ama rocks.
go ama yea((:
eh cepat haziq get ur groin guard.
k lah byee.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
ama rocks. go ama yea((: eh cepat haziq get ur groin guard. EEWWW. I DONT HAVE SCHOOL TMR. NYEHH :D k lah byee. Friendster is screwed!
I swear I would kill friendster if it was ever a person. So freaking irritating, you know! So yesterday, went to Era's house to buka! All my cousins were there, yay! Nearly all, anyway. Before buka hung out at playground and fitness corner. Did several pull ups. Gotta train, don't I? XD Then we went up to get ready for buka. More people came. We cousins caught up on each other. The Abang Yus came to me. "EH WHERE'S THE POEM YOU OWE ME?" Then I was like, "Oh yah. Wait wait." *Dua tiga kucing berlari. Abang Yuz berak biri-biri!* Hahaha lol. Then we chatted and played. Until buka. Eat eat eat. Fiddled with Aat's new Nokia 5700. Nice. After buka and solat, we cousins went down to the playground. Talktalktalk. Era wanted to find out my new gf, So I told her. After relaxing for quite some time, we decided to play ICE AND WATER! Bring out the children in us yawwww. First game, us 3 guys against the 7 girls. Easy job. We caught them fast. Second game, 7 girls against us 3 guys. That, was crazy. Lucky I'm agile XD. After running here and there, I got caught. How? I got out of my hiding place after escaping from some of them. I was running. Out of the corner, my sister appeared. BAM! I was jam-braking and all, but she caught me anyway. But we had "prison break" Hehehe. It was fun with the cousins. Looking forward to Hari Raya! 5 days to SA2. Saturday, September 29, 2007
I want to play floorball&hockey again!
I missmissmiss them. So since Abang Raz has allowed me to post his life stories, I guess I shall. So basically, he told us that his life last time was like shit. Although his dad was a rich guy, driving all the big cars. His dad only gave him $1 everyday for school in Secondary School. Like he said, what the hell can he buy for $1 in Secondary School? Luckily, his mom would pack him nasi or something so he won't go hungry. His dad would even count every cent that he spent on his fare card(ex-link cards were non-existant then). So every week, he would spend $5 on his fare card. And exactly $5 would be there. And there were many other bad experiences. Although his dad treated him this way, he is still grateful for the way his dad raised him. He says, suffer first, be easy later. Look at him, he's 22. His highest education was secondary school. And already, he is a partner for a garage, has a car, has everything a person with a degree has at his age. He's leading quite a good life, maybe. Motivational ain't it. I forgot the other stories he told. Abang Raz rocks! Hahaha. Now, I gotta go mug. 5 practice papers to do. Exams are 6 DAYS AWAY As I said, I'll transform to a nerd. Hehe. A nerdy mat? Like I mat liddat. And I've just discovered that I'm one of the most active bloggers in VS. All of my other friends don't update as often as I do. And shucks. My mum just gave me a "strict curfew". No more going home late. Dang. YMC Batch Buka
Sarah.Siti.Azira.Hamizah.Nazreen.Maryam.AbangRaz.AbangEman. YMC BATCH BUKA. After crashing on bed upon reaching home, I got ready and went out of home at 5.30pm. Reached Bedok at around 5.50pm. Then went to meet Abang Raz at Yew Tee. Izzat met us there too So freaking far. At last we had to buy drinks to buka. Then after Fawwaz changed and all, we waited for Abang Raz. Just as we walked off the overhead bridge, he came into the bus stop with his cute little Kia Picanto. In the car otw to Orchard, Abang Raz kinda advised us on this and that, and we listened to several cool songs, and also several cool stuff Abang Raz taught us. Those who know, ssshhhhhh. Hehe. Arrived at AlFalah mosque at around 8. Runrunrun to solat Magrhib. Then we went to Sarpino's Pizza to eat. The pizza was pretty nice. I think I'm going to like pizza again. For those who dunno, I kinda hate pizza. Long story. After eating, we played truth or dare. Which got transformed into dare or die. Sarah was talking to me almost non-stop throughout. I don't mind, because she's pretty friendly and cute. Heh XD. She kept complaining about her superstrict parents. I knew about her parents already, but still, I listened to her problems. Then I taught Sarah to call Amalina "Amagay". Maybe it'll spread around RGS. Amalina's gonna kill me. After finishing the food, we went to this place to slack. Play games, talk, crap about. It was fun with Abang Raz around. We crapped all the way till 11pm. And we were at Orchard, mind you. It was fun! But we went off, because there was this police car, which went repeatedly close to us. Abang Raz sent us home. First to Paya Lebar, then Kembangan, then Bedok, then Tampines. We talkedtalkedtalked in the car. Abang Raz told us that he had a sucky childhood. Shall not elaborate. I'm not sure if he wants to share it. But then, its pretty motivational. Thanks Abang Raz. Friday, September 28, 2007
Ouch my balls.
