Sunday, January 28, 2007
My heart is heavy
My heart feels heavy. I don't know how I feel. Maybe I still have love. Maybe I do not. This ain't no poem, its a confession. A confession of my feelings, Whether it the truth or the fake. My heart is still heavy. Maybe she doesn't love me. I just don't have the love, that I have had for this long. So please, either you help me or bug off. Coz right now, I'd rather not be disturbed.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Fall fall fall
I ran so fast. Then Jonathan Peyh, go poke his floorball stick between my legs, pushed it forward. And thus, I went FLYING.I seriously tripped so badly until I flew a few metres. Coz at that time I was nearly reaching full speed. I landed on my right hand, did a somersault, and landed on my right side. I was lying on the floor there for a long time, clutching my arm, bcoz it was hurting lyke hell. Then my friends came over to help me. They helped me leave the court and then I lay down on the ground, still clutching my arm. My hip was also hurting very much. I rested for a while before I continued playing. But due to my injured arm, I couldn't handle the floorball stick properly. Also due to my injured hip, I couldn't run. But then when I played in Ashley's team, I scored 2 goals in 45 seconds. Haha... So went home limping and with my arm hurting. Now the next day, the whole left side of my body is hurting like crazy. Ouch
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Back to normal
Well, things are back to normal. I'm on speaking terms to my parents once again. One thing I can't do is to be on the computer. So I'm using homework as an excuse. Hockey training at 'THE CAGE' was fun. The place is beside National Stadium. The pitch was an indoor pitch, and it was quite small. Got to try out my new stick. I love it. Haha... So tommorow I've got floorball. Must sleep early. 2 more days to my anniversary XXD
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I have no freedom
To all who reads this. I won't be online much nowadays. Parents have banned my use of the computer. They want me to quit my cca. I had a fight with them yesterday nyte. More details will come later. I gtg now. House rep meeting. If you got anything. Just contact me at 96698643
Monday, January 22, 2007
Gosh thats tiring.
Back by popular demand! Cheydebahhh... Joking larhs. Ok, so today started with PAL=FREE PERIOD FOR US! Me and Bing Yu came out with the final product of the class logo in that time. SUCCESS! I should say. After that, we had English reading period. I put the book on my lap, took off my specs and ta-daa! I slept! Hahaha... That retarded Rama never even noticed me sleeping. Blah blah, then after school, I had training. First, I had hockey training. Did some drills, and its actually quite short larh. Then, Hidayat a.k.a Floorball Captain, asked us to go to the hall for floorball training. So we went down, I played in line 3 and guess what? I only scored 1 BLOODY goal! Ahhhhh. Where have my skills gone? On Friday I'm going to have a rampage. I'm going to score A LOT. =p Nothing much, then after training went to Spectacles Centre to collect my specs. Yeah, the ones that broke. 50 bucks man. Hahaha... Oh ya! Its like, Hidayat was telling all about his new found "love" That person you know who you are. Man I'm laughing like hell now.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Bougt new stick!
