Friday, August 31, 2007
Victoria C' Div hockey finals&teachers day.
Whoa. Today was a super busy day! Firstly, had Teachers' Day celebrations at school. First, had party in class. They bought BREADTALK cakes. Not halal, so couldn't eat. Wth. Then had concert. Nothing much. Our class video for teacher's day got showed. And featuring, ME. Lol. Decided not to go back to primary school. Let "New Blood", go back. Wait till I get long pants, then I'll go back again. So once again, let the pictures do the talking.  The Best Class, ever.  Happy Teacher's Day!  You take my picture, you lose your balls.  Beng. Mat. Mat. Floorballers =).  Oh I've been caught.  Emo Afi.  Our beloved AFT & FT.  Samuel got no life.  Guohui. Sebastian.  "I WANT MY CAKE NOW." Says Edwin.  The liveliest group of all. =)  Yi Jie being a bloody joker.  Karthi, Herman.  Samuel Y., Sudhar, Yi Jie.  Mr Vanan, our AFT.  The 2 breadtalk cakes.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEROY! Now the second part. Ended school, went home and got ready for solat Jumaat. After solat Jumaat went for the. C' DIVISION HOCKEY FINALS '07They played a tough game. Many teachers came to support. I went with Ashley and Clement. After that Fared and the gang arrived. Jurong West brought so many supporters! We were like, WTF? Hahahhaa. So back to the story, they played well, and had many scoring opportunities, but sadly, they lost 0-4. 2 of the goals the other team scored were damn tyco. As in, very lucky shots. But then again, as Mr Maran put it. This is the first time in so many years VS has gotten into the hockey finals. NIL SINE LABORE! Nothing without labour. We strive to work harder. Here, the pictures will tell you.  Our captain, Haseef!  With Mr Minjoot, Mr Imran, Mr Amir and Mr Low.  Kiss your medals, guys!  Those supportive parents.  VSSSSSSSSSSSSS. POWER, POWER, POWER. AIYO!  From left: Mr Dunno. Clement. Ashley. Haziq. Mr Munir. Anyway, sad case, my ez-link spoilt. =[.
Cheers guys! Hahs. I feel like something has finally ended. Something in my heart tells it. Maybe its this feeling. This feeling that I'll miss being in the C' Div team, after moving to B' Div next year. =)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Went bowling with friends.
Went bowling with friends just now, At Safra Tampines. Me, Kyle, Ashley, Yong Kang and Bih Yau. We played pool at first, and me, being the noob. XD. I have never played pool before, seriously. Then we had 2 games of bowling. Funshit! Tried my best ah. 1st game got 61. 2nd game 82. Sucky! Then waited for Kyle and Bih Yau while both played one more game. Went home. I'll let the pictures do the talking.  Kyle after his turn.  Yong Kang's throw.  Yong Kang's ballet style.  Bih Yau eating. Nike bag is mine.  Emofreaks.  Kyle, the pro. XD  Ashley! =D  The final scores. 82 is nooby!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Waited for Mr Amir, but he didn't come!
Boring day today, as usual. Malay class, watched a movie. Forgot the title. Pak Belalang? No idea lah. Anw, waited for Mr Amir after school. He said we could collect out $40 back, the fees from the floorball carnival. Waited for him all the way till 2.25pm. Didn't come. Me, Clement, Afi & Ashley played some "games" while waiting for him. I said I would look for Mr Amir tomorrow. Anyway I wanted to ask him if I could pay for the stick with edusave. $90 on 1 stick is a big hole in my pocket. Especially when I'm not working. Went home with gf. Maybe we're going to watch Dead Silence tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Floorball stick bought!
Placed order for the Blast Enemy Gray already. Mr Amir approached me during recess to ask. God. $90 gone from my piggybank. What a hole in my pocket. And I think I need to buy a new stickbag to store my two sticks. Today was just a normal day. Nothing much happened. Beach Cleaning got postponed because of the heavy rain. And now its next term. Great stuff. After school needed to do somthing for the teachers day video. And my part is:  Boink Boink. On top of the fat guy I go.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ordering new stick
Another boring day... Had prize presentation for the NTUC floorball carnival. The team which got 3rd. Then during PAL lesson, discovered that there was a mock science exam. Had no preparations, so that paper is a sure fail! Did my English oral today. Had some mistakes, but overall it was fine. After recess, we were supposed to have Science. But Mr Munir didn't come, and we took those two periods to play, HEART ATTACK! Laughing all the way. Fun game. Had P.E. theory, then it was D&T. Quite boring. The teacher woke meup 2-3 times. After school, was supposed to meet Clement. But then, couldn't find him, so I went to look at the floorball sticks myself, in Mr Amir's office. I'm thinking of buying the Blast Enemy Gray. About $80-$90.  Cool stuff. After that went home. Couldn't go home with girlfriend because I had to go tuition, she had to go watch HAIRSPRAY with her friends. Sad sad. Went for Science tuition. Back home at 8pm. how early. NOT.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thanks to those friends who cheered me up.