Honey, sorry for leaving you behind.
I feel super guilty. I'm really sorry. I love you, baby. Today, nothing much happened. After solat Jumaat went home with LuqmanSaufiHamzahDeenIzzatAfi. At Bedok, being the naughty guy I am, pulled the earphones of Hamzah and Deen. Both chase me. And brought me down. Hard. I dragged Hamzah down. And his knee, landed. At that downstairs part there, you know. Sakit! I was groaning in pain all the way to Tampines. Dang! Thursday, September 27, 2007
Best History lesson, ever!
Yo ho ho.
Yesterday's post was my two hundred and twenty second. If you're that dumb, its 222. Went to school today, the sky was soooooo dark. It was raining so heavily! The heaviest I've seen this year. Today's Math lesson was replaced by History, So in total we had 4 periods of Hist. Science, Mrs Setho came and went through the electricity worksheet. Yay I rock at physics! After recess, combined class with 2H for History, at AVA room. Mr Donald Leo was funny. We were studying chapter 9. Studied about all the riots, etc. It came to one part where there was a riot between the Chinese and Malays. Mr Leo: My version of the story for this riot is this; the Malays were marching to celebrate Prophet Muhammad's birthday. There was this guy called, Muhd Hantam. He got lost, so the others started calling him. "HANTAM! HANTAM!" The other Malays misinterpreted this as an instruction to bash up the Chinese. Thus, they began bashing up Chinese. Mr Leo then asked Mr Thiru where all the Indians were during the riots. Mr Thiru: Indians are peace-loving humans. Mr Leo: Eh, I know you all only go out at night during the riots so that people cannot see you right! That's why you all weren't involved. Mr Thiru: One day I bring you to Serangoon at night. We will beat you up there, but you cannot see who. We were all laughing like crazy! Racist teacher. Hahaha! Then had English. This guy came into our class to take pictures. Pictures or not, our class still acted like hell. Hahaha. Mrs Rama cannot stop us! About 15 minutes or so before end of school, we started playing truth or dare. About 6 of us. One of the truth questions: List the top 5 celebrities you would want to f**k. We corrupted people. Another one was TOP 10, INCLUDING MALES. XD. The dares, this one was created by me: Go to [a guy], stroke his back, and say "I want to confess my true feelings." Hahaha! So seductive. Went home and everything, I overslept for tuition. Lucky still had time, so I rushed! It rained so heavily, again. Just like in the morning. The benefit is that it was pretty cooling. Now, gotta mug. =P Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Halo 3!
Halo 3 came out yesterday! Unfortunately I don't have an XBOX 360, so I need to wait long long for the PC version. Wait I remembered. My mum wants to buy me a PSP if I get good grades. Maybe I'll switch to XBOX 360. But I must study hard! Just now had hockey for PE. Tiring. After school I went to visit grandma at CGH. She's ok lah. I worry about her. Well, I've gotta go study. Cheers! Tuesday, September 25, 2007
We gave cikgu our "present"!
First two periods had Malay.
