnuh's. It was empty so we could use it. Had dikir till about 230. I have a picture but I don't have my cable right now, will upload it later.
 Then we lunch-ed and talked. Thanks Wisnuh for the meal! After that, went off. Me and Farhan went to Parkway. Huda and Fawwaz joined us soon after. Did A-Math hw. Then mum called. So went home. The end lah dey.
Today was totally wtf-ish! So boring, sitting at home. We were supposed to go cycling. But one by one back out. Then I felt so fucked up and didn't want to go. So only Saufi, Farhan and Luqman went. But they didn't go cycling ah. Just talked. I wished I was there. But then again, my parents didn't let me. At home, I was influnced to camwhore by sis. Here's the results;   
Today was awesomatic I say! Went for tuition, well it ain't awesomatic. But was okayyyyy. Fared seemed so emo. XD After that, I went for my floorball match against Road Warriors, at Tampines Sports Hall. We won 9-2! Thanks to some superior play by our team. After the match, went to KFC to eat. Ordered a takeaway 2 pcs chicken meal. Then me and Hafidzhin left and went for YMC at Dhoby Ghaut. Macdonald's house or smth? It was the discussion for CSP camp. Somehow we didn't get too involved because SOME people wanted to take control of everything and turned down suggestions. What the hell lah. But nevermind, had fun anyway. In train!
After YMC, we went for a wedding! Somebody's wedding, can't tell who. Hahaha. That was fun too. Until my mum called and told me to be home by 10 and scolded me because according to her, I didn't tell anyone. Whatthehelllar! I told my dad and he said okay. He didn't even scold me when I got back home uh. But then when I got home, something got me somewhat emo. Sometimes I wonder if love is just a game. Sometimes I wished that love doesn't happen. Because everytime it happens, Somebody gets hurt bad. In this case, the hearts of 4 girls are at stake. Should I just leave them alone, and start everything afresh. But the disappointment in all will be apparent, With everyone depressed. But if I choose one, and one only. Imagine the utter shock and disappointment of the other 3. How can I do this proper? How can I do things right? How do I ensure, everythings alright?
Today was high until it got all emo at night. Because of problems encountered by _______ and ________. You two know who you are! Hope you two work things out. I'll pray for you two(: Today schoolw as ohmaholybanana. Fucking Ahmad threw my journal out of the 5th story classroom window. Lucky got balcony. But its stuck there. And I don't know how to get it! Wtf ah. After school we went to support B'Div soccer at their semi-finals against Greenview! Congratulations on the win guys! Great comeback! In the first half, we were down 2-0. First goal scored by them, Was actually an offside. But the blind linesman couldn't see! Then the striker just lobbed over Daniel Adam Lightfoot, our keeper. Second goal by them, Daniel was supposed to catch. But the ball went right through his legs! And the striker just took it and tapped into the goal. 2 lucky goals. Second half, we equalised, 2-2. First goal was by Vijaya. He volleyed into the goal. Very nice! The other goal was a free kick by Dilip. Another nice goal! Went into extra time, There was one disallowed goal for us! Ryson nicely headed into the goal, but dunno why the ref so screwed up ah. So went into penalties. And we won! Woohoo! After the match went to Parkway hawker centre to eat. Then went home! :D