   Today got Padang training. So after skul, me and Kwek went to the library. Went to book computers, go my blog, friendster, etc. XDXD. We left school at 2pm. Me, the other sec 2s, and several of our juniors. Then, we went to Bedok Interchange to catch a train to City Hall, then we walked to Padang. We changed into jerseys provided by SCC(Singapore Cricket Club). I stood in awe admiring the new building and facilities. The toilet was SO nice! Like hotel, got air-cond all. Then we started training. Then, about 45minutes later, RAIN RAIN COMES AGAIN! Aiyo! Again? So we stayed in shelter for a while, until Mr Fred asked us to go and change. So we rushed back in the rain, and then, after ditching the jersey into the laundry basket, I went into the shower area to bathe. The water was so hot for a cold day like this. So refreshing. So after that, we went to Funan the I.T. Mall, where we ate at KFC for a while before we proceded to Peninsula to buy my new Hockey stick. We went to Weston Cooperation, where I was in a dilemma in which stick to chose. Then, the salesmn asked me about my budget, I told him, and he picked out a GRYPHON for me and explained to me about the stick. I was quite impressed with the stick. After thinking for a while, I decided to buy it. And thus, it became MINE! Haseef and Hidayat, especially Hidayat, loved my stick. So I paid a 100 bucks and left. On the way home in the MRT, me, Hidayat and Haseef had some time to talk about various thing. I loved our convo's. Many useful stuff being talked about. And then one time, Hidayat lost his footing, and accidentally poked Haseef's nose. Haseef was like in pain, then when we had alighted at Tampines, Haseef sms-ed me, saying his nose was bleeding. Hidayat's in trouble tomorrow!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Aahhh! specs
WTF! My new specs, the white ones. Broke on Monday, and I went to the shop today. And I found out that, I HAD TO PAY 50 FIGGIN' BUCKS for new frames. And I was like, WHAT? I didn't even sit on it, sleep on it or do anything to it! And then like, my dad was so angry at me. I guess its fated, what else to do. Better write a poem to release that anger
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Last minute training
Happily eating during recess, then came Daniel, the Sec 1 DSA guy. Eh, today got training at CCAB you know, coach say one. Then I was like, what the fcuk! I never even brought my equiptment! So we me, Haseef, Fadhil, Hidayat, Fadzly and Kwek went into the toilet. Go call Mr Fred, our coach. Fadhil called, then after that his wife picked up, saying that he went for dental appointment and didn't bring his phone. SO, we were stranded there and still deciding whether to go. So went up to class. 4 hours later. "Oi! Korang gi training tak?" I asked them. They said yes, and I decided to go too. But then as I thought about it, I decided not to go. Its like too short notice and I'm like, too tired. So I'll just go for Thursday training at Padang. Then can go check out the prices of the composite sticks at Peninsula. Coz I really need to buy a composite stick. And that would cost me maybe 120 bucks. My money go into hitting balls! Ahahaha
Monday, January 15, 2007
Yet another poem
As I look and look, and gaze into your eyes. I sense something, some love deep inside. As I seek and seek, and look for a smile. All that I see, is a laugh that melts my heart. As I wish and wish, hoping for you to be mine. I fall down and cry, seeing you in his arms.
Ahh!!! WTF! Was my reaction when yet again, as training was being conducted, DOWN CAME THE RAIN. So nothing else to do, training ended. I ate some ice-cream. Yes, on a cold day like this! AHAHA...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
As I sweep through the traces, of my longing love, I remember the past, of new and of old. You asked me if, my love was true. I replied yes, gosh I love you. Now look me in the eye, and I ask you the same. Do you love me, If it was still the same? As I looked out, and saw this little star. I looked around, there was no more. That little star, as bright as may be. Represents the way I love you, the million ways it is. You are unique, one of a kind, It is what it is, You are my sun shine. My peace and my joy. I love you, remember that well.
As I sit here, looking out to the sky beyond. I ponder upon my future, and remember my past. I remember the moments with you, 1 month and going strong. But time has passed, I don't know what to say. My heart yearns, to break free once again. I question myself, Do you still love me? Your words didnt seem to be the same, as loving as they used to be. As I explore my heart's desires, I find out that they don't feel the same way. As I sit here, looking at the good things around me. I question myself, Do I love you, as much as I did?
