I feel high.
I finally bought a psp!
I feel high.
I finally bought a psp!
Monday, October 29, 2007
I feel high. I finally bought a psp! WOOT Sunday, October 28, 2007
Angry Outbursts
Fine people.
I'm sorry for the angry outbursts. I'm pissed. But I should not have said that TKGS girls are sucky, and girls are weak. I admit my mistakes, And I offer my sincerest apologies. To those who feel afflicted by my words. Sorry. I will not stereotype. I bersabar. Since the goodwill gesture has not been appreciated AT ALL, I will not care about this. What they talk about, is their problem. What they do, is their problem. At the end of the day, its them who gets the dosa. Its the end of this crap. I don't care if they still want to bitch about me, Or come after me, for all I care. I'm not going to give a fuck. Its time to dao. I just want to let bygones be bygones. And to those buggers who spam my inbox, but don't know a thing. I didn't even know who my sister's TKGS friends were until this event happened. How could I possibly be a jerk towards them? As a younger sister, you are supposed to respect your elders and not to treat them in a bad way, AM I RIGHT? Tell that to my sister. Its just time to let bygones be bygones. But not to my sister. Friday, October 26, 2007
School's over!
Friday. 26th October 2007. The last day of school. The last day of wearing short brown pants. Hello to long white pants. The last day. The last day 2G, together as a class. Its sad, you know. Together for 2 years. Through thick and thin. Through highs and lows. Through joy & laughter. Through anger & grief. All, we've been through together. We've succeeded as a class. Failed as a class. Its what keeps us together. At the end of the day, everybody is happy. I offer my heartfelt apologies to all I have done wrong to. At this time, I discover how much I'm going to miss you guys. As a big class. A second family. I will always cherish the times I had with you guys, 2G. Next year, a new start. A new beginning. We stand together as sportsmen, gentlemen and professionals. We stand, as 2G. Tuesday, October 23, 2007
School was oh-so-boring just now.
XD But I'm freaking happy. And I don't know why but this is the longest I have been this emo lately. Like just now at Eastpoint, I just sat and stared into blank space, watching people go by. But 2 things, wait, 3, brightened up my day. Got back English results. When I saw my paper, I got 41. I thought it was over 70 so I got disappointed for a while. But when I saw my friends' papers, they got 20+, or 30+. I was like, wondering. Then I asked my friend, he said it was over 50 marks. I couldn't believe it. 41/50? My comprehension got 23/25 and Summary got 18/25. I'm like super happy. Woohoo. Then at the end of the day, we verified results. I looked at my D&T marks, 87. And I looked at other peoples' marks, I got highest! I'm so happy woot! HOHOHO. I feel high again. Although not soo high. But who cares, there's floorball tmrw! Monday, October 22, 2007
Emo post
For those who cannot stand explicit language, like alot.
