Friday, February 29, 2008
Flrrball tourny
Shitcake. I just found out that we need one girl from VJC, or female teacher from VS, to be in the team for the floorball tournament tomorrow. So during lessons, I was busy sms-ing and calling my VJC/VJIP friends to find any girl. Damn, it was unsuccessful. I don't know how we'll do it tomorrow. There are currently 3 options that we have; 1) Find a VJ girl ON THE SPOT tomorrow.2) Beg the organisers to let us play, all guys.And the last, and most desperate option; 3) Voluntarily handicap, our team having only 4 players, and other teams 5 players.So, if the first two don't work, its up to number 3. But if we get handicapped, I think my line, with Hamzah, Clement, Afi and me, will be able to handle it. But as I said, its our last option. So, today, had nothing much. Malay lesson was spent watching tentang bulan, Funny show. Next, had bio practical. As usual, my group chiong-ed and finished first. Then, recess, did usual shuffling in class. XD After that had English. Interesting lesson. Went to solat Jumaat after school, then after that went back to school to settle the tournament stuff. But before that, I tried to do airhook and succeeded manymany times. Haha, happy siol! Met Mr Amir, gave him the form and told him that we couldn't find any girl. Took 31 back home alone, it was damn empty. then went for chemical peeling. Took bus home, and here I am. XD
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fun days
Bloody dog. I feel like shouting out one whole string of vulgarities. But I'm a good boy, so I won't. I don't know why, I feel happy this minute, the next minute, I'm down. I should just stick to my happy side, as I always say. SMILE WIDEWIDE=D Its just that, I really feel that I have no true friends. As they say, there are many friends that laugh with you. But when you cry, there are none that cry with you. Oh well, what the hell. To heck with it. Let me start off with yesterday. We had resiliency course before the play. Learned some good stuff, but I stoned most of the time. After the course, me, Farhan, Darryl, Phay, Brandon, Ahmad, Wee Liang and Yi Wei went to bathe and changed to home clothes. Some of them left their bags in school, then we went to take 36 to Suntec. Ate at KFC, then we rushed to the Esplanade, for our play. Me and Farhan did abit of pakour on the way there. XD Our play, Dim Sum Dollies. It was well worth the money. Very nice play, hilarious, funny. But the bad thing was, we sat SOOOOOOO far on top and at the 2nd last row. =.='' It shouldn't have been on a Wednesday. On a Friday, that would have been great. We only got to lepak after the play for a while, coz everyone was tired and went home. There were only 5 people, including me, left. So we left, and took the last train back home. Reached Simei at around 11.20, then parted ways with Yi Wei. Simei is damn dark at night lah. Especially the overhead bridge across the PIE. Pitch black. But I wasn't scared and walked across like normal. But you know, there's always something following you when you go around there. O.O Got back home at 11.40, and bathed etc. Went to sleep at around 12.30. What a hectic, but extremely fun day.  Farhan, Me, Yi Wei  Farhan, Yi Wei, Darryl, Me  Two tapered pants nampak! XD  Farhan, Me, Darryl and Yi Wei  Darryl Chua, the whacky one.  Yi Wei, the human pole.  So today, started off with Chemistry. It was ok, I guess. Just abit tired from yesterday. Then, had geography. Mr Ikhwan rocks. When a certain somebody started laughing and barking like some dog in the class. Mr Ikhwan: If I ever hit him, please call the SPCA. The whole class was laughing like crazy. After recess, had Malay. It was ok, I guess. Still couldn't watch the movie. Next had A Math, where we learned more stuff. Very very very confusing lol. After school, had resiliency course. My plan was to sleep during the 3 hour course. Tired from yesterday. So soon as I got into the AV room, the nicenice air-con got me to sleep. BUT STOOOOOOPID BRYAN HAD TO WAKE ME UP. Hahahahhaa. So I just stoned the rest of the time, and then there was this 2 minute toilet break. I was having such a nice time sleeping. I went with a few of my friends and watched the badminton finals. I think we spent MUCH MORE than 2 minutes there. But it was worth it, cheering and all. In the end, I ended up sneaking back into the AV room. Nobody noticed, lol! After that, went home.  I had nothing else better to do.  Theneash.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fuuuyooooooh. Today was damn bloody shiok. Hahaha. I just came back from Esplanade. Will update later. Just to say, Dim Sum Dollies rocked! And it was fun with my friends around. =D
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Mr. T!