Thanks to all of you, who cheered me up. During the rare events, that Haziq is EMOSHIT! Hahahah. Really guys, thanks. Especially to Hafsah, those videos worked! I had a great great laugh. =)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
NTUC floorball carnival 2007.
I'm so stressed, not to mention tired. Went for the NTUC club floorball carnival 2007, at Takashimaya. We thought we would be playing inside, but instead, we played in the hot hot sun. Met floorball mates at Tampines MRT. Then we went together. Reached there, we played around for a while, then ate at KFC with Clement, Ashley and Afi. After eating, practiced around for a while. First match was against Pasirian Eaglets, which we discovered were actually Pasirian Skools. We played our best, but due to poor formation and Afi running all over the place, we lost 3-0. We were sad for a while, but then, we said to ourselves. "Hey, its just the first match. Take this loss in our stride for success." We took that loss in our stride, and against AES in our second match, we won them 3-0. We were happy, and rejoiced, but also prepared for the next match. The next match came, and we scored first. But then, a player from the opposite team hit my face with his stick, and I quickly substituted out to repair my spectacles, which were bent. But then, after I went out, the opposing team scored. I took many shots, but then, they did not go in. And thus, we had to go into Sudden Death Penalty Shootouts. The opposing team took the penalty first, and it did not go in. We then sent Clement to take. He shot, and it hit the post. The opposing team took a shot. And they scored. They then decided to let me take that very important shot. I gained my composure, and prayed hard. I now know, what it feels like, to have ALL the pressure on me. Its hard, and I was very stressed out. I looked up, aimed at the goal. I took the shot. At first, we thought it would go in. But It missed the goal by mere inches. I went down on my knees. I nearly cried. The pressure, and my teammates were all depending on me. I failed. My teammates, the good souls that they were, said to me "Its alright, its not your fault. We, as a whole team, are at fault." That brought my soul higher, but I was still depressed. I was still on the ground, they brought me up, and I went over to the seating area and sat. I failed. I failed. I failed. On another note, congrats to Victoria School Innebandy for getting 3rd. Sadly, and coincidentally, all the other 3 VS teams got knocked out by sudden death penalties. I failed.
Friday, August 24, 2007
End of the week
End of the week, feels so good, you know? On Wednesday went to Bukit Chandu, with HML class&ML class. Fun, lol. As usual, bus trips are funstuff. Went there, learnt some stuff, then went home. Heh. Yesterday, went home with girlfriend, and went all the way back home. Then went for math tuition. With Dzafir, we crap-ed as usual. But worse part, homework. =.=ll. Haiiiii. So today, basically did nothing. Had this briefing the auditorium which took up half of Malay class. I'm going to opt to take PE as an 'O' level subject. Then one part during the briefing, Mr Siow told us that we got approval for PE as an 'O' level subject. Being me, I shouted "BAIK ARH VS!". LoL. Then went back, got overall Malay results. Thanks Cikgu Shyamira for rounding off my mark so I get A1. =P Discovered that 2F boys couldn't mix around with other guys, bcoz their class had an outbreak of sore eyes. Sad case. After that had literature. "Sir Hamilton", as I call him, gave us some excercises to do. Literature is one fun lesson where you can slack, really. After recess had math, learnt Statistics. Nothing much there to rant about. Then had MUSICCCC! Did the cha-cha again. Wth! Its friggin lame. Dance and dance. I took a video of the gay in my class dancing. My classmates are gonna love it. After music went for solat jumaat. Then went home with girlfriend, and Luqman. Talk talk talk. Came home, wanted to get ready for science tuition. Then Cik Ramlimah sms-ed, saying today's lesson was cancelled. Great... not. I am so bored. But then again, I feel excited. Tomorrow's the floorball carnival. At Takashimaya, and my match starts around 1+. Come support if you can, then you all can go shopping at Orchard also what! =)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Escaped from Taupok!
YAY! I successfully escaped from the taupok in Malay class. They already grab me. Then somebody say, "Bring Haziq outside!" Then I escaped from the grip. RUN RUN RUN. They can't catch me! Hahahaha... Went back with girlfriend. 31 was so full. Even after Bedok, didn't get to sit with her. Only managed to after nearing Tampines. Tomorrow going to Bukit Chandu with Malay classmates. Cheerssss.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Finally, 14!
Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMIRA!As the days go by, my countdown ticks on. On the stroke of midnight, 20th August 2007. I TURNED 14! Hahaha, yay! There were quite alot of people who sms-ed my. Wishing my happy birthday. Then in class. Every few minutes, "TODAY HAZIQ BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...." Hahaha, lol. What a class. Then during recess, "HAZIQ, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 1.....2.....3...... TAUPOK!"  I'm at the corner. SQUASHED! So screwed! I'll be getting another taupok during Malay class tmrw. Been given many hints that this will happen. I dunno how to get away from that one. Haha. Thanks to all those who have wished me happy birthday!