After the lesson, we gave Cikgu our "present". Hahaha. We were laming about. It was pretty fun. Cikgu was like "APE NI?" We say "present ah Cikgu." What a present. XD For those who don't know what I'm talking about, refer to my post about batch buka. Then had science. Finally I'm not sleeping in class. I love physics. Heh. Recess played soccer with Afi at the corridor. Then after recess had English, History and Literature. During English Bing Yu pissed me off. I was punching my partner, then from behind, he sprayed me with water. I was so fucking pissed off. I stood up and went to his table. He was already pleading "sorry, sorry" I took the bottle, and sprayed him with water. Lots of water. Then I kicked his table, threw his stuff around. I took his handphone and hid it. It was not until Literature that he found it. Sweet sweet revenge. He's going to get more hell tmrw during PE. Floorball will rock. To other stuff, I'm still pretty sad Jose Mourinho left Chealsea. I pretty much hate Avram Grant, especially since he's from fucking Israel. I'm thinking of changing "citizenship", maybe to Manchester United or Liverpool. But then again, there have been rumours of a possibility that Ronaldinho might join Chealsea. If he does, Damn, I'm staying. Ronaldinho rocks! Monday, September 24, 2007
Sick, not again
Unfortunately, I'm sick.
AGAIN. Throughout school was sneezing and everything. Lost my strength. Damn. Before recess, I basically just slacked. Because the first few lessons were PAL and English Reading Period. Nothing to do. Recess, came much action. Afi took my wallet, and just flung it behind him without looking. I looked around, discovered that it was NOT on the floor. Looked behind the notice board, which was screwed to the wall. AND IT WAS THERE. So I told Afi. "DAMN YOU. I just made my new ez-link. If you don't get, you pay me $50. For wallet, ez-link, and all other cards inside." He panicked, and took his metal ruler to begin unscrewing the screw holding the notice board in place. After a long long long time, he finally got it out. Lucky. After recess, had physics. Mrs China came back. NOOOOOOOORMAL. After that had PE theory. I was already so sick. I slept on the table. Then Mr Siow go knock my table. I woke up so suddenly! Dang. After that had D&T. Finished up several parts of my project. The after school had to do this CME quiz. I got 95% yay! After that had a briefing, because I'm opting to take PE as an O' Level Subject. Discovered some things. I've figured that. Haziq, STUDY HARD BEB. Friday, September 21, 2007
Buka Puasa at Geylang
At first we thought it would be a bad idea for the buka puasa to be held at Geylang. But we were wrong. Very wrong. WE HAD LOTS OF FUN! Seriously, we all were beylo and crazy there. Laughed non-stop. Crazy! So first, we met at Eunos. I rushed off first because I had not solat-ed asar. Went there, met Hafidzhin and Fawwaz. Then when the bang dilaungkan, we started eating bubur. I was kinda worried coz the others had not come yet. Then they finally came. After eating and all, we solat-ed maghrib, then we continued on our way. Walked all the way to the Bazaar. Then Luqman started crapping about the bright lights there. "I see the light. We are nearing it. Is it heaven?" XD So then, we did not know where to go. So we just crossed the road, and walked through the bazaar. A lot of food, like ayam perchik, dendeng, kebabs, then there was this ice-cream from turkey. Seeing that we hadn't eaten fully, we went to Banquet to eat. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We cracked lame jokes, and ended up laughing like mad arses. XD. After that we went to walk some more. Halfway through that Luqman and Farhan got seperated. When we met back, Luqman was like, "Eh, mana korang semua pergi? Kan, takde aku korang sesat!" We were like, wth, LOL! Laughed like crazy again. Went into Tanjong Katong Plaza and went to Fawwaz's mum's shop. We randomed, and suddenly Dzafir went "Cik Faredah!" Then Fawwaz's mum went out. XD We then walked out, and went to this stall with some game. Throw 5 balls and try to capsize a stack of cans. After a few tries, still did not get! And 5 throws=$3 I dunno how much we spent! Then we went walking around again. Looked at stuff. Personally, all 8 of us We stopped at a few places, just to rest and joke around... Then, deciding that we were not satisfied with the ball thingy, we decided to go back. Reached, we had a few more tries, AFTER 6 TRIES=30 THROWS, And I knocked down 4 cans, but then the last one, I couldn't. GOD! Luqman was the worst. Once he threw, it bouced off the wood, and flew above us, onto the road behind. Luckily there were no cars. Another time, he threw the ball, it deflected off the wood, and hit the lady who was manning the booth. Joker sia! Afi our hero won a prize. A DISNEY JIGSAW PUZZLE! The guys before us got Disney Princesses. HAHA LOL! We decided to give it to Cikgu. We were laughing like crazy. People looked at us, but I think they thought we were a comical bunch. But then, we really were a comical bunch! At the end, some girls looked at us. Hahahaha. Funfunfun. After that went home, not before CAMWHORING! Group photo lah... Some guy took for us, after Fawwaz asked. Thursday, September 20, 2007
Planning Batch buka
So busy!