Wooooo. Today was funny lol. It was Mr Ikwuan's birthday. BUT HE DIDN'T COME. Wtfwtf. So it was basically 2 free periods. I began disturbing the faggot in my class, Mr. TMe: Eh, your mother no hair right. Mr. T: Who the f**k taught you that? Huh, huh? Me: Your mother, she jealous that I have hair. Spectators: Lol! Another event, Mr. T: Your mother very sexy leh. Me: Thank you? What the f**k? *gives weird look* Another one, Mr. T: I got Brazilian girlfriend from RGS! Me: Yah, from Amazon jungle right. If I'm not wrong, she's the one all hairy and featured in Tarzan right? Hahaha, so fun disturbing him. So then, had English. Ok lah. Went back with Saufi and Hamzah, but on 31, there were these St Pats boys. We were standing up at the top deck, looking for a seat. Then they shouted, "Eh, I thought I saw a sign, saying no standing on top deck leh." And other random shit. So I got irritated and said back loudly, "Eh, jangan banyak songeh ah St Pats. Irritating sial." I had another urge to say "Eh, I thought I saw a sign saying no fuckers allowed, how come got some at the back of the bus ah?" But it was too late. Sad case ah eh. Then reached Tampines, We went walking around Tampines Mall. Looking for presents for some birthday boys. I saw the hot KC girl in Mini toons lol. Hahhaha. So, after walking around, I went for tuition. Then went home.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cool day.
I've changed my tagboard. got some bloody problem. Might as well use cbox. So today, had resiliency course. This group of instructors taught us martial arts. Damn bloody good. I want to go for the follow up course, lol. Then had bio. As usual, nothing went into my head. Teacher claimed that she didn't print out notes coz its not beneficial.We just suan-ed her all the way after that. I mean, we don't understand her lesson, and she still don't want to give notes? Damn. Then had physics, grappling the new topic, lenses. After that had E Math, total slack. Did test for 30 minutes and then some admin stuff. After school, went to parkway ALONE to get the wireless adapter for my laptop. Got it and went for tuition. How great, I was alone until 5.30 then abdul rahman came. ONLY 2 FREAKING PEOPLE. Hahahahaha. Oh yeah, we tricked Darryl Chua just now. We taught him " di mana dompet saya" Which means, where's my wallet, in malay. So then I took his wallet and hid it. After we got back from project room 4, I started shuffling and singing "di mana dompet saya". Darryl joined me shuffling and he sang and sang, then he touched his back pocket. EH FUCK DI MANA DOMPET SAYA. Fucking funny I tell you.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fuck here fuck there fuck fuck everywhere. Baik ah Haziq. Continue with the fake smiles and laughter.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I had pretty much a normal day today. School was fine. Solat jumaat was uneventful. Went home alone, thinking and thinking. There's not much to write anyway. Pressure builds up inside me. All the things, big or small. I just want to live normally. But what I feel now, is the urge to just scream, the fuck out of me. Nothing ever seems to go right. But everday, every fucking day, I put on a smile, trying to leave the worst behind me. As I always say, "Look on the bright side of life, and smile widewide." But how fucking long can I continue that fake smile? Nobody helps me, nobody will. Rotting in misery, what I will fucking do. How long can I continue with my fucking life, when all I get is fucking shit, not even anything nice. What should I do, when the only doors out, don't fit me at all. What should I fucking do. Life's getting fucking frustrating. All I want to do is fucking break down and cry. There's no other way out. Fucking hell, life fucking sucks.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Fuyyooooooooh. I rock sial. I think I'm going to fail Bio! I had Bio and Physics CA after school just now. Physics, I knew how to do it. But Bio, gone case! I'm going to fail hahahaha. So after exams, I found out that there was no more training. So went home with Saufi. We merayap at Tampines Mall for a while, then ate at Macs. We had a good time talking about stuffs happening in life, which we had not done in a long time. After that, went home. Saw Umaimah at Interchange. Shall update again tmrw.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sorry for not updating! Its just that I've been like, uber busy. Crazy, I tell you. My brain's gonna explode. CA is this week. I think I did ok for the tests. Now mugging for Physics and Bio. After tmrw, I will be free to post! So, will update tmrw, if possible.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Nice saturday!
