Thursday, March 29, 2007
Today, I had hockey training after school. Rain rain rain. So I went to masjid to solat Zohor first. Then, reach school, do what? 10 times of the staircase thingy. Want to know what it is? Go up the 7 floors off my school, then run along the corridor, then run 7 floors down, then run along corridor. That's considered as 1 round. We had to do 10. Curse VS for having 7 floors! Haha. Then, we did the one-step-at-a-time thing until the 5th Floor, 12 times. Then, we had training at the parade square. We all brought our composite sticks. End of training, heart pain bcoz my stick the below part all shaven off. BOOHHOOOOO!!!! 140 bucks ok! Then, while we were playing 3 vs 3. I played with Russell's team. I pushed the ball to score a goal, then felt something soft hit my stick. I turned around, saw Russell on the ground covering his face. I thought I had hit his eye. Then, he opened his hands, I HAD HIT HIS NOSE. He stand, SPLURT! Blood spurted out from his nose. His nose was bleeding like crazy! Then, they brought him to the sick bay. At 8.30pm today, I sms-ed him. Asking how he was. His nose was still bleeding after 5 hours. Aiyozz! Poor him. Sorry arh Russell.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
New Stuff
Hellos. I basically didn't want to blog because I did not want to remove the WE ARE CHAMPIONS post. But, I know it would be in our hearts forever. Something we can be proud of. So, on Sunday, my family and I went to Sim Lim Square. We walked around and looked at stuff. Then we bought a new monitor, a SAMSUNG 931BW 19-inch Wide-screen LCD monitorthen bought 4 new imation 1 gigabyte thumbdrives costing $24 each for me, my sis, dad, and mom. Then bought a new wireless mouse. Spent about $500++ I think. But its all worth it. And we didn't even have to pay, coz MOE provided $700 for us to buy it. =)
Friday, March 23, 2007
National Floorball Champions
Yesterday, in the most heated match of Floorball, in the finals. Victoria School against Northland. 6 minutes into the game. Victoria SCORES! We were all happy, standing up and clapping and cheering. More goals came later. The game ended 9-3. Hurrah! At the sound of the end buzzer, All of us stood up and jumped around, cheering. We jumped around in a circle. Shouting and shouting. The we do the VS BOLEH cheer. That was the happiness we all felt. The 'B' Div team came to support us. So did many parents and teachers. About some time after the game, we sat down on the court. Then, we took our MEDALS!!!! Captian, Hidayat, took the trophy, 2 of them, and we all took photos with it. Then, we did another cheer with the trophies. Victoria Floorball remained unbeaten throughout the tournament. Then, today. We sat at the side of the hall during assembly. After pledge taking, announcements, etc., we got ready to receive the medals at school. Each and everyone of us went up, triumphant. After the presentation ceremony, we did a loud cheer on the stage, and the whole hall went silent. So that's how being a champion feels like now. Making everyone in the school happy. See this video at Youtube made by Mr Imran.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Just came back from the States..... Of Malaysia!
 Pose for the camm!!  All SMILES Don't exactly know why my posture was like that.  White. White. Black.  As I said. I was tanned by the sun. Just came back from the States...... OF Malaysia.
So, now, presenting....
What I ACTUALLY did for the trip.
So in the first day, from Singapore to Cherating, Kuantan.
In the car, despite being assigned as the CO-DRIVER,
I practically slept all the way.
Let the co-driver sleep larh!
Went to the Eastern Pavilion Holiday Villa.
Got there at around 3pm++.
Checked in, followed my sisters whom where enthusiastic about swimming.
Swam with them and got a nice nice tan.
Then went to the beach there.
Nice larh.
Waves are SOOO big.
Crash into me, and I fall down.
Wait, that's a little extra.
Then, went to the warung near the resort to eat.
Yummy yummy.
Didnt think it would be.
But it was.
Then, on the second day, went to the town of Kemaman.
There was a mall there.
It was ok.