Planning VS HML batch buka. So far it's been good. Planning either Tampines or Geylang. And Amalina is crapping with me online. XD Nothing much happened in school today. Except that we didn't make a video. Sad? Heh... Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Haziq is bored.
1.The phone rings, who do you want it to be? > donald trump's lawyer, saying that he just died and left me 1 billion. 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? > i chuck it onto the street for a lorry to hit. haha. joking, obviously. 3. If you had to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? >if I have the time. 4. Do you take compliments well? > i don't know how to reply to them 5. Do you play Sudoku? > nope. 6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? > yeah. all the animals will be afraid of my ugly face and not eat me. 7. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you would save? >my family members. 8. Who was the last person you slept in the bed with? > my pillow! 9. Who do you text the most? > no telling. 10. Favorite children's book? > little red riding hood. big bad wolf gets screwed in the end. YAY! 11. Eye color? > dark brown. 12. How tall are you? > shorter than Amalina. 13. If you could do it over again, start from scratch, would you? > maybe. but to me, what's done, is done. 14. Any secret admirers? > if I knew it wouldn't be SECRET right? 15. When was the last time you were at Starbucks? > long long ago. 17. Where was the farthest place you traveled? >from tampines to pasir ris. Haha. Joking. Middle East. 18. Do you like mustard? > depends on what you put it on. 19. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? > sleep. eating makes you fat. 21. Do you miss anyone? >everyone! 22. Can you do splits? > ouch my b**ls 23. What movie do you want to see right now? > manymany. 24. What did you do for New Year's Eve? > sleep late! 25. Do you think The Grudge was crappy? > never seen it 26. Do you own a camera phone? > yea 27. Was your mom a cheerleader? > if she was I would be surprised. 28. What is the last letter of your middle name? > I have no middle name. 29. Are you hispanic? > nope 30. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? > 5-6? 31. Do you like care bears? > I like barbie dolls. Oh Barbie what the hell are you doing to Kent? =.='' 32. What do you buy at the Movies? > nachos! 33. Do you know how to play poker? > yeah. 34. Do you wear your seatbelt? > in the fronnt seat only 35. What do you wear to sleep? > shorts 37. Is your hair straight or curly? > mixed. some are straight, some curly. weird right? 38. Is your tongue pierced? > nope. 39. Do you like Liver and Onions? >onions. 40. Do you like funny or serious people better? > funny! 41. Ever been to L.A.? >nope. 42. Who is on your mind right now? > =P 43. Any plans for tonight? >sleep? 44. Whats your fav. song at the moment? > same girl(ft. Usher)-R. Kelly 45. Do you hate chocolates? > the opposite. 46. What do you and your parents fight about the most? > hockey&floorball training 47. Are you a gullible person? >nope. 48. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? > not really... 49. If you could have any job what would it be? > an engineer. or a special police task force officer. hawhaw 50. Are you easy to get along with? > ask my friends. 51. What is your favorite time of the day? > when the bell for dismissal rings. 52. Are you generally a happy person? > yeah. I am always the happy guyl. After looking at the quizzes people have done about me,
I have discovered that. MOST PEOPLE THINK I'M A JOKER. LOL! Maybe I am. And look at this, done by Hafidz. 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? haziq- crazy,sick,nonsense-ish,planner,joker 9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?- haziq- insult me like free. Hahahaha funnay. This one by Yi Jie. 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? -Crazy -Psycho -Good guy -Emo -Joker 11. Overall impression of him/her?- PLAYBOY!!!! Basket. Since when I go flirting like free? 2G floorball champions!