Ok, I'M OFFICIALLY VERY FREAKED OUT. O.O Who's this Sarah person. The only Sarahs I know are from RGS and TKGS and both are not even capable of doing that. Who, I wonder who! Some fucker playing a trick on me, I guess. I woke up and went to the dentist for braces. Did X-ray, and then consultation. I don't want to remove my canine teeth! Woohooooooooo. And its textbook method anw hahha. So after that, had YMC meeting. We arrived like, 45 minutes late? Baik ah Victorians! The meeting was about "Being a young Muslim in Singapore." Interesting, and they invited 3 outside speakers to give speech. Hah. After that just slacked around and ate at KFC. My sister didn't want to go home with me and I didn't really care. Hahahaha. Finally met Siti from Cresent a.k.a MASTER! Hahaha. She's like, the best! Pretty and very bubbly and bimbotic hahaha. Nice to talk to lol. So after that went home with Firdaus Wisnuh Fawwaz. Returned my 2 week overdue book at Tampines. And went home! The end hahahahhaa.
I'm officially freaked out. Who is the unknown? It may be somebody from America, but it may also be somebody playing a prank on me? But then again, let me just answer her questions. I'm single but unavailable, coz I just took a vow to be single till 1st June. If you want to talk to me, you can always add me up on MSN. Ok, moving on. School was ok. We had Total Defence Day. There were presentations and a skit by the Singapore Broadway Theatre? It was ok. Bio was as usual, boring! At the end of it, the teacher asked some of us to stay back to recycle bluetack and balloons.
I went WTF? So she asked people to volunteer, but nobody did. Then she said, since you all don't want to volunteer, I will force some of you. She then asked 3 tables, including mine, to stay back. The moment the bell for recess rang, everyone, including those who were asked to stay back, Just walked off. I mean, RECYCLE BLUETACK AND BALLOONS? Zomfg, that is fucking lame. Then, when we went up after recess, she was in class. She said she was very angry.Because some people with leadership positions were not responsible. Then she claimed she had to recycle coz she was the teacher in charge of Environmental Club. Throughout the time, she was looking at either me or Farhan. Is she bloody racist or what? People need to eat, and why look at US when the majority who ran off were Chinese guys! And what is lamer than recycling all those. I mean, just throw them away and buy new ones! Bluetack will lose its stickiness once you recycle it what. If she calls my parents again, I wonder if they will laugh. "Your son did not stay back when I asked him to recycle some bluetack and balloons."Makes me laugh like hell lah, hahahahaa. After recess, learned about Articulation during English. It was a good lesson, but it was far to noisy. So many people were making noise, and Ms Koh couldn't be bothered about them. Pity her lah, she was looking so stressed up that afternoon. After school, went to solat jumaat. After that went to the clinic in Tampines, where I had my chemical peeling done. Its to remove the acne scars from my face. It was painful, but I endured it. So after that, took 292 and went home. What a day.