I advise you to stop reading now, and press that red cross button. The day started off good, with my malay getting A2. I felt proud for once, even though I did not achieve my aim of A1. But hey, A2 is still ok ain't it? Then got Bio marks. 25/35. Physics 18/35. Chemistry 25/35. Its good marks, man! B3, I improved! Then got History. B3. History has always been hell for me. Math was one happy time. I was scared. I blind-folded myself lol. The hard Section 1, 30/50 OK what? Then Section 2, 40/50 I was fucking happy. Very happy. Can't describe the happiness I felt. From F9 to A2, big improvement right? Got Literature, it was pretty bad. On the dot. 30/60 After school, wanted to skip training but decided against it. Went for training at Republic Poly, all the way at Woodlands. Got alot of chio bus woots! XD We reached Republic Poly late, but then, Mr Amir did not scold us. I wanted to get used to my new stick, so I used it. Damn I sucked at first. But then, after a while, I was playing like normal. And my skills have increased XD. It was a good feeling, playing floorball. Then bathed and took 168 home. But we took a long time as there was a jam on SLE, and we were stuck for quite a while. I dozed off along the way. Then finally got home. This is where the shit happens. I told my mum about my marks. I thought she would be happy, seeing that I improved alot. But, NO. Haiz. From a good day, I went into a bad mood. I'm rarely this angry, frustrated and sad. This really pisses me off. Sunday, October 21, 2007
What a sad day
Friendster is FUCKING SCREWED. I hate it. So today, Woke up at 6.30am. Why so early? Well, today I went to Pusara Aman Cemetery to go visit all the family members' graves. Met the others, and my two best cousins, Abang Yus and Abang Mamat, at restu. We can get along even though they are 13 years older than me!XD But then, went to this minimart first. My mum bought hair dye and I bought Gatsby Moving Rubber. IIIIII CAN GIVE YOU GATSBY! Yeah that one. Then went in a convoy of 2 cars. Had a fun time talking in the car. Reached there, went to my Arwah Nenek(late grandmother)'s grave. The paint was abit washed off, but then, we cleared her grave of all the weeds and extra long plants. ![]() ![]() Then bacakan Al-Fatihah for her soul. We went to several other graves. Like my uncle's late daughter, uncle's late dad, etc. Cleared their graves. There was this grave that was surrounded in soft soil and mud. Me and my cousins had to scrape it off and finally, we could see the concrete below. And I discovered something true about the place that the adults mentioned. Even though the hill is pretty low, the clouds are very low-lying. And this is what my uncle said, "Haziq, when you enter NS, don't apply for army. Later survival training they release you at night all alone at the graveyard. Then you meet something else then how?" Lol! I mean like, I know that we had to do that, but he made it worse. Hahaha. Then there was this one grave, the name was cool sia. ________ Bin Mario. Either his grandfather was an avid Mario-brothers gamer, or his dad liked to jump around. Abang Mamat even made the theme song of the Mario bros when I told him XD. See lah, we disturb the dead! And beside one of the graves, there was this grave of a convert. German I think. ![]() ![]() I kinda like the graveyard. Its peaceful. But when I went to the surau, look at what's beside the toilet. Some people like to go there and emo, and all. But their iman not strong, what for? And at the end, my dad mentioned to me after seeing one grave. He wanted that style. Simple and recommended by Islam. Made me sad thinking about it. I will carry out your wishes, dad. I promise. After that went home and went out for jalan raya for a while. At this house, there was this little 3-year-old kid. Her mom died when she was 18 months. I felt kinda sad for her. I felt even more sad when she said this when my mum purposely asked her where her mum was. "Ibu don't have" "Ibu at house" "Ibu at Allah's house" There, the answer of an innocent kid. Cute, that little kid. Small as she is, She taught me some things. My heart feels for her. Its a sad story, in this world. Her answers are so innocent, yet so true. Friday, October 19, 2007
That LONG post