Today, first period had pe.
Continued with our intra-class floorball league. I scored 3 goals today, I think. First one was nice. I dribbled past the defenders, and from the corner, I turned and shot. GOAL! Second, Nicholas, the other team's keeper, was being a joker. Lying on the ground. When I saw that, I shot the ball. Even though I was at the side of 3 quarters of the court, the ball curled, and it went it. Coolest goal I've scored. Third goal, Samuel was in front of me. I moved to the right, took the shot. GOAL! Hahaha. We won the whole intra-class floorball league. Mr Siow blaja-ed us 100 plus. But I puasa, so I had to bring it home. Oh yeah, I got my BLAST ENEMY GRAY today! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Had malay oral after school. Me, Afi, Luqman, Saufi & Hamzah crapped in class with some other boys. Then when it was nearing our turn, we panicked. Heh. But I don't think I screwed up. I did pretty good. But Cikgu complained that I did not look at her while talking. Ohwell. Episode 3. Another disaster. We decided to do a new one since ystd's was ruined. But disaster. God. Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Helping 2 people. Hard.
I was merely online.
Nothing much was happening. Until 2 girls, shall not mention who, approached me for help. One was irritated, the other, confused why the other was irritated. I'm helping them. But as girls, it can be hard. Now today, we were doing episode 3. When we nearly finished, Wisnuh accidentally pressed the "call reject" button. Thus it exited and the video was not saved. And, we don't have episode 3. Nevermind, episodes 3&4 will be released tomorrow. Monday, September 17, 2007
4 hours detention
Episode 2. Quality sucks, cameraman sucks. Damn.
Today during English, Mrs Rama was having oral. Then she gave us comprehension to do. I did it, and being the bored me, went up from my seat and went to talk to my friends about video. My hands got itchy, I took my tie and started wacking Herman. Then he chased me lah. Without shouting and all. Just merely running. And then, Mrs Rama, called us both. Saying we were inconsiderate and all. And saying that she will bring us down to the discipline master. JUST BECAUSE WE RAN IN CLASS. What about the group of people who was playing cards. And those talking and shouting non stop? Went to Mr Chia's office, he asked us to fill up some kind of form and ask our parents to sign. Then asked Mrs Rama and Miss Noorreny to come and talk larh, all that crap. I swear to tell the truth and the truth only. FUCK YOU, YOU BITCH. YOU THINK YOU GOOD IS IT? GO BACK TO INDIA AND DIE THERE. Now I've got 4 hours detention. First time in my life, beb. Sunday, September 16, 2007
Episode 2, tomorrow.
Look out guys!