Did a little shopping.
Bought discs(as usual).
Then, went to the Pasar Malam.
We were super duperly EARLY!
Some stalls havent even been opened yet.
So me and dad went to the nearby mosque to pray.
Went back, at least most of the stalls were open.
Went to buy food for dinner.
Got back to the hotel.
Swam again, then ate our dinner.
Not bad eh.
Watched a movie on TV.
Nice show.
Then, the next day, we moved to another hotel, the Swiss Garden Resort & Spa.
Very nice place.
Me and dad went out to look for dinner while the others stayed and swam.
Got the food.
Went back to the hotel, and everybody was tired and HUNGRY!
After swimming what those kids!
Oh yeah.
Forgot to mention that mum fell sick.
Dunno what illness.
But we all had to look out for her.
At this hotel, all we did was to RELAX.
At 9pm ard there, we went to the deli in the hotel and bought cake.
I bought chocolate, as usual, which IS my all-time fave.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Bad times, bad times
Yes, bad times, bad times. My specs broke again! Kwang3! So, went to Kai Joo Optics to replace the frames only. Dowan to go Spectacles Centre again. No use. My little brother broke my specs. I was praying, then I heard a cracking sound. Finished, I looked at my glasses. Alas, there it lay, crooked and twisted. Man, I scolded him. Until he was sooooo scared. I pitied him, so I let him off. Poor him. He's just a BABY! Bought new frames. $95. Alot of $$$$ wasted. Umm, so people would see me back in school with new glasses. I'm going to Malaysia tomorrow. Supposed to have Floorball/Hockey camp. But missing it for the trip to Malaysia. Family is top priority. =)
Friday, March 09, 2007
We won Bukit Merah!
Yes yes. Wew won Bukit Merah Sec! 11-2. We avenged for our 'B' Div, which lost to their 'B' Div 10-1. Its a difference of 9 goals. Hahaha. Same in both. I got to play only in the third period, and Mr Amir placed me as an attacker. One time, I dribbled past the defenders already, took the shot. BAM! Went off the goalpost by a few cm. If not it would be the first goal for the season. Then, at the end of the match, when the buzzer rang, the whole team jumped up and down and cheered like crazy. Very HAPPY!We'll be meeting RI in the semi's.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Irritated and pissed off
I got benched. Seriously, for the whole 45 minute game, what I got to play was a MISERABLE 2 minute game. I mean, Mr Amir is getting damn fcuked up nowadays. And then, he played me in the 3rd period, and when I had rested for 30 minutes. So where all my energy in the warm up go? Don't have anymre ryte? I won't be in tip-top condition. Haiz. And then, after the match, at cooling down, Mr Amir talked to us. Then say, that someone, a particular person, bragged to a particular Swiss Cottage girl, that we were going to thrash the school. I meant it for a joke only! And it wasn't her who reported it to the teacher, but it was her junior. I mean like, COME ON! You're Sec 2/1, not primary school! Go running to the teacher like a small kid. Haiz. My problems are piling up on me more and more.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Got back my SIM card. Got a severe repremanding. But during that period when my dad confiscated it. He put it in his phone. And thus, read the messages from Natasha to me. Therefore, our relationship was discovered. Haiz. They scolded me. Saying that along my life, I will meet many other people. And that I am still in my parent's arms. And I am not working yet to be independant. And said, why do you have to have relationships now. I got hell, seriously. Haiz.
Last time there was. Fuck Fred. Now lets say. Fuck Fred and Amir. Both coaches are assholes. Mr Amir, well, to make it short. He is a sadist. 5 straight days of training. Ask us to do fitness again. All the hockey and floorball guys were like. What the fuck. Tired. All our legs and hands were already aching. Forced to, so we had to do it. Then, at home. My SIM card got confiscated by parents. Bill $80. I don't give a damn anymore. They say they not gonna give me back. I say YAY! If I go back home from training at 11pm also they can't call me. Damn life.