HERE'S THAT LONGLONGLONG POST I'VE PROMISED XD. Ok, lets start off with the first day of Hari Raya. 13/10/07-Hari Raya Day 1 Woke up at about 6am to go for Solat Aidilfitri! Went to pick up Wak Lan, Aadib, Abang Nor and Wak Yusoff and went to Darul Gufran. At the end of solat and khutbah, and when we were all leaving, I saw this old ang moh guy saying "Selamat Hari Raya" in his ang moh accent. Funny but cool. Went home, ate keputat. Eh wait, ketupat! Hahahaha. Then changed into my black baju kurung and took pictures with family. But this time, we forgot to do the bermaaf-maafan part and did it at my aunt's house. ![]() So after going my maternal grandmother's house/youngest aunt's house, We went to our paternal grandfather's house. Met all my cousins there. Some are growing prettier, I tell you. Others getting more mat-ish. XD Talkedtalkedtalked, then we went all the other old peoples' houses. Woohoo had fun with my older cousins. But then, we had to go home at around 9pm because all my other siblings were sleepy. But I could have went all the way till the next day lerr! Heh. ![]() I'll upload the rest of the pictures when I get them. 14/10/07-Hari Raya Day 2 So today, went more old peoples' homes. Nothing much actually. We went home at around the same time. 15/10/07-Hari Raya Day 3 Nothing much again. Same as the previous day. Except that we went home earlier 'coz my parents and sisters had work and school the next day. I was left to slack at home XD. 16/10/07-Hari Raya Day 4 So with my parents and siblings away, I had NOTHING to do. Seriously. At about 3+, I went out to Tampines Mall to meet up with Nyimas. We watched a movie together, and walked around. She brought 3 friends, but I only brought my balls. XD Went home, solat-ed and went to visit Neighbours' houses. Farhana called me "Abang". lol(: 17/10/07-Hari Raya Day 5 Now this is where the fun starts. That day is the day we HMT guys went for Jalan Hari Raya. Haziq.Afi.Hamzah.Saufi.Luqman.Haaziq.Deen.Taufik.Ziyad.Hafidzhin.Fawwaz. Farhan2E.Irsyad.Dzafir. It was cool, yo. Started off with waiting at my house as my house was the first. Waited, and Luqman arrived first. After about 5mins, the rest arrived, minus Saufi and Fawwaz who woke up late. But cheerios for both of them, still coming even though late. We watched The Simpsons Movie at my house, laughlaugh. And then ate, then got ready to go to the next house. Then we went to other houses. It was pretty much the same throughout. We joked around alot, especially with Mat Nor(Haaziq), p.s. NOT me, around. We ate alot, and I cared about losing those abs I've been working out so hard for XD. And I discovered that Hamzah is damn rich. He has about 5 racing bikes that must have cost about S$1500 each, A HD-ready plasma television fitted with a PS3, and a HD-ready projector for his main TV. Rich ain't he? Then at about 7.30pm, We went to Cikgu Shyamira's house. We thought she had cooked until, "Ini Mak cikgu yang masak, TAPI TU CIKGU GORENG!" We were like, laughing our heads(or asses) off. We solat-ed in turns, And saw some funny styles. XD And Cikgu has a pretty nice house. Oh yeah, I made a story about her cats. I was talking2 about sotdotcom. Some stupid thing I made up. Then coincidentally cikgu's current cat was named "Dot", and her previous cat died because he jumped down from the 12th floor. So I was like, "EH! Cikgu gonna have 3 cats. The current one dot. The previous one was abit sot in the head, so he jumped down, and thus he was called sot." XD Then we talked and talked to cikgu, all the way till about 9. Last house was Saufi's. We played XBOX all the way till about 10.45pm, Then we slacked and all, and went home at about 11+. They were all scared that police would come as 11pm was the curfew for those below 16. LOL 17/10/07-Hari Raya Day 5 Started off with meeting Saufi,Afi,Luqman,Farhan,Dzafir,Hafidzhin,Ziyad,Fawwaz at Tampines MRT station. I then discovered that Irsyad and Hamzah were not coming. Irsyad had to follow his parents out, and Hamzah, he got grounded by his parents for returning home late the previous day. LOL Took MRT to Toa Payoh, where we met Haaziq, then took a bus to his house. His parents are as gerek as him.XD Then went all the way back to Pasir Ris to go to Deen's house. Then so on and so forth. Plenty of food to eat, too. Last house we went to was Dzafir's. Watched 300, and I played a little of World In Conflict there. The game is freaking nice. So then, we played a spot of truth or dare and etc, and at last, around 11pm, We went home. I was beginning to feel kinda sad, coz after 2 days of Jalan Raya, it had all come to an end. Sad sad. I'm sure we had lotsa fun. It was not for the money, really. It was a good experience. Anyway, we took lotsa photos, but people haven't sent them to me. Will upload ASAP. Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Long time no post
Since I have not updated for a longlonglong time.
Expect a Cheers(: Friday, October 12, 2007
Its time.