Ah freak. They won. Against some NS guys? Haiyo! Just when I fell sick. Bloody hell.
Guys, good luck for the match today. One of your star players can't come today. XD eh nola! Haha. Just remember guys, NIL SINE LABORE. Work your hardest this match. =)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Ah freak. I hate being sick. Down with intestinal flu, and also the flu where you sneeze. Developing sore throat also. Haiz. Can't go for the floorball match tomorrow! The last match for floorball league. Sad case. On another note, I have submitted a team for the floorball carnival next week. The floorball carnival is held at Takashimaya, and will be a full-day event. So those friends who are free. COME SUPPORT US!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Nothing much happened today
Oh well, nothing much happened today. Had malay test. 40% of CA2. I hope I ace it. After that had Literature. Quite insteresting! Then during recess we discovered that they had installed new Palladine LCD tvs in the canteen. And, went back to classroom, Rueben got:  People from other class also join in the tao-pok. We are goooood. Then music, did Latin Dance. CRAP! After school wanted to go home with somebody. Waited for her to come, two 31s passed XD. Then when she finally came, guess what? MY SISTER WAS ON THE SAME BUS. My plans to sit and talk with her crashed! She's going off to M'sia for hiking tmrw and I'm soooo gonna miss her. Hehe. Ended up talking to Abdul Rahman all the way.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Supporting VS hockey semi-finals
School. God what a day. HP got confiscated by Ms Jean. Luckily she gave back... After school, got Ashley and Haziq(sec 1) to follow me to support the hockey team for theirSemi Finals At first when we arrived Mr Amir started disturbing Ashley on his Ipod Nano. Started listening and dancing XD. Mr Amir is hip and cool! Hahaha. Best teacher I've ever had, really. Then sat and watched the match, against SJI. The senior hockey boys came too. Fared, Daniel, Nicholas, Azhari, Nasir, Vikash, Hong Rui, Shawn. They won 4-1. BAIK AH VS! They played well. The goals were amazing. Especially Haseef's goal, which was the first. Drag-flicked into the goal. And Iskandar played really well. Good job dude. After the match waited for the hockey boys to go home with them. Played one-touch hockey with Ashley and Haziq. Went back with Afi, Samuel, Marcus, Iskandar, Si Hui, Haziq and Ashley. Crapped in the train from Redhill all the way to Tampines. Fun! Hahaha. I'll confirm go support them for the finals. =) GO VS HOCKEY!
Well, boys do get bored. We never actually know why girls do it. I'm the adidas shoe on the left.
Middle-finger star. Cool eh?
 Smile freaks! Ending of game, short corner.
Ashley, and Haziq(sec 1)
From left, Daniel, Azhari, Fared, Nasir
Vikash, Hong Rui and Shawn.
After a tiring match, we trudge home. Phay, Samuel, Me and Si Hui.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
2 days post
Let me start with yesterday. Tuesday, 14th August 2007Hmm, nothing much at school. After school, got Syakir and Saufi to follow me to Parkway to buy a new bag. Before that, stopped at KC to get the $70 from selling my runescape gp. Then went on the way to Parkway. Got to Nike, discovered the bag I wanted, NOT THERE. Looked around, the other bags are pretty much repulsive. Went back. Luckily somebody was waiting for me... Rode 31 together. Then 1 time she sent me wrong sms, and she held my hand to get the handphone out of my hands! Hahahah wth. And even more screwed, Syakir and Saufi saw it. Saufi got off at Bedok to go Simei eat with his friends. Me, Syak and her rode 292... Then at one of the bus stop's, my MUM got on. Luckily we were not sitting together. She didn't even recognise me lah! Hahahaha, neither did she recognise Syakir. Then when Syakir was alighting, he threatened to go up to my mum, then say, "HELLO MDM SITI". My heart was thumping like crazy by then. I was nearly choking on the fries I was eating. Luckily he didn't do it. Then at my bus-stop, my mum finally recognised me. Went home, did some random stufff, then at night searched on e-bay. Bought a new bag there. Nike, white and black. Probably getting it by next week. Good! Wednesday, 15th August 2007 After assembly Mr Amir asked us to meet him at the side of the parade square. We were supposed to create teams for the NTUC floorball carnival. Fun fun. Had P.E. today, played in inter-class floorball league. First few matches were qualifying rounds, against our classmates. First match lost. Stupid Yong Kang kept slashing our sticks, and the dumbbbb referee didn't do anything about it. Second match won 5-1. I assisted a few, and also scored one. Shot from halfway line then scored. Haha, my teacher was like "WHAT A GOAL!" XDXD. So after P.E. had English. The whole class was late for it. And by the time I finished changing(took my own sweet time), it was already 20 minutes after the bell rang. lol! Recess came, wanted to look for Mr Amir but he not there, so went up to 2C to discuss something with Haseef. My good friend. =) Discovered now, Hidayat can't be trusted anymore. Damn him. After school finished up my science project. Then hung out with the hockey boys and sat around. Waited at bus stop for somebody to come. Then 31 came, I sat with her. There were so many of her friends, so embarrassing! Heheh. Talked with her, on many things. And, SHE FINALLY ANSWERED MY QUESTION! I am soooo happy.