Aiyah... Yesterday got floorball. At first got P.E., 4 classes ran 2.4km. At East Coast Park I finished with the same timing with Haseef, which was 13.35 mins. Trudged back to VS, and went to eat. Lessons started again, then school finished at 1.05pm. Went to sembahyang jumaat, When I got back, went up to my classroom to keep my kain in my bag first. I was so wet because of the rain, soaking wet. Then met Hamzah, took 196 to Parkway Parade. We ate at Macd's. Met Ashley, Yong Kang and Jonathan who went there first. Nothing else to do, talk2 first. Then went back to school in the heavy rain. It was like damn cold larh. Luckily the bus was empty. So we took our bags from the classroom, then went to the hall for floorball. At 4, training started. Set up boards, goalposts, etc. Started our drills at first. After about 1 hour, we started the matches. I played line 2 with Hidayat, Kwek and Ashley. It was fun, there was much teamwork involved. I scored so many goals against the other team! Was my lucky day maybe. But then got back home, 31 was empty. Relaxed and slept abit inside, then 292 was like damn full. Packed llike sardines there. Got home at 8.15pm. Do all the neccesary stuff. Then fell asleep at 10pm. Now I'm blogging here with aching thighs becase of all the running.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
1st tuition of the year
School ended at 1.40pm today. Sat through the lessons, bored... Then, went back home on 31. Many friends on board. Then, got these Ngee Ann Primary kids. 2 Indians, 1 Nigerian, maybe Primary 2 or 3. The Indian kids were sitting at the back seat, right and middle. The Nigerian kid was on the right side of the bus. Obviously when I boarded the bus and went to the 2nd Deck, The Indian kid on the left, got damn big ego. Start insulting the Nigerian kid larh. Racist idiot. So the Nigerian kid was retaliating. One time, the indian kid challenged the nigerian kid to fight. So then the indian kid went over, started beating the guy. The back part of the bus, which was full of VS students, started looking at the fight. Then some Sec 1s'. Shouted at the Indian Kid, "OI! STOP FIGHTING LARH!" Then he stopped, but then his mouth was still saying stuff. He sat down, then because he was behind me. I said," Boy, shut up. People want some peace of mind ok." Then he shut up. At least he had respect for me. Then got off at Tampines Interchange. Talking to my friends, then suddenly felt tapping on my shoulder. My sister larh. I was like, "damn! why must she be here, now?" She ask me to follow her to Popular, so I followed. Bought a few stuffs. Then, got back home, late for tuition. Luckily the place was close. So I rushed over arh... Only 2 people including me. One TKGS girl. Quite pretty, but she's Sec 3. Ahaha
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Walked in the rain!
The bell rang, I got out of school. It was raining! No umbrella, so had to walk to the bus-stop without one. Not so wet larh. Then got there, I was forced by Syakir to ride 48, so that we can drop off to catch number 10. I was like, what the hell larh. Got to the bus-stop to catch 10, Syakir decided not to take. And took taxi instead. Then I was already damn fcuked up larh. Stupid Syakir, I'm not paying him anything. Then, got to Tampines Interchange. Took 39 to N2 Shopping Street, went to Docter Zuraidah, get some medicine, Walked back home. IN THE RAIN!I was like, dripping wet. My bag all wet. Reached back home, straightaway went to bathe larh. It was so damn cold.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Damn tiring floorball training
Whoa! That was such a tiring floorball training. My back and thighs are aching now. Gawd, I smelt so bad after training... Used Adidas deodorant also the smell remains. Probably because I used the goalkeeper suit. It smelt so bad, especially the helmet. Nevermind larhs. Aniwae, today was training only for the Sec 2's. Ok larh, I had fun also. But its just that I'm tired. Play play play. Mr Amir didn't even come. So before the training, went to Parkway Parade. After sembahyang Jumaat larhs. Ate at Burger King. Ate BBQ Turkey Bacon and fries and Hershey's Sundae Pie. I went with Haseef, Fadhil, Fadzly and Kwek. Ate, then we walked around PP. Went to Nike, Adidas, Royal Sporting House, many places... Got back to school at 3.30pm. Then hang ard at hall waiting for training to start.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
1st Day back to skul
I was back at school just now. Back after 2 months and glad to be back! =)) So first, woke up at 5.30 am. Bathed, prayed and then cooked breakfast for the family. So went out of the house at 6.40am. Took me about 15 minutes to get to school. Got there, with my new specs, new bag, new shoes, new everything. Went up to the 3rd floor and into my classroom. !!!2G!!! Then rested for a while, and proceeded to the hall for assembly Sing the blah blah, then the principal gave a damn long speech addressing the sec 1's and rules, etc. So bored listening to his drone. Talk talk talk. Then announcements. Got back to class, then got introduced to form teacher. Why intro? STILL THE SAME FORM TEACHER! Then got introduced to the assistant form teacher. Mr. Vanan is his name & he's got the indian accent! XDXD So then discussed about the class committee. So then blah blah, lessons here, lessons there. Then go home! Wakakaka. Then took 10 back home. 31 too many people! Listened to music all the way. Back at home, did all the usual stuffs. Then started sms-ing so many people. Hahaha... So thats all... I'll post not regularly coz I need to focus on my studies. Streaming year. Very important year.