That time of the year. Bulan puasa telah mengakhiri. Sekarang masanya, untuk HARI RAYA! I don't know why, but I am really in the mood this year! Happy(: To all muslims, wishing all of you, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN! Kalau I maki, memang sengaje. Tetapi, I hanya ber-joking sahaja! Selamat menyambut hari raya! Exams are overrr!
I can't believe EXAMS ARE OVERRRR! Yea baby! My papers today were pretty easy. Thursday, October 11, 2007
I NEED TO GET GOOD GRADES. HAZIQ WILL DO IT. LAST EXAM. DO YOUR BEST. THEN ENJOY. Anyway, watch this videos, all Muslims. Ingatkan Allah! 2 more papers!
2 more papers!
Literature just now was pretty much ok. Its all about crapping baybeh! Like CA2, I just hantam and I got 20/30, one of the top marks in class. Pretty pathetic. But I hope I will get good marks. why don't they speak REAL English like I'm doing now? After that had a break, then English paper started. After that waited for 31. It took damn bloody long to reach! One whole group of people were waiting. And when 31 came, we all were like, cursing the driver. Most of the people on it were XD Went with Luqman to find his Hari Raya shoe. He bought converse. Pretty nice design. Went home, did the usual(sleep), and now, I'm going to study for PE theory. Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Maths is over. WOOT
3 cheers!
Math is overrrrr! All major papers are over. WOOTS! Highhighhigh. Paper 1 was apnfiwaenvaiurnvaiurnvaurnvaiuiuarnviueanvunrbiuaervnae HARD. Paper 2, was surprisingly easy. Paper one, I didn't complete a few questions. 12 marks gone, at least. Paper two, finished with 10 minutes to spare. So imba. I was like, stressed. Apparently I was not the only one who did not complete. Alot of people didn't. But that doesn't make me happy. Whodahell cares about other people's marks? XD After exam went to follow Saufi to Century Square, because he wanted to cut his hair. MeAfiLuqmanHamzahHaseef. Fun. While waiting for him we played XBOX360 at best denki. Haha. No life. I want to mug. But can somebody tell me what to mug for Lit and Eng? Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I am not self-obsessed
I repeat and emphasize,
I AM NOT SELF-OBSESSED And how come 2 of my ex-es suddenly tag me? XD Lets start off with yesterday. After paper, went home with the gang and gf. Me and gf were doing something, Then the gang sibuk2 come behind us. Bleargh. At Tampines while waiting for bus, I saw the bitchy ex, Syahirah. She gave a little yelp when she saw me. XD Now, moving on to today. Had history paper. It was pretty much ok. Except that I lost 7 marks becuase I didn't finish one part. Wastedddd. Went home with the gang minus Saufi. On 31, there was this 2 lesbo KC couples. Freaking disgusting. One couple, one was dressed like a guy, While the other was in KC uniform and was like a normal everyday girl. They were raba-raba-ing and all. Disgusted me. The other couple, both were dressed like guys. Yucks. I should clean my eyes using the toiletbowl brush. Then went to doctor get some meds. Went home. Gotta mug math. Monday, October 08, 2007
Leo-The Lion
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward. Damn. Its true! Except for "Is really good at almost anything". I'm kinda doubting that. But the rest is pretty much true! Cool eh? Science paper
Today had science paper.
I did biology first, followed by chemistry. Then Physics. Biology and Chemistry was pretty easy. I think I'll get good marks for them. But physics was hard. Whole class agreed. I didn't understand wavelengths. I think I got 2 questions CONFIRM wrong already. I hope I score good marks. Now, gotta mug for history. After tomorrow, history will be HISTORY! I'm taking geog in sec 3. Gotta mug(: Saturday, October 06, 2007
Brought out my locked laptop.