Decided to meet mum, because had to pay for the bag... I'll be getting the bag in a few days, I hope. Everything's going well for me!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Haiz... Today had History and Math CA2... History was ok, and I answered most of the questions according to the ways they should be answered. Halfway through the paper I was beginning to feel uneasy, as I realised that I forgot to bring my curve ruler and calculator for Math. My heart was already beating so fast! I was going , "shit, shit, shit!" Luckily Hidayat had extra curve ruler and Ernest had an extra calculator. God I'm saved! But despite that. I SCREWED UP MATH!Sadly... Didn't complete the paper. The whole class didn't. We were all panicking like hell, The reason was, THE BLOODY CHINA TEACHER CUT SHORT OUR EXAM. Stupid china freak. Ding Ni. We ended FARRRR earlier then then actual time of 40mins. She started using her watch, but then when it ended she looked at the class clock, which was friggin fast. Damn lah... Then after recess, the injuries from yesterday's match were felt! My injured hip and right arm muscle started throbbing and hurting like crazy. Painful... Then D&T got test, and I forgot to bring my sketch book. Haiz... I'm becoming old, keep forgetting stuff. After school, had CIP briefing. We're supposed to do Beach Cleaning. I prefer flag day, can go roam around Singapore. Heh. Then went to interview Mr Siow for History project. Waited SOOOOOOO long. Finally went home, then while was walking at void deck, saw somebody rollerblading! She looked shocked seeing me. Heheh.  The chaos after math exam.  Discuss, discuss, discuss!  Where's that penknife?  Kyle, extreme left. Our stress reliever.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Match against Eldorado
Haiz! Fuck those people who didn't go for the floorball match just now. I'm going to punch their balls inside out. Eldorado was quite an easy team. BUT, because more than 5 people did not come, Afi, Jonathan, the Quek twins, Halim(main keeper), TaiTiang, Ian. there was enough people left for only TWO lines. Bloody hell. Ashley and Setho totally screwed up our line. Things were going well at first, when they scored the first two goals, my line retaliated with two other goals. But having only two lines, we started to get tired. My legs are still aching... We could have won if those friggin people did come for the match. On another note, I'm all well and happy. She replied in the morning while I was otw to Woodlands for the floorball match. After match, she called me and we talked, until I reached KFC. Ate Zinger burger. All of us were friggin tired, and we slacked at KFC for a while. In bus, played Tai-ti as usual. Went home, then saw her rollerblading. Hahaha... Now, MUGGING FOR MATH AND HIST!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Another match tomorrow
Yeah, another match tomorrow. Against Eldorado. Nice name... NOT! Muahahaha. Haiz... Been feeling depressed today. But I do not slash like some emo people do. Instead, I look forward to another fresh day, the next day. And, with the match tomorrow, my frustration and anger will be transferred to my hands, and my stick. We will rule, we will rock. I will use that energy to do the best I can. NIL SINE LABORE!
Aku resah. Hatiku berasa bagai seratus batu telah diletakkan di atasnya. Dimanakah kamu, apabila ku memerlukanmu? Hatiku tidak tenteram. Manakah kamu, kerana aku merinduimu.
Haiz! Ku sedang dalam cinta. Aku merindui seorang gadis yang manis. Bilakah ku boleh memberitahunya? =)
Went to Malaysia. Didn't do much, except shop! Hahaha. Wanted to buy a neew Nike bag, but decided it would be MUCH MUCH cheaper in Singapore. I walked into NIKE and ADIDAS but both had no nicceeeee bags. Bleargh! So I then walked around and tried to look for something for 'somebody'. There weren't much green stuff to be honest. Just decided to buy her something small. Maybe I'll buy her something else when I buy my bag. Then we got ALOT ALOT of rambutans. Ok, now comes the part. THE BARBER CUT AWAY MY FRINGE! Oh my bloody hell. I look so kinda shitty now. GOD. I have an Army haircut, when I'm 4 years younger then the official joining age. ARGH!  They were riding this "bionic animal" thingy.
 I know what you're doing, Abang. God that sounds sooo wrong.  I tell you, there were MANY MANY MANY rambutans, all for us. =)