EPISODE TWO IS RELEASED, TOMORROW! List out your Top 5 Birthday Presents Which You Wish For:
1. Better laptop! 2. PSP 3. More $$ 4. Ride in a Lamborghini 5. New clothes! Answer the following questions: 1. The person who tagged you was?- Azhari 2. Your relationship with him/her is?- CCA senior 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her? -Crazy -Friendly -Good guy -Merepekkk! -Joker 4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for you?- Nothing 5. Most memorable words she has said to you?- **** arh! 6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?-Kill myself rather than be gay. 7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?- Don't be such a horny bastard! 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?- poke a floorball stick up his ass. 9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?- joking about me? 10. The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be?- talk something that makes sense. 11. Overall impression of him/her?-Nice guy, always makes people laugh. 12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?- ask them, not me. 13. A character trait you love about yourself?- Being a lame joker! 14. A character trait you hate about yourself?- Don't boast. 15. Person you want to be?- Chris Brown combined with Donald Trump. 16. Say something to the people who care for you?- I care for you too, beb! 17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you. 1-Amalina 2-Ashley 3-Farrah 4-Hafsah 5-Wei Jian 6-Yi Jie 7- Hafidzhin 8- Sebastian 9-Afi 10-Hidayat Who is #6 having a relationship with?-His dog. Is #9 a male or female?-During birth, the doctor circled the slash. If you don't get it, M/F If #7 and #10 are together, will it be a good thing?- Gayshit. How about #8 and #5?-Good match! May they gay always. What is #2 studying about?-***, anime, manga, sec 2 stuff. When was the last you talked to #3?-30secs ago? What kind of music does #8 like?-Rock? Does #1 have any siblings?-All older than her! Will You woo #3?- I'm not a playboy, so no. How about #7?- Not gay! Is #4 single?-Yes What's #5's surname?- Aik How about #10's?- Malay; no surname #4's hobby?- photoediting? Do #5 and #9 get along?-haha. Quite Where does #2 study at?-VS Say something casual about #1?- Good friends! Have you tried developing feelings about #8?-I'm not gay! Where does #9 live?- Tampines Are #5 and 1# best friends?-They don't even know each other. Does #7 like #2?- Gay! How did you get to know #2?-Same class, same CCA. Does #1 have any pets?-no Is #7 the sexiest person in the world?- yucks. no. Friday, September 14, 2007
Ramadhan Power! Episode1
Due to the fact that we Muslim boys have nothing else better to do in class,
We have decided to create a video, or rather, a whole series of videos throughout the whole Ramadhan month. We will do our filming during recess, and the Muslim boys are the main stars. The title of the videos are "RAMADHAN POWER!". Basically, it seems that during this Ramadhan month, we Muslim boys get "powers". Me, Mirza and Ravin are acting. Afi cameraman. This video is brought to you by M.A.H.(Mirza.Afi.Haziq) produtions. Enjoy! ©M.A.H. productions. Violators will be severely dealt with. Thursday, September 13, 2007
First Day of Ramadhan
Today, the first day of Ramadhan.
Woke up at about 4.50am, ate, and went back to sleep at around 5.25am. Slept till 6, then went off to school at 6.40. At school, there was nothing much happening. Our gay vp made a speech about, HOW WE SANG THE NATIONAL ANTHEM and HOW WE SAID OUR PLEDGE. Everyone was like, WTF! This guy just wastes our time! I mean, we sing as we want to, agreed? I thought we sang good. 3rd period, Ms Yeo came in. To teach us chem, the subject I suck at. After recaps, I finally understood some stuff! Like, YAY! After school wanted to pay $80 to Mr Amir for the floorball sticks, but he was not at his table. So went home with Afi, Saufi and Ashley. At bus stop met the sec 1s, Samuel and Sihui. We all went home together. I was sleeping in the bus, tired. After going for tuition and all, and 1 hour of waiting. FINALLY, BUKE PUASA! Ate sop tulang, and other stuff. Did not stuff myself though. My aim for this ramadhan. LOSE THOSE FLABS. GAIN THOSE ABS! Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bulan Puasa!
Its fast how time flies. Tomorrow, is the starting of Ramadhan, the muslim fasting month. So, SELAMAT BERPUASA TO ALL MUSLIMS! My aim this Ramadhan is to go for at least 20 solat terawih. Also, my other important aims. 1) Stop swearing, its bad you know. 2) Stop disturbing people. 3) Be good. 4) Mug and do well for exams 5) ENJOY LIFE! So, thats basically everything. I'm excited, seeing a new fasting month and all. Really. Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Beach Cleanup
I'm feeling high today.