Switched it on. Gonna blog and switch it off. TIME LIMIT! Basically, English Paper 1 was kinda easy. But damn, I'm gonna fail Malay. I DIDN'T FINISH! The topic was so mothereffing hard. I was pondering for 30 minutes. The first paragraph of the compo was impromptu. I just wrote what came out. After exam, we crazy people went walking at Tampines Mall. Relieve stress katakan! Went home, and slept after that. Now about today, Saturday. Woke up at 9.05am. That's early! Got ready and went to Tampines Mall(again). Bought Levi's shoes and a Billabong Polo tee. Both black. Cool eh? For Hari Raya lerr! Went back home, didn't mug. Instead, cleaned up my whole room. Which handn't been cleaned properly ever since I moved into it last year. Finally there's improvement. Monday's science. Gotta concentrate. Wish me luck people. Thursday, October 04, 2007
Focus. Focus. I will not be going online, or blogging these few days. I will dedicate myself to mugging. HARD. I'm locking up my laptop so that I make sure I study. So contact me by handphone. One of the rare opportunities I'm giving out my hp number; 96698643 Only for important things, please. Wish me luck people. I've gotta get that 8-subject combination. NIL SINE LABORE Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Last PE lesson!
Nothing much happened today.
Except during our last PE lesson, played street soccer. I was the keeper most of the time. Had fun. End of the day, had Malay, and we discussed about Hari Raya. Went home with gang and gf. She made my day again(: Well now, gotta study. P.S: I love this song; Be my escape-Reliant K Tuesday, October 02, 2007
For an unknown reason.
I felt super duper tired today. I slept throughout the day! First had malay. Anyhow do the summary. Dang, I suck at summary. Then had science! Mrs Setho yay! But because she did not have anything else to teach us, she let us do our own revision. I finished up my chemistry paper, and the rest of my revision=sleep. I told you I was tired! Recess, played pepsi cola with the rest of the guys. If you're dumb enough not to know what that actually is, its the one where, you need to hit the foot of your opponent to kill him. After that we had english. We were supposed to do this summary that WE HAD ALREADY DONE BEFORE. The whole class didn't even bother doing. We dao-ed Mrs Rama all the way. Had history, and I tried not to sleep. But my eyes were quite heavy, and I dozed off for a few seconds but woke up again. I need to concentrate! Had lit, Sir Hamilton is the best! We had the presentations by the pairs or persons. I have to admit, Jerial's presentation was good. Went back home with AfiHamzahSaufiLuqmanDzafirTaufikFawwazWisnuh. The big gang. I'm so lucky to have friends to go home with! Went back, slacked and slept. After maghrib did homework and mugged. Super productive. That's the way Haziq! Monday, October 01, 2007
Rocking day!
Today is a happy happy day.
First, went through Math practise paper. I got 40/50 woohoo! Then English was "reading period". We ended up playing, but studying science as well. XD Recess, I got chased by Saufi. Only we know why. After that had science. Mrs Setho again, yay! Enjoyable lessons, and finally a lesson where I do not. I repeat, DO NOT fall asleep! After that has PE theory. I wonder how I'm going to enter PE as 'O' level subject class. The theory is isangaoinoifaiwhfnvaiuhfiavoiw HARD! After PE theory had D&T. Since I had last minute glue-ing to do, I stayed in the workshop while most of the class went to Library. Then after I finished, went back into the D&T teacher's room. Ashley, Herman and Marcus was there. Finished up my sketch. Then Mr Alvin You came in. We discovered that he was not strict after all. HE'S FUN! Went home with Afi, Luqman, Hamzah, and gf. My gf made me super happy today. =P ama is at home!
ok i just needed to do this.
haziq! i am blogging at home. while you're in school. hooray for rgs and it's independency! HAPPY CHILDRENS DAY!(: |
My thoughts tend to sound better in books I didn’t write, and in the songs I didn’t sing.
Even then, sometimes there is no piece of literature, no song, no work of art that can really explain the way you feel.
There is a double-edge comfort in knowing that no one really knows.
Muhammad Haziq Bin Azmi
20th August 1993 Meridian Junior College/Victoria Junior College/Victoria School dead_offence@hotmail.com
Kay Fong
Qi En
Sarah Alissa
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