My World is crashing around me. Pressure builds up in my soul. But is anybody out there, Willing to save me? Anybody at all? I guess not.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Yes Hafsah, that's an update. Ok, now's a real update. Tuesday. Nothing much happened at school. During PE, we played badminton as usual. After school, had floorball training. The national keeper came to our training. He's in Mr Amir's team. So a group of us trained with him at first. I was damn happy lah. I kept scoring top corners against him. Hahahaha. My friends were all like, "How you do that sia?" Hahahaha. Ok, after drills, we had matches as usual. I got tired after some time playing the matches. But I'm extremely happy, XD. None of the sec 1s this year are attituded! Or, its too soon to know. Hahaha. Wednesday. Had normal boring lessons. After school, we had a trip to the science centre. I blasted music and emo-ed all the way there. Hahahaha. I thought it was going to be a fun excursion. Buttttttttttt, I soon discovered we were attending a talk. So throughout the talk, I didn't pay attention AT ALL. It was uber boring lah. There were alot of schools there like, Loyang Sec, Nanyang Girls, Rivervale, etc. My friend was busy looking for pretty girls, tsk! Hahaha. So at the end, we straightaway went out of the hall. I wanted to take MRT home, coz it was faster than going back to school by bus and then going back home by public bus, which would take around 2 hours. Ms Yeo didn't let when I told her I live at Tampines, but then I just took MRT anw. Bad Haziq, tsk. Hahaha. TODAY Lessons were somewhat fun? Mr Ikwuan didn't come again, so we had to do this worksheet to prepare for the CA1. I did it, being the good boy I am. XD Malay was a bore, it was not interesting at all. A-math, I tried hard not to fall asleep, coz I knew it was important to concentrate and pay attention. Math is important! Haha. So after that went back home before going for Math Tuition. Damn, right? Vdae, but my valentine is tuition work. Freaking awesome! I saw alot of couples, and girls holding stuff. So good hahaha. I didn't get anything, so sad. But then, I don't really celebrate vdae. I heard its against Islam. I think it is.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Aahhhh damn. I'm too tired. I'll prolly update on Friday.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I will update tomorrow. Today was tiring, but fun. (:
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Days are boring.
I love this song. Love hurts by incubus. So anyway, Yesterday was basically spent lazing around. There was nothing much to do, except to talk to people. Today, had madrasah. The only guys who came were me and Dzafir. And his parents picked him up after madrasah, so I had to take the MRT home, alone. Damn. But I had my techno to keep me strong. WOOOOOO. Hahahaha. Tomorrow is like, ENGLISH CA. I think I'm gonna get A. I have to! Must stay positive. Its better that way. Oh, and I seriously hate my sister now. Two-faced poser bitch. Go lah, tell everyone. TELL. Chibai betul.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Back from Malaysia
I'm back from holiday with my family. We went to Johor, not that far. But then, it was still ok. As in, I would rather stay at home, coz my CAs are next week. But it took some stress off, I guess. I didn't buy much anyway. Oh and while I was there, People looked at my skinnies in a weird way. Haha. Oh, and I went to this mall called Tebrau City or smth. Its huge, and its the largest mall in Southeast asia. BUT. Since it was chinese new year, SOOOOOOOOOOOO UNLUCKY. Topman was closed. THE HORROR! Nike was closed. Adidas was closed. THE HORROR! All my favourite shops, closed! Damn them hahahaha. I guess they just aren't used to it. XD Oh, and I changed my blogskin. The last one was becoming an eyesore. Haha OK, I'm freaking bored. CAs are next week. Oh, and my friend so confident of getting into B Div floorball team. Loser hahaha. Just because coach asked him to save up for jersey. WHICH he told everyone coz our jerseys are like adidas and they're gonna cost a bomb. Haha, like us experienced guys who have been in various tournaments, We're not even confident if we can make it into the team! And him, somebadeh who hasn't been in one tournament, so confident. Haha losership. Ok, no more gossiping haziq tsk! I shall go eat my medicines now. I'm still sick, how great. =D
Sunday, February 03, 2008
3 days worth posting
How convenient. Starting of the year, and I'm already sick! As in, its only February. And I have to miss 2 days of lessons. I will lose out alot zomg! Die die die. Ok, that was the inner nerd speaking. I can always get extra lessons from my teachers. Ok, so yesterday, I woke up to go to school. I had a head that was spinning, and I felt like vomiting. After bathing and all, I was getting ready to put on my uniform when I vomited, So yeah. No school for me. I wanted to finish off my homework and such, But since I was feeling like shit, And the doctor told me to rest, I spent the rest of the day sleeping. At about 8pm, when I woke up again, I discovered LOADS of people who talked to me on MSN. Sorray dudes and dudettes! So today, I woke up at 9. I feel much better. I still have abit of the stomach cramps, but other than that, nothing much. I want to do my homework! I have to do alot. Damn. Oh, I shall tell about Sunday. We had this family gathering, to discuss about my cousin's wedding ceremony. Since we kids did not have that much to do, we just played around. Like block catching, and at the playground. I went wild, XD. Look at the pics.  The Secondary School kids!  Unleash the monkey in me. Sorry for the indecent exposure. XD  The best of the cousins minus Shafaat.  Gay face. =D  Haziq presents; His cousins!  