Its just my style. No matter what, I always look on the bright side, and get back to my good old cheerful side. (: And I suddenly feel the urge to mugmugmug till the exams are done, so thats basically what I'm doing nowadays. I'm having my final sprint. TO DO MY BEST IN EOYS! So today, had beach cleaning after school. Basically a waste of time. We did nothing, except for, Play with King Crabs. Crap around. Picked up litter. And it all lasted only around 30+ minutes? Nevermind, we get CIP points anyway. I handed in my PE as 'O' level subject yesterday. I'm the 25th applicant. Supposedly, there were supposed to be 36 places, but not many people applied. I'm still considering. Should I take triple science? And fyi, 2 more days to the fasting month. It starts on Thursday. And my exam schedule: SA2 Schedule 05/10/07 (Friday) : English Language Paper 1 MT / HMT Paper 1 08/10/07 (Monday) : Science 09/10/07 Tuesday) : History 10/10/07 (Wednesday) Math 11/10/07 (Thursday) : Literature English Language Paper 2 12/10/07 (Friday) : MT / HMT Paper 2 Physical Education My last paper finishes on Hari Raya Eve! It'll be such fun after that. So while we have our inter-class games, we can drink, unlike last year. We were fasting while playing sports for a few hours. I felt so thirsty. XD. Monday, September 10, 2007
Lit assignment lost
I've been feeling abit down lately. Its stressful, especially with the exams coming up. I used to cope, but now its becoming too overwhelming. Even my aunt sees that I'm stressed. Somebody help me. Life is so screwed, you know. But luckily, I usually look on the bright side. And I lost my freaking literature assignment which I stayed up till 12am to do. How suay is that? And thanks to the guys who gave me those words of encouragement. (: Sunday, September 09, 2007
Schools starting, OMG!
I can't believe it,
but tomorrow's actually the start of a new term. I haven't completed my homework! But this term, I'll try to abstain from internet activities. My exams are just 4 WEEKS away. I will study hard. I will succeed. Lets go do this Haziq. Thursday, September 06, 2007
CSP Camp!
I got back home from And after packing, bathing & praying, I was out of the house by To where? YMC CSP CAMP! I was already so many hours late, but to heck with it. The next day, we woke up at around We talked about stuff, even played truth or dare. The next day I was woken up by Izzat. CSP EXCO is <3! Freako Emos. A group working on their structure. The kids inside the auditorium. Drink Ama drink! She looks as though she was crying in this pic. Feena combing her Minah hair. XD! EXCO bermesra semasa makan tengahari! Hungry, hyperactive freaks. Hanis, the bimbotic nutcase. Firdaus, Ahmed. The group singing Face Down. Ziyad, Wisnuh, Hafidz, Izzat. Blowing out the candles. Sarah is pointing out a candle that I missed. The camp participants! Ahmed gila-gila. EXCO posing. We are one crazy bunch, you have to admit. Jumpshot! And then we jump down. Trip to Malaysia, and YMC camp
A hectic holiday it has been. Left home on Saturday, finally back home. TODAY. On Saturday left for Malacca at about 7.30am. Reached the hotel at around 12. Checked in, relaxed. Swan etc. We stayed for 2d1n. The second day, guess what? WATER SUPPLY GOT CUT OFF. They said got problem. Luckily my dad already saved water inside the bathtub. We left early, and left for Mahkota hotel. Reached there around 12.30pm. Then we wanted to check in, they said that the rooms were not ready. So we went to went to Mahkota Mall to go shopping. Came back to the hotel after a while. Checked in, relaxed. Then went out shopped. I shall not elaborate further. All we did was basically, Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My thoughts tend to sound better in books I didn’t write, and in the songs I didn’t sing.
Even then, sometimes there is no piece of literature, no song, no work of art that can really explain the way you feel.
There is a double-edge comfort in knowing that no one really knows.
Muhammad Haziq Bin Azmi
20th August 1993 Meridian Junior College/Victoria Junior College/Victoria School
Kay Fong
Qi En
Sarah Alissa
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