Friday, February 01, 2008
I swear, this is damn blardy funny. I took it off from another person's blog. Enjoy!
The Orang Panjang Contemporary Mat Dictionary
Gua [goo-wah] noun – What some mats and minahs use to call themselves. Similar in using “lu” when referring to others. A legacy that dates back to the times of Mat Rocks back in the early 80s.
A common trick that can be played on Mats is to ask them to translate the English phrase “Monkey Cave” into Malay. The mat will then say “Gua Monyet” (I'm a monkey).
Mat [mat] noun – To the rest of the world, the word simply means a Malay guy. But within the Malay community itself there is a growing disparity in consensus to its actual meaning. Popularly, it's used to denote a guy who converses primarily in Malay, as opposed to the more “English speaking” types. Favourites of the mats include tapered jeans, trucker caps and weepy Malay songs with sickeningly suicidal lyrics.
Matrep [mat-rape] noun – An extreme version of the mat. In addition to the usual mat accessories, a matrep will also come adorned with tattoos and matching body-piercings in weird corners of his body.
Minah [mee-nah] noun – An expression used to denote a Malay female. Derived from the popular Malay name, Aminah, which used to be all the rage some time ago. It was sort of the “in-thing” to name your daughter Aminah back in the 60s and 70s. In fact, legend has it that if you go to Geylang Serai market and shout “Hai Minah!” at least a quarter of the makcik population there is going to turn around and smile at you.
Picit [pee-chet] adjective – When a mat tells you to “picit” him, it does not mean that he is trying to be cheeky (or gay, if he is talking to a fellow mat). It simply means that the mat wants you to call him on his mobile. What were you thinking?
Relaksuah [ree-lek-soo-wah] adjective – Official slogan and life motto of the mats and minahs.
Sial [see- yal ] noun / adjective – A full stop in every mat's sentence. Eg: “Tadi aku nampak accident sial Rabak sial Aku tak bedek sial Kesian sial” Translation: Just now I saw an accident (full stop) It was bad (full stop) I'm not kidding (full stop) Poor guy (full stop)
In its purest form, “sial” means “jinx” but mats have refined the art of using the word to include it at the end of their every sentence. Also comes in the more polite form “siak” and “siul” for those who do not want to sound too crude.
Skank [s-kank] adjective - A favourite weird-looking dance performed by mats and minahs. Usually done at any of the various gigs that mats and minahs love to congregate at. At times, you do detect evidence of artistry in the dance but most of the time they just look like they've been possessed by the ghost of a restless retard.
Sowie [soh-wee] adjective – An expression of apology used by minahs. Commonly used in SMS and instant messaging. Actually they can just use the word “sorry” like every normal human being but minahs think that it will make them sound extra cute to deliberately talk that way. Example : “I will be late. Sowie!”
Step [se-tep] adjective – To beguile, dissimulate or impersonate something or someone that they are not. Also commonly used to describe a fellow mat or minah who acts in an arrogant manner. E.g.“Kau jangan nak step tak tahu eh?” Translation: Don't you dare feign innocence in this matter. Can also be used as a gerund e.g. “stepping”. See next entry.
Step Jambu [se-tep jam-boo] adjective - What minahs do when they are sitting alone in a train and a group of mats walk in. It is a general exercise where the minah “controls” her facial muscles and posture in a way that would make her look her best. This would usually involve looking incessantly at her handphone for no particular reason.
Stoppit [setop-eet] adjective – A general expression of intolerance and dismay. When a minah uses this phrase, be very careful for it signals that she is about to lose her cool or get very violent.
Usually directed by minahs in an annoyed manner, followed by the postfix “seh”, “siak” or “sial”. (See entry for “sial” above) Eg: Apasal ngan perangai kau hari ni? Stopitsiak! Transalation : What's up with your attitude today? Enough of it already for goodness' sake!”
So now, you all know the real definitions(actually they're not that accurate XD), so don't go around saying things if you don't know their meaning. HAHAHA